


     San Antonio, TX

Wednesday April 7, 2004

     7:13am  I woke up at 6:30, took a shit and got on the computer and checked my email. Nobody sent me anything. I'm going to try and contact Jordan and see if she emails me back.

                   I keep forgetting she's seventeen years old. Nine years younger than me.

     7:55am  I did my stretches and push ups. I've got my hemp beret on today.

     8:02am  I am leaving my mom's. Man, it's a beautiful day. The sun came up. I ate me a big bowl of Total cereal. I did my stretches. I'm wearing my Truth of Consequences tie-dye and my hemp beret. I look all different today. Well, not too different, just variated.

     8:10am  I'm at the Citgo. Going to bum me a cigarette. Then, I'll wait for a bus to pass.

     8:16am  Roberto me dio un cigaro al frente del Citgo. Te lo agradezco, Roberto.

     8:35am  I got off the bus and asked this girl if she could spare a cigarette. She gave me two! Menthols. Ashley. I smoked her out at the bus stop.

     9:17am  Man, I love that Go-Go Hypergrind game in the Walmart. I could play that game for hours. I can't wait to show somebody my videogame pit-stop at the Walmart. I'm good at it, dude. I got a lots of points.

                    I do some really cool tricks.

     9:22am  I tested Mr. Huizar and he passed. He said he'd give me a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just had a badass presentation with Mr. Huizar, the bus driver. I told him all my shit, dude. He nodded his head and up down through the whole thing.

                   Man, I had a good presentation with the bus driver. I got on the 88. It was the only bus there. He was about to take off. I waved at him and he stopped. I got on and asked him for a courtesy ride. He told me yes and I showed him my bus pass and told him, "I was just testing you. You passed." I got off over here on Wurzbach and Evers. I'm going to walk to the Planet K and say hi to my friends there. Ha, they saw me at Marleyfest.

                   JFA-9OE, this car who stopped and let me cross the street. I gave him the peace sign.

     9:25am  I'm going to stop at Tia Loli's and get some water. I'm not even that hungry. Maybe she'll hook me up with a taco anyway.

     9:31am  What was your name again? Stephanie, the manager who gave me an application last time, she hooked me up with a cigarette in Planet K. I appreciate it.

     9:38am  I got the idea, I just walked by a salon. I should tell them what I'm doing and see if they'll give me a courtesy #1 buzz.

                   It's these two Asian girls and they're busy cutting people's hair. I won't be able to talk to them.

                   Oh yeah, I'm really contemplating hitchhiking to Austin to buy my pipe. Did I tell you there was some big investigation and you can't buy any weed supplies anymore?

                   Right when I got to the bus stop, the 534 pulled up.

                   It was awesome, right when I walked up to the stop. I just showed him my pass.

                   I should've asked for a courtesy ride, hehe.

     10:24am  I watered my seed up on the sixth floor of University Hospital. I talked to my buddy Gabe. I talked to some other dude. I forgot his name. I think his name was David. He had a big brace on.

     10:29am  I came back down to the buses.

     10:32am  I came over to the tennis courts over here by the UT Health Science Center. I'm looking for tennis balls. I don't see any anywhere.

                     Right when I walk up I see two tennis balls! Thank you, Love.


     10:40am  Man, I found five tennis balls. Alright! I put them in my bag.

     10:44am  Guess who I just saw here at the bus stop. I saw Kassie. She looked at me and I smiled. We said hello. I was going to start telling her about my Marleyfest experience, but her bus came.

     11:15pm  The bus driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. I'm just testing you. You failed. Hehe, I got a pass.

     11:55pm  I came on the bus and talked to David, who saw me at Marleyfest. He handed me a paper. I was reading this article about all the fighting going on. There's a quote by George Bush that says, "That's what you're seeing going on: these people hate freedom and we love freedom. That's where the clash occurs."

                    That is the biggest bullshit I have ever read. We're not free. Money still controls everything. We love what? We love being controlled? No we don't. That's dumb. We've got a dumb president. Damnit.

                    Oh yeah, there's another quote by some civilian administrator Paul Bremmer who appeared on ABC's Good Morning America that says, "We have problems. There is no hiding that. But basically Iraq is on track to realize the kind of Iraq that Iraqis want and Americans want, which is a democratic Iraq."

                    That's more bullshit. The biggest bullshit in the world.

     12:13pm  Oh yeah, I got on the 92. I got on and this guy started talking to himself. He used to be in the Vietnam War or something. Well, I thought he was talking to me so I go, "What's up, man?" He just looked the other way. This other black dude told me, "Don't mind him, he's just shell-shocked. He always talks to himself." I told him, "People who talk to themselves aren't crazy. They're independent. They don't need anyone else to socialize with. He doesn't bother me." I tell him, "I do it sometimes, but shhh, don't tell anybody."

     12:30pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I just got downtown. I'm going to go to Travis Park and spange me up a hotdog.

                     There might still be some food left at the care center.

     12:40pm  I just got to the church and asked them if they had any food left. They said they're all out, so I'm going to go get some spare change for a hotdog.

                     This girl Mandy came up to me and asked me how it was going. She gave me a hug.

     1:11pm  I just switched out tapes. I'm taping on another one. A blank one. #4.

     1:16pm  Jackson finally gave me a cigarette. Nobody was giving me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. That's very generous of you.

     1:30pm  I came over to the bus stop and lying on the bench was a hard boiled egg waiting for me. Wow. Kickass. I'm hungry.

     1:34pm  Michael hooked me up with a cigarette here in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Praise Love.

     1:42pm  Oh yeah, I'm on the bus to, I'm going to SAC.

     1:50pm  I got off at Cypress and San Pedro. I'm walking to SAC.

                   The simple fact that I find spare tennis balls at tennis courts on the other side of the fences, it not only supports the fact that nobody is perfect, because they're hitting the balls out of the court, but it also shows how people are lazy, too. Because they don't go get the balls.

                   We live in a throw-away society, remember?

     2:00pm  I'm walking through SAC right now. All these people recognize me. I just ran into Monica. She gave me a quarter and Now and Later at Marleyfest(4-4-04, 11:12am). I'm just having a good time.

                   Good things are happening. It's going to happen soon.

     4:37pm  I got fed up in the library. I lost a lot of my stuff. I had clicked on Save Draft and it said Unable to Connect to Server. When I hit the back button, all my loggings were gone. I'm at SAC and everybody's recognizing me. I'm going to see if I can bum a cigarette. I'm going to go to Travis Park and get spare change for a hotdog.

     4:42pm  This kid just gave me this flyer for Cafe Revolucion 527 El Paso and South Frio. Three blocks South of UTSA downtown campus. It's a cool coffee shop. They've got slam poetry and stuff. I told the guy who gave me the flyer, "Thanks for the destination. I'll be there."

                    ¡Viva la revolucion!

                    I told some guy, "Hey man, do you have a free cigarette?" He told me, "You're the guy who doesn't believe in cars, right?" He said, "How do you think we get our fruit?"

     4:55pm  I asked Mr. 6269 if I could get a courtesy ride and he said, "Sure, hop on." I pulled my pass out and said, "I was just testing you. You passed."

     5:03pm  I had a good presentation on the bus with this security lady. She wouldn't listen to me one bit. The second I started saying anything she was all, "You need Jesus, you need Jesus." I told her, "Well, if you'd listen to me I can tell you another way." She's just proving me right every single step of the way, man. So many people are.

                   I have all these ignorant people tied around my little finger doing exactly what I want them to.

                   She all said, "I bet I have more money than you do." I told her that didn't mean a damn thing.

     5:15pm  I saw Phase at Travis Park and I told him, "Let's go to Sally's." The Salvation Army. I have never been there. All these years I have been in San Antonio I have yet to go to The Salvation Army downtown. I'm going to check out the homeless resources here. I can't believe I've never been to this place. I'm hungry too. Nobody gave me any spare change for a hotdog.

     5:25pm  I just walked into the Salvation Army. Everybody is in line waiting to eat. I wish I had some pictures. I wish I had my camera.

     6:20pm  I rode the 22 from Salvation Army to Navarro. I was going to walk to Travis Park, but I jumped on the 92 already. I'm going to go try and get in my mom's house. My feet hurt so I don't want to walk the seven miles home from West. I gotta be at the hospital by 7:15.

                   Hmm, maybe I can catch a ride from somebody in the parking lot at West. Yeah, maybe that's what I'll do.

                   I'm going back to Travis Park and smoke.

                   Joe hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:37pm  Chavez hooked me up with a cigarette. He listened to me, dude. I gave him a hit of weed.

     7:15pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library at SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He even gave me another cigarette for the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:42pm  I jumped on the #4 bus when it came in front of SAC. This guy with long hair saw me and said, "Hey man, I know you!" I asked him, "Where did we meet before?" He told me in front of The White Rabbit. The other night when I walked by(3-20-04). I told him how I'm famous. I'm sitting here talking into my recorder and everyone thinks I'm crazy, teehee.

                   Man, I'm going to save the world.

     8:38pm  Dude, I just had the most coolest experience with this girl on the bus. She was all smiling at me. She told her friend, "You gotta listen to this guy. He's amazing."

                    I'm over here by San Pedro and Hildebrand.

     8:44pm  Carlos hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Walgreen's

                   That girl before told me, "Man, I'm going to tell all my friends about you." She said, "Well, what is it you want from me for your cause?" I told her, "I just want you to know." She was shocked, "Oh my God." I told her, "I am doing this for free. I just want you to know." She said, "Oh, so I can tell my friends about it." I went, "Exactly!"

     9:02pm  I walked Hildebrand all the way to Blanco. I'm going to go take a piss at the Chevron.

     9:45pm  I'm sitting here over on Blanco. I'm going to go ask this cop for courtesy ride in front of La Canasta Restaurant.

                   The cop told me sorry. I told him thanks anyway.

                   I had my weed bandana showing and everything, hehe. Fuck the system.

                   I'm going to go in the Little Caesar's on Basse and go see if they have any mistakes.

     9:47pm  The pretty girl told me no.

                   Cool, I see the bus coming. I'm a bit past Basse by the O'Reilly Auto Parts.

     10:01pm  I am at North Star Mall. I'm waiting for the 534. I'm going to bum a cigarette.

     10:15pm  Melissa is hooking me up with a cigarette here at North Star Mall. I appreciate it, sister.

                     Badass, she said, "Oh, you can have two then." Awesome

                     I said I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it.

     10:29pm  Nicole hooked me up with two cigarettes after listening to my story.

     11:27pm  I am actually out here still at North Star. I'm pretty sure the buses stopped passing. This girl Nicole, guess where she lives. When I had first seen her she said, "Hey, I know you. You hung out over by that girl Kassie's apartment." She ended up living right next to Kassie! We both missed the last bus so she's calling her mom to see if she can get a ride. And I'm going to get a ride at least to Wurzbach, where she lives. I was thinking about going and paying Kassie a visit, if the lights are on. Ahh, I'll just take off walking.

     12:32am  The night turned out pretty good. I ended up at North Star and no more 534's were running. This girl that was waiting for the 534 too called her mom. This girl ended up living right next to Kassie! I thought I came here for a reason, so I went over to Kassie's apartment. At her door I whispered, "Hello, anybody awake? It's just weird how I ended up here. I just wanted to say hi. Goodbye." I just took off. Oh yeah, I got smoked out.

     12:50am  I am walking down Fredericksburg. I'm going to walk all the way to Jim's on Huebner. Then I'll walk the seven miles home to my mom's house after Jim's. I'll smoke some cigarettes and tell some stories.

                    Oh yeah, and I'm walking here in front of USAA. I just found a blank CDR on the ground. It doesn't have a title on it. It might be something important I was meant to find. I picked it up and I'm going to save it and look at it on my mom's computer when I get home eventually tonight. I'm going to walk all the way home, man. From Kassie's apartments it's like a ten mile long walk home.

                    I just love these shoes, man. With them I just can't stop walking. 

     1:03am  I got the Jack in the Box at Huebner and Fredericksburg. I'm going to try and get me some spare change for a Jumbo Jack.

     1:10am  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the gas station here. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     1:17am  Nobody is giving me change for a Jumbo Jack.

                   I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it. Rich hooked me up with some change for a Jumbo Jack for my walk home. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Ha, they all think I'm crazy, haha.

     1:28am  I was just standing here trying to round up a dollar for a Jumbo Jack for the walk home. This guy in a Suburban calls me over. He says, "Hey wise man, you want an Orange Crush?" I tell him, "Sure brother, why not." He just offered it. I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it.

                  That's so awesome. I was just standing there waiting for people to come out so I could ask for spare change for a Jumbo Jack. This guy saw me pacing back and forth in front of his Suburban. He goes, "Hey wise man, want an Orange Crush?" He hooks me up with a soda! I need a cigarette now.

     1:34pm  I asked these kids and they didn't have change either. Damnit, oh well.

                  I think they were lying.

                  Dude, they had just bought food at Jack in the Box. Of course they had change.

     1:48pm  Score! That dude who hooked me up with a cigarette, who works at the Shell here, he finally came out and told me, "Victor, here's a $1.07. The Jack in the Box people said you couldn't be out there soliciting. I told him, "They can call the cops, I don't care." He said, "I don't want to see you go to jail." I told him, "They'd probably give me some food in jail, hehe." He came out and hooked me up. He said, "I don't want to see you go to jail."

     1:56pm  I'm going to walk Huebner up to I10 to the Exxon. I'll bum a cigarette there and then go hang out at the Jim's. I'll get free coffee.

     2:02pm  His name is Brother. Brother, the Krispy Kreme guy just showed up at the Exxon to switch out the donuts. They were pulling a lot out and I asked, "Hey, are those old? Can I have one?" He let me take a handful. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:41pm  I came to West. I heard people talking shit. These security guards, they're all chilling over here. I go up to them and ask, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" Do you remember when I met those kids at Sundance Apartments, where Katie lives and told them my story(3-16-04, 9:42pm)? They had told me that their dad worked at West. I told her, "He probably knows me. Everybody knows me at West." And he was the security guard that came up to me that one night and surprised me by being all nice and not running me off(3-24-04, 1:02am).
                  Anyway, when I go hit them up for my story one says, "Your Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I already know who you are." Then I point to this female security guard and say, "I want to tell her my story." He tells me, "I've already told her your story." I say, "Oh cool, saves me the trouble. Thanks. Just in case."

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. They were cleaning the rugs at Jim's so I just came straight to West.

     3:12pm  I'm starting to walk Prue Road all the way to Babcock. Let's see if I can get a cigarette at the Diamond Shamrock.

     3:21pm  I walked down Prue all the way to Spring Time. I'm going to walk to Carlos' and see if there are any lights on. If there are I'm going to go see if I can crash over there. If not, I'm going to walk home.

     3:35am  I got to Carlos' house. I think I'm going to crash out on his back porch. Layer up and crash out.

Next day..

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