


Santa Fe, NM

Sunday July 24, 2005

     6:39am  I just woke up like fifteen minutes ago. Umm, I might be going to Denver today.

     7:45am  I'm still sitting here at the camp by the mattress I slept on. Rosemary is sleeping on another mattress nearby. I'm all stoned and I have a cigarette. It was really cool how I ended up meeting that John guy again. This cool Native American dude I had met last year in Durango. I camped with him last year in Durango. It turns out him and his brother Ghost did end up having sex with that girl Ghia and her friend last year when I woke up and they were all in the same tent(9-4-04, 7:10pm).

     8:27am  I just chilled out on the mattress and gave myself a full pedicure without nail clippers. I had lost mine, but I was able to use the nail file on my Maryjane tool. I don't need nail clippers anymore.

     9:09am  I forgot to mention, I asked Rosemary if she could give me a ride to the College of Santa Fe so I can score me some tennis balls like I did last year(7-26-04, 6:50pm).

     9:05am  I am not going to Denver. I'm at the college still.

     9:27am  Damnit, there's no tennis balls anywhere. I've only found one. Then, I came over to these trash cans and spotted another one through the bag. I dug through it and realized I had hit the jackpot! I ended up with thirteen balls!

     9:49am  We're going to leave the College of Santa Fe now. Rosemary wanted to hit a couple of the balls I found with her racket.

     10:04am  I'm still waiting for this crazy lady, Rosemary. I want to score me some breakfast somewhere.

     11:14am  I'm walking to the plaza. I am giving the peace sign to all the cars.

     11:19am  Turning right on Don Diego Avenue. Left, I mean.

     11:20am  I walked up the newspaper here, the Santa Fe New Mexican. This guy who I couldn't understand his name on the recording gave me directions to the plaza and he gave me a cigarette.

                     This greedy ass at the Mexican Restaurant told me no. Haha! Mariscos La Playa, the name of the place is, I think. He didn't understand me in English at first, so I told him in Spanish. When I told him if it was a big problem and he couldn't afford it, to not worry about it, he said okay. I told him that I was just testing him and that his greedy ass failed.

     11:28am  I'm going to go hit up Domino's.

                     No mistakes. Going to go hit up KFC.

     11:37am  Dolores en KFC me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, Dolores. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     11:44am  I scored some food at the KFC. Then I walked out. I had walked a long way before I got there. Right when I walked in the KFC I was relieved to see the manager was Mexican. I was sure I was going to eat.

     11:52am  James hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the McDonald's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:10pm  I didn't tell you, I just got to the plaza. I went in the bathroom in the Five and Dime.

     12:59pm  Just had my first presentation of the day. I didn't get his email address or anything, but he heard my whole story. Well, he didn't have time for the whole odyssey, but I told him the spirit's part.

     1:01pm  Danielle, this pretty girl wearing a shirt that said Spread Love, I hit her up for my story and she told me she didn't want to hear it.

     1:04pm  Damn, nobody wants to hear my story today. I tried telling this one girl my story and she said, "I don't really agree with that idea, so I'm going to say no." Santa Fe is damn ignorant today.

     1:14pm  I just told this one pretty girl my whole platform. She didn't have time for any more. She ran off. I got to ask her the two favors though.

     1:21pm  I was trying to tell these kids my story right now. The two girls walked away real quick. I didn't get too far with him before he told me, "Stop, I'm going to get my friends at the skatepark and come back to hear your story." I told him, "Excellent, give me an audience."

     2:10pm  Charles gave me a cigarette here in the plaza in Santa Fe. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:18pm  I'm telling Charles my story. What's your email, brother?

                   I'm talking to these French kids in the plaza. What were your names? Spell it out. "Naurent. My name is Niotard." "My name is Julia and my family name is Cordier. My email is" Niotard gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:45pm  I had a most excellent presentation with these French kids in the plaza. They listened to all of my stories. Well, I didn't tell them all. They even read Fawn's Message to All and the Note From The Rich.

     3:36pm  I went to the tamale stand and asked if I could get anything for a dollar. He said I could get one tamale. He hooked me up with two. I appreciate it, brother. At the El Molero taco stand.

     4:49pm  I am sitting here in the plaza. Yeah, I've been telling my story like crazy. These kids who walked up. I bummed a cigarette off one of them and asked him if he wanted to read something funny.  Note From the Rich.

     4:55pm  Darrell gave me a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Darrell. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:22pm  I am telling Mary my story. What was your email?

     5:35pm  I am telling Eric and his friend Jessica my story. What was your email?

     5:43pm  I'm just walking around in the plaza. Everybody is staring at me. I was walking away and all of a sudden this guy goes, "Hey, Victor. Come here. I have heard so much about you. I hear you've got a good story to tell." He had to walk off right now, but he'll come back. I have been testing the ignorance in this town like crazy.

     6:28pm  I have to make an update. I got invited to smoke weed with these kids. We climbed up onto this balcony. We had to climb over the gate. All of a sudden these cops show up and start running everyone's ID's. I used my trusty scanned copy of my license. While the cops were lecturing us I asked them, "Are we going to go to jail?" One cop said, "Oh, you want to go to jail?" I told him it would be another great chapter in my story. He just wrote me a citation. I thought he had kept my cigarette pinch hitter pipe when he searched my pockets. I just asked him, "Can I please get my pipe back? It's every traveler's best friend." He told me, "I didn't take it. It's still in your pocket."

     7:11pm  Haha, that was hilarious! That cop was all cool with me. He gave me a citation, so I have until August 9th to stay in Santa Fe. That's my court date. I'll just take that as a sign to leave Santa Fe. I guess I won't be coming back for a while either. I tried to tell him and his partner my story. He kind of listened to me at first. I got to tell him the spirit's part. Hehe, he'll never forget me. I even asked them to do me the two favors.

                   Hehe, I'm all wearing my Relax - I'm a Professional shirt.

     7:28pm  Allison gave me a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:47pm  I had a good presentation with these three who walked in the plaza. What were your names again? William, Elliott, Ben and Mike.

     8:47pm  Oh yeah, earlier, that cool fifteen year old girl came and offered to smoke me out. Right now I had a good presentation with those four guys and they offered to smoke me out too. I even told them my Brewster County Jail story.

     9:26pm  Whoa, this messed up shit just happened. I just got 86'ed from Santa Fe for telling my stories. These street kid came up to me and told me to go tell my story in another town. He was all trying to intimidate me and he had all these thugs backing him up. I guess I should be following these signs I'm getting. I did, after all get a ticket by the police today too. Alright, screw Santa Fe. I'm just going to go. Right now. I'm going to walk North.

                   Damnit, I had even seen that kid who was going to give me a ride to Denver earlier. I told him I was going to stay in Santa Fe and thanks anyway. That sucks.

                   Damnit, why does everybody always gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! All these thugs were talking shit about me in the plaza tonight.

                   I'm walking North on whatever street I'm on.

                   Badass! I just saw a shooting star! It was beautiful.

     10:19pm  I don't know, about fifteen minutes ago I found a place to crash right off the street in these woods.

Next day..

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