


San Antonio, TX

Friday December 26, 2003

     8:54am  I'm leaving Sam's. It's the 26th today. I'm going to go walk around and see what happens.

     9:00am  Rain is hooking me up with a rollie outside of the Labor Ready place on Fredericksburg. I appreciate it, Rain.

     9:07am  The first 92 didn't give me a courtesy ride.

     9:20am  I was standing in front of the Labor Ready place talking to some homeboys. I was asking around if they had any weed to smoke. Then this guy pulled up in his black van and Tony, some dude, said, "You're in luck, brother." He let me in his van and smoked me out. Awesome.

     10:07am  Man, I'm so happy. I'm all back home. I love San Antonio so much. I just passed McDonald's and saw a sign that says, "I'm loving it." I am. I'm back home.

                     This car just drove by slowly and this girl pointed to the girl in the back seat and told me, "Hey, she thinks you're cute." That's the second compliment I've gotten like that. A couple of days ago(12-24-03, 11:50am) in front of the elevator going up to the hospital that one girl told me, "You look good."
                     That was so awesome how I got smoked out, too. Those dudes lived in that van. There's another van parked next to them where people live. And nobody cares about them living there. They live in the parking lot. For free.

     10:29am  The Medical Center 92 told me no, so I'm going to try the one going into town.

     10:30am  Mario on the downtown 92 is hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:04am  I'm still on the 92 bus. I just noticed that on the roof of the Hard Rock Cafe there is a spinning thing that says, "Save the planet." That's so awesome. It's another one of my signs. I'm going to.

     11:07am  I'm at Travis Park. I'm going to go see if Elva still works here. Elva is my backup-mom(5    -28-03) .

     11:10am  I went into Centro, where Elva works. She works for the downtown place that sweeps up trash on the sidewalk and gives directions. She's working but they told me they are not allowed to send for her. They told me they could give her a message. I told them, "Tell her that Victor's back," and just left.

     11:12am  I'm here at Travis Park and this guy is feeding the pigeons. They pigeons at Travis Park are beautiful. They are all swarming around him and eating out of his hand. I wish I had a camera. This is awesome.

                     Whoa, they all took off, circled around twice and swarmed back down for more pecans.

     11:28am  I'm just going to walk randomly downtown. I don't know where. I'm kind of hungry. I'll find me a restaurant somewhere.

     11:32am  I walked down on The Riverwalk. I saw some river boat passing by with lots of tourists. The driver is all giving a tour. There was some guy with his camcorder out and he sees me when I'm walking down the steps. He immediately shifts his focus to me and I just stand there smiling, flashing the peace sign.

     11:35am  I was just walking by and these two guys saw me talking into my tape recorder. I walked by and asked if they had a cigarette. They smiled and hooked me up. I didn't get their names, but they know who they are.

     11:40am  I stopped here across from the Drury Inn and Suites. The river boat came by. Some guy was driving it, but it was empty. Since I look like such a hippie I stuck my thumb out. When he passed me I asked him, "Can I hitch a ride, man?" He laughed and he told me, "Keep shining, you diamond."

                     That was awesome. I'm a beam of light for others to follow.

                     Oh yeah, some tourist gave me a cigarette. I got his email address, but not his name. It's

     11:47am  It's curious how my leg has stopped hurting ever since I got back to San Antonio. I'm still walking.

     11:52am  I walked by the Hilton and saw a guy smoking a cigarette and he hooked me up. I appreciate it.

                     That guy wouldn't let me tell him what I'm doing.

     12:00pm  I came up on Navarro, out of The Riverwalk. I'm going to just walk straight out of town this way until I get to a restaurant and see if I can get some food. I'm hungry.

     12:04pm  Mr. Rodriguez on the 93 hooked me up with a courtesy ride.

     12:10pm  Cool, I just scored a courtesy ride to Travis Park. I told the driver all my scripts. I told him my platform and he agreed with everything I said.

     12:15pm  He also told me not to mention he had given me a free ride in my book. I told him, "Don't worry, if the feds want to use any of my stuff as incriminating evidence then they are only supporting the fact that all my stuff is true. They're not going to do that."

                      They would have to fire more than half the bus drivers here for giving me a courtesy ride. I asked him, "What, do you think you're the only one?"

     12:18pm  Paul hooked me up with a cigarette after I got off the bus.

     12:24pm  I got off the bus and these two black guys walked up to me. One said, "What's up, man?" I told them, "I'll tell you if you will listen." I told them my platform and they asked me, "You got some weed? Want to buy some?" I told them, "No, I don't have no money . . . but if you can spare a hit or two it will go straight into my book of generosity that the whole world is going to read." They said, "Oh no, we've got something to do." They walked off. That was funny.

                     At least I told them what I was going to do. I told them to think I was crazy.

     12:25pm  I just went into the Diamond Shamrock here across the street from San Antonio College(SAC). I asked them if Sahar still worked there. Sahar didn't anymore. Sahar knew about my ideas and what I was doing. I'm going to walk over to The Esperanza House where there is sometimes lots of hip kids. I want to tell them I'm back.

     12:32pm  The Esperanza was closed. I went to the Bill Miller's and hit them up for some gasoline, but they told me no. The manager said, "Sorry, this isn't my store. If it was I would." I told him, "Thanks anyway. It's the thought that counts."

                     Cool, there's a Burger King and a McDonald's. Let me go try my luck.

                     The Burger King hooked me up! Yasmina hooked it up at the Burger King.

     12:44pm  I went and took a piss at the bathroom in the VIA building. VIA is the bus company. I scored at Burger King, so I'm going to walk back to SAC and find a computer I can type my stuff up on.

     12:47pm  Now entering San Antonio College. Founded in 1925.

                     Hmm, it's December 26. They might be closed today. There won't be anybody here, so the library will probably be closed. I'm going to go check out Hogwild Records. I'll just walk in there and see if I can talk to anybody.

     12:55pm  There didn't seem to be anybody interesting to talk to in Hogwild. I went in there and the first thing I saw on the door was that you had to take your backpacks off. I had my simple Adidas bag on so I asked them, "Hey, I gotta take my bag off?" They told me yes.

                     Dude, this sucks. They only have one NOFX CD. White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean.

                     Anyway, I'm going to stand out here and wait for the 90. I don't know what time it comes.

     12:59pm  Alfred's hooking me up with a cigarette while I wait for the bus. Outside of Hogwild. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Alfred is recommending I watch the movie The Cruise. I'll download it.

     1:22pm  Whoa, I just had a badass session. They were all interested. Alfred and his friend. I blew their minds. I'm still waiting for the 90. When it comes I'll see if I can get a courtesy ride.

     1:42pm  The driver wouldn't give me his name, but it's the 90 bus. He hooked me up with a ride. Awesome.

                   When I asked him for the ride he was all, "Where to?" I told him, "Anywhere. Wherever I end up. I'm just having a free day."

     2:22pm  We stopped over at the Ingram Park and Ride. I'm going to go to the Tink-a-Taco. I'm hungry.

                   Wups, this Tink-a-Taco place is a bit fancy, where a waiter seats you and stuff. Let me go try the Subway down here.

     2:35pm  Badass! I just found me an unopened, Jack in the Box New York Style Cheesecake on the ground. Thank you, Love.

     2:38pm  How weird. Someone must've just dropped it out of their car, or something. It was unopened and it was damn good. I'm still going to go to the Jack in the Box and ask for some more. I'm hungry.

     2:43pm  I walked into Jack in the Box and then all these other people came in behind me. I was all, "Great, I don't want to hit them up for free food when there's people waiting in line." Anyway, I'm going to go stand outside and ask people if they can spare any change for a Jumbo Jack. I'm hungry.

     2:50pm  Daniel just hooked me up with two dollars. I appreciate it, Daniel.

                   That's cool. That was the first guy I asked.

     3:02pm  I bought me a Jumbo Jack with Cheese. I got fifty cents left over for bus fare.

     3:03pm  I'm walking to the buses. I saw a white Isuzu Rodeo and a lady in it smoking a cigarette. I walked by and asked her if she could spare one and Linda hooked me up.

                   I stepped on the 607 bus and asked the driver, "Will fifty cents get me on this bus?" He told me, "No, it's eighty cents."

     3:15pm  Victor, driving bus #534 hooked me up with a ride for fifty cents.

     3:57pm  I got off the 534 at Wurzbach and I10, over by the HEB. Oh yeah, that girl at the the GNC is there in the Colonnade. I can go say hi to her.

     4:00pm  Sarah hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Starbucks. I appreciate it, Sarah.

     4:15pm  I went over to the GNC. Phyll wasn't working tonight. She's the manager. I left a message with them, "Tell her Victor's back." I'm going to walk over to Medical Center.

     4:30pm  I walked through Chasity's old apartments. I don't remember the name. 9001 Wurzbach. I was hoping I would see somebody I could talk to outside, but no one was out. I'm going to cut through the pet trail over to that road that connects with Fredericksburg. Bluemel, I think. I'm going to go check out the Hooter's Camp(4-2-03, paragraph that starts with: "So back to Crossroads Park and Ride I walk.")

     4:43pm  I'm at the bus stop on Fredericksburg in front of Stone Hollow apartment complex. It used to have a different name, but years ago some cop got killed here and they had to change it.

                   Let's see if I can get a courtesy ride to West Telemarketing. It's not that far.

     4:47pm  Mr. Bucord is giving me a courtesy ride to West. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     5:06pm  I'm at the smoking cabana at West. I just saw Alonso.

     5:14pm  Scully is hooking me up with a cigarette at West. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:25pm  I went and told these guys my story. They were all impressed. I got their email addresses. I saw Alonso at the smoking cabana earlier. He told me he didn't have any bud and that he was scraping resin himself. Well, he just came up to me at the bus stop and told me, "Victor, three people just walked back there." Cool, that's my cue. I told him, "I'm going to get stoned."

                   Good 'ol West Telemarketing. This place is magical.

     5:32pm  I came back to The Rocks because Alonso just told me three people had walked back there. I came back here. What were you guys' names? Jerry, Nicki and John smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, guys.

     5:36pm  We've got this brother in this group right now. I just finished telling him about my plan and he told me, "Man, I just gotta tell you. If you do this shit I'll give you mad props. You're going to get mad props from everybody."

                   Yeah, and the girl said, "You've got my vote."

                   Mrs. Dixon hooked me up with a courtesy ride on the 91. I appreciate it, Mrs. Dixon.

                   Cool, I was telling the bus driver my whole story and the whole time I was talking to her she was saying, "Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh." She was agreeing with everything I said. Then I asked her for a transfer and she hooked me up. Sweet.

                   Oh yeah, I learned that the 522 is the bus that goes out to ITT tech now. It won't take me all the way to Babcock where I want to go. So, I'm going to go to the parking lot here at West and ask people for a ride. It's only like two miles away. Hey, it worked last time.

     5:52pm  GJ hooked me up with a cigarette here at the parking lot at West.

                   He even gave me a light.

                   When I first had seen GJ he was getting in his car. I asked him, "Hey, will you give me a ride to Babcock North, just a couple of miles?" He pointed North and said, "Yeah, that's where it is." I misunderstood him and thought he said he'd give me a ride. So I walked to the passenger side and grab the door. He goes, "Oh wait, you're asking for a ride? I thought you were just asking for directions." I told him, "I'm sorry, brother. My bad, my bad, thanks anyway," and walked off.

                   Ever get that dumbfuck-feeling come over you, hehe.

     6:18pm  Some guy driving a red car told me he wasn't going that way.

     6:20pm  I asked Joe for a ride and he agreed! I appreciate it, brother.

                   Sweet! Joe offered to take me all the way to my mom's house. How awesome!

     7:32pm  I just left my mom's house. I have to be at the bus stop at 46. I'll walk out there. Oh yeah, it was so cool. I went to my mom's house and I pigged out. I had me like three bowls of cereal. I was hungry. Honeybunches of Oats with Strawberry's and I had a big bowl of generic corn flakes I poured chocolate syrup over. They were good.

                   Oh yeah, and I had some peanut butter bread.

                   This is going to be cool if I am able to leave and get to Sam's on the bus.

     7:45pm  I went into the Church's. I asked them, "Hey, I don't suppose any of you guys can spare a cigarette, could you?" They told me none of them smoke. I told them thanks anyways and walked off. They called me back and gave me a cigar. They told me it had been laying around there. Sweet, I'll smoke that, until the bus comes.

                   Black and Mild.

     7:47pm  There's the 610 now. I got my transfer.

                   That's so awesome! I got on and Mr. Cardenas was driving. I told him all my scripts. He told me, "Man, I remember you from when you were in high school." He listened to all my stuff. I even got into my most recent adventure. I was all the way up to Santa Fe and then we got to the Medical Center. That was awesome.

     8:20pm  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette here at the transfer center. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:42pm  I just got off the 92 over by Jim's, pretty close to Sam's. I'm going to walk over to the Jim's and see if Renee is working there still.

     8:45pm  It turns out Renee hasn't worked here for two months now. Things change.

     9:10pm  I came over to Sam's. Man, I am so exhausted. I walked so much today. I told so many people my stuff today. I am damn proud of myself. Sam's so cool. He offered to cook. I like Sam's cooking.

     10:10pm  Sam and I are going to watch a movie. Star Trek Nemesis.

                     Oh yeah, Sam's got shitloads of movies that he downloaded off the Internet. He's always downloading.


--- Victor Antonio <>
> Hi Kati-Pie,
>      Sorry I didn't reply earlier.  The ringer on
> Sam's phone has never worked.  He doesn't recieve
> many phone calls, so he's never worried about it.
> Can I call you at your sis'?  Man, I had quite a
> shitty Christmas.  I was in Sam's apartment until
> 4pm, waiting for him to come home from work, because
> I didn't want to leave the door unlocked.  When Sam
> finally came home, I jumped on the bus.  This other
> friend of mine Katie and her boyfriend Johnny had
> told me to come over on Christmas, so I thought I'd
> go hang out there.  I scored a courtesy ride all the
> way over to her house and neither of them ended up
> being home.  My friend Bob lives closeby and I had
> stashed my military sleeping bag(which some guy
> offered me in Tehapachi, CA) in his back yard.  I
> grabbed it and headed for the bus stop, hoping the
> buses were still running.  Man, I felt so homeless
> hauling that sleeping bag around.  It was like
> 7:30pm.  
>      Luckily I caught the last bus(courtesy ride, of
> course) and it took me over by Sam's.  Now, I hadn't
> eaten all day and Sam didn't have any food, so I
> stood in front of the Jack in the Box.  I have never
> asked for spare change in San Antonio, but I was
> starving.  Luckily, the first people I asked(some
> hispanic people who spoke Spanish) gave me half a
> sandwich and a dollar.  So I got a Jumbo Jack(no
> pickles).
> Well Kati dear, I hope you had a better Christmas
> than me.  I need you to come visit and recharge my
> soul again, hehe.
> I miss you,
> - Victor

From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Re: 2812779795
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 18:07:17 -0800 (PST)
I'm sorry your xmas sucked, i would love to see you
... maybe you should come to htown, we'll have a car,
and food, and smoke, and a place to stay.  you can
meet my friends, and go off on your own to sell
scripts... think it over.


Next day..

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