

                                                 Albany to Grants Pass to Cave Junction to O'Brien, OR

Thursday June 25, 2009

     5:15am  I just woke up. I got plenty of sleep.

     6:32am  All packed up and up and at 'em. Leaving no trace but my imprint in the grass. I took all my trash. I'm going to go to a gas station and make my morning deposit.

     6:24am  039camp.JPG040camp.JPG

     6:48am  I just got out from taking a shit at the Shell station. I'm going to look for a cigarette and then walk back to the highway and thumb it.

     7:37am  Back on the onramp. I went in the Carls Jr and got me a couple burgers too.

     7:44am  In no-time, Roxanna pulled over for me. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     8:07am  Just got dropped off at Exit 209 by Roxanna, sweet. Mobilized.

     8:39am  In no-time Carrie pulled over for me. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Riding the Red Rooster, by who? PAUL THEROUX, I'll download it.

     9:32am  I just got dropped off at Exit 162. I didn't tell him my story at all. He was talking about Alaska and stuff. I am in the middle of nowhere here.

     10:03am  I gave up thumbing it. I'm going to walk.

                     I walked to the Oakland 32, Roseburg 38, Grants Pass 105 sign. I'll thumb it here. Do unto others.

                     I had stopped at the distances sign, but I'm going to keep walking.

                     About five minutes ago I got to Marker 161. Sign that says Salt Springs Road ½ mile.

     11:30am  I stopped a little bit after Exit 160. I'm going to thumb it.

     11:48am  I got bored and I'm walking.

     11:55am  Taking Exit 159. Elk Creek/Cox Road half mile.

     1:03pm  Char was nice enough to pull over for me. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                   She even gave me a Carl's Jr burger! My favorite! Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     1:27pm  Char's car is messing up somehow. It's smoking. We only have nineteen miles to Grants Pass, to 199 that I have to take to O'Brien. Char is this beautiful girl.

     2:48pm  About five minutes ago we just got to Medford right on 199. Her car is on it's last leg. Let's see if I can make it to Shadow's today.

     3:07pm  I just got out of the bathroom at McDonald's. I'm walking down 199 now.


     4:03pm  I had an awesome presentation with Julie, she works at Carl's Jr. She gave me a dollar for bus fare. Her name is really Weesayo. You'll be on there when I update

                   It turns out the transit bus comes out here. I'm going to ride it to Cave Junction.

     4:45pm  I just told Josh and his friends the note from the rich and he gave me a cigarette in the end. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:50pm  I've had a good time waiting for the bus in front of the courthouse. Right when I got here this lady who was on the bus with me, she asked me where I was from and I told her San Antonio. I offered her my website and she refused saying she didn't agree with my shirt. I told her, "Man, nobody wants world peace! You must like war. Damn, have you always been that ignorant?"  043dudes.JPG

     5:32pm  I had a big terrible scare. I thought I had lost my camera. I did lose my strawberry cream cheese container with all my websites in it. Like thousands of them. Good thing I had thirty sheets printed out. I thought I had lost my camera, which would've totally made this trip back to O'Brien a waste of time. Good thing I found it again. It was in another one of my pockets. I'm going to Cave Junction now. I'm getting to O'Brien today, watch.

                   Whew, I found my cream cheese container with all my papers in it.

     5:45pm  We are stopping at the Kerby store. I've been here before. Right across the street from Rogue Community College, it's got a Masonic symbol. 

     5:53pm  Cave Junction.

                   Whoa, I just met a girl from San Antonio here! She's riding a bike. She just told me Michael Jackson died five minutes ago. He had a heart attack, crazy.

     6:30pm  I just got smoked out by Lacy and Damien here. These two homeless kids walking down the street. I gave them a dollar for it. I tried to tell them my story, but they wouldn't listen at all. They were all ignorant. Actually, the girl listened and seemed a lot more interested than the dude. I'm stoned and I'm going to thumb it now. I'm hungry. I gave them my last dollar. I bought a smokeout for a buck. Greedy ass Damien.

     6:43pm  It's probably taken me so long to get rides because I have been, what I call, hitchhiking aggressively. I mouth stuff to people when they keep going. If they have their window open I'm sure to yell GREEDY ASS! Maybe that's why it's taken me so long to get a ride. I just realized I could do something better than that. I can forgive people. I can give them the peace sign and mouth, "Thanks anyway." to them. Hehe, that'll make them feel greedy. That's better than yelling greedy ass, even though I have an ulterior motive, I want them to feel bad and stop for me. Hey, at least I'm not being a dick. Just maybe one of them will take that kindness to heart and pull over and start backing up. I'm not going to worry about the other hitchhiker. People will stop for me instead of him because of my aura. I am emanating light. Plus, my shirt says WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA, damnit, hehe.

                   Maybe Shadow will drive by and see me.


     7:16pm  In no-time, well, actually, I was getting frustrated and about to give up, all of a sudden I was loading up my bags to start walking when Don pulls over for me! Thanks a lot, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:30pm  That dude Don was a brainwashed Christian talking about god this and god that. He wouldn't let me talk one fucking bit. I even told him, "I'm going to bring world peace. Don't you care? I bet you Jesus would listen to me." I even told him that Larry King quote I have, "Nothing I say today is going to teach me anything, so if I want to learn I have to do it by listening." Anyway, he gave me a ride to O'Brien. Told you I was getting here today.

     7:42pm  I just ran into Gonzo from the White Buffalo Farm in Paonia[5-27-06 : 2:14pm, 3-15-08 : 12:22am, 6-7-09 : 6:03pm] . I met him in Ashland too. Him and his road dawgs are trying to hitch a ride South. I'll take a picture of the big fly on top of the restrooms.

     7:52pm  I'm walking down Lone Mountain Road. When I first started walking down it I see this husband and wife with three little kid walking too. I offered them my website and the mother got scared, "No thanks, no thanks." I flatly asked her, "Damn, have you always been that ignorant? Nobody wants world peace! Poor kids! I guess you like war! I was just testing you, anyway." Ha, and I kept walking.

                   I am playing around with the idea of, since I am close to the California border, of going back to Yreka. Maybe Marilyn will let me update my website on her computer. I like Marilyn a lot. She's supposed to meet up with me tomorrow and get a motel room.

                   "It evolves over time, I refine it. I have whittled it to near perfection."

     8:15pm  I just got to the entrance to Shadow's property. I'm going to do my routine on this log and rest here a little bit. I wish I had a cigarette. It was a good hike down the road.

     8:25pm  I'm coming up on Shadow's barn. I hope they're home.

     11:07pm  I should make an update already. It was awesome. I walked up earlier and his big wolf dog started barking. Jason pokes his head out of the window. I told him, "Hey, just the guy I wanted to see." I told him I needed another DVD of my pictures, that I had lost the last one. He burned me another copy of my pictures. I totally followed through on that. Peg emailed me and told me she was going to try and be in Medford soon. It pisses me off. Her phone never works when I call it. I'm going to Medford tomorrow morning and try calling her and triangulating her position. Fuck that, I'll go to the library in Ashaland and email Peg. Oh yeah, I hung out with Jason and he smoked me out and let me roll cigarettes and stuff. Jason is 51, I think. He totally hooked me up. He had the card reader I needed. He's got all this computer stuff. Anyway, I've had a very productive trip back down. I had SO many guestbook signatures from Salem. The dude Adam who hooked me up with a soup at the Quizno's signed it. I was only in Salem for a couple hours or something. I guess I have to stop there again on the way back up. For sure. I have to follow the signs.

                     Oh yeah, and I asked Shadow if I could camp there tonight and he was cool. I'm going to sleep in the kitchen that Tony and Molly and me help build, Shadow uses it as a weight room. I'm going to crash in here tonight. I'll take pictures in the morning. I can delete some pictures off of my camera. I've got tons of room.

     11:22pm  Crashing out.

Next day..

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