

                                                                                                             San Antonio, TX

Saturday November 1, 2008

     6:00am  I just woke up. I don't know how long I slept. I didn't set my watch last night. I crashed out around ten or something. I want to leave today.
     9:53am  My mom made me breakfast and sat me down. I asked her, "Do you think you can give me a ride on I10 just a little, mom." She got this sad look on her face, "Oh, you're really going to go today?" She begged me not to go yet. She pleaded with me to stay another week because my sister is going to have her baby. I told her, "I am not excited about that baby. I resent my sister for raising her son all wrong to begin with. He's all rebelling and it serves her right. So, I'm not going to get excited about hearing she's going to have another kid. She doesn't even have a stable job to provide for her current child. The dad of the baby is a deadbeat loser, just like the dad of her son.
                   I need to get out of here. I told my mom that next  Saturday I was leaving for sure.

     11:49am  I thought I was going to go back to sleep. I changed my mind though. I'm going to ride the bus downtown. Today is Saturday. I am all in my uniform. I have my marijuana necklace on and I'm going into town and tell my story and give out my website.

     12:22pm  Hell yeah! I just got a five dollar bill from this dude I just told my story to at the Mainland Walmart. I can get me a dimebag now! My mom had given me five. My mom had dropped me off at Bandera and Guilbeau and I walked to the Walmart and refilled my ice. The buses had just left and I'd have to wait another hour. I went to the bus stop to smoke a cigarette. I saw some dude sitting there with his head down. I asked him if he knew what time the bus came and he said he wasn't waiting for a bus, that he was waiting for a ride. Hmm, well then, I approached him with the usual, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story. It's not religious, I promise."
                     He listened to so much of my story. I had told him the spirits part but then it seemed like I had a good wait for the bus, so I went into my Odyssey. I talked to him for like over twenty minutes. Towards the end he had to go use the payphone and he handed me a five dollar bill and thanked me for telling him my story. He was from California. I forgot his name, but I got his picture.

     1:27pm  Great presentations so far for today. I've had like two or three of them. I talked to some dude on the 606 on the way to the hospital. When I asked him if he was willing to listen he told me, "I already passed up my stop to hear it." I smoked him out when we got to the hospital. I even sung him the lizard's song. On the bus he told me that he was all stoned too. Marijuana really brings my story to life.

                   Oh yeah, at the Walmart right after I got those five dollars I see Boricua from downtown. This Puertorican dude from Travis Park.  I asked him if he had any weed and he sold me a nickel sack. Perfect!

                   Oh yeah, and at the Walmart right when I started telling that guy my story he asked me, "What do you think about fear?" I told him, "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." I told him I wasn't going to worry about dying. That it would just be another step in my spirit's journey. He said that was powerful and seemed to have gotten in a better mood. He told me that fear of dying was the thing he was having problems with right then. He seemed all depressed and I really hope I was able to brighten his day.

     1:53pm  I just got off at Five Points. I'm going to walk to San Pedro Springs Park and smoke some weed.

     2:20pm  There was nobody at the park at all. I walked over to the bus stop in front of the transit department. I got tons of H's today. I have a couple big long ones so I can ride the bus home too.

     2:25pm  I just got off at St. Mary's and Martin, downtown. I'm going to walk to Travis Park. I should go to The Riverwalk today.

     3:20pm  I just had a great time on The Riverwalk. Everybody was loving my shirt, man. These black girls from Houston just stopped me and asked to take my picture. "Document me, please." People in the riverboats are loving my shirt too.

     3:28pm  I wandered over to The Villita and there's a big crowd of people. I walked in front of the stage a couple times. I'm going to double back here and walk the other side of the river now. Everybody was staring at me.

     3:57pm  I just had an awesome presentation right now at the corner of Navarro and College. People have been reacting to my shirt great all day. These three people walked, the daughter was in the military. They liked my shirt and I offered to tell them my story. They didn't have time to listen to it. I asked them if I could tell them something not as long and kind of funny. I
just laid the entire Note From The Rich on these military people! They seemed to have enjoyed it. I hope they tell their superiors, hehe. Welcome to San Antonio!

     4:08pm  Rodney hooked me up with a cigarette on the Alamo Plaza. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:43pm  It was awesome. I was getting hungry and I didn't bring any snacks from home today. I walked to Travis Park and I see Heather, this crazy girl of crazy David. She was walking with this older Mexican guy and I gave her a hug. I asked her what they were doing and Heather told me that the dude was going to buy her lunch. Jokingly, I said, "Hey, can I come? I'm a journalist. I'm writing a book the whole world is going to read." Surprisingly he said sure. Lewis is his name. At first we were aiming for the McDonald's, but Lewis actually took us to eat at the G.M. Steakhouse. He ordered three sirloin steaks for us! Thanks for feeding the peace machine, Lewis. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     5:40pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Alamo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:06pm  Frank was nice enough to give me a cigarette at Presa and College. I appreciate it, Frank. Everybody gets credit.

     6:50pm  Briana was the name of the pregnant girl who gave me that pinner the other night(10-28-08:7:28pm).

     7:40pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:53pm  Guess who I just ran into. Teo! (12-8-0412-12-0412-14-0412-17-0412-18-041-24-052-12-052-16-052-23-053-28-054-5-054-24-055-11-056-11-05). He just got off a bus from Mexico. He said he had a really good and enlightening time in Mexico. He said he quit doing drugs after being with the natives in San Luis Potosino and Oaxaca. Anyway, I offered to smoke him out. At Navarro and Martin. Welcome back to San Antonio, Teo.

     8:03pm  Teo was waiting for a bus at Travis Park, then he said screw it, asked me if I could carry one of his bags for him and walk with him four blocks. He wanted to go to Walker-John's house. He told me this gay dude would pay people money to walk on him. With shoes on. That he was a masochist and liked pain and really liked it. We walked a lot more than four blocks and the guy wasn't home. I'm waiting for Teo to come back at some gas station on St. Mary's. Jose was nice enough to give me a cigarette.

     8:22pm  I rode the bus back to Travis Park and Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette.

     8:40pm  I jumped on the 88.

     9:25pm  I just got off at the Walmart on Mainland. I came to the bushes close to the bus stop and took a piss.

     9:45pm  Oh yeah, on the bus I ran into Melvin and Emily-Violet. Melvin is the Puertorican dude who sold me some weed earlier today. We're going to go smoke a blunt in the New Territories Park, sweet. Let's go practice what I preach, guys.

                    Be sure to download American Gods by Neil Daiman.

     10:12pm  Hell yeah, I got smoked out with a bigass blunt in the New Territories Park. I saw Melvin get in a crazy fight the other night in Travis Park. He's been out of prison for like five months. He was in there for five years. His girlfriend is Emily-Violet. She's twenty and she's beautiful. I'm walking down Old Tezel right now. On my new sidewalk. I'm walking home. Oh yeah, my mom's not going to be there. She's staying at my sister's again. Peace out.

                      It was weird. Right when I was walking down Old Tezel I was thinking about all that October 14 stuff about the UFO. Right then I found a parachute alien toy on the ground.

     10:52pm  I need to reiterate what a great night I've had tonight. It was a good Saturday night. I got treated to a steak lunch downtown. I did a lap on The Riverwalk and got my picture taken. It was awesome. When my mom gave me six bucks this morning she told me to use it for food and not use it "for something else." Then I saw Melvin this morning and got some weed to start with. Then I got hooked up with five bucks by some guy from California I told my story to. Then I went downtown. The letter of the day is H and I had a shitload of H transfers. Then at night I caught the bus home and I saw Melvin and Emily-Violet. They smoked a blunt with me at the New Territories Park and Melvin hooked me up with a little bit of weed too. I got weed. So tomorrow might be a typing day. I've had some cool shit happen to me.  I should type it up. Peace.

Next day..

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