


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday April 8, 2003

IM with Sk8terchiklet
IM with Bbchampz
IM with Bounty kiIla
IM with IllIll huk
IM with N 62
IM with Smelly KeIIy

Email with Jstluv18  

                     It's ten thirty six in the morning and I just woke up. I crashed out bored last night at around three. Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I'm out of weed today so I think I'll just ride the bus around and see who smokes me out.

                     Okay, the time is now twelve sixteen. I just had a wonderful idea. I searched Google for "Hays." I was going to see if I could find any email addresses to send my story to. Cha-ching. First webpage in the list was: From this one I was linked to:


                     Check out their mission statement:

"Mission Statement

     The Hays County Victim Services Program is a victim-centered organization dedicated to assisting people who have been affected by all crimes. Victim Services Advocates work closely with law enforcement and social service agencies to provide victims with information regarding their rights, needs, follow-ups, referrals, and services. All of these services work together to empower our victims to take back the control of their life."

     From there I got two email addresses. I sent my journal entries, only to get this reply:

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

                     I call them and tell them their email addresses are bad and they should update their site. This very pleasant girl Megan tells me to try the following address:

                     I accidentally lost the place where I typed the address Megan gave me, so I called her back and she gave it to me again. I tell her she's been a lot of help and hang up.

                     Okay, it's twelve fifty seven. I checked my mail and got the same error message:

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

                     I ring up Megan again and when she answers I say, "Hey Megan, 'ol buddy 'ol pal 'o mine." She immediately recognizes me and laughs. I tell her how I got the same error message on the address she gave me. She asks me for my phone number and says she will try to get one that works. I tell her thanks and say, "Remember Megan, I'm the Victor not the Victim, hehe," and tell her bye.

                     Hmm, I want to get on AOL but I don't have any stolen accounts. All I need is to go to private room: phishy and IM every person with, "got a phish or two you can spare?" Someone always hooks me up. See, generosity even exists in cyberspace. Doesn't hurt to ask. I love winning number's game. I called Carlos but no one was home. Hmm, who else can I call? Maybe I can call Bob's mom and ask her if she has a sub account I could hop on for a little bit. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

                     I called Mrs. Klein and she asked who it was. I told her Victor, but she didn't believe me. I was all, "Okay, you tell me who I am." She laughed and I went, "You know, Victor, California-Victor." She said, "Ohhhh Victor! How are you doing?!" I smiled and told her I was still the happiest man in the world. I told her that I needed to jump on AOL real quick so I could get someone to hook me up with a stolen account. She told me she didn't have AOL anymore because they killed her account because Bob had sent some threatening emails. I ask her if she liked AOL? She said, "No way, it sucks. It takes forever to get on. It's slow." I asked her if she didn't have to pay for it, would she still use it. She replied, "No way, I got Roadrunner now and it's a lot faster." I told her how she could connect to AOL through her Roadrunner connection via TCP/IP. I explained that AOL can take a "piggy-back" ride on her cable connection and that she could just jump right onto AOL. That she wouldn't have to wait to dial. She said, "Oh, I never knew that. Well sure, if it's for free." I told her how I just make sub accounts off of other people's accounts. And how I take the risk of the account dying when people try to get on and I'm on their account. All they have to do is call the 1-800 number that pops up, verify their billing information and AOL resets the password on the account, giving the rightful owner the correct password. Now, how much does that cost AOL? You see, no one will ever get busted for stealing AOL accounts. It would cost more money to have to deal with it.
                     Anyway, I told Bob's mom that as soon as I get some more accounts I would gladly make her whatever screen name she wants.

                     Oh yeah, I was able to scrape up a good resin hit. Before I took the hit I was all blah. But, now that I'm a little stoned, my mind has opened and I'm typing stuff. Man, I wish I had twenty dollars for some more weed.

                     Sweet. It's one twenty six now and Megan called me. She told me that she couldn't find an email address but told me I could email, some guy's address that was there and he would print it out. Badass, that's exactly what I did. I hope I get a response real soon.

                     Okay, it's one thirty nine now and I called Bob's. I thought maybe Carlos will let me on his AOL account real quick so I can ask for some phish. Bob told me he was on the other line with his mom right then. I asked him if she told him I called her and he said yeah and that he would call me right back. I hung up. Damn, I want a cigarette. Maybe I'll walk over to Bob's.

                     Okay, the time is now one fifty eight. I found the best thing to do. See, I had backed up my two Hotmail accounts and For each address I went through and copied the message and put it in two folders, Inbox and Drafts(I always put my sent messages in Drafts so they don't get deleted in thirty days.) There were two subdirectories for each Hotmail account on my hard drive.
                     In each subdirectory there were all my mails in text files. I would copy the email address of the sender and name the text file that, along with mmddyy after the address. So I had a big bunch of text files listed alphabetically instead of chronologically. I could have just gone through and had the mmddyy be in front of the address and it would've sorted just fine, but in Drafts and Inbox I made two more directories, 2002 and 2003. In each one I created folders and made subdirectories in them named the month. Then, I looked through the big list of text files. I held down Ctrl and keyed downwards. When you hold down Ctrl is just moves the focus, doesn't highlight the file(like holding down Shift does.) When you hit spacebar it'll highlight the fileand put the focus(little dotted lines)on it. Anyway, I scrolled through the file names and selected all the 2002 files, hit Ctrl+X to cut them, moved to the 2002 folder, hit Ctrl+V to paste them. Then, I put the files in their corresponding monthly folder. Well it's 2:08pm and I'm going to finish doing that.

                     Yay, it's two ten and I'm going to go ahead and switch all the dates in front of the email addresses so they will be in the right sort-order. Cool. This is how I do it. This is all in Windows Explorer. The keyboard shortcut to Windows Explorer is Windows Logo key(in between left-Ctrl and Alt) and E for Explorer. Windows key+E.

- If I hit F2 with a file highlighted, it makes it where you can edit the name, with all text highlighted
- I go over each file and hit F2
- Hit End to put the blinking cursor at the end
- Hold down Ctrl and Shift and hit the left arrow which highlights all the characters up to a space.
- hit Ctrl+X to cut
- hit Home to move the cursor to the front
- Ctrl+V to paste
- Enter to accept

                     Tada! Now I'm going to finish up.

                     Okay, the time is now four fifty one. Wow, my stuff is so organized. I am so proud. Oh yeah, this dude from AOL, Scott, called(sn: SublimeBillaBong). He wants to meet up today and hang out. He's got some bud too. I'm going to walk down to the store and wait for him. Right after I eat some bread with peanut butter. Peace

                     I didn't take my nature trail to the store this time. I walked straight there. I figure if I hustle I can make the rendezvous on time. I was about five minutes away from the store when I saw the bus. I waved and gestured for him to stop. I get on and say, "Hey, I'm only like three blocks away from the grocery store. Can I score a courtesy ride there?" The driver waved me on. Cool. I was hoping Scott would be on that bus but no such luck. Scott should have been on that bus. Since he wasn't I had to wait another hour. I scanned the area for smokers. Didn't see one. I was just walking around trying to kill time. I was over by the tables by the Coke machines by the big field. Just then I see this lady come out towards me that I recognize. She smiled and walked past me to the side of the store to smoke a cigarette. I had recalled asking her for one in the past and her saying she didn't have any. Well, this time I was sure to get a look at her nametag(I forgot her name right now). I leaned around the wall and asked her, "Hello [name]. I don't suppose you could spare a cigarette?" She smiled and told me that she always leaves them inside, but that she would give me one when she finished hers and went back to work. She told me to go into the bakery and look for her. I smiled and thanked her telling her, "When I have them I give them and when I need one I bum one. I support the scene just like you do. I know what's it's like to be addicted." I walked around a little more until I noticed she wasn't outside anymore. I walked in and headed for the bakery. She saw me walking up and grabbed her purse. She gave me a cigarette and I smiled and thanked her.
                     I exited the store and walked back to the tables to sit down and smoke. I hadn't lit it yet. Shortly after I sat down, I spot two employees walking towards me. They came up to me and told me that I had to leave. I asked why and they said they were getting complaints from customers about me. I said, "Exactly what kinds of complaints? I haven't done anything wrong!?" He didn't answer the question just saying, "You have to leave." I told him, "Well why don't you tell me why I have to leave." He said that I was bothering customers for change and cigarettes. That I was going in the store and disrupting people. I was totally thrown. I never spange unless I'm flying my sign in Berkeley, damnit. I don't believe in money remember. I told him I was waiting for the bus and, "Listen, the only reason I went in your store right now was to get a cigarette the lady from the bakery agreed to give me." He said he was going to talk to her. I gave him the 'ol line, "When I give people the chance to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision. I'm not twisting people's arms. I give people the chance to feel good about themselves. What could possibly be wrong with that?" He wouldn't answer me and just told me to get out of there. As he was walking off, I said, "I guess I'm staying." He turned around and said, "Excuse me?" I repeated myself and he said, "If you don't, I'll call the police." I told him to go right ahead and do so, that I hadn't done anything wrong. Last time I checked his store was still a public place, especially outside of the store.

                     So, fifty of the hour finally came around and I went over to the buses. Now, I didn't really remember this guy Scott. I knew he was on AOL and his screen name was Sublime Billabong. When the 622 pulled up this dude got out and it looked like he was walking towards me. I assumed it was Scott and slapped him some skin. I told him, "Let's jump on the 605 and go to OP Schnabel." Dude, this guy had a walking stick and everything but he was more of a bum than an independence junkie like me, though. He said things like, "I only play things by ear," and, "I wonder how long it would take me to walk to Corpus, hmm." To tell you the truth, I think he was trying to impress me or something. He was just another no-life AOLer. We were meeting on the pretense that he was going to smoke me out. Then he asks me, "Got any buds?" I tell him no, that wasn't he supposed to bring some. Shit, I should have just gone home. We jumped on the 605 and I got another courtesy ride to Braun Road by the entrance to the park. We both smoked cigarettes so before we went in the park I suggested we bum a couple cigarettes from the gas station across the street. We walked across the street and scored a couple cigarettes. I had already bummed one and put it behind my ear. Then this dude pulls up in a car and Scott asks him for a cigarette. He tells him that's what he's there to buy and when he came out he would hook Scott up. This dude came out with a pack of Camels and gave both of us a cigarette. Scott immediately lit his and I told him, "Dude, you should've saved that for when we go in the woods." He said, "Fuck waiting." I told him he should smoke on a reward-basis, only after a long walk. I grabbed a couple long butts out of the ashtray and put them in my pocket. Waste not, want not. I was going to save 'em for later when we were in the park. We jumped across the street and entered the woods. We walked to the pavilion first so I could refill my water bottle. From there I hit a trail and Scott followed me the best he could. Scott walked damn slow I had noticed. When I eventually got to my hideout Scott was impressed with the view on the side of the cliff. I climbed up into the tree and told him, "You ain't seen nothing yet." I told him to climb up too. He was a little clumsy getting up but when he was finally up on the platform he turned around and saw the view. "Whoa, this is badass," he said.

                     On the platform in the tree, I tried getting into one of my stories but Scott wasn't a good listener. He kept interrupting me and I just stopped trying. Shit, I didn't want this guy to know where my hideout was. Well anyway, we climbed down. He told me he lives in Parkwood with his mother. Oh yeah he's twenty one. I told him Parkwood was very accessible from the woods we were in. I thought maybe I would tell him I had to go or something, but he suggested we go to his friends house and that she would have some bud, that she had scored a QP yesterday. So we end up walking for a while into Parkwood. His friend lived near the rear of the neighborhood. We walked a little way and all of a sudden I spotted the 622 heading towards us. We run to the sidewalk and the driver stops. Scott gets on and shows him his pass and I ask the drive, Mr. Palacios for a ride just down the street. He says, "Why didn't you buy your bus pass like you said you were going to?" I told him I had to use the money for something else(bullshit). At first he wouldn't let me on and I told him okay, that I would walk. He finally just said to get on. Scott and I rode for about five blocks then got off and walked towards his friend's house. His friend lived on some awesome property in the back. He knocked on the door but no one was home so we started walking back. Scott and I walked to his mom's house. It was already getting dark. Scott told me that his mom kicked him out of the house earlier yesterday and that he might crash at my hideout in the woods. He was just going to his mom's to use the phone. He told me that some chick from AOL in Corpus Christi offered to come pick him up, so he was going to call her. Dude, if this chick would she'd be in for a surprise. So, as to not piss his mom off I stayed outside. He came out with a cordless phone and was calling people asking them to smoke him out. I borrowed the phone and called Carlos' and asked him if Bob was home and he said that he was at his parent's house because his dad was about to go into the hospital for a quintuplet bypass. Damn, that's serious. I told Carlos I was nearby and if it would be okay to stop by later. Carlos told me not tonight that he was already going to crash. I guess I'll just stay up all night again until the buses run, or I could just walk all the way home or something. Scott then came outside with five bucks. His mom gave them to him and he was going to buy cigarettes and give his mom a couple.
                     We walked to the store, he bought a pack of Marlboro lights and we smoked one outside the store. We walked back to his mom's and he went inside. He came out and asked me, "Are you hungry?" I told him I could always eat, that I walked for a living, so he went and made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Mmm, it was good. Anyway, he came outside and called some people asking if they'll smoke him out. His friend Sean said he would. Sean lived close to 1604 on Babcock at some apartments. It was a good walk but we finally made it to Sean's house. I forgot the name of the apartments but we went inside and Sean and his mother were hanging out watching TV. I graciously accepted two hits and was happy. I walked up to Sean's mother and asked her, "Would you have the patience to let me tell you the most interesting story you will ever hear?" She gave me a funny look and told me to tell her. I jumped right into my stuff. Not too long that I started Scott makes a phone call. He tells me, "Here, someone wants to talk to you." I ask him who and he says, "Do you know Reba?" I knew Reba from AOL. She met me one time at Baker Street Pub(12-4-02) on Wurzbach and sold me a sack of weed. Reba asked me where I had been and I told her I just got out of jail. I was all stoned and jumped right into the story. I got a little carried away and was talking too loud. I figured everyone would want to hear my story.
                     Shortly after I noticed everyone else in the room was getting a little mad at me. Sean's mother turned up the TV and Scott was telling me to just send Reba the email. I was really stoned and having trouble remembering the full story, so I took Scott's recommendation and told Reba I would send her the email. Total party foux-pas(or however you spell it). I apologized to everyone there about my outburst. They all thought I was crazy(just like I want them to). Scott then tells me that Reba's boyfriend Sean was going to come pick him up, but that there wouldn't be enough room for me in the car. I told Scott that I didn't care about comfort, that I would squeeze in if I had to. Then Scott makes some other bullshit up about not being able to take other people to the place we were going. Dude, this guy is dumb. He should have just told me the truth about how he thought I was crazy and I would be cramping their style. But no, everyone has to lie.
                     I asked them I could be taken to my mom's house then, or any closer to it. That I would walk four or five miles if I had to. Scott calls his friend up and tells me okay. So we left. On the way out I tell Sean's mom, "Once again, I apologize. I over-did it. I'll take it as the learning experience it was. Wouldn't you be this crazy if you knew you were going to do it?" and left. Scott and I walk all the way down to UTSA Boulevard. Scott tells me that he called Reba's boyfriend Sean, whom I talked to on AOL before. His screen name is Seanmbd420 or something. We chilled out at the Texaco. This carful of girls pulled up in a white car and when they got out I asked them if they had a spare cigarette. This bitch looked at me and asked, "Why don't you have cigarettes?" I told her, "Because I have no money." She said, "That's really too bad." I went off telling her my reasoning and she and her friends got in their car and left. I should have pulled out my pocket-calendar and wrote down her license telling her, "I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world would read soon and you just made yourself look like shit. Go ahead, get in your death machine and drive away. You lazy ass." Next time I'll do that, hehe.
                     Okay, I was guessing I was about ten miles from my mom's house. Thing is, that I had already called my mom from Scott mom's house to tell her I wasn't coming home tonight. So, I could assume that she had put the chain on the door. I broke my key in the lock yesterday so I didn't have a key. It was a bit chilly and I didn't know what to do. Scott had said his other friend Sean was going to pick him up, or at least that he should.
                     At eleven fifteen I saw a Papa John's car pull up to the intersection. I ran up to the car and got the driver's attention right before he took off. I told him, "I don't suppose I can score a courtesy-ride back to the Papa John's and I can walk home from there." He looked at me and asked me, "Didn't you used to be a driver?" I told him, "Yeah, for two years in Medical Center." He recognized me and cleared his seat off and let me get in. I gave Scott the peace sign and busted that joint. Man, I felt so lucky. Like right when I needed it, I was taken away. The driver's name was Raymond. I told him my stuff and he seemed very interested. He went to these apartments and made his delivery and then headed back to the store on Prue and Babcock. Right before he got in the parking lot he pulled over and let me out of the car. I asked him if he thought they would let me use the phone inside. He said they had gotten really strict about that and that the doors were locked anyway. So, I walked across the street to the gas station. I went inside and filled my water bottle. Hmm, I wrote down the email address in my pocket calendar and now I'm having trouble remembering who's it was now. Oh yeah, I think I remember now. I had gone in somewhere and asked to borrow the phone only to be told there was a payphone outside. It was some restaurant and the guy in line overheard me asking and gave me fifty cents, just like that. Maybe that's who's email that was. I'm not sure.
                     I called my mom. It rang like four times with no answer. I hung up so I wouldn't lose my change when the answering machine came on. I figured she was asleep, but needed to wake her up to tell her to take the chain off the door. I called again and she woke up and answered. I told her, "I am so sorry to wake you up mom. I ended up back over here by Prue and Babcock. Carlos told me I couldn't go to his house."
                     After I left the gas station, I spotted this black dude walking by and I told him, "Would you have the patience to hear the most interesting story you will ever hear?" I immediately caught his interest and he heard me out. I had him laughing with joy. His name was Nayya. He told me, "Wow, that's incredible. I agree with most of what you say, but I can't agree with all of it." I told him that I didn't expect everyone to. That it's not that I want to make everybody be like me(actually, I do. I want everyone to be happy), but have the freedom to be themselves. This world would be damn boring if everyone was like me. I walked with him in front of his apartments and he slapped me some skin, gave me a hug and wished me luck on my mission. That was around midnight.
                     I walked down Prue until I got to the bridge where I could hop on a trail and go into the woods. It was twelve twenty and I wasn't tired at all since I slept late today. I decided I was going to go exploring. I walked through this big "hallway" of trees and when I emerged the beautiful night sky just opened up in front of me. The bright moon was directly in front of me and I just stared at the sky in awe. There is very little that is more beautiful than that. I was walking around the trails where people ride dirt bikes. There is this steep hill and I decided I would go to the top to see what was up there. I slowly walked up the sandy hill. My boots were gripping good but once in a while they would slip and I would almost fall. When I finally got to the top there was nothing special up there, so I went back down the hill. That was at twelve twenty five. I walked through these big fields heading in the opposite direction of Prue Road. I had been coming to this park since I was a little kid, but lately I had only explored the area near my hideout. There was so much more though. I didn't care where I ended up, I wasn't tired at all. I thought it would be really cool if I meet someone out here in the woods after midnight. If I did there would be some reason for it. I walked towards the cliff and got on this trail I didn't remember ever going on. I walked through the trail for a while until I got to this awesome rock slope on the side of the cliff. The time was twelve thirty six. I set my destination, the top. I just started climbing the rocks the whole time holding onto my water bottle. It was tough and I almost lost my balance a couple times and fell, but damnit, I made it to the top. I felt very accomplished.
                     At around twelve forty I heard these wolves howling. It was awesome. I walked around getting lost in the trails. At one I heard this rustling in the bushes nearby. It was loud rustling and I figured it was a big animal or something. I was still a little stoned and I say, "Hark, who goes there? I come in peace." The rustling seemed to get closer to me. I just sat down with my water and rested. I wrote down another quote in my calendar, "Kids have always known better. It's just evolution." I walked around some more and eventually ended up in this neighborhood that bordered the park on one side. I walked through the neighborhood and down Bandera heading towards Guilbeau. I was a little hungry and I hoped the Taco Cabana was still open. When I walked close to it I saw someone inside. I walked up to the front door, but it was locked. Damn. I walked around the drive-through towards the Citgo gas station. There was a car in the drive-though and a couple ladies working. I went to the Citgo gas station hoping to find a cigarette on the ground or something. Whatta ya know, groundscore! I totally called that. Wow, I never get stuff when I expect it. Cool. I smoked the cigarette waiting for the car to leave. When he finally did I walked up to the window but the ladies inside refused to open it. I took off down the parking lot towards the grocery store. Just then, I heard music and saw a lot of cars parked in front of the London Sub and Pub. Cool, a bar. I walked inside and asked the lady behind the counter if I could get a refill on my water bottle. She smiled and said sure. I put my bottle down on the counter and turned around to see and cheer for the person doing karaoke. After a couple minutes, I turn around only to find my bottle missing. I figured the lady had taken it and was going to refill it for me. Just then, she leans over and tells me that her manager said I had to buy something or leave. I ask her what did she do with my water bottle and she told me she threw it away. She said that it was against TABC rules to have an open container where they serve alcohol. Damned alcoholics and money. Damn them all to hell. I left at one fifty.
                     I walked all the way home from there. I came in and started this entry. I got tired and just crashed out. Okay, so that's what happened today.

Next day..

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