

                                                                                                        San Antonio, TX

Thursday July 5, 2007

                    I think I just lost the dog, Mimi the Schnauzer. I just got on the bus right now to go to the driver's license office. I can't find Mimi. She just ran away, I think. Oh well, I couldn't find her anywhere. I walked around the neighborhood. I even missed a bus looking for her. It's an hour later and I have to go get my license made. If I lose the dog, I lose the dog. Oh well.

     12:06pm  I am at the hospital. Hey, I can walk to the driver's license office from here. Hell yeah. Let me check the tennis courts for tennis balls.

     12:29pm  I stopped at the Phillips 66 on Babcock and Callaghan. I bought some more cigarettes. I lost my rollies.

     12:45pm  I didn't tell you. About five minutes ago I sat down at the bus stop at Babcock and Crestline to rest. I had a little smoking session and now I'm going to go to the license plate office.

                     I really hope that trooper is there. He'll help me out. He said all I needed was twenty four bucks and I could get a new driver's license.

     1:06pm  It is almost my turn in line at the DMV. To kill time for the wait I talked with this older lady Mona. Her seventieth birthday is pretty soon. She's going to fly in all her grandchildren from wherever they are to party with her. Mona: "I used to own Earth Mother which was a big store here in town which was a wellness center. I closed it in 98 when my birth daughter died. I had all kinds of herbs and a bookstore, crystals this big." It was a heady place, hehe.

     1:36pm  I'm just sitting down at this chair underneath the TV where I was last time. I'm holding my sign again letting people read it. I hit up this couple sitting here. What were your names again? You can make something up if you want. I'm telling Tony and Jill my story here at the DMV. Tony wouldn't let me get too far, but I gave them my webpage.

                   I'm going to get my ID with my Fuck Bush shirt on!

     1:59pm  Mission accomplished. I got my ID. Well, I have my temporary card at least. The ID's on its way in the mail.

     2:23pm  I just got on the 522 when it came. I was waiting in front of the Baskin School, I think. The bus stop right across the street from the DMV. My transfer is all expired since I walked from the hospital. I had a dollar in change too. I concocted a little scheme. I figured that when the bus finally came I would get on and ask for a courtesy ride. When the driver told me no, I would go, "Psyche! I got a transfer." When he notices that the transfer is expired, I'll go, "Psyche! I got my busfare," and I'll put the money in the fare-box. I was going to say, "Ha, you just got double-psyched!" But when he came and I got on and asked him for a ride, he let me on! Badass. I get to keep that dollar. Awesome.

                   Josh was the nice driver's name. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:38pm  I've been at the hospital for about ten minutes. Since I didn't have to pay bus fare I had a dollar. I was real hungry and I was dreading to have to wait to go home. I'm not going to spend the money my mom gave me for food on food. I'm going to buy some weed with it, hehe. I came to the other side of the street, where the 608 stops. All of a sudden I see a bus parked there that says Out Of Service. I thought, "Damn, I wish the driver was here so I could ask for a transfer, in case I don't get a courtesy ride." The bus was out of service so I thought, hmm, I'm going to see what the letter of the day is. The driver had gone to use the restroom, but he left the door open and his stack of transfers were right there, just waiting to have one torn off by me, hehe. I ripped one off, haha. I hope he doesn't count them, hehe. Sucker.

                   So I got my busfare, badass.

                   I bought me a jumbo cinnamon roll from the vending machine.

     2:59pm  I didn't tell you. I have to wait until oh-five for the buses to come. 608 or 606. I was bored and I couldn't find anybody to tell my story to. Oh yeah, I finally ran out of weed. My jam-packed nug jar is empty now. That shit lasted me for a long time. Now that I'm typing this up let me see how long. June twenty fifth until now. About ten days. I did smoke a lot of people out though. I'm out of weed and I want to get stoned. I've got five dollars I got from my mom for "food." Plus, I found two dollars in the bathroom this morning. Anything left in my bathroom is mine, Laura! Hehe. She's moving out anyway. I stole a transfer from the Out Of Service bus and now I am waiting for the 608. I'm going to go to that apartment at Richland Trace where I scored weed at on the 25th. I'm going to go see if they'll sell me a nickel sack. I'll recognize the apartment when I go. If not I can always go to Katt's and see if she can get me hooked up somehow.

                   Damnit, I should've looked at the time on that transfer I stole. It's expired too. That sucks. Oh yeah, and I thought of a new technique for getting courtesy rides. Instead of asking them for a courtesy ride, I'll ask, "Hey, are you feeling generous today?" If they tell me no I won't even ask.

                   They already know what I'm going to ask. They all know who I am. Victor Antonio from San Antonio, damnit. I am San Antonio.

                   This is my town.

     3:13pm  I had a good presentation with Dee on the back of the bus. On the way to get some weed. He listened pretty good. I appreciate it, Dee.

     3:29pm  7553, that guy gave me a courtesy ride to Westchase so I can see if I can buy some weed.

     3:39pm  Nobody was home at the apartment. That sucks. I'm just going to chill here for a little bit and see if I can manifest me some marijuana somehow. I walked around the apartments looking for a picnic table to sit at and smoke a cigarette. I found one over by the tennis courts. I found me some Black Cat firecrackers! A whole strip of them.

     3:52pm  I was walking back towards the apartment and I saw some cool-looking Mexican dude. I hit him up for my story and he said, "I saw you the other day. You gave my sister your webpage." Over when I was flying my sign on Bandera and 410(6-18-07-5:00pm).

     4:08pm  Hell yeah, I had a badass presentation with these kids that came down the stairs. They told me the guys I was waiting for would be home soon. They were their next door neighbors. They were on their way to go get weed themselves. I had to run out and give them my webpage, because they had to go in a yellow Mustang. I'm going to get some weed today, cool.

                  When I mentioned marijuana they said they were on their way to get some too. I told them I had five on it.

     4:41pm  I was just hanging out waiting for the weed to get here. Then that guy Gene, that guy who said he had seen me flying my sign the other day, he walks up to me and asks me, "Hey, do you want a bong?"

     5:11pm  Hell yeah, I just had a badass presentation. Odyssey and all. Inside Gene's cool apartment that he's moving out of. In the air conditioning. He told me he didn't smoke herb anymore, so he hooked me up with an awesome green glass bong. I'm going to see if I can trade it for weed, hehe. At the end of my story he said, "You're going to be famous in a couple months."

     5:47pm  I am still waiting here for somebody to come home with some weed. But all of a sudden this brother Nos drove by and said, "Hey man, you look like somebody who could use this," and hands me a little baggie with a bud and some Zigzags. Whoa, I really appreciate it, brother. This is exactly what I came here for today. Narcisso.

                   Narcisso(Nos) is telling me a story about this lady in Lanier, on the West Side. Nos: "She walked by and it was the first time I'd been to church in a long time. She walked by and I was sitting at the back, dude. I was just a guest. A friend of mine had invited me to go. Actually, my ex-girl is the one I was supposed to go with. She walks up, she's about ninety year old. She had newspaper articles on the wall. She had actually healed. Well, she goes up and she starts talking. She stops in the middle of a sermon and says, "There's somebody here that I need to speak to," and like your story, dude. She got off and she walked down the hall, pulled me out of a group of maybe a hundred, a hundred and fifty, singled me out, pulled me to the side and said, "Look, you've got a gift. You can speak and you can speak to where you get people to listen. I don't know exactly what kind of plan God has for you, but you do have that gift." I've been a leader since since I started gang-banging at eleven years old, dude. I always ended up with people listening to what I said and my things went they way they were supposed to. Actually, I run my own business. But, I've been using it the wrong way. That's the reason I don't smoke anymore. That's the reason I go to AA meetings. Because if I don't go to AA I'm going to pick up a beer and get messed up. You know what? Other people that understand you, it's good to speak to, but the same thing. This lady she said, dude, there's a gift for you. I kid you not, for a year after I left that church I had people in the middle of the street just stop, pass me by, come back and speak to me and say, "Hey man, there's some reason I had to stop to talk to you, man. There's something about you. He was there, I just never listened. There was one night where I partied out at a bar. I prayed to God and said, "Look, I know you've been there. I know you've been sending people to listen to me. Show me a sign that you are actually there." That bar got closed down two weeks later and became a church. After it got closed down I was like what a coincidence. When it became a church I got my sign."

     6:08pm  I am leaving now. I got what I came for. I came here to score some weed. The kids apartment I was waiting in front of was right at front. I was sitting on the sidewalk right where the entrance is, where people pull up and punch in the gatecode. Then those neighbor kids came down the stairs and I told them my story and said I had five on it. They said if I was here when they came back. That's why I remained there. First I walked around and smoked a cigarette at this bench next to the tennis courts. I found some fireworks, some Black Cats. I popped one. Then I walked around a little more and I found a little dog-frisbee. I picked it up for Maggie at my mom's house.

                   It really sucks that I lost Mimi, my mom's Schnauzer. I'm sure we'll just put posters up and she'll come back to us.

                   Anyway, I was just sitting on the sidewalk in front of their apartment. All of a sudden, this guy who had walked by and I asked if I could tell my story to, that he said he had seen me with his girlfriend flying my sign on Bandera and 410 the other day, he walked by and asked me if I wanted a bong! I went, "Yeah, sure! If you can spare it." He doesn't smoke anymore. It's a badass green worm bong. I thought I'd be able to trade some weed for it if these guys ever came home. At his apartment where he gave me his bong, his girlfriend showed up and I put on my show for them. The whole odyssey and everything. I went back and borrowed the phone and called my mom to tell her about Mimi. I went back to the sidewalk and scraped a resin hit. Then all of a sudden this guy pulls up to the gate in a truck and punches in the code. Then for some reason he backs up to me and says, "Hey man, come here." I stood up and he says, "You look like you could use this." He hooked me up with some weed! Hell yeah! He gave me a good little nugget, dude. I logged his generosity and asked him if I could tell him my story. He said sure and parked his truck. I walked over to him and laid it out for him. When I first asked him if he was willing to listen he said, "Man, I wouldn't have parked my truck if I wasn't willing to listen." I told him, excuse my scriptage, I always try and make sure before I start." His girlfriend had called during mid-presentation so when I got to the Odyssey I told him, "I would tell you my Odyssey story. It's about fifteen minutes long, but since your girlfriend is waiting for you I will only tell you the important part." He had a story of his own that I recorded. He told me how the government got him hooked on cocaine since he can't smoke weed. He has to take piss-tests and shit. He said, "I was alright with a joint. That was all I needed. Until they started giving me UAs so I started doing the hard stuff." I told him, "Just like they want you to." Fuck the government.

                   Anyway, I'm walking to Bandera. I'm going to go see if I can get a courtesy ride. Actually, I'll walk to the Walmart. I might walk all the way home, I don't know.

     6:34pm  Just walked Bandera to the Walmart. The 608 is right there. I could jump on that and go straight to my mom's house. Screw it. I got a couple of bucks. I'm going to go buy me something to eat at the Walmart and take the nature hike home like I used to do. There's a greenbelt trail that goes behind the Walmart all the way to OP Schnabel. Then I'll walk up Braun Road to my mom's.

                   I got marijuana! That's so awesome. Presto-manifesto!

     6:42pm  I just walked in the Walmart. I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt. Everybody is looking at me. I'm getting the biggest smiles. This old man just walked by me and said, "I agree with that." I'm going to eat a burger and take my hike. I got me two burgers. I got one for the platform.

     6:49pm  I'm walking on the trail already. Oh yeah, when I went to McDonald's I asked the lady, "Where's the dollar menu?" She said, "We don't have one up there." I said, "Do you have one anywhere?" Then I saw it and I said, "There's one right there!" "I was just testing you," she said. "You almost got me," I told her.

                    I'm going to take this left fork here.

     7:15pm  There's a lot of water traps and I can't get around the water. I'm doing my best, which is pretty good. I sat down on these rocks and ate my other burger. I'm all full now. I smoked some weed. I got weed! Hell yeah! That makes me so happy that I did what I set out to do today. Inadvertently, and it didn't cost me anything! Perfect!

     7:26pm  I got past this tricky part. I had to climb up that wall with all the roots. I took a picture 

of it a while back. I'll show it to you. It's water-logged everywhere, so I had to scale the wall and go in somebody's back yard. Then I climbed back down past the water. I almost had to double-back there. I made it.

                   I just love these boots I scored in Portland(3-26-07-12:33pm). They're still kickin'. Magnums. Cop boots.

     7:50pm  Just made it to the platform. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. I love this place. It brings back memories. Just like old times. It was a beautiful hike over here. I need a girl to come with me one of these days.

     8:07pm  I had a good rest on my platform. I smoked and I'm going to hike home now. Time to walk home, Victor. I had such a great day. Thank you, Narcissus. Everybody gets credit.

     8:26pm  Passing the Camino Bandera neighborhood. I see some tennis balls inside the locked courts. I'm going to get them. I scored three at the hospital earlier. It's cool that the balls here are right next to the fence, so I can pull them out from underneath, like I did last time(5-13-05-2:05pm).

     8:30pm  I'm walking up Braun Road towards my mom's. I am passing that bridge right after Woods End, where I used to leave my worn-out tennis balls. Remember that? I'll look that shit up. They're all gone by now. It's been a couple years. The tennis ball on my stick is almost done for, so I'm going to deposit one and start my collection anew.

     8:51pm  I'm walking Wickersham almost Old Tezel. This guy outside drinking a beer saw me and said, "Wow, it's been a couple years." I always used to walk down Wickersham. I gave him my website and told him, "Let me show you exactly what I have been doing all these years."

     8:55pm  I got to my mom's house and nobody's home. The back door is locked. I'm going to walk to Katt's house and give her this green bong I got today. I don't need a bong. I take it one hit at a time with my fake cigarette. I'm going to tell her, "Somebody gave me something today and I want you to have it."

     9:06pm  I came over and gave Catharina the bong I told you I was going to. She loved it and we immediately went upstairs to test it out. Load a bowl. Awesome. I just took a picture of her holding it. Check her out. Isn't she pretty?

     9:25pm  I just came home. My mom let me in and got on the computer. She asked me, "Oh, Victor. You're walking around out there with your shirt off?" I told her, "I just took it off before I came in. You know why." Fuck Bush!

Next day..

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