


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday February 9, 2005

Email with Daniel Lyons

     5:42am  I just woke up at Sam's. I didn't tell you about last night. Last night was awesome. I had to get some spare change for some weed. Teo finally came home and sold me a little chunk of weed. Then I came over to Sam's and smoked him out. I actually got him to look at my webpage! I told him to read the autonomy vs. hierarchy part. He was reading it out loud and everything. He thought the note from the rich was good. He even looked through my traveling lists and noticed how detailed I got.

                   I'm going to send my stuff out today. I'm excited.

     7:35am  I do believe I'm ready to send my stuff out. Back at my mom's house yesterday, I went through all my emails and pulled out the ones I recognized. I should do that with all my AOL ones too. I've made three email addresses to send my stuff out on. and same thing at and, too. So four so far. I just searched Google for "free .org email."

     8:52am  I have to make an update. I only got to send out like thirty mails. I was sending them ten at a time. Then I got this rate-limit bullshit on Sam's cable modem and it wouldn't let me send out anymore. I hope Sam can still send emails afterwards. I don't know. They might have shut his account down. This pisses me off. Ugh, I had made a big primary list and everything. Just the emails I recognized. I was using like three different accounts and it wouldn't send mail on any of them. Then I thought, "I'll do them one at a time." I did a couple and I thought it would work like that. Then I tried and it gave me the same rate-limit error. Now I am torn because I want to leave Sam's, but I don't want all his shit to get stolen because I don't have a key to his place. I thought I was going to be here all day. I had weed. Damnit, that sucks. I want to go to my mom's house and send them out one at a time.

                   Ugh, now I can't even save that list because I can't find a CD burning program on his computer. He's got a big stack of blank CD's here, but I can't find a program.

                   I found a CD program and burned a CD. I'm going to get out here. Go to my mom's house and do these one at a time.

     9:30am  The guy on the 520 hooked me up with a ride back to Crossroads.

     9:38am  2216 told me no. Greedy ass. I told him, "I was just testing you, man. You failed."

     9:40am  Juan hooked me up with a cigarette at Crossroads. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, at the park and ride this guy came up to me and said, "Hey man, I've seen you before. You know my friend Jordan, right? I was driving with her and I saw you walking on Bandera Road." That was back on June 14 when I took off walking towards Pipe Creek.

                   Here's the email:

Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 22:54:03 EDT

victor antonio,

i cant believe it today me and some freinds were driving out to medina and when i was driving on bandera i saw you on the oppisite side of the road i was so excited. i knew your adventures are going great and i cant wait till you come back so we can visit your magical spot!!!!!!!!! its going to be great well e-mail me soon
peace love and harmony

jordan rose

                   I'm at the hospital right now and I asked the 92 guy if he could give me a ride back to Crossroads. It just dawned on me. I can still send my stuff out on IRC. I can go in all the warez rooms and upload my stuff to people's servers. Which means, I can go back to Sam's. I asked the 92 guy if I could get a ride back to Crossroads and he told me, "You were just at Crossroads. You asked me for a ride then. What makes you different?" I told him, "What? Like we're all the same or something. Ask and thou shall receive. Don't you know the rules?"

     10:15am  After he told me no, I had the greatest idea. I totally forgot about my transfer stash. I quickly walked around and looked in the window of some other bus and found out the letter of the day. Cool, I had one. I walked inside the transfer center, folded it to the right time, licked it and trimmed it. I went back to that same 92 that had told me no and told him, "Umm, oh yeah, I forgot I had a transfer," and handed it to him. Haha, got on with my decoy transfer and he couldn't do a damn thing. Muhahaha.

     10:18am  Rupert gave me a cigarette on the bus. I got a light. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:22am  I'm talking to Doug on the bus and he told me to look up Earl Nightingale's Lead the Field. Okay, I'll check that out. Okay, I just did a search and I got some good quotes. I also found and got tons of quotes from there. A lot of good Mark Twain quotes. I don't want to overdo it, though.

     10:49am  Back at Sam's. It was awesome at the hospital.

     6:56pm  Man, I am having the greatest day today at Sam's. I sent my stuff out today. It's going to spread like wildfire, I hope. I was emailing back and forth with this guy from He said he'd host my webpage. He was the only person I should have emailed. I emailed like thirty people and got blocked because of rate-limits. I tried it a couple hours later and it worked again.

                   [Okay, today is Monday, May 23, 2005. I just searched Google for 'Victor the Liberator" and ended up with something having to do with me emailing
Here it is from


Daniel's Blog

July 08, 2004
Victor, the Moron-ator
I got this email from a moron named Victor “The Liberator.” Apparently, that wonderful used car
salesman slash pothead Ed Berndt got high with this guy, and now I have to deal with the
consequences. I’m not really willing to give this guy webspace, but since yesterday was a slow
day, I’ll give you guys the email instead of real content.

From: joe mama
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 02:44:26 +0800
Subject: Hello, Ed in Socorro, NM referred me to your site.

He never gave me his last name. The synchronicity of our meeting was quite magical, it being the eve of Independance Day. He’s got a girlfriend named Lily( I told Ed my story and he agrees with me everyone needs to read it and linked me to you. Let’s see what happens.

[I told him my platform story]

I think this might be the most pompous self-aggrandizing lunacy I’ve ever received. If only it were more fun to read, and it weren’t for that whole spam aspect, I might have given this twat a chance. Oh well.


                   Talk is real cheap.

                   Oh yeah, I even talked to my old friend from Germany, Bodo. The guy who sent me my awesome turnbeutel. I'll put a link to that(9-5-03, 12:41pm).

                   I think I will come back the day after tomorrow and send out my stuff again. It's going to happen soon. It's going to happen soon.

                   I got bored at Sam's and decided to go for a walk. I just went straight on Balcones Heights Road, which runs along Santa Fe Place. I just passed the fire department. I was randomly walking down Altgelt, I think. It was dark. All of a sudden this cars pulls up right after this speed hump. Some guy rolls down the window and says, "Victor's a dumbass." I say, "Who's that?" It was Teo. He was all, "You wanna buy some weed??" They took off. Hehe, I'm everywhere. Everybody knows me.

                   I had just gotten a hair up my ass to go for a walk. I was bored. I can't get used to sitting on the floor using Sam's computer.

                   I ended up on Babcock and Overbrook.

                   I randomly turned into some alley. Down the alley these dogs started barking at me and my walking stick. The owner came out and I just walked by giving him the peace sign. I ended up on Ozark Street. I'm going to walk down this way. Past Westhill.

                   Neil hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Big Lots.

                   I had a badass presentation with that guy who gave me the cigarette. I'm going to walk to the thriftstore and see if I can get hooked up with my Don't Mess With Texas shirt.

     7:32pm  I came over to the thrift store and talked to my good friend Olivia. She found a joint on the floor and handed it to me! I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:45pm  I had an awesome time at the thrift store! Olivia is so pretty. She's hot. I started telling her my story. I can't believe I've never told it to her. Then some other guy heard me telling her my story and comments, "You should go to the NAVY. Just do a three-year stint." I told him, "Screw that, I'm not going to go work for the government. For money." "I got better shit to do," I told him. He told me, "Well, you can see the world." I told him, "I'm going to see the world anyway."

                   Oh yeah. and then Olivia found a joint on the floor. That's awesome! She gave it to me.

Next day..

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