


San Antonio, TX

Monday August 25, 2008

     10:43am  See, right before I started walking around the loop I had thought to myself that I needed to go talk to Dr. Covert, this cool dentist who hooked me up for the cause before(6-13-05:10:55am). I had thought he had fixed a tooth of mine like maybe last year, but when I searched my logs it turned out to be in 2005. Damn, it's already been three years. John L. Covert. I want to see if he'll pull my molar for the cause too. I've been thinking about this for a while now. Then I thought, umm, I should wait until after I walk around Loop 1604 before I hit him up. Then it might seem like I deserve it a little more. I already walked 1604, so I'm going to walk over there and see if he's busy and if I can talk to him.

     10:54am  Venturing out.

     11:10am  I went to the Citgo and bought some Buglers and filled up my ice. They don't charge me anymore.

     11:29am  I just walked up to Dr. Covert's office.
     11:33am  He's busy right now so this nice lady who works there told me I should come back around three. I'm all stoned. His office is right next to the Pizza Hut that hooked me up the other night with pasta(8-4-08:11:13pm). I'm going to go hang out there and see if anybody recognizes me. I have to wait until three.

                     I went in the Culebra Meat Market. I was hoping there would be a pretty girl inside to tell my story to. There was a pretty girl working there, but this dude was already hanging out there flirting with her. I hit them up for my story and they agreed to listen. They didn't seem too reactive to it, so I just gave them my website. I have to wait until three 'o clock. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll just walk around and be free. I want to find somebody to tell my story to.

     11:51am  I'm bored, so I'm going to this church across the street and try to find someone I can tell my marijuana story to, haha! Tezel Oaks Ministry.

     12:09pm  The ignorant-ass at the church turned his ears off to marijuana, just as I suspected. He agreed to listen and I went through my intro and explanation. After I finished the marijuana part the ignorant old man stopped listening. He was all, "It's still classified as a drug and the church is against all drugs." God-damnit, open your ears. grandpa. See, when I first walked in there was this old dude sitting at a desk. I hit him up for my story and he was all, "How long is it going to be?" I told him five minutes, maybe. At first he thought I was asking for money. I assured him it was a free story. He started listening, but then he started getting phone calls from people asking for money and shit. He started listening but when I got to the marijuana part he stopped. Damn, nobody wants world peace! I pulled out my tape recorder and started making this entry right in front of him. I told him, "I was just testing you anyway," and walked out. He said, "What we do is pray." I told him talk was cheap and that actions speak louder than words. Is that all you can do?  I guess this bible-thumper rather have death and war than world peace through marijuana.

                      "Whatever works," I told him.

     12:12pm  The greedy ass lady driving the 608 won't give me a ride. That's a good little slave! Be afraid! Be afraid!

                      Haha, she was stopped at the stoplight and I yelled, "Greedy ass!"

     12:37pm  To kill time I wandered around NW Crossing. I ended up on Silent Oak and Tezel. I'm going to go hit up the Papa John's for mistakes.

     12:54pm  I went inside the Stetson Bar and told the bartender Vickie my story. Right when I got to the As Far As Marijuana Goes part she told me she had to entertain her customers. I just gave her my website. I'm kind of hungry and I got ten bucks. I have less because I bought cigarettes. Maybe I'll go to the Church's and see if they'll hook me up again. Vickie had told me, "I've seen you walking around."

     1:24pm  I had a great presentation with beautiful Lauren in the Pizza Hut right next to the dentist office. At first I went in there and asked for mistakes. She said no, so "Can I tell you my story?" She listened great. I just told her the important part. I even told her The Note From The Rich.

                    I'm going to go hit up Little Caesar's.

     1:31pm  Phillip volunteered me some Crazy Bread at the Little Caesar's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:36pm  I never mentioned, out of a random IRC chatroom, just like I found The Leaf Blower link, I found about Empaths. They have a whole tutorial on there about training your empathic abilities. Empath 101.

     2:28pm  I took my Crazy Bread and I went and sat down at the old Albertson's. I sat down in this little hallway where I used to sit and smoke cigarettes back when I worked here a long time ago. It's shut down and closed up now. It's cool how I got hooked up with Crazy Bread by Phillip, this cool Mexican dude who lives there. I walked in and told him, "I was going to ask you if you guys had any mistakes, but your rack is empty, so forget it." He told me, "You want some Crazy Bread?" He gave me a brand new order of Crazy Bread, nice.

     3:11pm  Hell yeah, I went back to the dentist's and the receptionist took me to this room to wait for Dr. Covert. When he walked in he smiled real big. I asked him if he remembered me and he sure did(how could anyone forget me?). He asked me how I was doing and I gave him my usual happiest man in the world line and told him how I have been spreading my word all over the country. I told him about the fence I tagged. I even told him how I had just walked around 1604 recently. Then I told him how I needed a molar pulled real bad. With absolutely no hesitation he told me, "We'll squeeze you in." I have an appointment tomorrow at 3:40pm...unless they call me and tell me I can come in at eleven.

                    Hell yeah! I'm getting my tooth pulled! I'm almost ready to leave again. Haha, you all pay dental insurance, Hya, hya!

     3:26pm  I went up to the Church's and asked G, "Can I get a couple chicken sandwiches?" He looked around and told me, "Maybe you should come back later." I told him I had three bucks. He said, "Okay, but just give me two." Nice.

     7:00pm  I just woke up from my nap.

     8:10pm  I came out to the back porch to smoke some weed. I just got off the phone with my webhost. See, today I noticed that I had barely any traffic on my website. It's been saying I've had six visits all day and it's already eight. Which is really weird, because I've had up to eighty visits this month in one day. I called and the technician agreed with me. He told me, "I looked at your stats and you're right. Today isn't following the trend for the rest of the month." He told me he had to send my issue to a second tier support agent. I am glad that he saw there was something wrong too. I just knew that my site couldn't have sucked today for some reason.

                    Anyway, I'm reading this Empath training thing, the website. It's really interesting. I can't stop reading it. I am on Lesson 4 already. Right now when I was on hold with my webhost, my mom's got call-waiting ID and I noticed she had called while I was on hold. Right now I just tried calling her back and she didn't answer at all. I hope there's nothing wrong and she's okay. On the Empath thing it tells about getting certain feelings that something is wrong.
I'm not sure if what I feel is that, but I'm kind of worried about my mom. Before she left this morning I had told her, "Let's go for a walk tonight, mom." I want to start walking with my mom. Haha, I want to start walking my mom. That's hilarious. I can't believe this tape recorder still works.

     9:28pm  I forgot to tell you. I went for a walk in the neighborhood. My mom came home and she secured her thrown on the computer, even though she has a fully functioning laptop she could be using. I went to the Perry house. I never mentioned that they had put a new floor in the house and totally redecorated. After seven years they have finally moved into their house, hehe. It used to be trashed before I took the initiative to start cleaning it(1-30-08). Remember? Before I left last February I went gonzo on their house.

                    I was walking on the way to the 1604 gas stations and I passed the baseball field and there was a game going on. I went over there and sat down, making sure everyone else in the bleachers saw my WPTMJ shirt. I sat down and smoked a cigarette and watched the game, just like old times.

Next day..

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