


     Boulder, CO

Saturday August 14, 2004

Email with

     10:50am  I gotta get out of the house. I'm going to see if I can get a courtesy ride out of here. The bus is due at 11:04. I have to go into town and do some work. I have to get five bucks so I can get a camera somehow. I need to take pictures before I leave, which should be pretty soon. I'm not sure when that will be. They'll have a meeting tomorrow and discuss everything.

                     Someone was telling me that Elijah was walking around asking everybody if they wanted me to stay and they all told him I was cool. I am welcome here if I choose to stay.

                     We'll talk it over it at the meeting.

     10:59am  I am at the bus stop now. I walked all the way over to the bus stop on Arapahoe. Oh yeah, today is Saturday.

     11:14am  Kevin, the bus driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride into town. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:37am  I got dropped off on 13th Street. I'm going to walk to the Pearl Street Mall.

     11:52am  I walked a little down the mall and Dennis hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:15pm  I got some guy's email address. He wouldn't listen to my story. Some bumblebee guy. He was telling me, "Oh, cows are the world's greatest problem. The methane gases they're farting." I told him, "Umm, do you really think cows are as bad as cars?" He told me, "Well, cars are hardcore too." I told him, "Well, let's get rid of the cars first, before we get rid of the cows."

     12:50pm  I'm out here flying my sign on Pearl Street Mall and Tuvo came up and talked to me. This guy who knew me from the house. He saw me at open-mic night. I told him my platform and when I asked him if I could tell him my odyssey story he said, "I've already heard it."

                     I'm tired of just sitting here with my sign. I'm going to walk up to people and hit them up for a story.

     1:47pm  Not only did Jen listen to my whole story, she also hooked me up with a dollar in change so I can get my camera. I appreciate it, Jen. Everybody gets credit.

     1:50pm  Brandt hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:57pm  Let's see if I can score me some food somewhere.

     2:12pm  Nuha at Subway is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

     2:37pm  I got hooked up fat at the Subway. She gave me a whole meal. A twelve inch sandwich, chips and a soda. 

     2:47pm  Gus, just out of the blue walked up and handed me a dollar. I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   I've got three dollars so far. I need like five for my camera.

                   Hehe, these guys walking by told me, "Good luck, good luck." I told them, "Somebody's gotta do it."

     2:50pm   Rachel is hooking me up with a cigarette in the mall. I appreciate it, Rachel.

     2:51pm  Rachel's friend, I didn't get her name, just gave me two bucks. Just like that. She was all, "Here, this will help you save the world."

     2:54pm  Jimmy is hooking me up with some food. He came up to me and said, "Hey, want some food?"

     3:09pm  Ed is hooking me up with a cigarette here in the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:27pm  Greg hooked me up with a cigarette at the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:45pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette at the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:55pm  Noel came up and gave me a dollar. I didn't even ask him for it.

                    I can get my camera now.

     4:14pm  Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Banana Republic at the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I was just sitting here on this bench. Nate just came up and he's going to spark up a bowl. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:45pm  I just had me a good presentation. I got all stoned. That's what did it. I got high. I am going to have me another, damnit. I'm walking around scanning the crowd for listeners. This one guy and a girl just listened to my story hardcore. They didn't have time for the odyssey though. I got their email addresses and told them, "See you on the other side."

     5:56pm  Joe is going to hook me up with some tobacco and let me roll a cigarette. Everybody gets credit.

     6:05pm  I was over here with Joe, the guy I got the cigarette from. He told me he does Oriental astrology. I asked him if he could give me a reading and he agreed. I gave him my birthdate, 2-2-78.

                   Joe: "Alright, your numbers are 591. As I am sure you know, your basic nature is the most powerful. You were born during the most powerful year out of nine. Win or lose. Creation or destruction. You have the most creative nature, but also the most destructive. You have a very intelligent mind. Like burning, passionate. Very inspiring. As well as heart. Like fire. That's your mental, emotional nature. You have a tendency of being insecure, but also very independent. You are just like water, always traveling. Wandering from side to side. Back and forth like a river. That's pretty much your nature. Very powerful, intellectual, independent."

                   Be sure to look up macrobiotics on the Internet.

     6:24pm  Joe is telling me about some community in Alaska called Ionia. He says they don't work. That they have a lot of land, many acres. They farm. They do everything communally. They do everything contextually, as they call it. Basically, they have shunned off society. They've decided to forgot everything society told them and "reinvent the wheel." One of the ways they make money is that they label themselves a mental disability community and get SSI from the government. Which means that every single person in there who wants to be a part of it gets $800 a month. They grow their own food. They're totally vegan. They sell grain. None of them work. They get grants because they're a non-profit organization. It's a whole utopia. They've built all their own houses. They have many log cabins and a communal longhouse.

     6:30pm  Man, I had some badass presentations once I got high. I'm glad I talked to that guy Joe. He was cool. Now I'm going to go find where the bus station is. Oh yeah, I have to buy a camera. Let me see how much money I have.

                   That guy had told me, "Thanks for talking to me." 

                   Oh yeah, that guy Joe was telling me about how food effects your consciousness. He told me you'll get the clearest thinking when all you eat is grains and stuff. He told me that carnivores eat meat because they are aggressive. Herbivores are the non-aggressive ones. That when people eat meat they get all aggressive. He told me that when people drink milk they get ignorant, hehe.

     6:50pm  I'm looking for a pharmacy I can buy a camera at. Then I'll go back to the bus station.

     7:02pm  Jo hooked me up with some change for my camera and she listened to my story.

     7:30pm  I just need a little more spare change for this camera. I've been in front of the 7-11 for like half an hour now. When I first got there I went inside and told the cashier, "I only have $6.30 and I need to buy a camera that's $7.99. Will you hook me up?" She said, "No, we're not supposed to be doing that." I asked her, "Well, will you run me out of here for asking people for spare change?" She said, "Oh, our company watches that and they'll call us." I said, "Well, can I wait until that happens?" She said alright. So let's see how long it takes.

     7:31pm  India hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     7:38pm  The girl I bummed the cigarette off of, I hit her up for my story and she said, "Oh yeah, I saw you in the mall with your sign."

     7:42pm  Danielle is hooking me up with some change for my camera. I appreciate it, Danielle.

     7:50pm  Gaby hooked me up with the dollar I needed for my camera. I appreciate it.

     7:52pm  Vish, the cashier at the 7-11 is hooking me up with spare change I needed to get my camera. I only had like seven dollars.

     7:54pm  Mission accomplished. I got my camera. Now I'm going to go take pictures of Pearl Street. Then I'll go to the bus station and try and get a courtesy ride back home.

     8:02pm  Camilo me esta dando un cigaro. Te lo agradesco, Camilo. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     8:07pm  Cecil is hooking me up with a courtesy ride.

     8:25pm  I had a great presentation on the bus with these two kids! I got off at the 7-11 close to the house. I'm going to walk to the 7-11 and bum a cigarette then walk to the house.

     11:32pm  I just finished typing up this big long letter to the Circle A Ranch. I hope I get to read it tomorrow at the meeting. I don't know. Here's the letter:


Dear Circle A Ranch,

                     Hmm, where do I start? I would very much like to give you guys thanks and praise for providing me with the resources you have. I am thoroughly convinced I did not arrive at this house on accident. Today, August 14th was quite a magical one for me. After cooping myself up in the house for a week, working diligently on my webpage the whole time, today I actually went into town. The bus was due at 11:04am this morning. I went out there with only thirty five cents in my pocket. I was counting on scoring a courtesy-ride and if I didn't, I would just return back to the house and wait for the next bus to try my luck then. The universe provided and the driver let me on the first time. My objective was to ride into town and somehow score enough cash for a disposable camera, so I could take pictures of the house for my webpage.
                     I rode down to Pearl Street and pulled my "On My Way To Save The World" sign out of my bag. Not surprisingly, I was attacked by weird looks from the start. Which don't phase me at all. Remember, I want people to think I am crazy. It's not so much that I want people to agree with me. I just want them to talk about me. That way, when my stuff inundates the Internet and their friends link them to my site they can go, "Oh yeah, I remember that guy. Holy shit. He wasn't kidding."
                     When I got hungry all I had to do was walk into Subway, tell the manager I was a long-distance walker and if she cared to donate any gasoline for my stomach and bam, I got hooked up with a one-foot cold-cut sub. Ask and thou shall receive, no? That sandwich was my fuel for the whole day.
                     I wasn't asking for money at all. As people walked by I would tell them, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story." At first, not that many people stopped for my story. Then, after a couple hours I got smoked out. The weed made all the difference. Not only did I put my sign up and stand up, but I started walking up to strangers and hitting them up for my story. My performance very much improved after smoking and I started blowing people's minds. Like I say, I am a self-programmed peace machine. A robot. It is my job to tell people the same stories the same way every single time. It is my persistent-consistency which will ensure the success of this mission. I can't, for the life of everybody, find anything better to do. I am sacrificing having a normal life to pursue this endeavor. I have to do this until it happens. Afterwards, I will be able to stop the machine and work on being myself again. That will be my reward.
                     I impregnate people with my true story. All the people I talked to today are going to go home and tell their friends and family about me. Just like I want them to. Tied around my little finger.
                     In the end I got a total of thirteen people's email addresses. That's not including the people I told my story to who didn't have or give me their email. And in all my sign-flying, I was hoping donations would fall into my lap without having to ask for them. I was right. On more than one occasion, people approached me and gave me money without me asking. Also, numerous people walked by and wished me luck. In the end, I was able to go to the 711 and get my camera. Mission semi-accomplished. I had a very productive day.

                     Now, I know I may seem like a drainbow after spending so much time in the house, bumming cigarettes, getting smoked out and eating your food. The last thing I am doing is wasting my time. From the first day I arrived, I found projects around the house to keep me busy. I am sure you have all noticed the lack of apples in the yard and the four trash bags full of rotten apples I picked up. Not to mention, how I pulled by hand all the weeds on the slope of the pit out back. I was surpassing the standard 3-hour work quota you place on travelers every day almost. In the beginning I would keep myself busy from morning until it got dark. These last couple of days, I haven't worked so much on the house. I have been extremely busy formatting my text files for my webpage.

                     I really hope you guys don't think I am just playing on the computer all those countless hours I spend in front of it. I am hard at work. You people need to know exactly what I am doing. I have been dying to tell you guys my story since the first day I arrived, but I held off for open mic. Thursday came along and I totally blew it on stage. It was because that was the first stage performance I have had on my mission. Not to mention, the ignorance I encountered when I got up there, which just proved me right some more. People need to learn how to listen. I was so used to telling people my story one-on-one. I flaked out. I left out a very crucial part of my story. I don't know how many of you stuck around for my addendum towards the end, but I just need to convey to you guys exactly what it is I am doing for world-peace. Me and me alone.
                     I have been logging my life, every detail, whatever happens, on my tape recorder for two or three years now. I am letting my "book" write itself. I have headphones and I type it all up. Time-stamps and everything. I have acquired a perfect memory. I don't have to remember shit. I can just study myself, literally. Anybody can do it. It's not rocket-science. I am a one-man organization.

                     Anytime I receive any generosity, like every cigarette I bum, I pull out my tape recorder and say, "I am writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read, and you're in it." I log it. Everybody gets credit in my game.
                     When my stuff hits the web, all these crazy rides I've had to the West Coast and back all for free, these magical adventures, following signs it will serve as proof, in black and white that we don't need money to live. Nobody is going to believe one guy could have made up so much stuff. I take pictures too. I have over 2000. It will be evidence. It will be The Better Book.
                     Now, don't you think the 100% true story of some guy who's walking around the country, telling people he's going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace and their reaction to that, places he goes, people who help him. Don't you think that would be most interesting story in the world? Don't you think that would be an accurate state-of-the-union? I am going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses. You cannot stop bytes.
                     In my possession I have over 6000 people's email addresses and the list is growing larger every time I tell my story. I have been hard at work this whole time. I have over 6000 people who will listen to every single word I say. I am jumping the ignorance-barrier. It's going to spread like wildfire. With today's technology just sit back and watch one person make a global difference.
                     Like I say, I have a full-time job. I don't get days off. I am working for everyone. I am living proof we don't need money to work. We don't need money to help. It is my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry.

                     It seems nobody at the house realizes the magnitude of my project. I am a walking, talking, self-fulfilling prophecy. It's going to happen someday. I am trying to make it sooner than later, for everybody. I am simply expediting human-evolution.
                     Don't you see how I am just testing everyone? In the back of everybody's minds everybody already agrees with me. They are just too scared of the system to think they can make a difference. I am going to fuck the system real good.

                     I felt it rather fitting that I ended up here on accident. I plan things as little as possible. If you don't plan things, you don't get let down. I was sitting bored on the sidewalk on the mall in Denver when I saw a bus drive by that said, "Be Boulder Bound." That was my sign. I went to the bus station the next day, told the guy working my story and without having to ask he gave me a free ticket to Boulder. I thanked him for mobilizing me. The second day I was in Boulder I was invited to the camp at mile marker 38. Food Not Bombs came the next day and after that I was brought to Circle A for a haircut. Things happen for a reason, you know.
                     In my years of traveling I have always yearned for the day I was provided with a dedicated computer terminal to type up my days and assemble my website. Here I have that. There are so many people out there who are waiting for me to follow-through and contact them.

                     Like I said at open-mic, I am sure Circle A Ranch would like to be known as being responsible for expediting world peace, and not elongating the process. I am trying to make everyone's dreams come true. If I cannot remain here and build my webpage, I need to be on the move, searching for another terminal somewhere. Time is of the essence. We don't have that much left. I truly cherish the time you guys have provided me and rest assured you have been major contributors to my cause, which is everybody's cause.

                     In the end, you guys are only treating the symptoms. I am fighting for the cure.

Peace to all who enter your haven,

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Exactly what are you doing for world-peace?

p.p.s. If you guys still think I am crazy, let me know and don't patronize me, please. I will not remain where I am not welcome. I have a lot of work to do. If not here, somewhere else. Let me know if I have overstayed my welcome so I can continue and succeed without you.

Next day..

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