


San Antonio, TX

Thursday March 24, 2005

     8:35am  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm going to take off walking. I'm going to walk downtown.

     8:37am  Shit, I forgot my bottle. I went back inside. I'm going to take off walking again. I'm going to walk straight downtown. No woods or nothing.

     8:47am  I walked King's Cross all the way to Tezel. Over by the tennis courts and Braun Station Elementary. I figured I didn't want to keep going on the street. I'm going to walk the ditch that comes out on Guilbeau close to Wickersham. Where I talked to all those kids that one day(3-4-05, 5:25pm and 5:37pm).

     8:54am  I decided I'm going to get out of this creek. It's getting too dense. I came out in this neighborhood. Rolling Stone Street.

     9:03am  I walked all the way to the Walmart. I'm going to sit down and take a resin hit.

     9:25am  I am up from my resin hit.

     9:47am  The coolest shit just happened to me right now. I was walking down Eckhert. I had decided to walk Bandera to Eckhert and not take the shortcut through Westchase. I had decided I wanted to walk by that computer shop by Horacio's, where I had talked to this one guy the other day(3-22-05, 11:05am). I was going to stop and tell them, "I know computers pretty good. Do you guys need any temporary labor?" The lady who was there that I talked to ended up being Puertorican! She all invited me inside and showed me around and everything. So umm, hopefully I'm getting a job soon fixing computers. I would love to work there. She told me to come back after two.

                   I randomly walked down Linkhaven Drive, right after the computer shop. I turned right. I'm going to go along this trail behind this house. Turned left on the trail.

     10:00am  I walked this street parallel to Eckhert and I ended up on some street called Linkway. I'm trying to get over by Marshall High School.

                     About to walk in front of John Marshall High School.

     10:06am  Taking a right on Bluebird Lane. I remember this. Bluebird Lane hits Lobo Lane and turns into Bluebird Drive.

                     Cool, I see some chickens running around in this old neighborhood behind Marshall. The frontyard is full of Bluebonnets. It's beautiful.

                     I got to this trail that goes out to Huebner.

     10:13am  Ended up on North Hollow. I'm walking the 610 bus route. I'm going to walk to Eckhert and go say hi to my sister.

                     Not North Hollow, Applegreen. Then the bus turns left on North Hollow up here, I think.

                     Oh yeah, I've never mentioned. That it's getting hot nowadays, so I've been wearing my Natural Balance Hat. I got it at some garage sale in Eugene back in 2003(7-11-03, 1:02pm). I'll put a link.

     10:21am  I walked over to Plaza de Ville to say hi to my sister.

     10:34am  I am leaving Plaza de Ville. Yeah, I told my sister about my computer job. I told her that they're Puertorican. She told me that she had heard that the people who ran that shop were.

                     I'm going down Oakdell Way.

     10:37am  Walking in front of the Oaks of Northgate Apartments. The sign says, "No soliciting, trespassing, peddling, or handbills." What's a handbill? Okay, I looked it up online and a handbill is like a flyer.

                     I'm on Hamilton Wolfe now. Right before Babcock. I've decided I'm going to walk to West Telemarketing by noon. I'll go to The Rocks and see if I can get smoked out.

     10:48am  Now passing Whispering Creek Villas. 5303 Hamilton Wolfe. I used to deliver pizza here.

     10:54am  Turning left on Cinnamon Hill. I'm going to walk past RIOSA, the rehab hospital I was in after my first head injury.

                     All these bastard Kenton houses piss me off. They're all the same. They're little clones. All these sheep herd into them.

                     Ah, I'm not going to go say hi to anybody in RIOSA. It's been like four years since I was there.

                     Oh cool, I've got two dollars. I have a dollar in my wallet I forgot about and a dollar in change. I want to get a joint. Maybe somebody at West will have one.

     11:10am  I'm walking in Silver Creek Apartments over on Gus Eckert and Fredericksburg. I'm going to hunt down people to tell my story to.

                     Now I'm walking through Park Hill Apartments.

                     These aren't Park Hill. These are something else. Park Hill has a Fredericksburg address. These are on Gus Eckert.

                     This place is called Bent Tree, that's right.

     11:25am  I just had an awesome presentation with this one girl Samantha here at Bent Tree. She was a real cute girl. I saw her get out of her car and start climbing the stairs. I called out to her, "Hey, what's up?" She came back down the stairs and she listened to me. She didn't have time for the odyssey. In the end she told me, "I loved everything you said."

     11:38am  I am walking in front of Park Hill Apartments now. Right in front of USAA, my evil arch nemesis.

     11:42am  I'm on Prue now. Just passed Spectrum, which used to be Racquetball and Fitness Club. I'm going to go through the parking lot and walk the trail to the smoking cabana at West. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore.

     11:51am  I went to The Rocks and nobody was there. I walked the trail I cleared to the bus stop. When I got there the 91 was there waiting. The driver was sitting down in one of the passenger seats. I walked around and looked in the window at his transfers to see what the letter of the day was. I walked under the flagpole in the middle of the bus circle and checked my transfer-stash. I only had one with the letter of the day, and it was ten minutes expired. I went back to the bus and asked the driver, "My transfer is ten minutes expired. Can I get on anyway?" He told me okay. I looked at the Transit Master and noticed the driver still had some time left there. I tried to tell him my story. When I asked him what the world's greatest problem was he said, "Oh, the world has lots of problems." I tried getting into it, but he wouldn't listen to me at all. He said, "I gotta make a phonecall and stepped out of the bus." He told me, "You can go ahead and sit down if you want." Haha, I got on with a ten minute late transfer and he wouldn't listen to my story.

                     I had told him, "I'm just testing everybody. I'm seeing who will listen. Ignorance is bliss, I guess."

                     Mr. 2953.

                     When I had told him I was going to get marijuana legalized he said, "Oh, I knew you were up to something."

     12:07pm  Taking off.

                     What a riot. This is hilarious, dude. Mr. 2953 is giving me trouble. When he got back on the bus he all told me to sit down. I told him, "No, I prefer to stand." He asked me how far I was going and I lied to him, telling him I was going all the way downtown. He told me, "When we get to University Hospital the security guard is going to tell you something." I told him, "I'm not doing nuthin' wrong. I've already been through this like three times. Call your supervisor. Let's see what they tell you. Let's see how fast they tell you to do your job. Make sure you tell them my name is Victor." Awesome, awesome. I told him thanks for the publicity. Everything is going my way. I asked the driver, "Have you always been this ignorant?"

                     This should be extremely interesting when we get to the hospital.

                     Haha, I all told him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can."

                     We just pulled into the hospital. Let's see what happens, hehe.

                     He just got off the bus. He's going to go tattle on me. Man, there aren't even any transit cops here. They think they're going to get me off this bus with a piglet security guard chump? I told him, "I'm going to call the real police when he gets on." I hope it's Officer Groves again. That would be so awesome. Man, I thought today was going to be a boring day. I'm going to have an adventure today. I might even end up in jail.

                     This dumb security guard, Chapa got on the bus and threatened to get me off this bus. I laughed in his face and told him, "You think you're going to get me off this bus? Show me your badge, punk." He all pointed to his security guard badge and I gave him the usual, "Okay, now show me something you didn't get out of a Cracker Jack box." I told him, "I just wanted to let you know that I plan to tell the entire world about your little fling with that slut right there."
                     See, a couple weeks ago I ran into this slut on the bus. I tried telling her my story, but her mind was all on sex. She all volunteered the fact that she was boning the security guard who worked at the transit center at the hospital(3-11-05, 8:27pm). She told me, "His name is Chapa, I'm going to see him right now." She said that he was married and wasn't getting enough from his wife. She even told me that she loved sucking dick. Well, since I had this insider information I told Chapa how I was going to tell the whole world. He didn't have much to say after that. I all told him, "Be sure to tell the transit cops my name is Victor." He was all, "Everyone knows who you are, Victor." I smiled and said, "Just like I want them to." That slut girl was right there too visiting her john.

                     If the dumbass bus driver was so concerned about following the rules, his dumbass shouldn't have let me on with a ten minute old transfer.

     12:34pm  I am still standing here on the bus waiting for the transit cops to show up. I pulled out my dismissal form from court from last time that I always carry. It's show-time. The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall.

                     Ha, this dumbass driver is already sixteen minutes late.

     12:48pm  I had enough fun. I said, "Ahh, screw it. I guess I'll get off the bus. I'm supposed to be walking today anyway." I figured I had wasted enough of their time and made it a memorable Victor event. Officers A. Camacho and Hoyas were the two transit pigs that finally showed up.

                     I held that bus up for a long time. This one lady was sitting there telling the driver, "He's not doing nothing wrong. He's behind the yellow line." I had a blast. I'm going to walk to Sage Crossing and see if I can buy two dollars worth of weed off somebody. Then I'm going to catch the bus back to the computer shop and try to be there at two.

     1:03pm  I'm cutting through the Oak Hills Country Club. Walking through the lion's den again. I'm going to walk to Sage Crossing.

                     When Chapa was on the bus threatening me, I should have told all the people on the bus, "You see that little slut out there? She told me she loves to suck it."

                     I'm going to go in Lai Wah's and try to score some food.

     1:12pm  The greedy asses at Lai Wah's told me no.

                   I'm going to hit up Casa Sol.

                   I went in Casa Sol and they told me to come back around 2:30. Right now I just hit Magic. I'm going to walk to the tree. See if I can score some weed for two dollars.

     1:28pm  I came to the tree over at Sage Crossing. There's four other people here just hanging out.

     2:03pm  Jo suggested I read Wild Animus. I'll download it for free.

     3:15pm  See, this other houseless dude that hangs out at the tree Carlos was there. I told him how Casa Sol had told me to come back at 2:30 and asked him if he wanted to go score some free food with me. When we got there, the cashier told me the manager wasn't there. She was a cute girl, so I asked her if I could tell her my story. I did and Carlos tried talking to other people in the place hitting them up for food. We didn't get any, so we walked out. Just then we spot Paul's Pizza Roma across the street. Take it from here, Carlos. Tell them about what just happened right now.

                   Carlos: "We are consistently blessed with food and anything we need as long as we let the wind take us."

                   We scored fat at the pizza place! At first I tried giving the Mexican dude my line, but he wasn't understanding me. Then Carlos cuts in with, "We're traveling and really hungry. We could even clean up the parking lot for you." The guy promptly hooks us up with two big slices each! Score!

     7:42pm  This sucks. I lost my one-hitter and lighter. I'm going to walk home now. I lost my pipe by the tree and it's all dark now and I can't look around.

     7:57pm  I am walking back home now. From 410 and Fredericksburg. I'm going to walk all the way. I've got it in me. I've already walked a lot today already.

                   I stopped at the bus bench in front of Big Apple Bagels, close to Fredericksburg/Wurzbach. I took a layer off. The 91 came and everything and I just gave him the peace sign. I didn't try and get a courtesy ride or anything. I'm going to walk all the way from here.

                   I didn't walk all the way from home. Remember, I walked all the way to West and had that little adventure on the bus at University Hospital. Then I walked to Sage Crossing.

     8:32pm  I walked to Sundance Apartments. I'm going to go see if Kassie is home. If she's there I'm going to tell her, "My contribution is ready," and give her a CD.

     8:40pm  I went to Kassie's and she was home. She accepted my CD. What was weird is that this guy from Pittsburgh was there visiting her. What's weird is that last time I came by, months and months ago, he had been visiting as well. It's just weird how I just got that hair up my ass to walk to Sundance right now and sure enough, Kassie was home.

                   Oh alright, there's kids at the playground. Maybe I'll go tell my story.

                   I am really glad I didn't catch that bus earlier. I had to go to Kassie's and deliver my webpage to her.

     8:57pm  The weirdest thing. I was about to walk right in front of USAA and I saw this kid riding a BMX bike carrying a plastic bag. I gave him the peace sign and say what's up. He yells back, "Long-distance walker!" Everybody knows me!

     9:15pm  I just walked Fredericksburg all the way to Prue.

                   All the Racquetball and Fitness Clubs are now Spectrums.

     9:43pm  I started walking in the West parking lot. I got the idea, see, I have a little chunk of weed left. I wanted to see if anybody had a pipe I could borrow. These two dudes pulled up in the parking lot right when I was about to leave walking. I went up to them and asked me them if they had a pipe. One dude told me to look next to this light post. He had just dropped his one-hitter. I went and looked, but couldn't find it. I walked back to the car and hit them up for my story. I'm telling them my story in front of their car. What were your names again? Gabriel Gomez, just out of the blue reached into his pocket an gave me thirty five cents. I didn't even ask him.

     9:55pm  S62-HCR, Anthony and Gabriel in their Chrysler. I just had me the most awesome presentation right here in the parking lot. They smoked me out and everything. They're going to tell all their friends. That's a great feeling.

                   I'm walking home now. Happy.

                   I have more confirmation of my purpose.

     10:26pm  I'm almost to Babcock. Right when I was walking by Five Star Cleaners, I saw these kids and hit them up for my story. Nick told me, "I've already heard your story. I saw you at Marleyfest a long time ago." I asked him if he had any weed and he's going to smoke a brother out. I appreciate it.

     10:35pm  Right before I got to Babcock I ran into these kids. An eighteen year old and a fourteen year old and a sixteen year old. They told me they were on their way to smoke weed at the Prue Road Bridge. That they were waiting for someone. I went to the Dominos and they didn't have any mistakes. This real cute girl was working. I'm going to walk to the Pizza Hut and see if they hook me up there. Actually, I'll go to the Subway first and see if my friend is working there. I looked to see if those kids were still waiting by the cleaners and I didn't see them. They said they were going to the bridge, so I'm going there to meet them.

     10:38pm  I'm getting hooked up with a salad at the Pizza Hut. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:00pm  I brought this huge salad to the Prue Road Bridge. Those kids are nowhere to be found. Hopefully they'll show up by the time I finish my salad.

     11:10pm  I called that shit! I came down to the creek and sat down and ate my salad thinking they might arrive by the time I finish. I finish my salad, stand up and there's the group of kids advancing towards me. On their way.

     12:00am  I had the most awesome, spectacular presentation underneath the bridge right now. These three kids listened to my story. They're going to tell all their friends. What a good, productive day I've had today.

                     My mom better not bitch when I get home. She probably found the weed plant in the backyard and killed it. She might even kick me out. If she does I'm going to take off traveling.

                     Oh yeah, I don't think I told you. I got to tag Victor the Liberator real big and a peace sign with spray-paint over on the bridge. This dude had brought spray-paint. It's in a perfect spot. People can see it as they walk on the sidewalk. Perfection.

     12:25am  I just popped out of the park on Bandera. In front of the Exxon.

     12:55am  I am coming up on my mom's house.

                     I don't know what time it is, but I got in the shower and took a shower. I'm going to crash out now. I had a good day today. I had a great day.

Next day..

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