

Modesto, CA

Tuesday March 28, 2023

 6:53pm   Today I woke up around nine-thirty.  I left the dishes for my girl since I did them yesterday.  I've just been sitting on my blog and letting it slowly evolve.  I added a longer jokes section.  I still had some saved on one of my free(Obama phone)Androids that I have.  I have two.  

     No sign flying today.  It's going to be raining all day.  What sucks is that a lot of the littering I did yesterday is going to be in vain because all the little papers are getting soaked.  It's okay though because I got tons more.

     I also had the idea to send an email to the people at the Brewster County Jail in Alpine, TX where I was in 2003.  The title was Great Brewster County Jail story and others.  I didn't send it to the chief.  I sent it to the lowest person on the email list, the registrar or something.  I think with that subject they should definitely open it and visit the jail story part of my blog, which greatly improves the chances that they'll read the rest of it too.  I wonder if I'll get a reply back.

Earlier I also made some comments on some Bitchute videos. Serg Mesa in Florida and Steve Vies from Canada.  They both have their own Bitchute channel and I think my blog is right up their alley.

I'll try and copy the posts, at least transcribe them,  

Yesterday I had made this comment on Serg's video:

Oyeme Serg. Soy boricua y tienes que, es imperativo(if that's a word)que veas a mi blog. I think it's right up your alley, bro. Have these jokes dot blog. - Victor Antonio from San Antonio email me please at

He never mailed me so today I left this comment:

El que toca persistentemente termina por entrar.

He who knocks persistently ends by entering.
- Ali

Then I posted a lighthearted joke:

Did you hear the joke about butter?

Well, I'm not going to spread it. 😛

and corrected myself too:

rumor, not joke, my bad

     If I don't get a reply back I'm going to assume he's controlled opposition too.  Who would ignore a comment like that and not take it seriously?

Okay, I just had a brilliant idea, maybe.  Look at the comment I just posted to on Serg Mesa's latest video:

Serg. Let me apologize from the start for sounding crazy but what I have to tell you is going to make your day.
Why haven't you mailed me yet? I'm flabbergasted that I have to beg you, of all people. If you were to read my blog you would realize exactly who I am and my vital role in humanity's awakening. I really appreciate the content of all your videos, but it is now time to only talk about my blog.


My blog will be going systemically viral soon, with or without your help. Si tu eres quien tu dices, if you are who you say you are and truly believe in what you make videos about you need to be collaborating with me.

If I wake up tomorrow and I don't have an email from el cubano con la barba guapa, I am going to assume you are controlled opposition only here to give sheeple the illusion that good things might be coming, when in fact, a worst nightmare is almost here. It's time to implement. With my future loud as fuck voice I'm going to rat you out like the fraud you might be. You better email me.

Be sure to check my daily captain's logs journal entries at the bottom. Thanks for giving me a bitching chapter.

But what I really want to know is...........

- Victor Antonio from San Antonio

10:16pm  Woohoo!  Serg replied!  Check it out:

Victor, if you really think you know me, how you say, then you know I do not acquiesce to threats of any kind and I absolutely refuse to work with anyone who would use such a tactic.

So do your worst, I am not afraid nor intimidated by anyone, I appreciate that you like my content or don't, truly not the way to gain anyones trust or assistance.

Good luck in your endeavors

I posted my reply on the same video:

Serg, hermano. I very sincerely apologize for forcing your reply like that. I guess I was just paranoid that big brother was blocking my stuff somehow, because what I have to say is so important and I hadn't received any word from you. I'm sorry I was impatient and aggressive, but I just had to know. Thanks for taking me seriously. I so hoped you would. But now that you replied so quickly, gives me much renewed faith that you are on the right side. I know you would rather be asleep right now. perdoname, por favor. Please don't let my rude introduction make you lose sight of my blog's potential, I really hope you don't hate me for my making sure you heard me.

More sincere than anything,

Victor Antonio

                                                                                                                                  Next day...

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