


Berkeley, CA

Wednesday August 13, 2003

Email with Frank

     8:00am  I just woke up at the laundromat. I was all pissed off because the sun wasn't shining where it usually does, because it's all cloudy. It's freezing and I'm walking to the church for breakfast. I'm going to have another good day, hopefully.

     9:10am  I just finished breakfast. I came out and took off all my layers in front of the church. The sun came out finally. It's warm. I feel great. My silk shorts are damn comfortable.

                   See, at breakfast this girl who serves food there, Lindsey, she's a sweet girl. I like Lindsey. She is very attractive. She has a great smile. Anyway, I went over and got her email address from her and she gave me a cigarette. A GPC Menthol 100. When I went outside to smoke it, before I changed, this black dude came up to me. I had smoked maybe like a third of the cigarette. I saw this dude hold out his hand and assumed he just wanted a drag, so I hand him the cigarette. Then I see him rip the filter off of it. I said, "What the hell, man?" He told me, "Yeah, you said I could have this short." I told him, "No, I didn't. I assumed you were asking for a drag. All you did was hold out your hand." He's all, "Nah, I said a short." All this time he didn't give me the cigarette back. He tells me, "Get another one." "You get another one. That's my cigarette," I told him. He stalled some more and I told him, "You're not going to give me my cigarette back?" Punk. Before that he was telling me how he needed to get out of Berkeley, that he needed to make some money in LA. I told him, "Screw LA." He said, "It's all about money there."

                    What a stupid ass. That dude took my cigarette. I wouldn't be surprised if that dude stole from other people. He's probably a thief. Money hungry fool.

     11:35am  I came to the Doe Library and talked to Sasha, some girl I met on Telegraph flying my sign. She works at the library. She gave me her ID so I can get on the Internet and check out, some webpage she said had free stuff on it. Oh, that's right. I was going to use the restroom. Anyway, the site ended up being a .org, so I didn't need her ID. I gave her back the paper she wrote it on. I don't need access to any .com sites at this library. She told me about this place called Ihouse where she's going to live soon. That there's a cafe and like 600 international people. I might go there and fly my sign.

     12:12pm  Fabian has agreed to give me a cigarette. Thanks, brother.

     12:30pm  I went to the only water fountain in the library that I know works, which I learned yesterday. By the girls' restroom, on the other side of the building. First, I got on the computer and cleared up a whole side to a tape. Then I decided it was time for a break. I thought I might go fly my sign and try to get some dollars. I needed four more to buy me a disposable camera so I can take pictures of Berkeley for my webpage. I went out to the Sather Gate, like almost out of the school. I was scanning the crowd for cigarettes and I saw this guy sitting down at a fountain smoking. He told me he only had one left. I told him to enjoy it, thanks anyway. Then, I see a girl walking away and I took chase. When I catch up to her, she's like a foreign girl. She gives me a cigarette. Then, I realized that while I was getting water at the fountain that I had one last hit of weed left. Bowie hooked me up with a little tiny bit. So now I'm going to go to my little hideout where I keep my sign. I got some crackers, a little lunch. I'll eat, smoke a cigarette, smoke some weed and go type up another day. That's what I'm going to do right now. I just finished and I'm going to go type up another day. The time is about 12:32pm now.

     3:20pm  I'm leaving school. I spent all day typing. I got to Eugene. I'm walking to the church to eat. I feel like I spent all morning at school. I work. I'm going to school. I'm going to bring world peace and graduate soon, hehe.

     3:24pm  Conner has agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, brother.

     3:50pm  I got some weed for Raven and I'm standing in line for Food Not Bombs in People's Park. Right when I walked up there were all these cops.

     4:36pm  That cool dude, Raven . . actually I didn't tell you about how it was 3:50pm and I was going to go to the church to eat. Turns out, Food Not Bombs was serving in People's Park where I was at. When I was walking back from the school, I ran into Raven. Raven is the forty year old cool dude who Bowie and Jesse rode with. He showed up and asked me if I knew where to score any marijuana. I told him, "Yeah, I'll take you to the park, we'll score some there." When we walked up, there were three cops on mountain bikes going around the park. I thought, "Shit." Then I went up to these black dudes who are always in the park and asked them, "Hey man, know where I can get a ten sack?" This dude said he had some, but didn't. So I just went on to the next dealer in the park. And the next guy had it but he tried to charge twenty for not that much. In the end I told him forget it and he ended up parting with it for ten dollars at our convenience. So, we scored some weed and we smoked. Raven is badass. He's rad for being forty. He hooked me up with a little spliff, which I am smoking now. It's tobacco and weed mixed together. I'm out here flying my sign.

     5:00pm  Destery hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks a lot, brother.

     5:15pm  Hehe, I'm out flying my sign. I just got into this talk with this guy. He was all, "Oh no, you're wrong, you're wrong. People don't deal under reason." I try to tell him my shit, but he wouldn't listen. I told him, "You know, you are proving my whole ignorance theory right. You're not letting me finish." He goes, "Oh, so I am ignorant?" I told him, "Yes, you are." Then he goes, "Well, you're an idiot," and walks off. I told him he could just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Sucker.

     5:28pm  I need about five dollars to buy a camera, so I can take pictures of Berkeley for my webpage. So, I'm going to go spange some more without my sign.

     5:55pm  I just realized I left my stick on my corner. It better be there.

                  Whew, there's my baby.

     6:19pm  Alejandro, from Italy gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:31pm  I said forget it. I'm not going to get a camera today. I'm going to wait to get a digital camera from Thad, whenever he lets me borrow his. And, I'm going to go buy some weed with these five dollars.

     7:26pm  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette. He also came back and read my sign. Badass.

     7:35pm  I have decided that I am going to go look for Thad's apartment.

     8:30pm  I'm not sure where Thad's place is. It's on the corner of University and Shattuck, I think. I don't have time to get there, though. I'm hungry. So, I'm walking back to Hate Camp so I can be sure to be there by nine for pizza. And then I'll go walk and look for his apartment, after I eat.

     9:11pm  Tim hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:12pm  Man, I was walking up to Hate Camp. I passed Blake's and I forgot to bum a cigarette. Man, I really want a cigarette, for when I wait for the pizza. I doubt there was going to be anyone else smoking before Hate Camp. All of a sudden, I saw Tim. I asked him for a cigarette and he had one for me! Badass.

     9:45pm  I came over to Blake's and I'm going to hang out until late and hopefully this hacker guy will show up. I was outside and Jader just hooked me up. On the ground I noticed a big blue raincoat. I asked Jader who's it was and he told me, "You want that cloak?" Badass, he gave it to me. It matches me perfectly.  Dude, I can't believe I got that cloak. It fits my mission perfectly. The guy who gave it to me told me, "We all have powers in us." This guy was all talking weird shit. Like he knew about it. Damn. He vanished, too.

     11:47pm  Thad never showed up, so I'm going to go sleep. I'm tired.

Next day..

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