

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday June 25, 2007

     2:29pm  Wow, what a momentous day yesterday, the 24th was. At first it wasn't. I woke up early. I always do when I go to bed late, remember? For the past few days I have been taking naps. Well, today my mom left for Florida. Then she's going to Puerto Rico. Oh yeah, before she left she made a big point of informing me how she was buying all this stuff like a laptop and a widescreen HDTV. She told me my grandfather left her like ten thousand dollars inheritance. That explains everything. My mom is on this big massive power-trip now that she has all this money from the death of her father. Oh well, I suppose she kind of deserves it. If that's what makes her happy, I am sure that's what her father left it to her for.
                   Anyway, back to today. I was tired all day because I didn't take a nap. I even tried, but I got back up to answer the phone. Hmm, I could call Katt about weed. Kat wasn't home. I hung out with Humplick.
                   Oh yeah, today I got banned from a lot of my favorite channels on IRC. All except for #wareznorth. Actually, yesterday #wareznorth did ban me, but I talked with slipknot and explained myself and he eventually invited me back in. After consulting with the other ops, I'm guessing. I didn't have that many downloads going. I've gotten shitloads of stuff since I got back on the fifteenth of June. The computer has been in a constant state of download since I got back. Anyway, I got busy spamming my site on IRC. I was going down the server list and typing /list when I logged onto one. I entered as many channels as I could. I would paste my ad in all the channels and wait to see which channel turned red to see the reaction, if any. I came across a lot of ignorance. I was getting kick/banned left and right. All these cyberwarped kids. I did get a lot of positive reactions and the visitors soared on my webpage statistics.
                   Around the time when it got dark the Internet fucked up. My mom has some package deal with Vonage and the phone is connected with the Internet. The phone didn't work either. I got all paranoid that RoadRunner had cut me off for spamming on IRC. The phone didn't work, so I couldn't call Time Warner. I hoofed it back to Katt's to borrow her phone. She wasn't there, but her brother Joey let me use it. I waited for twenty seven minutes on hold for a technician. He said that everything seemed in fine working order on their side. Hmm. I walked back home hoping the Internet would magically work, but it didn't. I even tried connecting everything back how I think it was. I'll try a different combination.
                   Anyway, I got the phonebook and looked up the number for Vonage. I wrote it down and went back to Katt's. It was almost eleven then. Eventually Joey and his girlfriend showed up and I asked them if they knew where I could get a twop(twenty sack). Since Katt lives up the street from me I didn't have my walking stick or hat on. We ended up driving to these apartments at Westchase, close to Bandera/Eckhert. Richland Trace, they're called, I think. I rode in the back of Joey's little pickup. I went up to this one apartment with Joey and his girl. As soon as I stepped inside I got immediately recognized! It was that kid who had hooked me up with weed that night on Wickersham. I'll look it up.(5-30-05, 12:47am). When I was walking at night and some kid called out from his window. I'll look that up.
                   Anyway, when Joey had to go I had already started telling these dudes my story. Sixteen and nineteen year olds, I think. The sixteen year old kid was really attentive. Anyway, I told Joey that I would just walk home after my story. That he could take off. I remained and told my Odyssey. It was a superb presentation. When I finished I got up to start walking home. I left, but then I went back because someone had jacked my lighter earlier. I asked them if I could jack one of theirs. The nineteen year old kid gave me one and I took off walking. I felt like I was flying walking with nothing weighing me down. It's so muggy here. I can't wait to get home already.
                   Well, I bought me a twenty sack.Man, I missed San Antonio shwag so much. I was just blown away at the amount of weed I got for twenty bucks. I am so used to the West Coast price/quantity ratio. I am so high right now. My receptors missed it. It's happy weed.
                   I never told you, but I downloaded Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. The guy who is supposed to be President right now. I got another documentary by him called Climate Change. It's some really informative stuff. I'm going to make copies and hand them out when I travel.
                   Oh, I didn't tell you. My mom gave me forty bucks today. I had casually mentioned to her that I had to get my license renewed. At first she told me she was only giving me thirty while she was gone for a week. But when she finally gave me the money she gave me forty and said, "There, now you can go get your license made." She think the ID costs twenty five so she gave me a ten dollar bill too. But, I'm not going to get a driver's license. I am going to get an inexpensive regular ID card for cheaper. More money for weed, hehe. No, tomorrow I have a big day ahead of me.
                   On the walk home, since I had a twenty dollar bill, I was looking forward to buying a taco at the Taco Cabana for the walk home. The greedy ass Mexican dude told me that they couldn't do walk-ups, that I needed a car, for security reasons(bullshit). I called him a good little slave. Anyway, I went to the Wendy's across the street and asked the kid working there if he would please sell me some food. I pulled out my twenty and said, "I've got good money." He asked me what I wanted and I told him to give me a four dollar surprise. His manager came up and I pleaded with her that I needed some gasoline for my stomach for my walk home and I had money. She was cool and surprised me with a five dollar chicken sandwich. That is such bullshit that people aren't supposed to sell you food unless you have a car. Fuck that shit. I walked home. Down with Babylon.

     4:00pm  Okay, about today. I woke up around noon, with about five hours of sleep. This morning the web still didn't work. The phone seemed to work. Anyway, today is Monday and I was supposed to go get an ID card made at the DMV. I was up tired burning CDs, those Al Gore movies. I am scared. I cannot get my mom's computer to recognize my jump drive with all my new typing on it. I should have been backing it all up somewhere else. It got to like ten in the morning when I decided to take a nap. I figured I would go to the DMV when I woke up. It's already too late, so I'll do it tomorrow. I am so happy I got weed! I am going to Katt's to smoke her out and try my jump drive.

     5:37pm  I just got back from Katt's. She wasn't there, but Humplick let me use the computer. Everything is fine. I did not lose my text files. It's just that my mom's computer is a dinosaur and won't recognize it. I burned a CD at Katt's. I would have lost all my recent typing. I didn't though. So now I am back home. I was real paranoid yesterday. I am better now. I feel so much better after taking a nap. I have typing to do.

     5:42pm  Damnit, the CD Humplick burned me is still blank. Oh well, I can still type.

     8:23pm  Okay, I just finished typing up my whole latest tape, which I continue on my handwritten notes. I'm going to go take a shower. Shave too.

Next day..

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