

                                                                                                       Berkeley, CA

Tuesday February 24, 2009

                     I woke up about ten minutes ago in my tent.


I have to remember to take a picture of it before I tear it down.

                     All packed up and leaving.

                     I was walking towards the parking garage to take a shit. I changed my mind because I don't really have to go so bad. I saw all these street kids smoking weed and they gave me a hit.

                     I couldn't find a place to take a shit and I have to go bad now. I went to People's Park and used the bathroom there. The walls were freshly painted so I was sure to tag it with a good Abbie Hoffman quote.


                     Now I'm going to see if I can get a courtesy ride to Shattuck to get my two last shirts.

                     The driver told me, "Ok, walk," and shut the door. Greedy ass!

                     I walked all the way to Shattuck and I'm waiting for the library to open at ten.

     11:24am  I spent a whole hour on the computer at the library. I got some more entries on my guestbook. Right now I'm walking to go get my last two shirts at the screen-printing place.

     11:32am  I was walking down this street towards Shattuck and I saw a stop sign that says Stop Driving. I took a picture. That's great.  

                     I was flying my hook a brother up sign and Kate was nice enough to give me a pot-biscuit! Yeehaw!

                     I am having fun on Shattuck. I got bored using my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign. Free hugs time.

     12:00pm  Man, that weed biscuit really kicked in. I'm all stoned right now. I was hungry too.

     12:23pm  I was at Shattuck and Center giving out free hugs. This brother walked up to the stop light with a really nice, intricate braid. I hit him up to braid my goatee for me and he said sure.

     1:26pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Brad.


                   Thanks for talking to me, brother. He just loved my story.

                   I just got hooked up with a five dollar bill. This old hippie dude. He wouldn't give me his name.

     2:49pm  I just had another awesome presentation with Brando.


                   He's going to check out my website. Sign my guestbook, brother.

                   Right now I am walking to the quarter-meal. Channing and Dwight, I was told. I had fun on Shattuck.


I can't believe I hadn't spread the word there before. I got bored on Telegraph. I was even thinking about leaving today, once I got my tee shirts.  BART entrance, Shattuck.  

                   I came to the quarter meal and I saw Jeff, I think his name was. The guy I talked to before I took a shower that day. I came to the quarter meal and he was serving food. When I walked in he pointed at me and said, “You.” I walked over to him and he asked me if I could tell my story to some people tonight. Jeff was really attentive and reacted great to my story(2-18-09). He told me he would give me an audience. To meet him later on at seven. I remembered not telling him my Odyssey story that day. Maybe I’ll tell it to him tonight. He’s told people about me. I had so much fun on Shattuck today. I got that weed-biscuit and that turned me on all day. I’m going back to Telegraph now. I was thinking about going back to Shattuck, but I have another destination tonight.

                   I hadn't come to the quarter meal at four at all since I got to Berkeley again. Oh yeah, I am really sorry, Kevil. I did buy stuff that I needed for my mission like a tape recorder and tee shirts. I did spend like sixty bucks on weed though. Weed is a need for my mission as well.

                   After the quarter meal I came down the steps to smoke. This college student walked past and I offered him my website and he just kept walking. I asked him if he was that ignorant. Just then this Asian pizza delivery guy pulled in. He drove closeby and he had his window down so I offered him my website. He accepted it and asked me what it was about(like he hadn’t read my shirt or something). Before he left he volunteered me a dollar.

                   I came to the meeting place Jeff told me about, something they call the Suitcase Kitchen, where homeless people get different services like medical and stuff. It’s past seven and I don’t see Jeff anywhere.

                   I just had an awesome presentation with Natalie, beautiful girl.

                   I just had a great presentation with another pretty girl. At first she ignored me, but when I asked her if she had always been that ignorant she turned around and accepted my site.


                   I forgot to tell you. I ran into Michael, this dude I met in San Luis Obispo that gave me food that one time. He’s got a new bike and all this badass gear. I’m showing him where I squat tonight.

                   I’ll be going to bed pretty soon. Oh yeah, Chip, this other guy I met who is going to squat with us, he has a badass hammock 

he strung up right next to the sidewalk in front of the storefront. I’ll take pictures in the morning. I finally figured out how to turn my flash back on.

                   Oh yeah, this guy Michael, he had seen me at the library, he’s squatting at the storefront with me tonight.

Next day..

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