


Arcata, CA

Friday September 5, 2003

     8:20am  I just woke up in the barn. Man, this place is awesome! It's a blast from the past, I swear. It's a huge barn. It's not the kind of barn that has an upstairs or anything. It's got a real tall roof. I bet you there's some history in this place. I wonder how long all this stuff has been in here.

                   Well, I was all pissed off because it started raining in the middle of the night. I was mad, I wished I had a house. Then, I found a house. I found a roof, at least. And it was umm, not that far. It was like right there. I had seen it and I always wanted to crash in it before. I actually did last night, hehe. Awesome. Now it's time to go to school and get to work. I'm going to explore this barn a little. I got nothing to do. I'm just going to walk around.

                    I took my plastic rain cloak out of my Adidas bag and slept on top of it. So, I had to roll it up and put it back in there. Since it sits at the bottom of my bag, I had to empty out its contents to put the cloak in first. I poured everything out on this big closet lying here, that could double as a coffin or dead-body storage(I didn't open it to check). I glanced at my stuff and didn't see my CD player. Damn. I thought I had lost it. Ahh, it's ok. I'm planning on replacing all my stuff anyway. When I go back to San Antonio. I'm going to get me a new CD player, new boots, new tape recorder and everything else I need.

                    I finally realized it was in my folder and that's why I hadn't seen it. Whew.

                    Oh yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned the markings on the Arcata sidewalk that say, "They're rich because you're poor." I just think that's a good, true quote.

     9:10am  I'm at the school. I'm going to go to the bathroom and change out of some layers.

     9:29am  I'm done in the restroom. I'm going to leave at eleven for food, so that doesn't leave me much time. Like an hour and a half.

     11:24am  I'm leaving late. I'm going to be late to The Endeavor to eat. Man, I just typed up my first day in Arcata. Man, it was a long ass day. It was quite awesome. Very, very intricate and detailed. Man, I got the whole damn day. I didn't even finish it. I spent a whole hour just typing up that one day.

     11:37am  I am at The Endeavor already. That was quick. I sped-walk. I am feeling really good today. I love reading shit that's happened to me that I've forgotten.

     12:25am  Okay, I'm done eating. I came outside and ran into Jesse, who saw me in Berkeley. I was explaining to him about how I am putting myself through school and asked him if he could donate a hit or two to the cause. He's going to get me smoked out. How rad.

                      Jesse recommends I go to Hayfork. It's a little Southeast of here. Oh yeah, that Tribal Stomp Festival I've been hearing about.

12:41pm       I'm taking off back to school. Jesse's going to go check his email at the public library which is conveniently located right next to us. See, Arcata's not that bad.

                      Shweet. I got smoked out! That guy Jesse is cool.

                      Ahhh. I feel so alive today, man. The weather is perfect. It's a little chilly, but I'm walking around and staying active, so I'm keeping warm. I'm wearing my blue polyester walking shirt. My uniform. I'm walking to school now.

                      I match so perfectly and it was all an accident. My mom bought me this shirt. She gave it to me out of the blue back when I would crash at her house once in a while. I was introduced to the Adidas bag by Chasity, my ex-girlfriend. She had gotten it in Germany. It's for soccer shoes. Recently, they didn't sell them in the US. I used the hell out of it. She had stowed it away when she moved from Germany and just gave it to me when she dug it up. It's like a male purse. I've got all my stuff in it. My CD player, my files, my papers and everything else I need. It's so simple. I can just flip it over my head and bam, it's on my back. If I emptied it I could crunch it up into a ball in my fist. It was just really convenient.

                      Since I used my old one so much and I noticed it wearing, I wanted to find out where I could replace it when it died. Well, I got the idea to go to the German channel/chat room on IRC. I was in there asking people and I learned they call them turnbeutels. I started talking to this seventeen year old German kid and he ends up finding one for me on German Ebay. For only $8! It was blue and red and had the Bayern Munchen logo on it. Bayern Munchen is the top soccer team in Germany. I asked him if there was any way he could order the bag for me since it was on German Ebay and I didn't know German, then ship it to me in San Antonio and that I would pay however much it cost. He said ok and I let him on my FTP server with all my pirated software. He had a fast connection too and downloaded some movies from me. He downloaded Cheech and Chong's Still Smoking and he just loved it.

                      His name was Bodo, but I never talked with him on the computer again. I had given him my address back when I lived with Chasity before we broke up. Well, some time after that my ex-girlfriend Chasity and I broke up(finally) and we didn't live there anymore. It seems Bodo paid for the shipping and had mailed it to me. Chasity got her own apartment and I went to crash at my mom's again. Now, when you lease a new place you have to give them the address where you last lived so the bag was forwarded to Chasity's new place. I got it for free!! Okay, that was a really long, non-interesting story, but hey that's me sometimes.

                      Well, I lost that bag when the U-Haul I had split with got impounded. Well, right before I was going to leave for California I went to North Star Mall hoping they sold them in the US now. I went in some store and told the girl, "I'm looking for an Adidas bag. They call them turnbeutels in Germany. It's for soccer shoes. It's like a very simple drawstring backpack." She goes, "Here," and hands me this blue one. Badass, it was just what I was looking for(12-4-02). Anyway, I had that bag the first time I actually made it to California and it's still ticking. It's in good shape, but I just might replace it just in case.

                      Oh yeah, I was talking about my accidental uniform. My water bottle pouch is about the same shade of blue and black as both my Adidas bag and polyester shirt. My mom also gave me that, out of the blue. It's just awesome. I just match perfectly. Oh yeah, my army pants fell in my lap, too. I got them in Weed, NM(6-21-03, 10:47pm). They were too long for the guy who gave them to me, but they fit me perfectly and I'm 6'6". I don't know. I'm just having a really good morning. I'm walking to the school. I'm going to go catch up.

     12:49pm  Now, don't you people see that I am putting myself to work? I'm doing this for free. It's true! People will work for free. You just need to have the right motivation. It's true. This proves it, yay.

                     Man, I'm going to have a great day.

     12:56pm  I'm still walking to school. I'm going to go to work at the library. I passed these kids and they were smoking cigarettes. I asked them if they could spare one, but they told me no. I told them, "Alright, thanks anyway," and just then this guy Rob walks up to me with a pack of American Spirits and he hands me a cigarette. I didn't even know this dude. Whoa, thank you, brother. The universe provides.

     1:12pm  I asked Rob if he had time for a story and he said sure. I told him my platform and asked him what he thought the possibility of it was. He moved his head forward and spoke into my recorder. Rob: "I think the possibilities are endless, limitless and the only thing to stop that from you are the limits that people put on you and the limits you put on yourself. But, everything is available to anybody at any time, depending on how free you are to be open to life and love and everything encompassing that."

     1:14pm  Rob hooked me up with a cigarette for the road. I appreciate it, brother. I'm going to go to the library and fuck the system some more.

                   Rob is a believer. He can't wait for the email.

     1:58pm  I came out for a smoke break. Good thing I saved a cigarette.

     5:57pm  The library closes at six today, so they kicked me out. I came out for another smoke break, but I couldn't log it because I am on my very last tape. Right now I am currently like half way through on Side B. But, I'm already caught up to the beginning of this tape on the other side, Side A. So, I'm almost done. I'm on the 29th of August. I'm almost done, man. Tomorrow, Saturday. Then, I'm going to call Issa and see if I can go back up my shit using her computer, in case the Feds take out my emails, so I won't lose it. Damn, I have so much shit. I have almost a hundred messages in my email inbox, most of those days I've typed up. How awesome.

                   Now, since I left the library early I'll go into town and see what happens. Maybe I'll get smoked out. It's Friday! Oh yeah, the library opens tomorrow at 11am.

     6:10pm  I ran into Bob, who I met in Berkeley at the Mexican restaurant and he had bought me a pouch of tobacco(remember?). He me told he was leaving for San Francisco Sunday. Which would be perfect timing for me. I need to go back to Berkeley. He told me that there is some policy with Greyhound where if you pay for a roundtrip ticket that someone else can ride for free. I need to check to see if they still have that policy, but if it's true I'm supposed to meet him at the Greyhound Station in Eureka Sunday night at 10:25pm.

                   Man, this is crazy. I was just walking back from school right now and I just found out I might score a free ride back to Berkeley, just like that. Policy used to state that if you bought a roundtrip ticket that you could have a free rider. So, I'm going to the bus station and ask them if that's still the case and if so, I'm going back to Berkeley tomorrow. I'm almost caught up on my typing. Kickass.

                   See how good things happen to me?

                   I had even considered spanging up thirty five dollars for a ticket back to Berkeley. Ha, this will be the second free bus ride I score from Arcata to SF.

     6:18pm  Eric was generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    I just had a really good conversation with that guy I bummed a cigarette off of. He's like all appalled and wouldn't let me finish shit. I told him, "Man, don't you see how you are proving my whole ignorance theory right? You're not letting me finish." He was telling me, "If you could organize a million people to go to the capitol, that's how change is made." I told him, "I'm playing by my rules here. I guess you'll just be surprised." I told him the default scripts and when we finished the last thing he told me was, "Good luck."

     6:45pm  Greg hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother. It'll come back to you.

     6:49pm  I just got some spare change for a donut and got a donut. It was good. I thought, "Man, I wish I had a cigarette." Nobody is out here smoking a cigarette then I spot like ¾ of a cigarette burning on the parking lot under this car. Hey, I got me a cigarette. Awesome.

     7:01pm  John smoked me out. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I ran into Geba and I asked him what his name was an acronym for. Geba: "It is New Age, Native Earth Walker Always God Energy or Always Got Energy."

     More Geba: "One thing that I think is very inconsiderate are the people at The Endeavor otherwise known as Mama Lauri's where they, in the morning, the volunteers all have breakfast and coffee and won't share it with the cold people outside who are cold and wet from the rain. As well as, all the volunteers will eat a full lunch in front of everybody lined up who are hungry beforehand. And, also with the clothing, will sort through and choose out what they want for themselves, instead of giving it to the kids. Also, they will not give showers to little children, just because it's past time for a shower at noon.
     Technically cars are legal suicide and legal manslaughter the moment they're turned on. As well as vehicles have built in obsolescence, which most technology has built in obsolescence where the components are built to break down to continue with capitalism. As well as the medical system where conventional medicines are suppressive where they cause the symptoms to go away but not heal it. Which is the reason why the health system of herbal medicine is being suppressed because it will heal, but will take a little longer to do it. So people are used to the quick-fix instead of actual healing.
     Geba means God Earth Before After. It is an absolute true honor to meet Victor who stands for the truth of how I believe it is that God needs his totem to be in order to allow this home to be a home for his children again. What I believe the potential of myself from A to B, Victor represents and has shown me, just by observing and listening to what he does, many ways to improve upon on what I have been working very diligently and trying to create myself into. It's like new world gypsies and nomads walking again. You know. The Rainbow Tribe is unified. They said that there would be 10,000 that would walk and bring back the new world. I don't think it has anything to do with skin color or race or nothing. Native Earth Walker is just everydamnbody. It's an honor to meet you, Victor.

                   Also, if you could take it like practically and realistically, Victor would be representing and walking as The Grand Christus.

     8:01pm  Geba is giving me some stuff on the School of Ascension. He's telling me how there's a school you go to that helps you purify yourself. Sounds really cool. I'll look it up. I'll explain more later.

                   That's the only school I would want to go to.

     8:07pm  I'm over here at the place where we always get coffee. Geba is going to make me some oatmeal, which is cool. He showed me this cool other squat and he smoked the last of his trim with me. He gave me some really good stuff to look up on the Internet about some school of ascension and some other cool stuff. He suggested some books, but I told him, "There are so many things that I need to do before I even have time to read a book."

                   Geba is telling me about some place in Montana.

     Geba: "Northwest tip of Yellowstone Park. There's a place called The Heart of the Inner Retreat. You can find it through Summit Lighthouse, where they have their conferences like the 4th of July convention. And, I've read that you can ask for three signs or three things to happen to prove to you of the activity of the ascended host. I've read stories of people who have asked and all three things have happened."

     Victor: "What are they?"

     Geba: "Whatever you ask. It's between you and them."

     Victor: "Oh, I get to decide what's going to prove it to me."

     Geba: "It's not between you and a preacher or somebody's teaching you. It's between you and them. This is just a way to connect and read what they say."

     Geba: "Your name is *something fair prophet* and *marco prophet who have already ascended. Their purpose is to give the two teachers of ascension to the people of the world, which is what Jesus taught, in secret, in the cave, which is the meaning of the parables. The truth of what Buddha taught, what Krishna taught, what Jesus taught and how it was they actually did what it was they did. Like Jesus, in order to create food, he precipitated it. Which is basically kind of rearranging life energy into a form, it's called precipitation. So, to walk on water, he just raised the vibrational energy and he just walks on the water. It's like new age techniques from the East. You have to imagine too, an ascended being in a golden ciy, which there are upon thousands upon thousands of ascended beings. The requirement for this planet is for one person to ascend every year. That's the purpose of every being on this planet, to ascend. You have to imagine to them, like food, like clothes with no seams. They don't have seams because they are thought. It's kinda like thought energy. And the work that they do which is the highest form of technology that we have, because technology does have a purpose is normal to them. Like walking on water. That kind of stuff is normal to them, where as us, they're miracles. It's what Jesus tried to give to us and if Jesus was not murdered, technically, humans chose Satan and capitalism over a global world family and having an earth, heaven. And now everyone is praying and begging for him to give it back, when we said we didn't want it in the first place. And now they are rejecting him giving it back which is the new age movement, which is yoga and energy healing and all these teachings of the Aquarian age is exactly what they are asking for, but is now suppressing it. Like I heard on the Interior Terrace network, number one is the ascended host. Number two is Rainbow Family and number three is Earth First. Like the ascended host have been trying for years upon years to give the teachings to the world and the people who they can connect with and are willing don't give it to the people, or the government makes sure nobody knows what it is. And, if you do come across it, there's so much energy going at it to keep it from being that you have put the book down, as if it is bullshit without even reading it at all. Like, I read the books and I have to fight with energy trying to convince me just to close the book. With me, I know what it is. It's the teaching of ascension. Ascension is basically taking the electrons, neutrons and the protons, which is blue, red and yellow and amplifying it to like bright blue, bright pink and bright yellow, which mirrors the tribal heart flame which is the spurt of God within everybody. Which is love, wisdom and power of God. Imagine spinning them at a rapid rate to where it becomes like a purple cell. Human cells become God cells."

     Victor: "Supercharged?"

     Geba: "Yeah, it's just how you do that. You raise your chakras and the violet flame to transmute your Karmic energy back into God energy. That's all Karma really is, it's misqualified discorded energy. God's energy comes into you, it gets trapped because it's not used in the right way. It sits in your electronic belt surrounding your waist down. That's Karma. That's what holds us here. So, through certain techniques which have been released, you can use certain rays of energy from God to turn the Karmic energy literally back into God Energy. Basically, it's the mercy given to the people of the world to help you speed up.
     There are three ways to ascend. Through service, through prayer and decrees. Now, decrees is what Jesus used. A decree starts with "I am'. I am the resurrection, I am the truth in life. Whatever you say after I am, by divine law, has to become manifest, whether it's in the etheric or in the physical. Etheric like the astral or psychic plane. The higher Etheric is the ascended host plane. Which no medium, no channel, no psychic can reach the ascended masters. And, the people that the people are channeling are from the astral plane and from the psychic plane, which are beings who can claim to be and even convince you to be Jesus or Buddha and anybody you want them to be. They can mimic. But, the astral and the lower Etheric are planes that human can reach, but no human being without an ascended host bringing them up, can reach the higher Etheric where all the golden city's are and all the heavens are at. You have all these Buddhic heavens, and angel heavens, and all the golden city's and all that kind of stuff is where those exist at. Like Shamhala is. Have you heard of the hidden city up in the Himalyan mountain, well it's called Shamhala. Now, Shamhala was a physical temple built to Sunat Kamara which during the dark ages, there were only 3 beings on the planet who believed in God. And so a being chose to hold the light for the entire planet, so that we could continue. His name was Suna Kamara. At the time Buddha released Sumat Kamara, so that Sumat Kamara could return and Guotama Buddha took his place and held the light for the planet. Guotama has returned to the sun. He's allowed to return every 30 years for Wessic Festival. People walk for lifetimes to find where it's at, because they don't release where it's at. I also heard that Buddha walked with the pilgrims to the Wessic festival, as a pilgrim and didn't reveal who he was until he got there."

     Victor: "Read up on the actual Aquarian Christ, which is Saint Germaine."

     Geba: "It's better if you read up on that yourself. It's not like anything anybody has ever come across before."

     Geba: "It's kind of funny how Jeshua Christus and Guotama Buddha and Krishna all had a very streneous journey that they earned and worked for what it was that they gave the world. They gave back what they earned. Now, I don't understand how it is that humans can believe that by praying to Jesus, yes if you pray to him, He will help you, he will hold you, but it is my belief that you have to earn heaven, you have to be worthy of it. Like, if somebody has this carreer they have and they know that they are worthy of, they know that they've earned what it is they have because they worked for what you have to earn going back to heaven. You have to earn getting there. That's the purpose of being. The purpose of being is not to come here, be on fucking holiday and treat all your brothers and sisters like shit. There's two faces you can have and you have the face of Satan. In every interaction you can have two faces, the face of God or the face of Satan. Human beings have dominated choosing the face of Satan. Now, if you pray to Jesus and say, "Save me" and believe you are going to heaven because he has forgiven you of all your sins, and he's standing in your presence looking at you and looking at your life story, which is who are you. You can be a volunteer your entire life, you can serve your entire life, but unless you have God in your heart and in your daily life is for that, it means nothing at all to him. Because, when God looks at us he sees how bright our heart is. When we die, imagine just walking through a golden doorway back into a golden city into your old room where all your stuff is still sitting there and you were just going to a different school. You look just the same way you do right now. Your personality is the same you just remember it a going on. It's like going to a different country. But, it has to be earned. In human being's bible religion's purpose is to suppress the spirit and the body of knowing that each is God within, which Jesus says, "I am your brother. The example of what you can be. You will do as I have done and more. What that means is yes, we can learn to walk on water. We can precipitate food and feed the masses. We can do everything he has done if we believe what he said. But, we have to earn it."

     Victor: "Yeah, anybody can do what I'm doing. It's not rocket-science. Walking will teach you patience, delayed gratification."

     Geba: "Each person has their own, interpersonal, one-on-one relationship with God. That's between them and God and only them. They do not have to define it. They don't have to prove it. They don't have to put it out there for anyone else in the world. It's between them and God. That's what it is. God is within you. He is my best friend, my keeper, my sister, my brother, everything that I need. He's the person I bitch at when I'm upset because he is a friend. He's not going to judge, but he's going to show me how to better myself. But, I don't have to go to some fuckin' bald headed white man preacher standing in front of a podium and telling me that I have to go through him to talk to God and Jesus and that I have to be worthy of his opinion of me. A soul and a spirit cannot cause sin. How can a soul sin? You can't even tell me where it is. If the soul is God, how can that cause sin? It can't. Only human thought causes sin.
     Do you want to know where heaven is? Okay, Here's heaven, I'll tell you how to get there. Silence your thoughts. The surface of the sin has never said, "I hate you." The surface of everything that exists has never once caused harm in any way. The human thought acted upon and then cause evil is where hell and Satan exist. Otherwise, we are in heaven. We're taking advantage of it, taking it for granted and misusing it. We're causing everybody else to believe that it's something that it's not. That's all I gotta say, hehe."

     Geba: "If Victor wasn't walking the walk to bring peace to the world and others of that same seed, which is the same thing as a homeless person(which you can't be homeless if you're not living on the earth). If you're on earth. You are not homeless. Everybody has a house called their body. If these beings which are sacred were not walking the earth, there would be no reason for God to continue life on earth, because there is nothing walking around that is God, if he can't see himself. When God looks down, how many beautiful love stars are there floating around? It's like little baby Gods being grown. And yes, the world that we live in is technically hell. If you research what the analogies of Babylon were, and all the different things that is evil, society now validate them as goodness, as a trend, as a way to be. But, on the other side of that we have the basic sight that if humans silence their thoughts then they are living in heaven. Because, the service of nothing says that it hates you, which is what as taught in the bible as the original creation, which is nature. If you look at the forest, you see the original creation which is nature. The only difference between the Garden of Eden and today is that you cannot freely live on the earth and go from place to place and drink the water and eat the food. And the way to solve the problem and to get back to where we are at right now, so that it doesn't take people suffering from day in and day out is for a nomad or a gypsy needs to hold the light for the people to show them. Like, we have to have homeless people so that the rich people can have a way to wake up. They have to be there. Like, you have to have modern day Krishna and Buddha walking down the fucking street begging for money so that this rich person can have some way real love come out of them. Otherwise, they are having the synthetic version of love, life and light which has been manifested and created and synthesized by man, which is not real."

     Geba: "Did I already say how to solve everything? Okay, my solution for everything is called Native Earth Walker All Have God Energy. Everybody stop doing what they're doing right now. End all pollution causing devices. Let the air clean herself. Let the forest regrow herself. Why all the grocery stores, food. Supply is running out. Replant the gardens. And, in a sense, if you want to take it to another step you have a global war coming up already in place. You've got 9-5 jobs where people have to get along with different races and different sexes. All just continue doing what you are doing. Don't use money. You can take like New York city and layer the walls with solar panels and layer the opposite wall with mirror panels. You'll have a source for perpetual electricity. On the roof you can have greenhouses where you grow plants. So, at night or during the day, you can open up the roofs of the greenhouses and it would clean the air. In the sidewalks, you can have water ways come throughout. There are plants that you can grow in the water ways where the plants themselves will clean the water, so you have a way to clean the water. Also, on the roof you have a way to grow food. So, you have perpetual electricity, unlimited source of food as well as a way to clean the water and to clean the air. That's all you have to do. Just turn off all the pollution-causing devices. If you do not do this in 3 years, what will occur is because the love, life and light which is mother, father, God sitting in the heart of the sun basically interacting which each other and that's the love emanation of their interaction who come here, to the earth, which basically is being blocked by greenhouse gases. So, the natural sunlight from the earth, which is being blocked by greenhouse gases, which they don't tell you, which does warm a city, but also causes the core of the earth to become cold, which is basically the love of this planet. Which is also covered by cement. So, within a certain period of time, because the heart of the earth is cooling, then a new ice age will be born. Therefore, you have to do these things. You have to heal the earth or an ice age will be born. Because the heart of the earth can't keep herself functioning properly because the city is covering up too much of it and the greenhouse gases are blocking the sunlight. It's not the sunlight hurting us. It's the shit in the air as it reacts with the sunlight before it gets to us that's fucking us up."

     Victor: "Check out Naropa in Colorado."

     Geba: "The Dali Lama works with it. It's basically taking what they teach you in a regular college and raise it up to the level of the spirits. It's amazing stuff. There's another one in New York called Omega. They had people like Ram Dos and James Redfield and Alex Gray."

     Geba: "Do you know those pictures of people who don't have skin. It's just like their energy and their veins and it's all kind of glowing. You know those pictures? Alex Grey. Basically, the spiritual, kind of new age like yoga teachers, energy healing teachers and massage therapy. They come together for a summer meeting every year at a school called (didn't get the name)."

      Geba: "Naropa costs, like a regular college does, but you can work there and go to school for free doing cooking, cleaning, landscaping and shit like that. There are two or three different ways they can hire you."

     Geba: "These two schools kind of represent the golden age. The golden age isn't like, "Okay, everybody's rich." The golden age is the flow of the heart. That's what a real golden age. It's not a human golden age, you know. If you don't understand, the * something of God is not material riches. The more love, life and light there is within someone or something, the more space it has to grow, you know."

     9:15pm  Geba and I are walking to Eureka now. Right when we got on 101 we saw a homeless sister walking the other way. What was your name, again? Alisha. When Geba saw her walking, he said, "Oh, there's the oracle." She asked us if we want to talk. She's got some things to say. Okay, it's recording. What is it that you have to say?

     Alisha: "Hello, I am Alisha and I speak the truth. I said what it is that there is thou art to say, ya know what I mean. It's what I came here to say and that's what I came here to be. That's what I came here to belong. That's what I came here to obliterate. Thank you. Have fun, dude. Have fun. It's all in the food, man. Ya know what I mean? If there is the right medicine makers behind the right walls, ya know what I mean, anything can be said, ya know what I mean."

     9:20pm  We took off walking. Alisha is going to walk to Eureka with us. She was shivering so I let her wear my poncho. I hope she realizes how long six miles is. We haven't been walking too far and I just realized I was out of water. I'm going to go back to Samoa and get some. Six miles with no water? Umm, no. So, we're going back for water.

     9:45pm  We are walking to Eureka. Passing mile marker 85.64.

     10:05pm  84.77

     10:30pm  I'm just passing a sign that says Flying J which is a truckstop, I think. It's five miles ahead. I didn't know there was a truckstop out here. Hey, that might be the way I'm going back to San Francisco. I'll wait until Sunday and if I can't get a free ride on the Greyhound with that guy, I'll walk to the truck stop. I'll get a ride in no time. 

     10:33pm  83.50

     10:42pm  83.00

     10:45pm  Geba called me, because I was walking ahead of both of them. I noticed that the girl wasn't following him, whatever her name is. Geba is worried about her, so he's going to go check and see how she's doing. Alisha is kind of off-the-wall.

     10:48pm  We found Alisha and she's walking with us. We stopped for a smoke break. Geba's got some tobacco. We're going to smoke it out of his pipe.

     11:10pm  82.70

     12:00am  All of a sudden, I realized Alisha wasn't behind us anymore. Shit, she's got my poncho. I need that thing. So, we turned around and looked for her. She's got my poncho and if she's just going to stay crashed out somewhere, I would want my poncho back. So, we found her, she gave me my poncho back and I was contemplating crashing there. Geba and I have decided we want to keep walking. Alisha didn't want to come with us, so we left her. Geba gave her his blanket. It's all right.

     12:08am  At long last, Eureka city limits. Population 28,606 Elevation 44

     12:30am  80.00

     1:05am  Geba and I stopped at the bus stop here in Eureka so I could take off some layers. This other dude walks up and tells me, "Hey, I know you." I asked him from where. He couldn't remember. Then, I get my stuff together and grab my walking stick and he goes, "Oh yeah, I know you!" He was this guy that one time when I was in Eureka about six months ago him and some chick snuck me into a house and gave me a place to crash. That's so fucking cool how I am always running into people I know. Through word of mouth let it be known. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.

     1:15am  We are at the Denny's Geba told me about. When he told me I thought I might hit them up for some "gasoline for my stomach." But, when we got there, it was all packed, so I chose otherwise. It's Friday night.

     1:20am  Todd was generous enough to give me a cigarette. A good 'ol American Spirit. I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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