

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Tuesday December 4, 2007

     1:18pm  It's about time I made an entry today. This morning I woke up. I got seven hours of sleep last night. I left the house. I'm so bored with nothing to do. I was pulling email addresses off of webpages today and mailing them my site one by one. I was out of weed. I went to Humplick's, but nobody answered. All the cars were in the front. They were probably just ignoring me. I said screw it and walked all the way to the NW Crossing where I met Brian and Veronica who live across the street from Tommy. Bo was actually home, but he wouldn't sell me any weed. Then I said screw it and walked down Weybridge looking for that house I scored weed from(9-13-07, 12:53pm).
     1:31pm  I was walking down Weybridge hoping cool people would drive by and I'd give them the weed signal. I saw some guy getting out of his car and he looked cool. I crossed the street and approached him, "Know where I could get a nickel sack?" He was smoking a blunt right there and everything! He said he didn't know where I could score a nick, but he let me have his roach. Awesome!

     1:40pm  I'm all stoned! Thank you so much, dude. I got like three or four hits worth off that roach. I totally manifested that. I'm going to see if I can find that house. I think I already passed the street.

     1:59pm  I doubled back a little to Timber Path. Turning on Cliff Trail for no reason whatsoever. I am really considering knocking on people's doors and telling my story. I've got weed. I want to tell my story to somebody.

     2:13pm  I ran into Steve. Remember I told you I was turning Cliff trail for no reason whatsoever? Well, there was a reason after all. I had seen this guy drive past me in a silver car. I saw him pull into a driveway about eight houses down. I thought to myself, "Man, I wish that guy is still outside when I walk by so I can hit him up for my story." I walked by and he had already gone inside, but the front door was open. The screen door was shut. I walked right past it and shit, I guess not. I walked a little further and for some reason I turned around and I saw him behind the screen door looking outside. I waved at him and got his attention. He listened to my story! Hell yeah! My prayers were answered. Presto-manifesto! Steve agreed with all of it. I gave him my website and everything. He was saying right and every point I made. He didn't have time for the Odyssey, but I told him the spirit's part.

     2:19pm  Cliff Trail goes down to Cliff Rock and then back to Timber Path. I hit this lady up for my story as she was going out to her car. I just gave her my website. She had to go. She had granted me permission for my story, but she didn't react at all when I mentioned marijuana, so I just gave her my website. She said, "But I don't have a computer." I told her, "It's free at the library. Can I give it to you, anyway?"

     2:38pm  I walked over by Zachry Middle School and this brother bummed a cigarette off me at the bus stop. Joe walked by and said I met him before like three years ago. At OP Schnabel.

     2:47pm  I had a little change of plans here. I'm going to go with Joe to Ingram and he's going to smoke me out.

     3:58pm  I just got smoked out under the bridge here at Ingram by the bus transfer center. I found out where all the kids come and smoke. I got me a nickel sack. I'm going to walk to the mall now. I want to tell my story real bad. None of the ignorant kids smoking under the bridge would listen. One slut girl was giving this one guy a blowjob in the woods. I'm going to walk to the mall and tell somebody my story there.

     4:07pm  I was walking and it just dawned on me. Man, I'm already by Ingram. Fuck it, I'm going to walk downtown. I put my rainbow wig on. People have already started honking at me.

     4:11pm  Hell yeah, I'm walking in front of Holmes High School. All the kids are coming out. Crowds of highschoolers. Everybody is looking at me and laughing. Hell yeah.

     4:35pm  Do you people see how I got rewarded for telling my story in the neighborhood? I got weed! I'm all high. I smoked with the kids under the bridge and shit. This random dude I met at the bus stop who knew me from a long time ago, he was on his way to Ingram. I had a dollar, so I didn't ask for a courtesy ride. I should've. Psyche!

     4:41pm  I see my food down there. La Grandes Barbacoa and Tamales.
                   They're closed. That sucks.

     5:10pm  I told this pretty girl my story. I took her picture but I forgot her name. Right in front of the library here. Ingram and Whitetail. Forest Hills Branch Library.
     5:30pm  I walked Ingram to Ridge. I'm turning left on Oakwood.

                   I'm getting the best reactions with my wig on. Everybody is smiling at me, hell yeah.

     5:36pm  I hit Bandera, turning left. I'm not walking downtown. I don't have my Fuck Bush shirt on. I'm going to walk back home.

                   I'm kind of hungry. I want to find something to eat.

                   I didn't tell you. I just jumped over to Evers. I'm going to walk down Evers and stop at Planet K.

                   Little do all the people on IRC now that I want to get banned. So I'm not distracted and I can get offline and walk around be seen in the real world. I'm just milking IRC until everyone has banned me.

     6:00pm  Holy shit! I just ran into Ryan from a long time ago! Remember I went by his house one time and I thought he had died? (1-28-04, 1:06pm) I had walked up to Pat Neff Middle School and sat down to smoke a cigarette. I hear some at the bus stop across the street yell out, "Vic, is that you?!" I went yeah and he said, "It's my, Ryan." I walked over and recognized him and said, "Dude! I thought you were dead!" Crazy.

     6:06pm  Las Palapas en Evers y 410 me estan dando comida. Te lo agradezco, seƱor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                   Hell yeah, remember how I said I was hungry? I walked underneath 410 and hell yeah, Las Palapas. I've never hit this place up before. They hooked me up. The guy thought I was asking for soda at first.

     6:19pm  I just got to Planet K.

                   I just had a marvelous presention with Alex at Planet K. Hell yeah, I've had such an awesome night. In the end he told me, "I really support your cause." Alex was from Chicago and he listened to my story great. In between customers, of course. He agreed with every single thing I said. I even showed him all my pictures from Chicago. He really enjoyed my story.

     7:30pm  I left Planet K and walked by the Hookah Palace close to Wurzbach. I just went in there to get my water bottle refilled and Kevin just volunteered me a brand new bottle of water. Because the tap water sucks. I appreciate it, Kevin. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:34pm  Brian at the Dominos on Wurzbach and Evers hooked me up with a pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

     7:38pm  Q at Anna's Nails right next to the Domino's. I just sat down to eat the pizza Domino's hooked me up with and Q volunteered me some orange juice! He offered me a soda too but I kindly refused telling him, "I've got enough gas."

     7:52pm  I'm walking Evers towards Huebner to Bandera. I never mentioned that this is the way I walked when I walked home from the Greyhound station. I turned right on Evers. I don't think I mentioned that. Man, I just had me an awesome pit-stop right now. First of all I got hooked up with a bottle of water at the Hookah Palace. See, all I got was a bean and cheese taco at Las Palapas so I was still a bit hungry. The lady in the back was all hesitant to give it to me. I walked to Planet K and had put my show on for Alex. He loved my story. He was from Chicago and he got all nostalgic. I let him see my pictures and he was naming all the places and streets. He agreed with me saying everything happened for a reason and he's been wanting to go back home. "You gotta follow the signs," I told him. Then I walked a little further and saw the Domino's. I went in there and asked and the guy said, "Yeah, sure." It's the magic wig, I know it is. He gave me a thin crust with olives on it. I ate like all of it but one slice. Then I just walked around the corner and sat down to eat. Some guy was loading up his car in front of some nails place. He just up and volunteered me a Tropicana orange juice. Vitamin C! He offered me a soda, and I gave him my gas line. So instead he gives me some generic HEB brand non-carbonted thirst quencher drink! A big 64 ounce bottle! I ate the pizza and chugged down the orange juice. I am all fueled up.
                   Oh, I didn't tell you. At Planet K I ran into my friend Vance! I gave him a big hug and he told me to call him later on tonight and that he'd smoke me out! Hell yeah, Vance smokes the good shit too.
     8:22pm  I walked Evers all the way to Huebner. I kind of remember Vance living over in this direction, close to Babcock. I stopped at the Habib Mart and asked the guy if I could borrow their phone and the greedy ass directed me to the payphone outside. I was hoping I'd get to use the phone at the Habib Mart and ask Vance which way to turn. I'm going to turn towards Babcock anyway. I don't even know if he still lives over here. I'm going to see if I can borrow a phone on that corner.

                   I can't believe I thought I was getting bored with San Antonio. It's because I was stuck on the computer and when I finally caught up on my typing all that was left was to spam on IRC, or get out and walk around and let magic happen. I think I'll go for the latter. You know how much I love telling my story. Today was a roller coaster. Presto-manifesto. I followed through on all my shit. I got high, I got a little weed and I even walked a lot. I haven't stopped walking. What a great listener I had at Planet K with Alex. Hell yeah, he's a believa.

     8:44pm  Josh at the Shell station at Eckhert and Huebner is letting me use the phone. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:00pm  Rudy just volunteered me some money! Just out of the blue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:36pm  I just took a picture of Sonya. I've been hanging out at the Quik Stop Shell station on Eckhert and Huebner.

     9:47pm  Don hooked me up with a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:05pm  I should make an update by now. Last I was at the Shell station. I was telling Josh my story in between customers and he really dug it. He was getting off work at ten or so and I asked him if he could give me a ride closer to home. He said sure, and he called his friend up and asked if we could come over and smoke. Guess where his friend lived? At the Hill at Woodway, the apartments at West Telemarketing. Dude, that's my walk home all the time. Seven miles, no big deal. I'm not going to mind this walk at all. I'm all stoned. We're going to smoke some more! Josh did me the favor of getting me an audience to listen to my story. Even though they're sipping on beers. One of them had to go to the bathroom so I'm going to pause my story.

     12:48am  Man, I have to tell you about the most blissful day I've had today. It was just one awesome roller coaster. In all my twists and turns. I decided I wasn't going to walk downtown because it was going to get dark soon. I walked to Bandera and to Evers and to Planet K and had a great presentation with Alex. I walked Evers to Huebner and Huebner to Eckhert. I had tons of magic happen there. I was going to buy some cigarettes but they didn't sell Buglers. Josh ended up hooking me up with a pack of American Spirits! Then we took off in his car and I had another great audience and presentation. I was blowing minds left and right tonight. Then I come home and my mom had brought me all these treats. I love my mom so much. What a blessed day I've had today. I don't want to leave San Antonio ever again!

Next day..

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