

                                                                                            Truth or Consequences, NM

Sunday November 16, 2008

     4:30am  Man, I woke up at like three fifty or something all shivering. The cold woke me up. The water in my CamelBak is frozen and everything. I couldn't fall back asleep because it's so cold. I finally decided I'd go back to Dale's house and knock on his door. I wasn't going to stay there because he was going to have the radio on. I will tolerate the radio when it's this cold outside. I knocked on his door and he woke up and let me in his house.

     8:35am  After about two more hours of sleep the talk radio woke me up. Dale is all disabled and does nothing. He lives in a HUD house. Man, it got cold last night. In the middle of the night I woke up shivering. I was pretty thirsty but all my water was frozen. I went over to Dale's and he let me in and let me crash on the floor. He wouldn't shut up at first.
     8:57am  After about only three hours of sleep the sun was up again. I put all my stuff on his front porch and started packing up. My stuff was covered in doghair. I had to shake it off real good. Right now I just came to the Fast Stop to take a shit. The cold last night was a definte sign to head South again and get on I10. I'm going to see if I can get back to Las Cruces today. Oh yeah, I can see if the police will give me a bus ticket.

                   Oh yeah! I never mentioned. I got me another walking stick! When I was packing up my stuff in front of Dale's house I saw a long twig that could serve as a walking stick. I trimmed it to armpit-height with the saw on my Leatherman. It's a shitty stick and it's not straight, but I can still put a tennis ball on it and maintain my image.

     9:28pm  I went to the bathroom and layered down. The sun is up a little more. I took my tights off. I've got a new walking stick. It sucks, but it's a stick. Anyway, I'm going to walk into town and score breakfast at BBQ on Broadway, hopefully. If not I can walk over to the taquerias closer to I25. I'll go talk to the police. I won't take my shirt off. I'll stash my weed though. I'll see if they can give me a bus ticket back to Las Cruces so I can go back down South. Screw this cold shit.

                   Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to Jeff Dukatt also. I want to ask him about a black WPTMJ shirt with white letters. Oh wait, he's not open. It's Sunday.

     9:59am  I have to make an update. I was just walking down the street and I see this brother with dreadlocks and a walking stick across the street. I quickly decided I would try and smoke this guy out. I walked up to him and asked him if he smoked. He was all, "What do you mean?" We came to this alley close by and we are smoking and I'm telling him my story. What do you think so far, David? David: "I'm listening."

     10:39am  I have had a magical morning in Truth or Consequences. Welcome back to T or C, Victor. This morning I was all bummed out because it was all cold. Argh, that guy who let me crash at his house last night, Dale, he had dogs that would piss on everything so I couldn't leave my bags on the floor. I was walking and I had gone the wrong way on Date Street. All of a sudden I spot this dude with dreadlocks and a walking stick! I crossed the street and offered to smoke him out with my shwag I got in Las Cruces. He agreed and we walked to this alley and he smoked me out with some chronic! I was all stoned and I got to tell him my story. He reacted beautifully to it. I was in my Odyssey when I put it on pause. We're going to walk to BBQ on Broadway and score some breakfast. Let's go see if they honor their tradition, hehe.

                     His name is Michael-David. He's from Nairobi, Kenya. East Africa.

     11:06am  BBQ on Broadway is closed because it's Sunday. We're going to walk all the way to the taquerias and see if they're open. It's a good hike.

     11:27am  Ismael me esta dando comida en La Hacienda. Te lo agradezco, senor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     12:04pm  We got hooked up at La Hacienda. I called that shit all the way from downtown. I got us both hooked up! At first David said he had money and he could cover me. I told him no, that I wanted to try my line. We got hooked up with a couple fat tacos. We went outside and sat on a wooden bench at ate and smoked. I got to tell Christol, the younger girl who worked there my story. She listened and agreed great.

     12:25pm  Change of plans. It turns out I am not leaving Truth or Consequences just yet. The sun is all the way up and it's not that cold anymore. Where are we walking to now, David? We're going to the Riverbend Hot springs, the place that I've been to before[7-14-04, 10:30am]. I am having a good time. David smoked me out with some good weed.

     1:35pm  Nice, David volunteered to haul my pack for me. I took a picture of him.

     2:28pm  Badass, since David does worktrade at Riverbend he's got some time to soak and he can bring a friend! We're going to get in a hottub! Sweet!

     4:10pm  After the hottub we walked over to David's motel room at the Trail Motel. Right now I walked over to the Circle K to borrow somebody's cellphone so I could call my mom. My twin sister is about to have her baby, if she hasn't already.

     4:23pm  Linnie, the cashier at the Circle K let me borrow her cellphone so I could call my mom. My neice was born yesterday.

     4:37pm  Guess what. I'm going to hike the Turtleback mountain with David. We're getting a ride to the trailhead and we're going to find a campspot and hike to the top of the mountain ridge tomorrow. David's got the motel room for a week and he's got a Greyhound bus ticket to California. I've stayed at the Trail Motel before[07-12-04, 11:29pm]. At first I didn't want to hike up the mountain because I figured it would be a lot colder there. David assured me we would be able to build a fire to stay warm. That's alright, then.

     7:50pm  David and I went on a night-hike. We both have flashlights and we are hiking up Turtleback Mountain. We found a trial and we've been hiking over some ridges. Look where I ended up tonight in Truth or Consequences. The stars are beautiful. I took a picture but you can't see any stars.

Next day..

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