


San Antonio, TX

Monday May 17, 2004

Email with Kati-Pie

     5:05am  The next day. I woke up. Man, I slept a long time. I slept like twelve hours or something. I went to bed around six. Right now I'm getting ready to leave the house. I'm glad I got to rest of the seventh day, hehe. I probably won't sleep here again tonight. Hey, you never know.

     6:38am  I'm leaving my mom's house. I'm starting my day.

     6:47am  I'm at the Citgo now. I'm going to bum a cigarette. I'm going to walk all the way to the Walmart this morning.

     6:49am  I'm thinking I'm going to catch the bus from here. I'm not going to walk to the Walmart. I'm going to wait for one of the buses to come and see what the letter of the day is, then I'll catch the one going in the opposite direction. Maybe I'll to go Ingram, maybe I'll go the other way. I don't know. It doesn't much matter.

     6:52am  I don't have any cash. Do you want to drop me off? Mr. Sanchez hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   I got on and he told me, "You do this every single day. You gotta pay cash." I told him, "I don't have any cash. You can let me off if you want." He didn't, hehe. He just let me ride.

                   I told him, "I'm going to prove that it's human-nature to be generous." He was all pissed off, hehe.

     7:35am  Haley hooked me up with a cigarette here at the bus stop at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:52am  I'm still waiting at the Walmart. Haha, the 610 pulled up again, this guy who got pissed off at me last time. Just to mess with him I went up to him and said, "Hey man, can I get a courtesy ride, please?" I told him, "I'm just kidding," and he smiled.

                   I'm off by Ingram Mall.

                   I had just jumped on the 609, just randomly. I didn't know what bus I was going to get on. I'm going to go hit up Villa Maria's, umm, The Prados Mexican Food place. See if I can get breakfast there.

     8:15am  No-go at the Mexican place. The guy said, "Man, I'm not going to do this every single time." I told him, "I am trying to show people how you can count on generosity."

                    I told him, "You're in the book anyway." I'll just go across the street to Tink-a-Taco.

     8:20am  The guys at Tink-a-Taco are going to hook me up with a taco. I appreciate it, guys. They even gave me a coffee.

     8:34am  Holly just hooked me up with a cigarette here at Ingram. Thanks, Holly. Everybody gets credit.

     8:46am  Cool, I don't even have to trim this transfer.

     9:21am  Man, I have a good update to make. I just ended up at Ingram on accident this morning. I met this girl Holly. She was all about my story. She's this nineteen year old girl and I'm going to come hang out with her. I'm going to tell her my stories. Things happen for a reason. It sucks that I don't have a camera so I can take a picture of her. She's real cute.

     9:45am  I made really good friends with Holly. We're here at the bus stop smoking weed waiting for the bus to go back to Ingram. She's suggesting I read Anais Nin. What's she about?

                   Holly: "She writes poetry pretty much."

                   Holly's been my cigarette source for a couple hours. Thank you so much, Holly. I smoked her out. Everybody gets credit like I said.

     10:07am  This guy at the bus stop. At first I saw him picking up cigarette butts. I thought he was trying to get enough to roll a cigarette. I told Holly, "You know what would help your karma? If you offered that guy a cigarette." She did and this guy told her he didn't smoke. He's picking up trash cleaning up the park and ride. He doesn't work here. That's very generous of you. He wouldn't give me his name, but he knows who he is. Everybody gets credit, brother. Thanks.

     10:27am  We got on the 534, it came. I got on the bus and it looked like the driver was talking to herself. It turned out she had one of those hands-free cellphones on. I told her, "Hang up and drive."

                     She's driving a bus for crying out loud. Look at all the people she's responsible for. And she's yapping on the phone. She's on the clock.

                     I should report her.

     10:50am  Cedro me esta dando un cigaro en Gardendale. Te lo agradezco, hermano. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

     11:15am  Holly's telling me a story.

                      Holly: "When I was little I liked the Carebears a lot. My mom told me that I would put myself in situations so they would come and save me. One time I was up in a tree like yelling for them to save me. She said that night her and my dad had to sit me down and tell me that the Carebears only lived in my heart. She said I would stand for hours and cry and cry, because they wouldn't come save me. That's my Carebears story."

     11:27am  Man, today was a big blessing. This cute girl Holly. She's eighteen. She's going to be nineteen soon. She's going to go hiking with me tomorrow! Awesome, awesome, awesome.

                     She works at IHOP.

                     Man, today has just been so exciting. This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. That whole synchronicity thing. Look at me. I just randomly got on the 609 at Walmart. Just accidentally. I end up at Ingram and got hooked up with tacos. They told me no at the place I usually score at. I went to the Tink-a-Taco across the street and they hooked me up with a fat taco! Then I walk back to the Park and Ride and I meet this girl. I went with her to do her chore at the social security office. We smoked and everything has just been cool. She's been listening to all my stories.

     11:37am  Brenda, here at the store on Gardendale went and got me some water. I appreciate it, Brenda.

     11:48am  I got some water here at the Habib Mart. They're usually greedy and tell me, "Oh no, we don't have water." She got it for me. I came outside and asked this one dude on the phone, some guy wearing a Beyer Boys shirt. He wouldn't give me one. Then I just turn around and on the floor, there's a brand new cigarette! The universe provides.

     12:13pm  I just came out of the Ariel House. I never got to see Mr. Piña. I was able to relay a message to him. I just wanted to ask him if there was anything special I should know before I go to my court date. He told me I should write up a statement.

                     I need to print out a statement. I'm going to SAC. I'm going to my college. San Antonio College.

     12:59pm  Dude, my presence is being felt so strong here. The manager came and told me, "You gotta go. You gotta go. You can't be asking people for cigarettes." I all told him, "You don't got one, do you?" Hehe. That's so funny. Screw them. That's right. Pay me attention, bitch.

     1:30pm  First I walked up to the gas station on Fredericksburg and Datapoint. They didn't hook me up there. The lady ran me off. I walked to the Coastal on Medical and Fredericksburg. I just saw the 91 coming. I'm going to see if I can get to the hospital. I'll get a cigarette there.

     1:32pm  He hooked me up. I'm at the hospital. The driver hooked me up.

                    I forgot to tell you I'm downtown. I wrote in my little book some inspiring thoughts.

     1:54pm  Haha, I just had this great presentation with these two kids. I told them my mission objectives and asked them if they would listen. This one dude said, "Don't be wasting your time. Walk off, man." I told him straight up, "Have you always been that ignorant?" I walked off.

     1:55pm  Fuzzy wants to say something on my thing.

                   Fuzzy: "Victor's a bum!"

                   I totally forgot! My pants should be ready at the Cowboy Cleaners. Oh yeah, I was going to the care center because Rosendo got a computer.

                   Not Rosendo, but Hervie.

     2:10pm  Dorothy Buford gave me a cigarette at The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game. Thanks a lot.

                   And Joanne hooked me up with something I couldn't understand on the recording. I appreciate it, Joanne. Everybody gets credit.

                   Joanne: "My name is Joanne."

                   I know, I read it on your nametag.

                   Joanne: "Yeah, you know."

     3:30pm  Carlos hooked me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:37pm  I just had a smokebreak in Travis Park. I'm going to go see if they'll hook me up with my pants, or if I gotta spange up the two dollars for them.

     3:45pm  Mr. Rendon wouldn't give me a ride. I think he's Puertorican too. That last name.

                    Fernandez told me no too. I'm thinking I'm going to go to the Northeast side today and see where I end up.

     3:48pm  5362 hooked me up on the 14.

                   She all asked me, "Where's your pass?" I told her, "I had last month's." She told me, "No, you got this month's." I told her, "No I don't. You gave me a ride on the 91 not too long ago. You gave me a transfer." She just closed the door, I sat down and she took off.

     3:55pm  I got off on at Sam's Burger Joint. I rode the 14. I'm going to talk to people at the Burger Joint.

     4:05pm  Hahaha, those idiots at the Burger Joint. I just jumped in with my story with the manager. I didn't go in there to ask for anything. I just wanted to tell them my story. At first I just asked where any kids I could talk to were. She all told me, "Oh, they're not here right now. You gotta go." I asked her, "What are you going to do? Call the cops?" She said, "No, I'm going to call the manager." I told her, "I'll tell him my story too." I asked her, "Damn, have you always been this ignorant? Thanks for proving me right." She was all, "I don't think marijuana should be legalized." I told her, "You don't have to smoke it. Not only will I get it legalized, I will get it recommended." Sheeeet.

     4:20pm  Lee not only listened to my story, he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. Hey, it's time to celebrate.

                   That guy agreed with every single thing I said. 

     4:26pm  Boyd, he saw me asking for a light earlier, he gave me his. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. License plate H29 TPP.

     4:40pm  I just had a good presentation with this guy named Jamie. This young kid came up on a skateboard. I even smoked him out and celebrated what time it was. Hehe.

     4:44pm  At the gas station in front of SAC I asked Vivian, the cashier there, "Hey, I don't suppose you'd hook me up with a hotdog, would you?" She told me, "We don't have any to give away. Last time I paid for one for you." I told her, "It's alright. It's the thought that counts." Wow, I totally forgot that lady hooked me up a long time ago.

                    I came over here to the Pizza Classic, I think it's called. They got mad at me at the Burger Joint. I didn't even ask them for anything. Afterwards, I was like damn I'm hungry. Let me go to that pizza place they got there. I hit Pamela up. I gave her my 'ol gasoline-for-the-stomach line. She went, "I think I've talked to you. I think I know you. You talked to my boyfriend or something." She's hooking me up. She's making me a pizza. Awesome. I appreciate it, Pamela. Everybody gets credit.

                    Sweet, I'm getting the hookups. 

     5:05pm  I'm telling Elda my Brewster County Jail story. She gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, Elda.

                    After-meal smoke. I got me a happy belly, hehe.

     5:45pm  Oh, I didn't tell you. I ran into CJ, Crazy Jeff here at the Diamond Shamrock. I'm going to glatida1234o to the bus stop and go to SAC. I should've gone earlier. I'm going to go see if I can sit down and type up my statement.

                    When I was at the Diamond Shamrock I told myself, "Maybe I'll just stand out here until I run into those girls again. The ones who took me to their house where I read the Celestine Prophecy(4-19-04, 12:20am).

     5:47pm  My good friend Mr. Thomas hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:32pm  Ariel just hooked me up with a nugget!

                    Red is hooking me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:50pm  Mr. Gutierrez told me, "No, I gave you one last week. You can't get another one." Alright, thanks anyway.

                    I ran into James.

                    Some messed up stuff happened with James and April. I can't believe this shit. I'm going to let James recap the whole thing right now.

                    James: "Man, I lost my house, dude. My wife's been in the hospital. I had a nice place by the river. Everything was fine. I lost my job, lost my income. Me and my wife were on the streets. I tried to help her. Now the system is trying to take my wife, get her in their custody and make her do what they want her to do. Brainwashing her. Now, it's come down to the point where I either have to find a place or lose my wife and my kid. I'm doing everything I can and it just seems not to be good enough. There's just no solution. I feel lost. I just hope it'll be resolved."

     8:44pm  Omar is hooking me up with a cigarette outside the library. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:50pm  I'm leaving the library. I'm walking down the street. I'm going to go to Travis Park.

     9:07pm  Joey is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:15pm  T and B are hooking me up with a couple hits of weed. For the cause.

     9:45pm  Mr. Ramos was driving and he hooked me up with a ride! He was the guy I gave the number for the walking stick to(4-27-04, 10:00pm).

     9:53pm  I just got off at University Hospital. I'm going to bum a cigarette and smoke it. I'll catch the last bus to West. Mr. Ramos hooked me up with a transfer. Man, everybody loves me today.

                   Ronnie hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, Ronnie. Everybody gets credit.

     10:24pm  I just ran into some guy who told me, "Man, I always see you!" I told him my story. Then I went to go bum a cigarette and found a whole cigarette on the ground! That was my reward for telling my story. Thank you, Love.

     10:27pm  Anthony, the guy I just told my story to, he tells me, "Man, I'm glad you told me your story tonight. I was going to kill myself tonight." Oh shit. Just like that guy James(4-2-04, 8:27pm).

                     There is no greater feeling in the world than to make a difference like that.

                     Yeah, he was all, "I saw you at Bob Marleyfest." I changed his life. That's awesome. It just feels so good knowing that people change their minds about suicide after listening to my story.

                     The 91 is all late.

     11:10pm  I'm at West Telemarketing. I talked to Zai on the bus. He's still not agreeing with me totally, but that's alright.

     11:54pm  Rosalio hooked me up with a cigarette in front of West. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

Next day..

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