


Arcata, CA

Thursday October 23, 2003

     7:42am  I just woke up. It's all wet outside. There's like a cloud in the barn. Wish we had some walls. The mist came in and everything's soaked. Not really soaked, just damp. I'm going to go take a head-count.

                   Twenty two people except for the people who have already left.

     8:13am  Man, there's a big cloud in the barn. Just all this mist. It must've rained hard last night. I didn't even notice. It wasn't raining when I left the library. Now, the sun's coming up and it's burning up all the water in the field. There's a cloud out there.

     8:30am  I just took a picture of the fire in the barn.


                    I usually don't like fires in the barn and am the first to forbid it . . . but it's warm, hehe.

     9:52am  I've been sitting here at the fire warming up, smoking weed. We've got an old sink we are using as a fire pit. I just took a picture of Dave.


                    He's holding his dog Kerouac by his mouth. I told him to raise his arms so we could see them. Good job, Dave.

     9:53am  This dude who does a good German accent says, "I'm Arnold, I cannot come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep." I told him, "People are just going to have to imagine you doing the accent. I'll tape over it eventually." He says, "I am your new Gubernator. I have come to Gropenate you." Just joking around I said, "You vant what the people vant." He says, "I am for the people, always have, always will. I don't play the games."

     10:55am  I just took a picture of Sean's project for the morning.


                     He, single-handedly moved all these rolls of barbed wire, which I got in the picture also in a big stack. He even swept the floor with an old sweater. He put a tarp up and there's even enough room for people to walk by. Great job, Sean.

     11:17am  I'm walking into town. Man, we had a great morning at the barn. There were lots of people and everyone was doing stuff. That guy Sean was all sweeping up and moving all the barbed wire out of the way. It's all cool. Now, I'm going to walk into town. I have a doctor's appointment to go to to. In half an hour. 11:45am.

                      I just got like five pictures of this big bible-thumper van we passed.  

     11:40am  I just walked up to the Open Door Clinic on 10th Street. Between G and H. I'm early for my appointment. I should probably type up some of this up today at the school. I'm almost out of tape.

     11:46am  I'm sitting in a room, waiting for some news. Sitting in a room with white knuckles. Not feeling so good. I didn't do the things I should. Hehe, that was from the NOFX song. I'm waiting for the doctor to get my results. I thought it took two weeks.

     11:49am  I just got out of the clinic. That cool doctor, I keep forgetting his name told me, "Your stuff came out fine. HIV negative." I told him, "Yeah, but hasn't it only been a week?" He told me, "You're going to want to get tested again six months after you had unprotected sex." Let's see. Umm, I'll figure it out later . . when I type it up. But, I feel a little better. Plus, I don't feel too sick anymore. It sucks that now I can't use that whole, "I haven't been sick in about four years, since my car broke down. It's the secret to life," line. I'm walking to The Endeavor. I'm going to go eat. I'm going to go to school afterwards. I feel a little better.

     11:49am  I came into the Ladies Room at The Endeavor. Before I went in I asked Lori, "Hey, since there is less of a demand for this bathroom, and I want to shave and it might take me like fifteen minutes to because I haven't shaved in a while, do you mind if I use that restroom?" She said, "Yeah, sure. Of course there is a less of a demand. It's the lady's restroom."

     1:13pm  I went back to the public library after I ate. This girl saw me and said, "Hey, you've got a story for me?" I totally didn't recognize her at first, but told her, "You'll listen??" I asked her where I had met her before and she said in the plaza, that she was holding a sign that said, "I will listen to you(10-20-03, 3:00pm)." We came and sat down at the library. Liz is recommending a book to read called Into the Wild by John Krakauer. Let me read this:

                   "In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitch hiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness North of Mount McKinley. His name was Christopher Jonathan McCandless. He had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself. Four months later, his decomposed body was found by a moose hunter..."

     1:36pm  Since there was a long wait for computers I asked Liz if she wanted to walk up to HSU with me. She said sure and we took off.

                   When we got there Liz told me about another place in a different building at the school where you could get online. We went there, but it was way too crowded and I didn't much like it compared to my quiet library. So, we parted and I went to the library.

     9:52  I had a bigass productive day at the library today. I only typed up like two or three days, but I typed up a lot out of my Future Shock book. I wrote my mom back. Anyway, this is a new tape. I have to remember that the other one was the one with the blue TDK label. Man, it's cold. I don't have enough layers. I'm going to walk and get a donut. I'm hungry.

     10:10pm  I'm here at the donut shop. I'm hungry and am going to get some change for a donut. Oh yeah, I feel much better now. I'm like smiling. I'm not so down. I had a very productive day at the computer . . . that's probably what did it. And, I feel better. I'm not that sick anymore.

     10:11pm  Josh hooked me up with some change. This girl who was with Josh corrected me, saying his name was Booby Foo. Thanks man. Everybody gets credit in my game, Booby.

     10:16pm  Rob hooked me up with two cigarettes! I only asked him for one.

     10:19pm  Daniel and Chris gave me some change for a donut.

     10:32pm  I'm walking to the barn. Ahh, my night has gotten so much better. I feel a lot better. I emailed my mom. She wrote me back saying that she had read my whole email I sent her, which was long. She said that she was really glad to hear that I visited so many beautiful places and that people helped me so much on the way. She's going to send me some of these Transfer Factor pills(check out, that she's in the business of. They boost your immune system. She's going to mail me some via overnight delivery. I gave her the address to The Endeavor. It's just been a much better night for me. I am in better spirits. I got a smile on my face and I'm telling people hi I don't know. I'm going to walk to the barn now and go crash.

     10:40pm  I'm at the barn and we got a party going on here. Somebody said it's a ho-down. A shin-dig.  

 Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 00:22:07 EDT

dear victor
you seem well,,but you didn't share any lessons that you are learning.
whats up with that?
theresa (lady with long white hair) in berkeley.  

Next day..

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