

 Session Start: Mon Dec 18 04:06:46 2023

[04:07.06] <LEVITY> thanks for reading my stuff, i appreciate you :]

[04:08.10] <seeker> aw, you're so wholesome, you've got some awesome insights on your site, glad I decided to give it a read today :D

[04:09.15] <LEVITY> i need more people who can dream like us

[04:09.18] <seeker> your vision of a peaceful world resonates with me

[04:09.31] <LEVITY> there's nothing like a dream to create the future!

[04:10.26] <seeker> nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come :P

[04:11.02] <LEVITY> do you remember back i the dawn of computing, talk about the fabled benevolent internet "worm?"

[04:11.09] <LEVITY> back in*

[04:11.15] <seeker> I'm too young to remember that

[04:12.11] <seeker> was this a sort of early manifestation of positive viral energy?

[04:13.09] <LEVITY> back in the bbc days there were rumors about unleashing an idea so great, that it woud spread by itself by simple "word-of-mouth"  which has evolved into word-of-keyboard now.  an idea so great that it would reach every single corner of the world AND HEAL AND BALANCE IT OUT

[04:13.42] <seeker> the ultimate meme :O

[04:14.04] <LEVITY> that's what i think will come about from my actions

[04:14.24] <LEVITY> or at least that's what i have been assuming since 2000

[04:14.47] <seeker> honestly? I think you're on to something

[04:14.55] <seeker> maybe the worm has helped lead me to where I'm at right now

[04:15.27] <LEVITY> have you delved into how i tear my "dad" a new asshole?  heehee

[04:15.36] <LEVITY> it's pretty brutal

[04:15.43] <seeker> yes, lol

[04:16.01] <seeker> it was an epic story of humiliation

[04:16.10] <seeker> (and he needed it)

[04:17.01] <LEVITY> i have had the forgiveness-chapter in the making from the start :]

[04:18.14] <LEVITY> i am just trying to showcase the shocking power of the web

[04:18.17] <seeker> if I ever became so lost in my conceit and machiavellian fantasies I'd hope somebody would do the same for me :P

[04:18.34] <LEVITY> right!  tough-love!

[04:19.06] <LEVITY> have you seen my recent hitchhiking trip?

[04:19.26] <seeker> I haven't, I've only read your blog two or three times

[04:20.08] <LEVITY> +

[04:20.29] <LEVITY> click on 091523

[04:20.37] <LEVITY> +

[04:21.33] <LEVITY> "After much consideration and planning.  I took my oh-so-temporary ban, disciplinary action in my favorite playground #gulag on Undernet as a sign to make my departure.  It was only because krit wasn't in the channel.  Another op got tired of my stuff.  They eventually banned me.  Fuck it, that's my sign to take off already and get to San Antonio. 

[04:21.33] <LEVITY>  That's my mission right now, to get all of my pictures from my mission box and leave.  Not even stay, and come back to my Tita.  "

[04:21.36] <LEVITY> LOL

[04:23.04] <seeker> sick shirt!

[04:23.22] <seeker> I didn't know you were banned, slurs?

[04:23.37] <LEVITY> "oh-so-temporary"

[04:24.11] <LEVITY> how old are you?

[04:25.03] <seeker> 29

[04:25.27] <seeker> my name is Thomas

[04:25.58] <seeker> I live in rural northern Arkansas and spend my days thinking about things I probably have no business thinking about :P

[04:26.12] <seeker> and volunteer at an animal shelter while living with my parents

[04:26.44] <seeker> you now know more about me than anybody I've yet to meet here, because you know how to win trust through honesty

[04:31.15] <LEVITY> did you use AOL in the 90s?

[04:31.32] <seeker> considering I was born in '94, nope

[04:32.08] <LEVITY> lol

[04:32.13] <LEVITY> muh bad

[04:32.30] <seeker> yeah I'm a new kid on this fucked up block :P

[04:32.35] <LEVITY> well, i had a lot of fun on aol

[04:32.43] <LEVITY> never paid them one red cent

[04:33.02] <seeker> the way the internet should be

[04:33.04] <LEVITY> when you get the chance here's a good read about AOL

[04:33.17] <LEVITY> i even touch on irc a bit

[04:33.19] <LEVITY> +

[04:37.52] <LEVITY> us kids are taking over soon!

[04:38.41] <seeker> WOO!

[04:39.07] <seeker> let's put a ball pit in the senate chamber!

[04:41.48] <LEVITY> LOL

[04:42.01] <seeker> :D

[04:49.23] <LEVITY> would you download my blog, to read offline?  108mb   text-only though.  i just removed the IMG folder.  

[04:49.54] <LEVITY> so if i ever get taken out and my blog goes offline, I WILL LIVE FOREVER

[04:49.56] <LEVITY> :P

[04:50.07] <LEVITY> +

[04:50.38] <LEVITY> +

[04:55.36] <LEVITY> i am not being nefarious, that link is on my blog.  having it offline and independent from the web is KEY to making this shit permanent!

[06:17.11] <seeker> was afk taking care of animals :P

[06:17.32] <seeker> yes! I will download it and put it in my wrinklers archive

[06:21.18] <LEVITY> let me know if it works for you.  install it in your root(c:/) so all the links work

[06:21.58] <LEVITY> please test for me

[06:22.57] <seeker> you'll have to grant me access first :P

[06:23.00] <LEVITY> and open with index.html.  i am sure you know

[06:23.03] <LEVITY> hmm

[06:24.03] <LEVITY> try now

[06:25.54] <LEVITY> duh, i forgot to do the share setting.  ty for your invaluable help!

[06:27.34] <seeker> +, preserved for future generations

[06:31.44] <seeker> when a solar flare knocks out the interwebz and my tribe is huddling by the fire we will enjoy many nights of great jokes

[06:32.27] <LEVITY> so nice that it's nasty

[06:32.51] <LEVITY> so bangin' it's bustin'

[06:33.04] <LEVITY> so sweet that it's sick

[06:33.08] <seeker> so dank it stank

[06:33.15] <LEVITY> so dope it's disgusting!

[06:33.20] <LEVITY> :P

[06:33.32] * seeker  vomits laughs

[06:34.22] <LEVITY> +

[07:26.58] <LEVITY> have you seen my youtube vid of me in ventura?

[07:27.45] <seeker> I haven't, no, but I hope Jesse consented to that

[07:27.56] <LEVITY> lol!

[07:28.01] <seeker> :D

[07:29.12] <LEVITY> me in 2007, when i played the hippie role :]

[07:29.14] <LEVITY> +

[07:31.44] <seeker> "wouldn't you rather be free than rich? you can't be both" is a GREAT line

[07:31.53] <seeker> and my answer is yes :D

[10:01.18] * You are now known as levity

[10:58.33] <levity> have you ever talked to Armorall?

[10:59.09] <levity> i mailed him a shirt some months ago

[10:59.23] <levity> he lives in kansas

[11:00.22] <levity> on the back it says "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing!"  with my blog address

[11:02.51] <levity> also, please comment on my blog

[13:28.11] <seeker> I have, used to talk to him quite a bit, was upset when I found out he's abused animals and haven't since

[13:42.22] <seeker> commented :p

[14:22.37] <levity> I ADORE YOUR COMMENT! tysm!

[14:23.12] <seeker> yw! :)

[15:14.30] <levity> hey, in order to help me rapid-fire my jokes and puns, i threw them alll into one easily searchable text file.

[15:14.39] <levity> want it?

[15:15.24] <levity> +

[15:15.49] <seeker> I think I have it already, thanks :D

[15:18.37] <levity> ha, good on you!

[15:19.26] <levity> such a good limerick

[15:19.54] <seeker> haha thanks I had fun writing it :)

[17:49.25] <levity> hi thomas

[17:49.40] <seeker> sup victor

[17:49.41] <levity> have you seen the leaf blower vid?

[17:50.00] <seeker> I have no clue what you talkin bout :P

[17:50.09] <levity> it's so epic

[17:50.20] <levity> +

[17:50.28] <levity> try not to skip ahead

[17:51.12] <seeker> okay hanging out with a buddy right now but I will check it out :P

[17:51.27] <seeker> I use the :P face a lot

[17:53.46] <levity> i lub P

[17:53.53] <levity> :P

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