


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday May 11, 2004

     7:15am  I woke up. My mom told me I was coughing all night. Hold on, let me get out of the house and I'll make an update.

     7:45am  What a crazy morning I've had. Man, my mom pisses me off. I woke up like at one in the morning last night. Yesterday, I just got the weirdest impulse to do a Google search. I can't believe it took me so long to type Fawn Journeyhawk into a search engine. Bam, I stumbled onto her Message to All at

Fawn's Message to all:

                   "A Message for the Ostrich Society of America 4-19-02

                   Light and love. Peace and prosperity. America the beautiful. Well, it’s time to pull your heads out of the sand and realize we have become a nation in denial, and the future for humankind doesn’t look good. It’s time to begin the last stage of preparation and some of you still haven’t begun the first stage.

                   A pole shift is taking place and for those who need details surrounding this fact, there’s a book that reports the findings of the pole shift study, written in the 1960’s, but the government didn’t allow its release until the 1980’s. The book is World In Peril, and it explains the instability of Magnetic North and its movement toward True North, which is causing or intensifying planetary problems, such as the Jet Stream touching down to the ground, changes in the flow of the Gulf Stream, erratic weather patterns, magnetic brain disorders such as depression and schizophrenia, cancer, etc.

                   The latest scientific report reveals that there is less than 500 miles between Magnetic North and True North, and the distance is closing faster than predicted, perhaps throwing off the previous calculations of their uniting in the year 2012. Pole shift, or Earth flip is not a metaphysical fantasy. In fact, being kept quiet by our leaders to avoid the dreaded public panic, and therefore retain their control over the population.

                   The latest spiritual reports bring us a message from the Hopi that the Eleventh Hour has passed. It is now The Hour. We must get ready. We must BE ready.

                   Red Elk warns that the earth changes have begun and those who walk a Medicine path (Shamans, Healers, Holy Men, Medicine Men and Medicine Women) must be ready. Very soon you will be required to step forward and do your part to maintain the balance for humankind to meet the demands of the new challenges. He’s called for all Medicine People who understand the powers of manifestation to teach the techniques to other Medicine People who are willing to take the responsibility for protection and survival of their tribe or village.

                   My family remembers the Medicine legends of the Great Purification Cycle, and the ancient ceremonies given to First Medicine Man and First Medicine Woman by Creator, to insure the survival of the tribes. Many have turned their faces away from the ancient ones and the legends to walk a modern path. Soon that path will crumble. I have carried the Purification Bundle into the New Millenium, and will teach these power abilities for the next two years to others who qualify; at the request of Red Elk. Sincere, emotionally mature, disciplined people willing to carry the responsibility of Medicine Powers are welcome to join me in an encampment to learn the energy manipulation methods for the New Millenium Earth Changes. This is not a short-term workshop, this is a one-year program of intense training, where you’ll learn to alter energy patterns to manifest food, pure water, and manipulate time/space to offer physical and mental protection during times of disaster in your area.

                   Earth Mother’s kundalini has risen from the vibration of the third chakra into the frequency of the fourth chakra. We must prepare to deal with the chain reaction of circumstances and the effects that this will have on humankind. The doors have been opened in the four directions….

                   The DNA of our brain is set magnetically. When the poles collide, this planet will temporarily experience a Zero Magnetic Field. Scientists and Seers agree that this will erase the programming of our computer Earthbrains. I see it as the equivalent of planetary Whole-Brain Shock Therapy or Earthbrain lobotomy.

                   Everyone on this planet, whether above ground, or beneath the surface, will be cleansed. Medicine People can protect physical bodies in their village from this magnetic disturbance only by raising the frequency of their Sacred Lodge to the exact frequency vibration of our parallel realm, until the danger has passed. The only people left with memories during the magnetic disturbances will be those who have spiritual protection.

                   I will teach qualified apprentices the Ceremonies of the Hollow Bone to reset brain DNA to a balanced state once the poles regain their stability.

                   The erratic movements of Magnetic North will cause domestic animals to become unstable, neurotic, and potentially dangerous soon.

                   The Hopi say, Know your garden, know your water. It’s pretty much common knowledge among Seers and those who remember the legends of the Great Purification Cycle,that food and medicine plants will react to the magnetic changes by becoming toxic to all who ingest them. They have a built-in mechanism to insure the survival of their species.

                   Water supplies will become poisonous or non-existant. Soon garden and water Devas will be called into their own realms. Faeries, Elves, Sprites, and all gentle or small multidimensional travelers who intact with our world won’t be able to remain here when the imbalanced energy fields of this dimension begin to make them weak and ill. Many would choose to stay and help if they could, but the vibrational frequency of this dimension will become toxic to these Little People. They will return to the parallel realm and the doorways will be sealed until after the coming purification. This is when the plants and water will become poisonous. Does the Medicine Person in your village know the ancient purification ceremonies to return the balance and open the Devic Doorways once the Earth realigns? The doorways into all the other realms will not respond to the old energies after or during the cleansing period. It must be the ancient ceremony that works with the vibration of the fourth chakra and the New Millenium vibrations.

                   Over two hundred mile-per-hour winds, drought (not dry years), famine, plagues, chemical poisoning, rising seas, the list goes on and on. Millions of Seers, psychics and intuitives can’t all be wrong, especially when scientific studies agree. Pay attention. The warning signs are there and becoming more obvious daily.

                   Proud American Redneck Scepticism is going out of fashion, and is actually nothing more than a fence to stand behind because you’re afraid of making a fool of yourself. It’s always been a useful tool for denial purposes. You might want to look around and see the Truths and realize your denial is actually making you appear to be a fool who won’t see the facts before them.

                   The many-year search for the energy patterns that will be most helpful for setting up the Training Encampment has ended. The Return Focus Triangle in Southwestern Oregon and Northern California is my area of choice. The celestial and earth ley lines that form this triangle create a delightful level of possibilities for energy manipulation. It is this area (avoiding the vortexes), that I would recommend for a Spiritual Training Encampment. My home on the Reservation is not the correct energy field. We’re searching for a more appropriate location to set up camp. Any help in this regard would be most welcome.

                   If you question or doubt what I’m saying, this message is not for you. I respect your opinion, and I ask that you respect mine and just pass it on to someone who may be able to relate.

My Blessings to you,

Light and Love,

Peace and Prosperity

And America the Beautiful

Mother Journeyhawk"

                   And I got some shit about Red Elk, her friend( I emailed him:

From: "victor antonio"
Subject: Victor Antonio from San Antonio
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 17:02:09 -0600

     Is this your actual email address, Fawn/mom? I can't believe it took me this long to search for "Fawn Journeyhawk" in a search engine. I went by Shadow's last July '03. He told me you were summoned to Saskatchewan, CA. My master plan is coming along quite well. Every day is still a new chapter in my story. I haven't stopped recording, just like you said. I even have over 1,000 pictures to support my story. Magical things have been happening to me. I have many questions to ask you. Where are you now? Can you divulge your location?
     I've been back in San Antonio saturating this town with my scripture. I am somewhat famous now. Every bus driver hears my story. I get on and ask them, "Can I tell you what I'm doing? Will conversation distract you?" Usually right after they agree to give me a courtesy-ride. I tell them my mission-objectives and after I say, "Eliminate money, make everything free, prove that it's human-nature to be generous, JUST LIKE YOU ARE and bring world peace." That gets them to listen and agree. To kill time on the bus ride I approach strangers with, "Can I tell you a very interesting story? I am not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." My story is for everyone. I have so much "clay" to work with here. In my possesion I have well over 5,000 email addresses. 5,000 people who will listen to me. I am jumping the ignorance-barrier.
     Everywhere I venture people recognize me, since I walk so much. My uniform has evolved beautifully, as well. I have committed mistakes, though. Nothing would please me more than to counsel with you again. Please allow it. I am open to any teachings you could offer me. Am I right in assuming I have had "spiritual protection" in all these trials of mine? I always tell people the spirits got my back. I would very much like to be "trained" to alter energy patterns. Am I worthy? Please let me know.

Peace and Love Mother Journeyhawk,

- Victor the Liberator

P.S. In spite of all my walking and thinking I had a top-notch immune system, I have come down with a terrible cough that will not go away. I am quite worried. Should I be? Do I deserve another try in one of your healing-lodges? The last occurence was pretty uneventful, as far as I could tell(which may not be that far). You had mentioned there might have been some conflicts with Jody's presence and that we should try again.

P.P.S. I can never be too sure that prying eyes aren't looking at my emails, so if you approve of meeting me again, send me a sign and I'll be on my way back to your "area of choice."

                   I got a reply back from him:

From: Red Elk
To: victor antonio
Subject: Re: Victor Antonio from San Antonio
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 18:30:49 -0700

I am Fawns Med. Friend: Red Elk. She is moveing NOW. When I get her new address I'll send ur letter 2 her. Shes going back 2 the place in Org.. Ho. Red Elk

                   I think that's my sign to leave. Ah, I've got so much shit to do. I gotta put my webpage up already. I gotta go. I'm still sick. I'm coughing and shit. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know why I am sick. I'm paranoid I might have an STD or something from that girl in the barn in Arcata. I gotta wait for my results to come back. Then I'll be free to go. I'm going to go back to Oregon and be healed.

                   My mom took me to the bus stop by the Citgo. I thought I had a schedule on me, but I don't. I'm just going to wait here until the bus comes.

     8:41am  I forgot to mention I had already gotten to the hospital and I'm on the 92 going downtown.

                   I just got off downtown by the Greyhound station. Some guy told me, "Hey, remember me? I met you at Travis Park that one time. You were telling me a story." Some guy named Joe. I told him, "Man, I talk to people every day."

     9:38am  Out of the blue, Laura, at the Cowboy Cleaners, she asks me, "Hey, do you want a taco?" I just dropped my pants off right now. I said, "Sure!" Just like that. I didn't even ask for it. I appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:48am  It was so cool how the lady at the Cowboy Cleaners gave me a taco! I came to the park to eat it and some guy told me, "Hey, what's going on, man. Long time no see." Some guy named Rooster who I talked to in the park a long time ago. He told me he just got out of jail for possession of marijuana. Like two grams of dro.

     9:59am  Matt hooked me up with a cigarette here at the bus stop. At Navarro and Commerce. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I know it's cheating, but I have cough drops. Man, I haven't smoked in a long time.

     10:10am  I ran into another guy who had gone to jail. He told me, "Yeah man, I saw Victor the Liberator everywhere! Like two or three times!" That's exactly what it's there for. For people to see.

                     I ran into another peace-walker named Jim. He's got a guitar. I talked to him at University Hospital one time. He said, "What's going on, man." Everybody knows me.

     10:30am  I caught the bus to go to The Brady Greene, the doctor.

                      I went in there and told the guy, "Hey, I've got a really bad cough in the mornings. I don't feel sick." He asked me, "Do you have Care-link or something?" I told him, "No, I've got fifteen dollars." He told me to go up to the second floor to Acute Care. That's what I'm doing.

     2:28pm  They finally called me.

                    I'm leaving. The doctor gave me some prescription and a little inhaler thing. He told me it was like a bong. Hehe, I'll take a hit.

     3:24pm  Tony Bucher not only hooked me up with a little soup, but he listened to all of my stories. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:42pm  I had a good time at the Cafe Revolucion. I talked to this guy Tony for a long time. He listened to all my stories.

     4:00pm  Dennis hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:09pm  I'm speed-walking back to Travis Park. This young girl April came up to me and said, "Hey, do you remember me?" I told her, "No, sorry, I talk to everybody every day." This girl I smoked with at some parking garage. I don't know. It was a long time ago. I'll look her up(1-17-04, 9:15pm maybe).

     5:13pm  I had a great presentation with this girl on the bus right now. She told me, "You know everybody's for the marijuana thing. Everywhere."

     5:34pm  I'm on the 610 going home. I got some typing to do.

     6:10pm  I got off at the Citgo. I'm going to walk to my mom's house now. I had a good day.

                   Damnit, all this shit was here first. My mom pisses me off. See, I had been real proud of this weed growing in her back yard, which was way over ten feet now. I asked her, "Hey mom, did you see my big ten foot plant in the backyard?" She was all, "Oh, all that's going to go. I'm going to bring people to put grass in it. Luis is graduating soon. He's going to need a backyard." I told my mom, "Mom, I'm am going to start a garden." She went, "It's my back yard! I pay for it!" I told her, "So that's how you fix all your problems, huh? Money?" She said, "Well, I was going to give it to you, since you love money so much." I told her, "I don't love money, mom. Just realize exactly who it is you are talking to." Ugh, damn the ignorance in this world.

                   Oh yeah, and I got her to read Fawns Message to All. Afterwards I asked her, "Did you learn anything?" She said yeah. Bullshit.

     7:58pm  I just went to the backyard and shut the door. She was all yelling at me. My little nephew came in the kitchen. My mom's all vegetating on the computer as usual. He tells my mom, "Hey Walli(grandma to him), will you please not cut down that beautiful tree that's growing in the back yard. Please, please, please." I told him, "Yeah, Charlie. She's trying to kill it!" My mom snapped, "I can do whatever I want! It's my backyard! I pay for it!" I told Charlie, "So you see, Charlie. She can kill things as long as she's paying for it. Do you see how she's teaching you? Doesn't that seem a little wrong?" Ugh, my mom pisses me off. I told her, "How dumb can you get? When are you going to learn?!" She started harping about how I was disrespecting her. I just yelled at her, "Just look at the kind of role model you are giving this child. It's bad enough the poor job his mother does, but his grandma too?" She yells back, "Well, he loves me blah, blah, blah." I told her, "You are brainwashing him."

                   She had given me fifteen dollars for any doctor bills earlier. I bought a joint and hotdog in at Travis Park and had eleven dollars left. When I had come home I went straight to her and laid the money down. I had contemplated keeping it. I told her, "Here's the money. I didn't give them any money at the doctor's." She said, "Well, did you get the prescription?" I told her I hadn't and she said, "Oh, you could've gotten it at the hospital right there!" I told her, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She just kept repeating herself, "You could've gotten it there! You could've gotten it there! It would've been cheap! Blah, blah, blah!" I told her, "Okay, mom! Enough!" She just kept going on and on. She told me, "Well, you can pay with my credit card at the pharmacy. I'll write a note." She already had it written out and everything.
                   She hadn't given it to me yet and still continued to bitch. While we were arguing she goes, "Oh, well you can just keep your bronchitis then!" I yelled, "What kind of mother are you?!"
                   I needed to scrounge up four dollars now to get the prescription. I go back in the kitchen and guess what I see on the table. Her credit card and a note. I just grabbed it and told my mom, "I'm going to go get my medicine." She goes, "Oh, with my money, right?" I tell her, "That's right. I am taking your car too." I just left. Screw it.

                   I had told her, "What kind of mother are you? Teaching your grandson that it's ok to kill as long as you own the property."

     8:18pm  I just came inside. She was in the bathroom with my little nephew. She all took the keyboard with her so I couldn't use the computer. I yelled at her, "Grow up!"

                   She was all telling me I had to respect her. Respect the earth! Respect life! God-damn. She was all, "I own it. It's mine. I can do whatever I want with it." It's okay as long as you own the property, huh? She is teaching that to my little nephew? God-damn! What a sinner!

                   She just doesn't know better. She's refusing to learn. She's choosing not to educate herself.

                   She's in denial, just like Fawn Journeyhawk says.

                   It's not just a river in Egypt.

     10:32pm  The phone started ringing. I was about to turn off the lights and go to bed so I'd be sure to get up before my mom left in the morning. So I could stop her and get the computer. It was my little brother. Me and my mom picked up the phone at the same time so she didn't know I was listening. My little brother told my mom, "I'm sorry I woke you up, but I'm going to crash over here." My mom told him, "Oh, Victor started a big mess tonight. He's going to kill me!" Right then I cut in with, "No, you're going to kill yourself. Don't blame it on me. All you ever do is point the finger!" She wouldn't say a damn thing. She had been talking about taking the computer away to her school. I had told her that would be fine, as soon as I burned a copy of my stuff before she took it. And I didn't have any blank CD's, so I told her she'd have to wait until then. This is the whole world I'm trying to save here, damnit! Why does everybody have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! Argh.

Next day..

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