

Arcata, CA

Thursday October 9, 2003

Email with Chris Storey

     1:05pm  I just realized for some strange reason my recorder wasn't recording. So, let me try and recap from memory. This morning I woke up really early. There were like 4 other people crashed out.

I was bored and I noticed Geba's shrine had been knocked down.


                   So, I rolled these big heavy blocks from the end of the barn to make a good foundation for it. I planted the cross in the middle and arranged wood around it all nice and everything. It's got like a little table on it, so I put two candles in front of it. I got two empty bottles of this Japanese wine and put them on the little table, too. I have my scarf draped over it just to give it some effect. I really wish I could take a picture, but I ran out of pictures early this morning.

                   Hmm, after that I chilled out with everybody at the barn until we had to eat at 11:30am. I checked in at St. Vincent de Paul's to see if they had any boots. I was just checking just in case. Then, I went to go eat at The Endeavor. I didn't get in line right off the bat. I smoked a couple cigarettes. I got in line like around 11:45, or something. I ate chicken soup and I got a couple cakes from other people. I talked to Sandy and she said she hasn't gotten the check yet, to keep checking. I'll check tomorrow for my glasses. Geba just asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed. I told him, "Okay, let's go over by the Safeway." At the Safeway I need to go take a shit and shave in the bathroom. I need to shave my face so it will match my head. Geba suggests I grow a beard out like him, but I'm not going to. Then, I need a new camera so I'm going to go buy one at Long's Drugs afterwards.

                   Geba said that Nicholas Cage can kiss his ass. Geba: "Nicholas Cage can kiss my ass. Arnold Schwarzenegger can suck my dick and Sylvester Stallone ain't nothing but a pussy-whore. All movie stars and media conglomerates are a bunch of pussy dick motherfuckers that ain't never going to get it. Ain't never going to have it, and you know you're two-dimensional."

     1:50pm  I just finished. I took a long ass time in the bathroom. I took a shit and I shaved real good. I brushed my teeth. People were all knocking on the door and everything. There's the ladies bathroom right next door they could have gone in. These bathrooms are back here in the back. I don't care. As long as I walk out of this store without buying anything.

                   I'm going to go to Long's Drugs and get a camera.

     1:56pm  I just went into Long's Drugs and bought the camera. I didn't see any price-tags on the cameras and I thought, "Oh shit, they're not five dollars anymore." So, I picked it up and asked the cashier, "Hey, are these not five dollars anymore?" She said, "I'll find out real quick," and scanned it. They were six but . . . there's a dollar-off coupon on it! Badass, I can still get it for five.

                   Cool, I got a camera, now. It's like the seventh one I have so far. 27X7 = 189

                   I just took a picture of these 4 guys juggling in the plaza.


Lemme get me a donut.

                   It was like $5.40, so I spent six dollars on a camera. Let me see how much I have left.

                   Okay, I have five dollars. I need to make thirty this weekend.

     2:26pm  I've been out here for like ten or fifteen minutes asking for change. No one has given me any.

     2:46pm  Dude, I just ran into Molly! The girl that was with Tony in my story I tell.

     2:56pm  That one girl Cricket who's always wanting me to tell her my stories just came by. I told her I was trying to spange up bus fare to SF. She was all, "Oh, you're leaving?" I tried to give her a hug and she stopped me saying, "Oh no, I don't want a hug, for personal reasons." I told her I understood. Then she asked me, "Why don't we sit down and you can tell another story since you're leaving?" I told her, "I really don't have time for a story. I am trying to spange up money to get out of here."

                    I got Molly's email address.

     3:17pm  I just saw Maya again walking with some other dude holding hands and shit. Oh man, I wonder if he knows.

     3:24pm  Eco just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:30pm  Sunflower wants to say something into my recorder, "Is there any hip-hop in Arcata, California? Are there any big dogs or cats running around on a sunny day? That's what I wanna know."

     3:40pm  I just ran into this one girl Tristy, who I distinctly remember typing her name up. She asked, "How's your mission going?" I told her, "Great, I'm trying to get some bus fare to SF."

                   It's cool, when Molly walked by she went, "Victor!" She recognized me first! That's awesome.

                   Hehe, I'm going to call Sunflower Spunflower. She's such a wingnut, hehe.

     3:47pm  I just bought me a joint of weed for two dollars. I'm down to three. I need to multiply that by ten this weekend. No, plus five more to get my bus ticket.

     3:57pm  Jesse gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah! I saw Caroline! Caroline was one of Kate's roommates when I stayed at their house. That's so cool. She asked me if I've seen Kate and I told her how I walked out to the house when I first got here and they didn't live there anymore. I told her it would be really cool if I could see Kate again.

     4:05pm  Moonsong, not only listened to me, but she's going to give me some change for the cause. I appreciate it, Moonsong.

                    It's so cool. That lady who just spared me some change had walked by earlier and I had asked her. She had told me, "No, I have to go buy music for my kids." I told her, "You don't have to pay money for that," and she yelled something at me. Well, she just walked back by and holds up the CD's she bought saying, "See, see." I told her, "You didn't have to pay for that. You don't have to pay for music these days." Then I asked her, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" and I told her my platform. She listened to me and when I asked her if it was just a coincidence that weed and humans react a certain way she was all, "No, no, it's not a coincidence." She was agreeing with everything I said, nodding her head up and down as I spoke. In the end, she gave me fifty cents! She was all, "Here, here's some money for your thoughts." Her kids were listening to me and they were nodding their heads, too. Wow, that was awesome.

     4:20pm  Chaim hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Alright, here we go with the dirty hands. I have to remember to wash my hands. Dirty money.

                   Oh yeah, it's 4:20. I gotta celebrate. Oh shit, the joint just disappeared. Where the hell did it go? I'll find it. I have to find it.

                   Found it. It had fallen on the ground. I'm going to light it up. I gotta celebrate. Sings, "Celebrate good times. Come on! It's a celebration."

     4:25pm  Jason gave Annoying-Jonathan a dollar. He appreciates it, bro.

                  Oh yeah, Jonathan came by and I asked him if he wanted to celebrate 4:20 with me. Then the bastard, the first couple people walking by he asked for some spare change and they gave him a dollar, each. Damnit man, nobody's giving me shit today. Well, some people did but just spare change. No dollars. Fucking Jonathan. Bust this joint. Hit the road, man. Step off. This is my alley, hehe. Just kidding.

     4:49pm  Robin gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Haha, that guy got all paranoid. He was all, "What's up with that tape recorder, bro? What are you doing with that? You got my voice on there?? I don't want my voice on there." I told him it wasn't and he says, "I don't want my name on there." I told him, "Tough."

     4:52pm  Screw this spanging bullshit. I'm going to the library. Maybe I'll check my email and I'll have a ride.

     5:09pm  I'm at the library now.

     9:40pm  I'm leaving the library. I just typed up one day today. I looked up a lot of stuff online about blogs, weblogs. I tried signing up with one of them. They all seem more complicated than they're worth. I want to keep it simple. I really should, I really need to wait until I can go back to San Antonio and sit on my mom's computer for hours and hours and just do shit. Damn. Oh well, we'll see what happens.

     10:03pm  Lyssa just gave me a little weed. I appreciate it. Lyssa's middle name is Galadriel from Lord of the Rings.

     10:07pm  Jonah just hooked me up with change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother. Jonah Otwell. Jonah Braunst Otwell.

     10:09pm  RJ just gave me a cigarette. After-meal smoke. Thank you, brother.

     10:26pm  I'm walking to the barn. You know, I was kind of psyched because I thought I wasn't going to go back to San Antonio, that I could put up my webpage here at the college at an site or something. Then I thought, "No, I don't want to figure out how to do that. I want to go home and do it as pure and simple as possible. I need a computer I can stay on for hours. I can't have full access to the computers at the school, which is what I need. Ideally. Plus, I still have some more story to tell for the way home.

     10:50pm  I got to the barn about five minutes ago. I walked in and asked, "Anyone home?" I hear some girl say, "Victor, I love your shrine!" At first, I thought it was Veronica but it turned out to be Randi. She's over there sleeping by my shrine with Cocapelli. That's cool that someone appreciated it. I put a lot of work into it. I wanted to show everybody this morning, but no one wanted to look at it.

Next day..

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