

                                                                               Orleans to Willow Creek to Arcata, CA

Saturday May 30, 2009
     7:00am  I woke up around six with six and a half hours of sleep. Man, I am all stoned. I'm having a great wake and bake. I've been rolling joints because I have so much weed. Aaron gave me a bag, I thought it was just trim, but it had lots of buds in it. B grade, he told me. When he came home and saw the big pile of buds I had filtered through the pile he was impressed. He didn't think there would be that many in there and he split it in half with me. He just gave me another bag to pick through! Sweet.

                   Man, yesterday in the river was crazy. It was cool how I got to hang out with Kent, Carol's son, who I hung out with like two years ago. Kent's cool, but Carol is totally a white trash redneck, or dreadneck, as she calls herself. She's all drunk and drinking and trying to scam money. She hasn't changed her stupid ways at all. In fact, she's regressed. Anyway, I'm all stoned. It's crazy how I almost died yesterday. I want to try it again, hehe. This time I'll go all the way across on my back so I won't get tired.

                   What were those two types of weed again, Aaron? Sour Diesel and Misty Kush. They're both B-grade. I'm going to be smoking people out for a while.

                   I've had a pretty relaxing morning. I'm stoned off of my ass. It's like I scored a little vacation at Aaron's little haven here, his little Eden in a pocket of the mountain. Aaron is making me some oatmeal right now. I appreciate it, man. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     10:08am  I should make an update. Aaron is going to give me a ride somewhere so I can get to Arcata today. Nat and Loma are letting Aaron borrow their Honda Pilot to take me to Hoopa, I think he said. I'm going to give him gas money. I've got $13 left.

     10:14am  We are taking off. Where are we going? Willow Creek.

                     What a marvelous little vacation I had here in this pocket of heaven in Somes Bar.

     10:33am  I just got dropped off in Weitchepec by Aaron. There's a store here. I remember being here before[5-15-07 : 4:00pm]. Hoopa 11 miles, Willow Creek 23 and Eureka 68.


     12:15pm  I just found out the bus to Arcata doesn't run on the weekends. I'm going to go hit up Gonzales Mexican Restaurant and see if I can score some food. Afterwards I'll try and hitchhike to the coast, to Arcata.

     12:18pm  They gave me the 'ol manager is not here bullshit. Oh well. Nobody wants world peace!

                     I'm going to go the Exxon and get some ice in my bag and then I'll try and hitchhike. Chevron, I mean.

     12:46pm  I didn't tell you, in no-time. I went to the Subway and got a sandwich and put some ice in my bag. I was walking in front of the gas station and saw this dude pumping gas. I asked him if he was going to the coast and he said he was. I asked him if I could get a ride and he said sure. I really appreciate it, Grant. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for mobilizing me.

     1:25pm  Grant and I, on the way over here. See, he was hauling a big Bobcat. He rented it from Ace and he's on his way to drop it off in Mckinlyville. On the way over here the trailer the Bobcat was on had a flat tire. It had four others tires supporting it, so we made it all the way to the Ace, but slowly. Now we're going to keep going to Arcata. What a sweet ride.

     3:08pm  Downtown Arcata. I'm going to go to Don's Donuts and buy me a chocolate buttermilk. Just like old times.


     4:00pm  I just ran into Michael who I met a couple months ago when I was in Berkeley[2-24-09]. He had camped with me at the storefront on Telegraph. Didn't you lose your hash and went to go look for it that one time?

     4:26pm  I just got to Arcata and am walking around. Jay and Molly are in the plaza with magic rocks and Jay just gave me one. It's a heart shaped rock. I'll take a picture of it.

     4:48pm  I didn't tell you I sold some guy a big handful of weed for twenty bucks. I got some weed to sell, I guess.
     5:00pm  I'm all stoned. At the plaza a couple minutes ago I was talking to the rock kids. Right then some guy walked by and said he was looking for weed. I told him I had some and we went for a walk and I gave him like forty bucks worth for twenty. A whole handful of nuggets. He got his money's worth. Right now I came to in front of the bars and some kid walked up to me and said that him and his girlfriend could help me. He had already seen my shirt. I'm going to smoke them out and tell them my story.

                   Jay is giving me the secret to the peace pipe. Jay: "The secret to the peace pipe is DMT. It is the chemical the brain produces when you die and when you are born again. You see the most hypnotizing thing you've ever seen, and it tries to take you somewhere. It's about everything you ever wanted or dreamed or desired. Then all of a sudden you are back. At least I come back. I know what happens when you die. It's fucking beautiful. You live forever, man. Everyone lives forever. This is heaven. Of course it is. It's about the forbidden fruit. To gain the knowledge of the universe. It's about giving, it's about not having money. The money is evil. When you give the money away, you give away your evil. When you have a possession it takes possession of you. You spend your whole life working on a house and working a job paying taxes, you own the house forever. It owns you, of course your spirit gets to stay there. That's the only thing that makes sense. I don't want to have any possessions. Nothing. I just want my castle and I want to be the king of it.
                    The proper mixture is the tobacco through the bong, inhale as much as you can, hold your breath as much as you can, exhale in a complete circle all the way around, because when the wind blows from four different directions it makes a vortex and the vortex is where the Indians didn't live, they only buried their dead there. The wind blows from the four directions, vortex, it's a magical place. It's where I'm from."

                   Jay again: "Victor, you are taking the drug that makes you smarter and it makes everyone else dumber. That's like the smartest thing I have ever heard."

                   It opens your mind.

                   Jay: "No way, man. It makes everyone dumb."

                   Alcohol makes people dumb.

                   Jay: "So does the weed, dude. The weed makes me so dumb I just quit smoking weed four months ago. I am onto the tobacco now. That's the real gold."

                   Goes to show how much you know, dude.

     8:47pm  I didn't tell you, I got recognized by this dude. I forgot his name. He came up to me and said, "Victor, right?"

                   I just got a hair up my ass to try and hitchhike North. I'll go to Clam Beach or something. I'll go thumb it over by the Fairwinds Motel.

     9:23pm  I just stopped trying to hitch. I had a hair up my ass to leave, but it was dark already. I'm all stoned and I'll be stoned for a while. I have lots of weed on me. I was walking past the liquor store over here and this guy asked me if I could do him a favor. I told him sure and he asked me if I could go buy him some liquor. He let me have the change, four bucks. So I've got a total of ten bucks now. That's cool.

                   Tomorrow is Sunday. That sucks that I'm going to be stuck here for a whole day if I don't get a ride out of here. I'm going to go see what it's like downtown and then walk to where I always camp by Samoa/101.

                   I didn't tell you earlier I went to the Co-op and bought some bagels and cream cheese. I like bagels and cream cheese.

     10:20pm  About around ten 'o clock I got to my camp over by the highway.

Next day..

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