


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday May 5, 2004

Email with Meg

     10:15am  Let me recap. My recorder was all messed up. Like sometimes it would record and sometimes not. I met Allie last night at Travis Park. This dude with long hair was all trying to hit on her. Because she's really attractive. All the guys were saying, "She looks like she's got money." I was telling her my story and she was captivated. This dude came up to her and tried to introduce himself. He all told her, "I'm going to be over there if you want to talk to me." She nodded her head. When he left I told her, "Man, that guy's a regular Casanova. Regular Don Juan. Hey, do you come here often? What's your sign?" She laughed. Anyway, she caught the 82 after she listened to my story. I told her lots of stories. When the bus came I told her, "I'm going to jump on the bus and tell you the rest of my stories." She said cool. I told her I could get off on Ingram and walk to my mom's house from there. She was cool with that. Dude, she listened to every single story I had. I told her all of them. When we got to Ingram I asked her how much more she had to go. She said, "Oh, I'm thinking about walking." She walked with me! On her accord she got off and walked from Ingram Park Mall to Piper's Creek. Close to there by the Taco Cabana on Culebra. Halfway there we passed by The Devil's Den, some really good hiking. The car's were going by and I couldn't talked to her, so she asked me, "Would you rather find somewhere to sit down over there?" I said, "Yeah, sure!" So, we went in the woods. I put down two boards of wood and we sat down and I told her my stories. Then it got to the point where she said she'd better go. She listened to my whole thing. She said, "It's been a really crazy night, but really good." After that I walked all the way home.

     10:18am  I guess I'll go to the lawyer's today.

                     Oh yeah, last night I tried to score at the Taco Cabana and the girl told me no. She said, "My manager's not here."

     10:57am  I walked to the Citgo. I'm going to catch the 610 going towards Ingram at 11:15. I want a cigarette.

     11:13am  I was in front of the Citgo and I asked this black dude Carl if he could spare a cigarette. He said, "Nah, I don't smoke cigarettes." I went, "Then can you smoke a brother out? I got my one-hitter." He said sure. So here we are tokin'. Things happens for a reason, you know.

                    Oh yeah, dude. That was really awesome. I was just sitting here and Carl came by and ended up smoking me out. He even kicked me down a little for later, man. Three fat nuggets. 

                    I gotta find out what the letter of the day is and catch the bus.

                    Man, Carl even said he'd seen me before. At the Health Department yesterday.

                    Haha, Mary is the letter of the day. I got shitloads of M's.

                    When the Ingram-bound 610 pulled up I got on and he was totally out of schedules. I noticed before I got on, but I still got on. I looked at his stack of transfers, found out the letter of the day, told him, "Man, you never have schedules," and just stepped back off the bus.

     12:00pm  I ran into the hacker guy that I had met at Walmart last time. Remember, he was supposed to meet me at the Citgo with a car and some hydro(4-9-04, 9:23am). Anyway, he bought me a pack of cigarettes! Now we're going to go in this little trail over here and smoke some weed.

     1:28pm  Just got to the hospital. I'm going to go into town and talk to my lawyer, hehe.

     2:33pm  What was your name? Diane. I'm talking to Diane. She knows the kids in Travis Park. I told her my whole story. Well, I've got so many. She asked me, "Let me see your hands." She examined them and told me, "There's a guy with a white beard. You'll meet him pretty soon. He's a wizard." She said that she's a druid, or she calls herself that. She asked me, "Do you know what a Necromaster is?" She said it's someone that works with the dead.

                   ***Okay, this is freaky. I am just typing this up on December 19, 2004. It turns out I did run into a guy with a white beard who said he was a wizard. In Nederland, Colorado on 8-6-04 9:52am.***

     2:42pm  Man, I'm going to meet some guy. I asked her, "Well, do you know when?" She said, "Well, usually everything I get comes in the powers of three. It could be anything like three days, three hours, three years, etc. I told her, "Well, I'll have my eye out for him."

     3:02pm  It was cool. I wanted another hotdog so I asked this guy for spare change. He said he only had enough to ride the bus. I went, "Well, can I give you a good transfer for the change?" He hooked me up. Like I said, I have shitloads of M's.

     3:39pm  Right when I got down on The Riverwalk some guys noticed me and started talking to me. They were asking me all these questions about where I lived. I gave em the usual script, "In between travels my mother lets me rest my feet at her house every night. Like any mother who's son was bringing world peace should. But I just sleep there." They listened to me. The dude agreed with me. "Are you religious?" he asked me. I told him my whole script on God. "I don't believe in God. I believe in Love. I think everybody has it in them and it's all the same Love." He asked me, "Are you ever going to get married?" I told him, "Never," and gave him my script on that. "I don't need a legal, binding contract to stay with somebody for the rest of my life. If we love each other it'll work either way. It's a simple fact that people can change and sometimes you can't, or are not willing to change with them. Why complicate things? Go your separate ways and be happy."

                  He told me to keep doing exactly what I'm doing.

                  Holy shit! I just found out what the Tower Life Building is. The address I got for the lawyer out of the High Times Legal Directory. It's the badass skyscraper with the green roof and the gargoyles! 

     3:40pm  I walked into the Tower Life Building. I'm aiming for 2900 Gerald Goldstein. I'm a bit excited. This building is awesome. I can't believe this is where it is.

     3:55pm  Let me tell you what happened. I rode the elevator upstairs. Oh yeah, his office is on the twenty ninth floor! The top one. The penthouse. I got to look at the city! It was awesome! I was meant to come here, man. I talked to the guy's secretary. She said, "Oh, we don't do civil cases." I said, "Well, do you know anybody who does?" She referred me to some guy Edward Piña. She told me he's in Medical Center!

                  I was really excited. This shit's going to happen soon.

                  I just rode down the elevator again. My ears popped.

                  Guess where Gerald Goldstein was. He's in Midland. Hometown of George W. Bush.

     4:10pm  This kid came up to me in Travis Park and asked me if I knew where he could get any food-boxes. I told him, "I'm not too sure of the resources here in town. I know that they feed at the Salvation Army at 5:30. I told him to go ask one of the kids in the park. He told me, "They all look like a bunch of ruffians." I said, "Hey man, have you always been so quick to judge? Just go ask them."

     4:40pm  I jumped on the 92 going to Medical Center. I'm going to go home. I need to rest. I'll go Medical Center probably tomorrow and talk to this Piña lawyer.

     5:07pm  It sucks. I just realized I lost my magazine. I had really wanted to transcribe that Abolish Schools article.

                   I'm going to stop by Sam's and see if I can get a haircut. He's got clippers.

     6:09pm  I'm leaving Sam's. I finally got a haircut. I smoked him out and gave him some weed. I gave him some cigarettes. Sam's still doing the whole hermit thing. His little room is all messy again. Lazy ass.

     6:25pm  I got off the 92 in front of Eagle's Nest. I'm going to go smoke Joe out.

     6:32pm  I showed up at Joe's apartment. His wife answered the door and told me he was asleep. I told her, "Oh, I just wanted to see if he wanted to smoke some weed." She said, "I tried to wake him up and he didn't want to." I told her, "That's cool. I can find somebody else to smoke out." She said, "Oh wait, hold on. I'll ask him again." She came back and told me he was getting up. I told her, "Really, it's not a problem. It's a beautiful day. I am sure I can find somebody else to smoke with." Joe woke up and we smoked.

     6:52pm  Mr. Flores wouldn't give me a ride. I didn't have my transfer ready. I had told him, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride just to the hospital." He told me, "Sorry, man. It's not fair to everybody else that pays." I said, "Come on, I'll get my bus pass soon." He still said no. I told him, "Alright, I am writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read on the internet, and you're in it. I was just testing you. You failed."

                   Damnit, I have to be at the hospital at 7:15 to get to my mom's house.

     7:15pm  I walked all the way to University Hospital. I didn't need that dude. I got to the hospital anyway. I made him obsolete with my legs.

     7:46pm  I came up to the Citgo by my mom's house. This girl walked in. She just got a buy one  get one free deal on cigarettes. I asked her if she could spare a cigarette and she gave me a whole pack! I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:05pm  I'm at my mom's house now. Nobody's home. I wonder if the back door is unlocked. If it is I can go through the window.

                   I just saw my little brother and his friend Sean riding in his wheelchair. Cool.

Next day..

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