

San Antonio, TX

Friday July 6, 2007

     10:11am  Let me tell you what's happened today. Let's see, I woke up this morning. Man, I got some great sleep last night. I woke up around seven or so. I waked and baked on the back porch and got all high. I cleaned my mom's house. Kitchen and the living room. Swept and stuff. When my sister Laura woke up we started our mission to get the dog back. My sister went and bought supplies and wrote up all these signs that said $ LOST SHNAUZER $ NEEDS MEDICATION with the phone number. It has little dollar signs around it implying a reward. She wrote them out and gave them to me. I put up ten signs all around our immediate vicinity. Every stop sign almost. I walked down close to the ditch and these people yell out, "Hey, did you lose a female?" I went yeah! They said she was at that house right there with the black Avalanche. So I went and I got the dog back! Presto-manifesto. I'm taking all the signs down now. My mom will be happy when she gets home. She had been all bummed out and everything, so was my sister. Theresa Miller was the lady's name who was taking care of Mimi. She even combed her. So Mimi's back.

     11:45am  I forgot to tell you. My mom bought me some new Columbia sandals. I needed sandals bad. All I had to wear was my boots and they needed ShoeGooing and I didn't have anything else to wear while they dried. Not to mention with the heat in San Antonio my feet will welcome some water shoes. She said when she got back from Puerto Rico that she was going to get me new glasses. I'm still using the ones Kali gave me in Portland(4-15-07-7:26am). I just have to wait three weeks until she comes back. But, as soon as I get all my stuff typed up. I think I lost a lot of my history that I had to type. So as soon as I type up all my stuff, which won't take me that long, I only have like three more tapes to do, I'm going to take off. Even before she comes back. I can just hitchhike around Texas and come back when she does and get glasses. Thank you so much, mom. For getting me ready for my East Coast trip. I was bored so I went for a walk. I'm going to walk down to the other Citgo on Bowen's Drive, I think. In Northwest Crossing neighborhood. I'm walking down Rue De Lis. I'm going to walk to the store and tell people my story. I'm out of weed, that sucks. That stuff I had lasted me a long time. Let's see if I can manifest me some marijuana. Just watch me. I still have five dollars.

     9:54pm  I crossed the ditch and went to the other side of the neighborhood. I'm going to walk Bowens this way. I'm going to go to the store and tell my stories. Manifest some marijuana.

     10:21am  I got bored at the Citgo on Dover Ridge. I'm just going to walk through this neighborhood and see if I see some kids outside. I'll walk up to Tezel from here.

     11:01pm  I walked in front of some comic book store and I tried telling my story to these kids. They were kind of ignorant, but they listened to the first part. I didn't waste my time telling them anything else. Their cellphones kept going off and they stopped listening. This girl had even told me, "Oh, I'll listen to you." Damn the ignorance in this world.

     11:04pm  I thought for some weird reason I would be able to find somebody outside at Cranberry Hills apartments off Guilbeau, but I don't see anybody. I'm going to walk around.

     11:25pm  I didn't tell you, I walked over to the Citgo by my mom's house. I'm going to ask people for weed.

     12:11am  I am back home. I walked a hell of a lot tonight, man. I was walking everywhere trying to manifest me a nickel sack. I couldn't. Anyway, I walked home. Let's see if I can scrape any resin, but I doubt it.

Next day..


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