

                                                                                             San Luis Obispo to Morro Bay, CA

Tuesday April 14, 2009

     7:25am  I just woke up. I got 7.33 hours of sleep.
                   I'm going to do whatever sewing projects I have to do at Prado this morning. I'm not going to get on the computer. My work is done there. I want to skip town today. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll ride the bus to Morro Bay. I'm walking to Prado now. I'm leaving late.

     7:42am  I gave my good friend Andria my silk rainbow beanie.  It clashes with my scarf and doesn't keep my head that warm.

     11:57am  I am leaving from Prado on the bus. I'm going to go to the Mac store and check my email and use the phone to call my mom and see about her surgery. I might spare change for bus fare to Morro Bay. I want to go to San Jose again. I shouldn't have a warrant there. I still have lots of time. I have to call the San Jose cops too about my ticket.

                   I'll go back to Morro Bay and I'll hopefully run into that architect guy who smoked me out last time.

                   The wind today has been crazy. A bus driver said they were ninety mile per hour today. Wish I had a kite. I was looking at a buzzard just staying in one spot dodging the wind. Yeah, at Prado when I left and was waiting for the bus I was rehearsing my solicitation for a courtesy ride. I would tell the driver, "Today is my last day in SLO, never to return..." I didn't have to practice because the nice Mexican lady was driving and she has always hooked me up. Mexicans have my back.
                   I didn't do any sewing projects like I had planned to do. I was going to sew my Thank You For Pot Smoking patch on my bag. I cut it out. Oh yeah, now that I know how to sew buttons I sewed one on my camo cargo shorts. They already have a snap closure, but it snaps open all the time, so I sewed a button right next to it, to reinforce it. Hopefully it will help. At least they will stay buttoned when the snap gives and it will be easier to close the snap too. I'll take pictures.

                   I just got off on Marsh. I'm going to walk to the Mac store. I'll call my mom and stuff.

     2:52pm  June 30 is my new date for my ticket in San Jose. I don't have to worry about it for a while. I can take my time. I'll be out of the state before they can take me to jail. It got real windy outside. I'm going to spare change for bus fare to Morro Bay.

     3:02pm  Mike gave me some change for bus fare. I appreciate it, Mike. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     3:29pm  RJ hooked me up with a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, RJ. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:12pm  James just hooked me up with some change. Check out the website.

     4:22pm  Rick and Connie hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys.

     4:32pm  Sherre just volunteered me five dollars! I appreciate it, Sherre. That's bus fare to Morro Bay. Everybody gets credit.

                   I should make an update. I came over to the Mission Park looking for some weed. I was at the gazebo and this pretty gutter punk girl had a laptop. They had wireless right there, so I showed them all the leaf blower video. They loved it. Josh, all of a sudden comes up and offers to smoke me out! Thank bro, for the cause.

     5:08pm  It's so cool I got smoked out. I bought me a nickel sack of weed. I am all out of money, so I'm counting on a courtesy ride. Last bus to Morro Bay leaves at eight thirty. I guess I'll go up the 1 again.

     5:58pm  Tyler gave me a cigarette at the bus stop.

                   It's about time I made an update. I smoked some weed with some kids, but they said we had to walk to Scolari's far away. I don't mind the walk so we went. We came behind the Right Aid and smoked weed in the woods by the creek. There were other homebums there and they asked us if we had any heroin. Bums. When we were leaving we found the weed guy and we bought some more weed. So I spent all my money. See, I had let the pretty tomboy gutterpunk girl borrow my hoodie. She gave it back to me when we were smoking in the woods and when we left I just draped it over my pack and started walking into town. I was all the way to the bus stop downtown when I noticed it missing. So backtracking I go. I'm thinking it probably fell off in the woods, but I just found it again on the sidewalk by Santa Rosa and Marsh. I'm going to sit down here and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed, hell yeah.

                   I never told you but some guy gave me a beanie at Prado the other day. I gave my silk one away to Andria at Prado. It looked great on her. It was a cool beanie, but it kind of clashed with my rainbow scarf.

                   Oh yeah, some girl emailed me a picture she took of us at the farmer's market. Oh yeah, when I was searching for my hoodie I walked by some old dude and offered him my website. He said, "You don't rememember me? You lived next to us." On Peach Street, I asked him and he said yeah. I told him that since then I walked all the way to Cambria, went to Big Sur, Carmel, Monterey, San Francisco, San Jose and back down to SLO.

                   It's about time I made another entry. I walked all the way back to the transit center. The bus comes at 8:33pm and gets to Morro Bay at 9:13pm. I came to Higuera to spare change for bus fare.

     7:28pm  Marina was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, Marina.

     7:45pm  Homeless Pete just gave me some change. I appreciate it, Pete. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     8:00pm  Tim Hale, he listened to my story. He's got a backpack on and is traveling with a dog. A very obedient dog, I've noticed. He just sat down by the wall silently while Tim listened to my story. He's got a poem.

                   Tim: "This is a poem I just finished and hope I remember it. It's about when I was homeless in Seattle. It's called The Kinship of Homeless.

"I slept between boats, made money off poems,
That summer in Seattle, I never worked alone.
I hung with the homeless, took care of each other,
I am closer to them than I am my own brother,
We dumpstered some steaks, some forty five dollars,
And fed them to dogs who roamed without collars,
We gathered and shared meals every night,
Around fires we ramble until dawn brought us light,
Stories of dreamers and lovers, addicts and thieves,
We'd share with each other our deepest beliefs
About things from the past, how life has been tained,
About life is just a canvas just waiting to be painted,
We talked of possibilities that never really end,
How the heart that's broke the most will eventually mend,
Though some work for power, for gain and for gold,
Our possessions were little, but mixed with our souls.
No moments or choices between love and from fear
And if you open yourself there's family near,
Who weren't each other's siblings, fathers or mothers,
Though all of us were family in Seattle that summer."

                   That's beautiful, bro. Thanks for helping me educate the masses.

                   Ryan was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I'm waiting for the bus to Morro Bay. I appreciate it, Ryan. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     8:38pm  I am on the bus going to Morro Bay. I had exactly enough bus fare to the penny. I'm going to Morro Bay again. I've been there before[2-4-09].

                   Listener on the bus

     9:12pm  I just got off the bus in Morro Bay.

     10:51pm  I should make an update. I got to my camp about fifteen minutes ago. When I got off the bus I went to the Albertsons and it was all dead. I wasn't sure how to get where I camped last time. I knew it was by the highway, 1 so I just walked along the highway from the Albertsons until I found it. Oh yeah, I had gone to the gas station right before to dig through the ashtray for tobacco.

                     I am not going to worry about my tickets at all. I'm just going to ignore them. I might leave a trail of tickets behind me all over the country. The ticket for the light rail violation in San Jose is like $240, fuck that.

Next day..

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