

 Session Start: Wed Aug 02 07:31:13 2023

[07:31.13] <blackhat-> ?

[07:31.43] <wptmj> just happy reminiscing, thats all

[07:31.52] <wptmj> i had loads of fun

[07:32.31] <wptmj> so many phish!!

[07:35.48] <wptmj> will you please check out my ad-free non-religious shocking and offensive on the surface so the ignorant will ignore it, subversive blog?  i am a journalist, long distance walker.  Ive been all over the US spreading my actual meme and logged every step almost.

[07:37.10] <wptmj> please check it when you get the chance

[07:37.35] <wptmj> it's some leet shit :P

[07:37.38] <wptmj> +,

[07:38.09] <blackhat-> do you have money?

[07:38.31] <wptmj> i won the lottery, SSI for traumatic brain injuries

[07:38.51] <wptmj> the injuries FORCED me to live in only the present

[07:39.52] <wptmj> I appreciate you chatting with me, with all the ignorement in the world, thank you

[07:40.14] <blackhat-> :))

[07:40.19] <blackhat-> if you have money

[07:40.25] <blackhat-> ill chat everyday

[07:40.29] <wptmj> i get my monthly grand :P

[07:40.53] <wptmj> i dont work for money though

[07:40.57] <wptmj> i am free

[07:41.02] <wptmj> i work against it :P

[07:41.11] <blackhat-> :))

[07:41.16] <blackhat-> and how do you live?

[07:41.21] <blackhat-> food, bills

[07:41.23] <blackhat-> gas

[07:41.33] <wptmj> you dont know what SSI is?

[07:41.38] <blackhat-> no

[07:41.42] <wptmj> aka 

[07:41.45] <wptmj> crazy check

[07:41.46] <wptmj> :]

[07:42.56] <wptmj> back in 96 and 00 i was in a car accident then four years later hit by a car as i was walking

[07:43.09] <blackhat-> :|

[07:43.20] <wptmj> the first wreck didnt phase me, i get 29k and blew it in eight months

[07:43.24] <wptmj> had TONS of friends

[07:43.36] <wptmj> until the money went away

[07:43.40] <blackhat-> :)) right

[07:43.52] <wptmj> back to the telemarketing job

[07:44.00] <wptmj> scamming school where you get paid

[07:44.22] <wptmj> four years later was walking and got hit by a car and hit my head again

[07:44.35] <blackhat-> so bad...

[07:44.38] <blackhat-> bad luck

[07:44.40] <blackhat-> :|

[07:44.51] <wptmj> this time around my armshakes a little no biggee

[07:44.57] <blackhat-> do you think karma is real?

[07:45.04] <wptmj> i had all these crash courses in the school of reality

[07:45.20] <wptmj> and i took off on my misison to prove it was humannature to be generous and eliminate money

[07:45.26] <wptmj> and bring world peace through marijuana

[07:45.29] <wptmj> <----

[07:45.49] <blackhat-> yessssssssssss

[07:45.54] <blackhat-> i had 10 years

[07:45.54] <wptmj> so in reality it was great luck

[07:45.58] <wptmj> no accident

[07:45.59] <blackhat-> full of smoking

[07:46.07] <blackhat-> everyday

[07:46.13] <blackhat-> of 10 g per day

[07:46.14] <blackhat-> :D

[07:46.24] <wptmj> im hooked on dabs right now

[07:46.25] <wptmj> :{

[07:46.27] <wptmj> :P

[07:46.45] <blackhat-> niceee

[07:46.52] <wptmj> where are you?

[07:46.52] <blackhat-> from where are you from?

[07:46.53] <blackhat-> :D

[07:46.57] <wptmj> jinx!

[07:47.00] <blackhat-> :))

[07:47.10] <wptmj> im in the armpit of america

[07:47.15] <wptmj> meth producing capital 

[07:47.20] <blackhat-> :)))

[07:47.22] <blackhat-> im in uk

[07:47.50] <wptmj> fuck bloody yeah

[07:47.54] <blackhat-> :))

[07:48.30] <wptmj> do you like jokes?

[07:48.39] <blackhat-> yes

[07:48.42] <blackhat-> but i need money

[07:48.43] <blackhat-> :))

[07:48.45] <blackhat-> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

[07:48.51] <blackhat-> think how to make money

[07:48.57] <blackhat-> :D

[07:49.04] <wptmj> wouldnt you rather be free than rich?

[07:49.08] <wptmj> you cannot be both

[07:49.21] <blackhat-> i know

[07:49.24] <blackhat-> i can be in the middle

[07:49.27] <blackhat-> of this shit

[07:50.01] <wptmj> we make ourselves rich by makiing our wants few!!  henry david therhoweveryouspellit

[07:50.18] <wptmj> he is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature!

[07:50.23] <wptmj> socrates!

[07:51.05] <wptmj> +

[07:51.11] <wptmj> please read that

[07:53.28] <wptmj> here's my interesting AOL Hacking stuff

[07:53.31] <wptmj> +,

[07:57.57] <wptmj> the whole world is cashed

[07:58.08] <wptmj> i'm going to load another bowl :P

[08:01.49] <blackhat-> pfff

[08:01.52] <blackhat-> bowl of ?

[08:02.04] <blackhat-> from where do you have money?

[08:02.07] <blackhat-> for dabs

[08:02.10] <blackhat-> and all the stuff

[08:12.03] <wptmj> like i said, i am considered disabled by the gubment so they give me a thousand dollars a month

[08:12.19] <blackhat-> pff

[08:12.21] <wptmj> have since 2010 :P

[08:12.28] <blackhat-> its enough?

[08:12.33] <wptmj> MORE than

[08:12.39] <blackhat-> hmm

[08:13.23] <wptmj> i was the happiest man for seven years straight going where i ended up, all with 0 income.

[08:13.36] <blackhat-> :))

[08:13.38] <wptmj> i can live high as a hog 

[08:13.42] <blackhat-> how old are you>

[08:13.43] <blackhat-> ?

[08:13.45] <wptmj> 45

[08:13.47] <blackhat-> :))))))))))))))

[08:13.52] <blackhat-> nice

[08:13.53] <wptmj> started my mission at 24

[08:14.04] <wptmj> worked it hard for seven years straight

[08:14.11] <wptmj> but lost hope and stopped

[08:14.38] <wptmj> i just ahad to be patient and evolve into my joke collection

[08:15.00] <wptmj> +

[08:15.58] <wptmj> Did you hear about the new lesbian tennis shoe called Dike? 

[08:16.06] <wptmj> It has an extra long tongue, and it only takes one finger to get it off. 

[08:16.11] <wptmj> :P

[08:16.33] <wptmj> how old are u?

[08:16.38] <blackhat-> 35

[08:16.47] <wptmj> sweet

[08:17.15] <wptmj> do you hack?

[08:18.13] <blackhat-> i only do white hacking

[08:18.20] <blackhat-> secure...

[08:20.05] <wptmj> thanks for staying on the light side

[08:20.38] <wptmj> now all you have to do is throw away the worthless money notion :P

[08:21.13] <wptmj> +

[08:21.35] <blackhat-> :))

[08:24.42] <wptmj> i should let you find out on your own, but i am performing the MOST EPIC HILARIOUS DEMEANING BURN on my deadbeat "father" who bailed on my mother and three kids when we were five

[08:25.12] <wptmj> its the funniest shit you will EVER see

[08:25.44] <wptmj> i even titled his page DUMBFUCK.html :P

[08:25.51] <wptmj> +

[08:26.20] <wptmj> i roast HIS mom sooooo good!

[08:26.30] <wptmj> enjoy the gift!!

[08:26.31] <wptmj> haha

[08:26.47] <wptmj> "

[08:27.02] <wptmj> "get on your knees, granny!"

[08:27.04] <wptmj> hahaha

[08:33.08] <blackhat-> :))

[08:33.17] <blackhat-> going to gym now

[08:33.20] <blackhat-> take care 

[08:33.22] <blackhat-> ;)

[08:36.40] <blackhat-> have you heard about ROMANIA ?

[08:36.42] <blackhat-> country?

[10:33.46] <wptmj> ive heard of it

[10:33.56] <wptmj> latvia lith

[10:34.39] <blackhat-> aha

[10:34.41] <blackhat-> good

[10:44.28] <wptmj> i used to be pretty good in geography class in middle school

[10:44.37] <blackhat-> hahah me not

[10:44.56] <blackhat-> 1 note book for all classes

[10:44.59] <blackhat-> :))))))))))

[10:44.59] <blackhat-> i had

[10:45.11] <wptmj> i even remember an acronym i made up ELLBUM, estonia, latvia, lithuania, belarus, ukraine, moldovia

[10:45.26] <wptmj> im sure that shits all different now

[10:45.50] <wptmj> school is slave training

[10:46.03] <blackhat-> :)))

[10:46.15] <wptmj> you can learn shit on your own thats not the bullshit they try and feed us


[10:46.34] <blackhat-> world goes down

[10:46.36] <blackhat-> :)

[10:46.44] <wptmj> i'm all lit up and channeling mary jane, sorry if i get annoying

[10:46.51] <blackhat-> :))))))

[10:46.59] <blackhat-> no i like you SIR

[10:46.59] <blackhat-> :))

[10:47.11] <wptmj> aww, well, gawrsh, thanks

[10:47.13] <wptmj> :]

[10:47.22] <wptmj> i like u2!

[10:47.47] <wptmj> i'm what you get for being in a channel with such a leet name

[10:48.20] <blackhat-> /nick snoopdogg

[10:48.21] <blackhat-> :))

[10:48.32] <wptmj> bow wow wow

[10:48.37] <blackhat-> :))

[10:48.42] <wptmj> yippie yo

[10:48.43] <blackhat-> are you black?

[10:48.46] <blackhat-> brown?

[10:48.47] <blackhat-> or white?

[10:48.47] <blackhat-> :>

[10:48.55] <blackhat-> im white

[10:49.03] <wptmj> puertorican/german/panamanian/italian

[10:49.10] <blackhat-> what???????????

[10:49.16] <blackhat-> you have 4 fathers?

[10:49.19] <blackhat-> :D

[10:49.22] <blackhat-> im jokin

[10:49.25] <wptmj> my moms full blooded spic, so thats what i consider myself

[10:49.35] <wptmj> thats where i got my blood from

[10:49.52] <blackhat-> ah, the origins

[10:49.55] <blackhat-> you mean

[10:50.18] <blackhat-> and your skin color?

[10:50.20] <blackhat-> is brown

[10:50.22] <blackhat-> right?

[10:50.36] <blackhat-> from too much brownies

[10:50.38] <blackhat-> =))))))))))

[10:51.01] <wptmj> Never get into an argument between creationists and evolutionists. 

[10:51.08] <wptmj> You'll just be comparing apples and origins.

[10:51.11] <wptmj> :P

[10:51.27] <wptmj> yes, i look hispanic

[10:52.00] <wptmj> Why did the Mexican take Xanax?

[10:52.04] <wptmj> For Hispanic attacks.

[10:52.09] <wptmj> :P

[10:52.22] <blackhat-> :)))

[10:52.34] <blackhat-> you have kids?

[10:52.35] <blackhat-> wife?

[10:53.06] <wptmj> yes, i am married and i have to chihuahuas

[10:53.46] <wptmj> +

[10:53.56] <wptmj> +

[10:54.05] <wptmj> two

[10:54.22] <blackhat-> hahahahahaha

[10:54.25] <blackhat-> i like dogssss

[10:54.27] <blackhat-> i like animals

[10:54.30] <blackhat-> i love them

[10:54.36] <blackhat-> i had dogs ..

[10:54.42] <blackhat-> hedgehogs

[10:54.44] <blackhat-> cats

[10:54.45] <blackhat-> ...

[10:55.06] <blackhat-> hehehe

[10:55.07] <wptmj> look at my wifes shitzhu i accidentally ran over, hold on

[10:55.10] <blackhat-> they are MIX

[10:55.13] <blackhat-> of chiuaua

[10:55.59] <wptmj> +

[10:56.09] <wptmj> yes, they are mutts like me

[10:56.20] <wptmj> chi/shitzu/poodle

[10:56.44] <blackhat-> hahaha

[10:56.46] <blackhat-> :))

[10:56.49] <wptmj> the boy was the only short hair in a little of five

[10:56.55] <wptmj> +r

[10:57.01] <wptmj> litter

[10:57.17] <wptmj> i named her Kitty, for obvious reasons

[10:57.52] <wptmj> shes daddys little princess :]

[10:58.06] <blackhat-> :)))

[10:58.34] <wptmj> wait, did those links work for you?

[10:58.45] <blackhat-> no

[10:58.47] <blackhat-> :))

[10:58.59] <blackhat-> antivirus alert

[10:59.02] <blackhat-> VIRUSES

[10:59.05] <blackhat-> :|

[10:59.21] <wptmj> harmless blogspot blog

[10:59.46] <wptmj> just scroll down to the middle of the main page for the pics of me and my dogs

[11:00.00] <wptmj>

[11:00.03] <wptmj>

[11:00.17] <wptmj> +,

[11:01.12] <wptmj> but the cookie link worked, right?

[11:01.52] <wptmj> any hacker should know if you risk nothing you are nothing!

[11:01.54] <wptmj> :P

[11:04.34] <wptmj> thats the best rage prank ive ever heard!

[11:26.35] <blackhat-> :))

[12:19.32] <wptmj> so have you ever been arrested?

[12:47.12] <blackhat-> no

[13:56.35] <wptmj> ive been to jail a handful of times

[13:56.44] <wptmj> i even escaped a couple times

[13:57.02] <wptmj> i take the fun with me everywhere i go

[13:57.36] <wptmj> +

[19:06.15] *** Server disconnected on

[19:37.11] *** Server disconnected on Seattle.WA.US.Undernet.Org

[19:38.21] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org

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