


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday May 18, 2004

     12:07am  I had a really good presentation underneath the seven thousand building. My friend Donovan, who I knew in middleschool, he even gave me two cigarettes. Then another guy came down here and agreed with everything I said. While I was walking off they were all, "Go for it, man. You're going to win it." I told them, "That's right. My name ain't Victor for nothing."

     12:17am  I walked over to the Jack in the Box at the Shell station. I'm going to get some spare change for a Jumbo Jack.

     12:29am  Not only did Nickie and Jamie pull up in a red Mustang and listen to my story, they hooked me up with two cigarettes and some weed! The universe provides. Thanks for proving me right, guys. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                     Yeah! That was a great presentation. I had asked the girl in the car, "Got any weed? Smoke a brother out?" She said, "I got some," and handed me some weed and said, "And I don't doubt you. And I don't think you're crazy."

                      I got some believers!

     12:47am  John hooked me up with two dollars for my Jumbo Jack. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, like I said.

     12:55am  Man, this might be a sign. I had a superb presentation outside right now and got hooked up with two dollars. I went in and ordered my Jumbo Jack. When I got it, it was all doubled meat and souped up. It could've been their mistake, or they were hooking me up. I went up to them and said, "Hey man, you guys hooked me up. I want to put you guys in my book." The manager asks me, "What's up?" I told him, "Yeah, you guys hooked me up." He looks at me and goes, "Shhh!"

                      I got hooked up.

                      Thank you, Love. Praise Love.

     1:20am  Another great presentation with this girl in a red car. Some cute little blonde girl. She listened to all my shit. She agreed with me.

     1:50am  I walked all the way to Wurzbach. I'm proud of myself.

                   I wasn't exactly at Wurzbach when I said that. I'm going to go visit Holly at IHOP.

                   Did I tell you that earlier today, when I met this girl Holly, she told me, "I was really glad I ran into you today. I was reading my horoscope and it said I was going to meet somebody."

     1:55am  I'm at the IHOP. I'm going to see if Holly's around.

     1:57am  Richard hooked me up with a cigarette here at the IHOP. I appreciate it, Richard. Everybody gets credit.

     2:15am  I am leaving IHOP. Man, I had some good presentations at the IHOP. When I started telling this one guy he said, "Oh, Victor Antonio from San Antonio? Were you hanging out with Holly today? I'm a regular here. I'm always here." I asked him, "Is she here?" He told me she just left. I'm going to walk to her apartments and knock on the door. I think her apartment is 8K. I'm not sure though.

                   I walked all the way to Auburn Creek and realized, "Oh man, I should probably call her." I've got her phone number. I'm going to walk back to the Diamond Shamrock and see if I can borrow the phone or get spare change for a phone call.

     3:57am  I forgot to mention I walked all the way over to Chacho's and took a shit.

     4:07am  I have a major update to make. Okay, I got the idea to call this girl Holly. Luckily, right when I got to Tiffany's Cabaret, the strip club, that dude was there who I hooked up with a cigarette a long time ago(1-23-04, 11:49pm). I asked him, "Do you have a cellphone I can borrow?" He said sure and I was able to call Holly. She told me she was glad I called. I told her how I was kind of near her house. She kind of got freaked out and said, "Oh, now's not a good time." I told her not to worry about it. I walked Gardendale to Datapoint to Fairhaven. I stopped at the Fountains of San Antonio Apartments to see if my friend Robert was awake. I was contemplating at first, "Hmm, should I cut through the apartments. Ahh, if I do I'll have to jump the fence over by where he lives. Ah, maybe I'll just walk by the fence and if I see any lights I'll go in." Eventually I just decided, "Screw it. I'm just going to walk through the apartments and see if there's anybody smoking cigarettes I can tell my story to." Sure enough there was this girl Emily outside smoking and reading a book. She listened to my whole damn story. Then I walked all the way from there over to Chacho's on Horizon Hill and Callaghan. All the way over there.

                   I'm going to go see if these kids in the apartment next door who smoked me out that one night(4-30-04. 2:45am) are awake. I see a light on up there. I'm going to go knock on the door.

     4:22am  Melissa hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Melissa. Everybody gets credit.

     4:55am  Man, I am having a good night tonight, man. I ended up back at the apartment. Shit, I forgot the dude's name. When I first got there, this other drunk guy was there and he said, "Who the fuck are you?" I told him I had stopped there a long time ago and they smoked me out. A dude who knew me came out and he invited me in. He smoked me out again! That drunk guy was talking all this shit to this pretty girl there. Man, she deserves more than that. She's real pretty too. Anyway, I'm walking off. I have to be at University Hospital at 5:30 to catch the bus to my mom's.

                   Oh yeah, it sucks. The compass on my stick broke. Like all the water leaked out. I gotta call Ruben tomorrow and see if he has any more compasses. See how much they cost.

                   I'm finally at the hospital.

                   I just peeked and the letter of the day is the second one on the second row. Oh yeah, the first driver who pulled up. First thing when I got on the bus he said, "No." Oh well, at least I got to see what the letter of the day is. Like I say, you can't stop me. You can only get in my way.

     5:50am  I impregnated one of the security guards at the Walmart with my ideas.

                   I'm off at the Citgo by my mom's house. I'm going to walk home now.

     6:37am  I'm at my mom's house already.

     4:22pm  I woke up around 3:30, took a shower. I have my STD appointment today. Gotta go find out what my results are. It shouldn't be closed by the time I get there. I have to go to Cowboy Cleaners and get my pants. That's about it. Then I'm free. Oh yeah, I'm going to go hiking with Holly today. I hope I didn't freak her out last night.

     4:35pm  I was walking down the street giving everybody the peace sign. I see this other guy walking on the other side. He offers to throw me an apple. Yeah, sure. I catch it. Well, actually I dropped it. I told him, "Hey, what's your name?" I yelled at him, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it!" I went over there and told him my mission objectives. When I mentioned marijuana he was all, "Do you want to go smoke?" We walked up to a shady spot on King's Crossing and smoked some weed. 

     4:53pm  Here comes the 610 going towards the Walmart. Let's see if I can get on it and look at the letter. Maybe he'll give me a ride.

     4:55pm  Mr. Wilson just told me no, haha." I was just testing you, man. You failed."

                    I already knew what the letter of the day was. It's H. I learned it this morning. I'm dumb.

     5:05pm  I was just sitting there at the bus stop wondering what I was going to do for bus fare. Brian Moreno, just out of nowhere. He said he had seen me standing there and just wanted to come up to me and say hi. He handed me a dollar! I got my bus fare now. Perfect!

                   Praise Love. See how shit happens to me? Every day is a magical adventure for me.

     5:11pm  Juan and Sarah hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, guys.

     5:20pm  The 610 came. I cannot wait to see what happens to me today. Awesome start to my day.

     5:52pm  I'm at University Hospital already.

                   Tasha gave me a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, Tasha. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:18pm  I just got off the bus at Gardendale and Wurzbach. I don't know what I'm going to do about Holly. I don't want to wake her up.

                   I'll go use the phone at the Baker Street Pub.

     6:23pm  I called Holly from Baker Street Pub. She had to leave unexpectedly to go to Boerne. She told her roommate to tell me she's sorry. That's ok. I have the day off again. I should probably do some things that I need to do. Damnit, dude. I hate wasting time. I stayed up all night for our hike because she works graveyard.

                   I'm going to say forget Holly maybe.

     6:30pm  Chris hooked me up with three cigarettes in front of the Habib mart here on Gardendale and Wurzbach. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:32pm  I got three cigarettes off that dude. He's from Austin. I started telling him my shit. He wouldn't listen to me though. I got his email address.

     6:34pm  Josh, this little thirteen year old kid saw me in front of the Habib mart and said, "Hey, what's up long-distance walker?" I had met him on the bus one day before. He hooked me up with a little Swiss cake roll. I appreciate it, little brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:08pm  Josh gave me a nutty bar too! I appreciate it, little brother. I was telling some other kid here my story and this girl walks up, "Hey, I always see you around!" She said she saw me on The Riverwalk and at the hospital one time. Her name is Liz.

     7:14pm  Liz gave me a peace of chocolate. No, three pieces of chocolate! I appreciate it, Liz. Everybody gets credit.

     7:35pm  Man, I made a lot of friends just sitting down smoking a cigarette on Gardendale. Everybody knows me, man. I walked back to the Habib mart to buy a cinnamon Philly for the kids. They're going to roll a blunt.

     7:56pm  Cal hooked me up with a cigarette on Gardendale. I appreciate it, brother. I got a lighter. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:09pm  Jose me esta dando unos tacos. Te lo agradezco, Jose. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     8:30pm  The greedy ass driving the 534 wouldn't let me ride. I was just testing you, man. You failed.

     8:40pm  Mr. 335 wouldn't hook me up. Greedy ass.

                    Oh yeah, I crossed the street going to Wurzbach Manor. I was thinking about cutting through Wurzbach Manor to see if there was a way to get to Fairhaven. I don't want to go all the way up there and turn. I crossed the street and there's these two girls in front of Wurzbach Manor at the bus stop. One told me, "You shouldn't walk through there. You're going to get beat up." I said, "What? Why would I get beat up?" She points to the other girl and says, "Tell her your story." I started telling this one girl my story. She asked me what my sign was and I told her Aquarius. She goes, "Oh, you're my soul-mate. I'm not saying anything." Anyway, I tried telling my story, but they were way to ignorant and their bus came. I asked for a courtesy ride and I couldn't get one. So, I'm going to walk through and see if there's a way to get to Fairhaven through Wurzbach Manor.

     8:42pm  I'm walking through Wurzbach Manor and I asked this brother if he could spare a cigarette. He said he didn't have one. Then this girl in a car said, "Here, here," and handed me one. What was your name, sister? Mari hooked me up. She said I talked to her downtown, I think. Habi was the guy who didn't have any cigarettes. He wanted to be in my book too. Everybody gets credit. Like I said.

                   Oh yeah, I saw some girl crying. I went up to her and said, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? It will make you feel better. I promise." She ended up knowing me from West. She told me, "No, my boyfriend might see you."

                   This dude in Wurzbach Manor offered to buy me a beer and he gave me a cigarette. Awesome, awesome. He bought me a bigass beer. A twenty four ounce. Before when he asked me what I wanted I told him to surprise me. He asked me what kind of beer I wanted and I told him to surprise me again. I never buy beer.

     9:47pm  I walked all the way to Medical and Fredericksburg. To the 91/604 stop. Across the street from Thundercloud.

     9:50pm  My good friend Ms. Ortegon is hooking me up with a ride.

                    I'm already at the hospital, man. Oh yeah, the driver driving the 91 was Ms. Ortegon. The cutest bus driver in the world, I think. Of course she hooked me up. She was telling me how the other drivers were talking about me. She said they talk about me like crazy. Just like I want them to! Hahaha. It's confirmation of my presence! Awesome, awesome, awesome.

                     I really am the happiest man in the world.

     10:25pm  I'm walking down Wurzbach towards Planet K. Oh yeah, the lady security guard with the daughter at the hospital. Well, her daughter hooked me up with a banana. It was good. I had forgotten to log it. I'm walking down Wurzbach with a banana in my hand. Awesome.

                     That was badass! Right there at the gas station in front of The Willows, some guy pulls in and says, "Hey, Victor. What's going on? Do you remember me?" Some guy named Jacob who I met at the party a couple days ago. The party I got invited to with Arma Musical there. The day I went to the skatepark(5-15-04, 10:37pm).

                     I get around.

     11:55pm  I came outside, I'm about to walk off. Troy gave me two American Spirits! I haven't had one of these in a long time.

     12:02am  I am walking down Bandera Road.

     12:10am  I'm going to go by Chacho's here close to Grissom and see if I can get hooked up there.

     12:17am  Jaime is hooking me up with a taco at the Chacho's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:10am  I walked all the way to Guilbeau. I'm going to try my luck at the Taco Cabana here.

                   Jeff hooked me up with a couple tacos at the Taco Cabana. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:13am  Did I call that, or what? Score.

     1:35am  I came to the HEB and sat on the bench by the soda machines to eat my two tacos and smoked a cigarette. I'm going to walk home. I'm going to take Wickersham all the way to my mom's house.

Next day..

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