


                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Tuesday September 11, 2007

     9:00am  I just woke up. I got six and a half hours of sleep.
     9:42am  Let's see. I am running out of things to do on the computer. Today I started reading the Essene Gospels of Peace. I'm reading Book 1 here.

                   "I tell you in very truth, Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his whole body, even as the body of the newborn babe is born of the womb of his mother. I tell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you, and you in her. Of her were you born, in her do you live, and to her shall you return again. Keep, therefore, her laws, for none can live long, neither be happy, but he who honors his Earthly Mother and does her laws. For your breath is her breath; your blood her blood; your bone her bone; your flesh her flesh; your bowels her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and her ears.
                   "I tell you truly, should you fail to keep but one only of all these laws, should you harm but one only of all your body's members, you shall be utterly lost in your grievous sickness, and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I tell you, unless you follow the laws of your Mother, you can in no wise escape death. And he who clings to the laws of his Mother, to him shall his Mother cling also. She shall heal all his plagues, and he shall never become sick. She gives him long life, and protects him from all afflictions; from fire, from water, from the bite of venomous serpents. For your Mother bore you, keeps life within you. She has given you her body, and none but she heals you. Happy is he who loves his Mother and lies quietly in her bosom. For your Mother loves you, even when you turn away from her. And how much more shall she love you, if you turn to her again? I tell you truly, very great is her love, greater than the greatest of mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And those who love their Mother, she never deserts them. As the hen protects her chickens, as the lioness her cubs, as the mother her newborn babe, so does the Earthly Mother protect the Son of Man from all danger and from all evils."
                   "For no man can serve two masters. For either he serves Beelzebub and his devils or else he serves our Earthly Mother and her angels. Either he serves death or he serves life. I tell you truly, happy are those that do the laws of life and wander not upon the paths of death. For in them the forces of life wax strong and they escape the plagues of death."
                   "And all those round about him listened to his words with amazement, for his word was with power, and he taught quite otherwise than the priests and scribes.
                   And though the sun was now set, they departed not to their homes. They sat round about Jesus and asked him: "Master, which are these laws of life? Rest with us awhile longer and teach us. We would listen to your teaching that we may be healed and become righteous."
                   And Jesus himself sat down in their midst and said: "I tell you truly, none can be happy, except he do the Law."
                   And the others answered: "We all do the laws of Moses, our lawgiver, even as they are written in the holy scriptures."
                   And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in th e sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"
                   "How may we read the laws of God elsewhere than in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us from there where you see them, for we know nothing else but the scriptures which we have inherited from our forefathers. Tell us the laws of which you speak, that hearing them we may be healed and justified."
                   Jesus said: "You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures."

                   "He that seeks shall find."
     2:10pm  I have had another lazy day on the computer so far. I've had a very productive day, actually. My website has evolved ever so much more. I'm about to go walk Mimi right now. Did I tell you that I am thinking about leaving this weekend?

                   Oh yeah, today is 9-11. A moment of silence for all the lives lost in 2001.

     4:10pm  I'm going to make four twenty right on time. I know I've said this a million times, but I'm done typing again. I'm going to write out three sheets of paper's worth of little papers. I'm out of little papers. I have to make some more before I leave. I have to write out a lot before I leave. And wash some clothes and stuff. I'm gong to go smoke.

     6:14pm  Today is nine-eleven, by the way. I already told you that. I spent another productive day on the computer today. My webpage evolved some more. My mom came home around five forty-five or something. I asked her for bus fare and she gave me five bucks. I already had like four dollars, hehe. Remember that girl I met at Planet K the other day(9-07-07-1:28pm)? Andrea, she gave me her phone number. We were supposed to go hiking today. I called her last night around eleven-thirty. She told me she has to work. She works two jobs. She doesn't get a day off. She told me to call her after eight tonight. I just came to Planet K to see what's up. Just to get out of the house.

                   It sucks, I have totally increased my smoking, dude. I am smoking whole Bugler cigarettes now. I really should slow down or stop. Every time I spark up a cigarette I smoke weed too. I better take off soon so I'll be walking every day again.

                   When I hit people up for my story and ask them if they're willing to listen I'll add in: "Only if you are willing to listen and not interrupt me. I've been telling this story for a long time. Please don't break my flow."

     6:30pm  Just rode the 608 from my mom's house to the Walmart. Now I'm going to get on the 88 and go to Planet K.

                   Oh yeah, I just got off the bus over on Bandera and Wurzbach. I'm walking to Planet K now. The 88 didn't go down Evers this time.

     6:53pm  I'm cutting through Vista Del Rey apartments. I've got my camera so I can take pictures.

     6:56pm  As I am cutting through these apartments I went through a laundry room and I saw some bible thumper magazines.


I quickly put a little stack of like four or five's next to them. I took a picture.

                   The only reason I made that entry is in hopes that whoever picks one up and visits my website can email me and tell me, "Hey, I found your site in the laundromat."

     7:06pm  Andrea wasn't at Planet K. She must be at her other job. She told me that she lived on Loop 410 and Babcock. I really feel like walking. I've been cooped up in the house for a really long time. Weeks and weeks, months and months. It's not hot at all outside right now. I'm going to walk to 410 and Babcock. I'll walk Glenridge behind the dollar movies.  

     7:13pm  I'm walking Glenridge. I just took a picture of La Cimas street, right next to the dollar movies.

                   Did I tell you that I recently found out that that beautiful girl I talked to the other day at the bus stop, Rachel, the one I took a picture of, she's only fifteen? Whoa.

     7:24pm  I walked Glenridge all the way. I am turning left on Cambray. I'll take a picture of the big Corporte Square building right there.  

                   All the dates are wrong on my camera. I need to fix that shit. Keep that in mind while you look at my pictures.

     7:25pm  Just crossed Newcome.

                   Turning left on Baywater.

                   Rad! I see peacocks this way! Lots of them just roaming the neighborhood. I got pointed in the right direction. I asked this lady at the stoplight which way to Babcock and 410. I'm going to take pictures of them.

                   Those weren't the only peacocks. I saw shitlods of different birds just walking around in this neighborhood. That's awesome!

                   This camera is messing up taking blurry pictures. I hope the battery is low or something small like that.

                   I think the name of this neighborhood with the birds is called Rolling Ridge. I might be wrong. The apartments over on Glenridge are called Rolling Ridge.

     7:42pm  I just popped out on Babcock right now.

     7:47pm  I am going to use the payphone at the gas station at Callaghan and Babcock. At the Phillips 66.

                   It's simple math, people. There are more of us than there are of them! Let's take what's rightfully ours already! Reclaim our birthright!

     8:16pm  I just called Andrea and she called it off. She said she was tired and that she just got off of work. Well, at least it wasn't a wasted trip totally. I got to walk through the neighborhood and see those birds. Not to mention, walk, walk, walk like I need to be if I plan to leave soon. Right now I want to find somebody to tell my story to. I'm going to walk to University Hospital. I'll ride the bus home. I should just walk all the way home. Maybe that's what I'll do.

     8:30pm  I'm almost to the buses. I'm walking the jogging track closer to it. This place is packed right now with people exercising.

                   I'm going against the flow.

     8:38pm  Just got to the buses. I'm going to go buy a snack from the vending machine.

                   Did I tell you that I'm going to walk downtown and try and walk back tomorrow? I have to go to work tomorrow. It'll be a tough day at the office. I wonder what kind of snack I'm going to get. Probably the honey bun.

                   I just took a picture of my wallet with all my's stuck in there. I wrote out a hundred and ninety-five today.

     9:01pm  The 606 just pulled up. He still has about five minutes. I just had me an awesome presentation this whole time with this guy waiting for the 602. I didn't get to finish my story but I gave him my webpage. He seemed all impressed.

     9:33pm  I just got off at the Walmart. I could've stayed on the 606 to the Church's if I wanted to. I'm going to walk home from Mainland. I'm not that far. At least walk to HEB and get a ride, hehe. I got to tell some old lady my story on the bus on the way to the Walmart.

     9:50pm  I'm taking a right on Wickersham. I'm walking all the way home.

     7:18pm  I spent another really productive day on the computer. I've got my update almost ready to put up. I've proofread it all. All the way up to not that long ago. Like to yesterday. I've had some really good stretches on the computer lately. Oh, how my site has evolved. My mom got home from work and she had a good day. I swept and mopped the kitchen today. The house is clean. She's happy. I'm going to drive to gas station a half a mile away and buy some cigarettes.

                   Oh, did I tell you my mom found my little dugout? It fell out of my pocket in her car. It was in the same place I found it last time I lost it, but I never looked. I got it back, though. That's so awesome. It all comes back.

Next day..

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