


San Antonio, TX

Sunday May 30, 2004

     7:13am  I'm up walking. I am wearing these long cargo pants I borrowed from my brother that I wore to his graduation. I got my Nike Shox and my little brother's big yellow shirt. I'm walking to the Citgo right now.

                   I look pretty cool. I look pretty normal. I look pretty smart.

                   I'm still wearing my rainbow beanie.

     7:30am  I got on the 610 going to Ingram again. Deja-Vu from yesterday. Right when I was walking up getting close to the intersection, I see the bus pass going to Medical Center. Weird, that happened yesterday too. I looked at the schedule and the other one came real quick. Like it did yesterday too. Guess what. The letter of the day is M. Dude, I got tons of M's. It was an M-day not too long ago. Last Sunday I think(5-23-04). I used a lot last Sunday and I still have six left. I'll be riding all day for free.

     7:59am  I had a great presentation with these kids on the back of the bus. They're going to tell all their friends.

     9:02am  I'm downtown. I'm going to go to Blanco Cafe and see if they can give me a taco for a dollar.

     9:13am  Not only did I find a new bathroom resource downtown, but I also got to stash my one-hitter behind the trash can in the restroom in Blanco Cafe. Perfect. I'll come back for it.

     9:22am  I ate a taco and I'm going to court now.

     10:30am  Abel Navarez, the bailiff at the court, he's reading my story. I appreciate it. He's a nice guy.

                     We've got a ten minute recess, but it's taking forever.

     11:26am  I got my stuff dismissed! It took a long time just sitting there not doing anything. The lawyer girl came up to me and was telling me, "Here's what you should do." This really pretty girl. Her name's Antonia. I have her a card. She suggested I plea no contest. She said, "If you do that, they'll probably look at the time served and let it go." But I would still have it on my record. I told her, "I don't want to do that. I'm not guilty of trespassing. I had my bus pass." Actually, right when I went up to talk to the judge I saw him filling out a motion-to-dismiss form.

                    "My name ain't Victor for nuthin'," I told her.

                    Hooha, I got my shit dismissed!

                    I'm going to go back to Blanco's Cafe and get my pipe and smoke some weed.

     12:07pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I ran into Josue in front of the Blanco's Cafe. Again. Just like yesterday. Deja-Vu. He bought me a taco and we're going to smoke at his apartment again. Like I said, Deja-Vu.

                     I am so happy about getting this thing dismissed. I'm free. I can go traveling now. That's what I've been waiting for.

     1:00pm  I just left Josue's apartment. I had a good time watching him play Grand Theft Auto Vice City. It's a cool videogame.

     1:05pm  I just walked by and spotted a guy opening a brand new pack of cigarettes. I asked him if he could spare on and he obviously ignored me. I asked him again and he yelled, "Get a fucking job!" and walked off.

                   Shit, I've got a job. I've got a full-time job. I don't get days off.

                   Man, all he had to say was no. He got all pissed off.

                   Ha, I manipulated that guy's emotions.

                   Damnit, none of the water fountains work at Travis Park. I want some water. I want a cigarette.

     1:08pm  Richard hooked me up with a cigarette. Finally. Everybody was telling me no. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:23pm  I just talked to this guy and told him my story. I asked him, "What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?" He said, "Ah damn, we'd be off the hook!" That's right. They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing.

     2:09pm  I had a great presentation with this Angie girl who works at the hospital. When I saw her getting on the bus I thought, "Hmm, there's one empty seat in front of me. I hope she comes over here and sit here. And when she comes over here I'm going to hit her up for my story and she'll listen to me." Sure enough, it worked out just as planned.

                   Callin' the shots, callin' the shots.

                   Oh man, what a great day. I got my stuff dismissed in court. Oh yeah, on that long wait we had in line I made friends with that one sheriff, the bailiff guy. I let him read my story and he was all joking around with me and shit. Calling me brother and stuff. He was the guy who had sent me home yesterday for wearing shorts. See, on the form they gave me to fill out under employment status I put I was self-employed. He came up to me and asked me, "Well, how much money do you make?" I told him, "I don't need money. I work for free." He told me, "Really? You want to come over to my house and do some work?" I told him, "Sure, give me a project." Then that Antonia lady asked me that too. I told her I worked for free.

                   Man, it's all about money there. I hated it.

     2:19pm  Terry gave me a cigarette at the VA. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:29pm  Mr. Ramos on the 92 gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:34pm  I had a great presentation now. This girl walked up to me before I got the transfer and said, "Hey, nice hat." I told her, "Can I tell you a really interesting story?" She said sure. She agreed with everything I said. Then the 92 came and she had to go.

     3:25pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I got off the Citgo by my mom's house. I borrowed the telephone and called. The phone was busy, so somebody's home. I'm going to walk there.

     3:27pm  I asked Julie for a cigarette. She didn't have a cigarette, but went, "Here. Here's a dollar," and gave me a winning lottery ticket. That's very generous of you, Julie. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Good things are happening to me.

                   She probably noticed the peace tattoo on the back of my neck when I had walked past her.

Next day..

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