

                                                                                                             San Antonio, TX

Friday October 31, 2008

     7:30am  I just woke up. 6.24 hours of sleep.

     5:52pm  It's about time I made a recording. Today is Halloween, by the way. Not much is going on. I was on the computer for a while and I am packing my bag already. I'm going to walk to the Brigadoon park and get smoked out, watch.

     6:41pm  I had come over to the Brigadoon and got smoked out, just like I called it. I ran into Conner, he said I had met him at SAC. That he was the one who smoked me out at the park and I had returned his notebook for him. I'll look that up.



     7:22pm  What was your name? Jeff. What happened with that car surfing thing(10-24-08:12:52pm)?  Jeff: "Do you want me to start with how much weed we brought? It was like a week ago. It's like creepy Halloween stories, that's cool. Anyway, we smoked a bunch of dro here at Brigadoon and Gus was with us. I dropped him off and we were going to meet back up here after we ate. We went and got Taco Cabana and when we come back I see Jake and Gus and Little John. They were at the entrance by the curb. I was going to drive them up the hill in the park. I told them to just jump on the hood and I'd drive up. They jumped on and Gus was sitting on the edge. As I was driving he just slipped off the front and went under the car and the car just stared hoppin'. We all got out of the car and we were looking at him, "Gus! Are you alright?!" He said, "Yeah, dude. Lift up the car." We pulled him out, Mckenzie pulled him out. I told him, "Dude, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what happened." Gus was like, "Nah, dude. It's cool. How many people can say they got run over by a freakin' car??" He was fully conscience. He was fully stoned. Victor: "What were the injuries?" Jeff: "He broke his collarbone and had to get eighteen stitches in his shoulder. They had to put a big metal plate in with like five screws. They almost had Air Life come."

     7:30pm  I got smoked out hardcore at Brigadoon. Called that. Right when I got there they were smoking a blunt. I'm going back home now. I might come back in an hour. Conner gave me a couple roaches. I'm glad I got that story about that guy who got run over. That's crazy as hell. Cars are death machines.
     7:52pm  Oh man, my family is grilling me to stick around and not leave tomorrow. I called my mom and she put Laura on the phone. Laura was begging me to stay until she had her baby, that she wanted me to meet her. She said she was having the birth induced next week. "Can you please hold off until you meet her?" Then my mom was telling me, "Victor, you help me so much with Maggie and you clean the house so well. It would really help if you stayed another week or so. Oh, and I'm bringing you home a lot of food." "You're just buttering me up," I told her. I told her I would think about it. Should I stay or should I go?
                   Argh, I was trying to leave before the baby was born on purpose. Chaos will ensue for my ignorant sister and I don't want anything to do with it. Oh no, and if I left my mom would have to clean up her own mess while catering to my sister. Can't have that.

                   I just got home right now and Maggie was all excited. All these trick-or-treaters were coming to the door and she started barking. I forgot to turn the lights off. I'll do that.

                   Oh yeah, and my mom was sure to tell me, "If you held off I could give you some money. I don't want you to leave empty handed."

                   When she gets home I'll ask her, "Well, mom. Exactly how much money are you talking about??" Hehe, I'm just kidding. I do need double A batteries.

Next day..

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