

San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 27, 2005

     7:38am  I just woke up.

     8:15am  I'm in the bathroom taking a second shit. I ate like five taquitos. I opened up my Powers of Mind book to a random page. "Life is a ripoff when you expect to get what you want. Life works when you choose what you got. Actually, what you got is what you choose. To move on, choose it."

     8:37am  I finished doing my stretches. I'm going to take off walking. Oh yeah, the powerline trail goes right to the psychic place on Bandera. I'm going to walk that.

     8:50am  I walked down Wickersham to the powerlines. I'm at the tennis courts now behind the Braun Station West Pool. I'm going to look for a ball.

     9:00am  I just crossed Guilbeau Road.

                   I'm going to cut through the woods right here to the right. I'm just going to wander around. It's still kind of early to go to the psychic shop. It opens at ten.

     9:19am  I got lost, well not really lost. I ended up on Old Village, back on the power line trail. I'm going to keep walking it.

     9:35am  Crossing Mainland.

                   Please Love, I pray to you. Let me have a great day. Just like yesterday.

     9:47am  I'm behind the construction yard now. I'm going to walk through it again.

     9:59am  I walked right through the construction yard again. They didn't tell me shit. I just walked right through it. I'm going to go to Buck Heath's property. I haven't done this in a while.

     10:03am  Alright, I'm on Buck Heath's land. I stopped and smoked a snipe I found on the ground.

                     Just took a picture of my fairy lighter.

                     I took a picture of the big natural ditch that's back here.

     10:34am  I found me this pocket, this alcove. I don't know how to describe it. It's got these tall walls. I've already found some fossil shells on the ground. Not too impressive, though. I'm going to keep looking for them. Just scan the ground.

     10:54am  I just came out on Grissom.

     11:00am  I got hooked up by Jesus at Elizabeth's again(1-1-05, 11:39am)! Called that.

     11:04am  John hooked me up with a cigarette at the gas station on Timberhill and Grissom. Cool, two cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother.

     11:20am  I found me this tent out here. It's a little blue tent. Nobody's in it, though.

                     Back on the powerline trail, walking East.

     11:36am  I'm walking the power line trail. I'm over by this ditch and somebody spraypainted "Team Reality" on here.

                     After having to squeeze through all these rosebushes with thorns. Now I'm in this ditch.

     12:02pm  Okay, I'm almost to Bandera. I see the building the psychic place is at. I hope it's open today.

     12:09pm  I came up to the psychic place. It says Open on the door. It's locked and nobody is in there. Must be closed for lunch or something. I'll just wait around. I've got a cigarette to smoke.

                     210-681-5604, the phone number to this place. The open sign is on the door, but I keep ringing the doorbell and nobody is answering.

     12:20pm  I just went around the corner to the Vietnamese Restaurant and borrowed their phone. I called the psychic place and this lady answered. She immediately said, "What do you want? Are you trying to sell something?" I told her, "No, I'm trying to give something away. I just want you to listen to me." She said, "I don't have time." I said, "Well, can we schedule an appointment?" She told me to call her tomorrow. I told her, "You know what, you can just forget about it. You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." That place is out of the question. I told her, "Have you always been this ignorant? Thanks for proving me right."

     12:35pm  I just got done writing a note to the psychic place. I went back in the Vietnamese restaurant and asked for a sheet of paper. At first I had asked them for a phone book so I could look up other psychics in town. I sat there and with my left hand wrote out a letter to the ignorant "psychic" bitch. Let me see if I can remember what it said:

Dear "psychic,"
                     If you were genuine, you would have known who I was the minute I rang your doorbell. How blasphemous of you trying to turn your natural psychic abilities(which I now doubt you have) into evil money, you fraud. Like I said, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

     1:40pm  A bit peeved, I walked to the bus stop on Bandera. I was fiending a cigarette bad. Then all of a sudden this girl pulls up smoking a cigarette with her stereo blasting. I yelled to get her attention and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, April.

     1:46pm  Dude, I lost my fairy lighter! That sucks! At least I got a picture of it. I thought I had left it over at the psychic place, because I smoked a cigarette when I got there. I walked over to check and that psychic girl was outside talking to some guy in the truck. I asked her, "Hey, have you seen a lighter? It's a special lighter. It has a fairy on it. It was a blessing." She said, "I saw one earlier that was lying on the floor," and she pointed to the place I had been sitting. It was gone. That sucks. Haha, she doesn't know I left her that note in her mailbox.

     1:48pm  I came back over to the bus stop and saw this guy cutting the grass right there. When I walked up he picked up a board and told me, "Check out the snake." There was a little garter snake all curled up. I asked him, "You wouldn't happen to have a lighter, would you?" He said sure and dug in his truck for one. When he hands it to me he says, "Go ahead and keep it. I don't even smoke."

                   The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a ride to the Walmart. He said, "Everybody's gotta pay." I told him, "I was just testing you. Maybe the next guy won't be such a greedy ass. Don't you know money is the root of all evil?"

                   Oh yeah, right after I lost my lighter, this guy ends up giving me one! I already have a replacement for my fairy. Which I'm sure that psychic bitch kept. It was too good a find.

                   Screw that bitch! I went back to the psychic place and rang the doorbell. The cuntrag came out and said, "Can I help you?" I told her, "I was the one who called earlier." She asked me what I wanted. I told her, "I was seeing if you'd listen to me." I had been thinking if this lady listened to me now, I'd tell her that I had left her a nasty note(not nasty, just honest), but since she had listened to me, I would get it and throw it away. She asked me, "What are you trying to do?" I told her, "I'm trying to bring peace to this world." She told me, "Then you should talk to the spirits, blah, blah, blah." Screw that bitch. I hope she reads that note.

                   Oh yeah, I cut through Huebner Creek. Close to the Judge Onion house.

     2:08pm  I cut through Huebner Creek and I got to this walkway out here. It's like a little fitness park. I saw these two kids walking. Emily, Elise and Omar. Omar has an email, what is it?

                   Had a good little presentation right there. They didn't have time to listen to me, but I got one of their email addresses.

                   I ended up in some neighborhood. I'm going to walk up to Evers.

     2:46pm  Jeremy hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Planet K. I appreciate it, bro.

                   I have a missing gap in my recording here. Let's see, after Planet K I caught the 534 to University Hospital. When the driver pulled up on Wurzbach I asked him, "Don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride to the hospital. I'll walk it if I have to. It ain't that far." He quickly told me, "Eighty cents." I told him, "I can't believe you're going to make me walk." He finally let me on, but he told me, "This is the last time." When I got to the hospital, I remembered my transfer stash and went and found out the letter of the day. I had a transfer I had to trim. Then I went in the transfer center and asked the lady behind the glass where 218 Babcock was. She told me it was real close to Fredericksburg. When the 520 pulled up I got on an held out my arm to the driver trying to give him my transfer. He tells me, "Keep it," and lets me on. Sweet. I ride the bus to 218 Babcock and knock on this other psychic's door. With no answer.

     3:34pm  I came to these apartments, I forgot the name of it. The Fredericksburg, I think. Mike hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Oh yeah, the name of the apartments is Fredericksburg Place.

     4:18pm  The 92 came over in front of China Harbor. I got on and gave the driver one of my decoy transfers, that the 520 guy let me keep. Then I turned around and asked, "Anybody have fifteen cents?" This one lady who I forgot to get her name hooked me up with thirteen cents. She gave me a quarter too. I went up to the driver and told him, "I only have thirteen cents." He told me, "You need two more cents." I told him, "What? You're not going to give me a transfer?!" The driver says, "You never pay for bus fare!" "Sure I do!" I told her. She hooked me up anyway. Haha, got my way.

                   I'm at Santa Fe Place. Let's see what happens.

     4:37pm  I forgot to tell you. I came to Santa Fe. I knocked on Lorenzo's door and nobody answered. I walked a little bit and saw some guy sitting down smoking a cigarette. I thought, "Hey, that's probably Leo(Lorenzo)." I was going to try and sneak up on him, but he heard me coming. He's smoking me out again. With some buttery weed. He had a stash of weed that he soaked in butter to make brownies with. We are smoking this buttery weed. I really don't think humans are supposed to inhale butter-smoke, but oh well. As long as there's THC.

                   Oh yeah, what a treat. Leo asked me if he could listen to my day so far. Everything I've recorded. For some reason I left out the whole part when I got off the 520. When I got on the bus and tried giving the driver my transfer and he told me to keep it. I had asked the lady at the VIA place where the psychic's address was and she told me it was close to Fredericksburg. So, I got off on Fredericksburg and walked to 218 Babcock. It was some house with a sign that said Palm Reading. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. There wasn't a car in the driveway.

                   For some reason, that part just didn't record. I don't know why. Maybe I'm mystically not supposed to reveal where this lady lives or something.

                   I'll tell you anyways, hehe.

                   Lorenzo: "Bud butter!"

     6:42pm  Haha, the most funniest thing happened on the bus. The ignorant ass bus driver. See, my transfer was expired by like an hour. When the bus came I got on and asked the driver, "Will you let me on with an expired transfer?" He tells me, "You know the rules. I see you every day." Damn-straight he sees me every day. He didn't make me get off and kept going. The bus was pretty full so I stayed standing up behind the driver. I was talking to him. He kept telling me, "You know the rules." I told him, "Yeah, I do know the rules. Ask and thou shall receive. It's human-nature to be generous. The rules never change." He said, "I'm trying to do my job. I need to put food on my table." To that I told him, "Umm, you are. You're still on the clock. You really think fares pay your salary? You've got plenty of government cheese to put on your table."

                   R. Silva told me no.

     7:02pm  After nobody was hooking me up with a ride, I was worried I wasn't going to get to the hospital by 7:15 to catch the last 610 home. Sure enough, my friend Ingrid was driving the next 92 to pull up at Crossroads. When her door opened she was all, "Hey, it's Mr. Gratuity." I smiled and hopped on her bus. I appreciate it, Ingrid.

     7:15pm  Oh yeah, my friend Ingrid got me to the hospital by 7:15. I got off at the stop right when she turns into the hospital, just in case the 610 was leaving then. I hopped across the street and I'm at the stop at Melrose Holmgreen and Merton Minter. Damnit, I forgot to get a transfer from Ingrid. I hope the 610 guy will give me a ride. That sucks.

     7:27pm  Damnit! I wasn't paying attention and the 610 just drove by. That sucks. Oh well, I guess I'll go back to . . . I don't know what I'm going to do.

     7:32pm  The driver on the 92 hooked me up. He was all, "Oh, you don't have any money? You don't have a job?" I told him, "I've got a fulltime job. I don't get days off. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free." He told me, "I've given you a ride three times on the 603." His number was 6830.

     7:48pm  I'm back over at Crossroads. Walking to Santa Fe Place Apartments. Umm, I shouldn't ask Sam if I can crash there. Umm, I know I can crash there. As soon as I ask him, he'll tell me yeah. But he's not going to like it. Maybe I can crash at Lorenzo's. I'm not sure what place I'll crash at. Somebody in Santa Fe will hook me up.

                   I stopped right next to the Dollar Store and put on my thermal bottoms.

     8:30pm  I'm telling Clarence and his friend my story. Clarence works at West Telemarketing. When I mentioned Scotia, CA he told me he had talked to a lady from there. I told him, "Yeah, there are some really ignorant and greedy people in Scotia." He laughed and said, "Yeah! She was a real bitch!" Haha, that's so funny. I always have problems when I got through Scotia. I'll put a link to it. 7-25-03, 6:35pm and 10-9-04, 1:52pm

     9:10pm  I'm talking to Joey over at Lorenzo's. What's your email?

     9:47pm  Man, I've had a productive day today. In the end it was topped off with a very attentive listener, Joey. He's going to tell all his friends.

     10:41pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm at my mom's house right now. Haven't been updating. I got ride home from Joey. He even kicked me down some weed! Lorenzo told me that Joey might be able to give me a ride home and he said sure. First we had to go somewhere to get some weed, then they drove me to my mom's. Oh yeah, when I got home, on the kitchen table was a double-box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, yummy. Thanks, mom. Score! I'm getting all these blessings tonight. Everything is going my way tonight. I should go out walking every day.

                     Tonight has turned out just so grand. Everything went my way. I even got kicked down a little weed for tomorrow. Tomorrow is my rest day. I've been walking for a couple days now. I'm going to be typing tomorrow, and I have weed.

Next day..


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