

Session Start: Mon Jan 29 07:50:26 2024

[07:50.32] <levity> hi jimbo:]

[07:51.38] <levity> i had such a blessed chapter yesterday.  care for a sneak peak before it goes "live?"  pics and all

[07:55.31] <seeker> sure thing :)

[07:55.33] <seeker> morning, victor

[08:00.11] <levity> +

[08:05.23] <levity> refresh, recent mods

[08:07.11] <seeker> what did you think of the people who gave you money/weed?

[08:09.03] <levity> i think they appreciated our smiles and loved the formula on my shirt

[08:09.12] <levity> and the two donors were MEXICANS

[08:09.21] <levity> so i think highly of them :]

[08:09.50] <levity> not just for being mexican

[08:09.53] <seeker> :)

[08:09.55] <levity> but knowing the rules

[08:10.08] <levity> like most latino people do

[08:10.15] <levity> it all comes back :]

[08:13.46] <seeker> I grew up seeing my father perform random acts of kindness towards strangers

[08:14.04] <seeker> giving rides to hitchhikers, money to people on the streets

[08:14.49] <seeker> just the other day he stopped to help with a wreck on the road

[08:16.04] <seeker> I hope I can live up to that level of virtue

[08:16.40] <seeker> I stare into the abyss so much that sometimes I'm afraid the darkness and cynicism becomes too much of a part of me

[08:16.50] <seeker> I liked your story :)

[08:43.11] <levity> lol, tita just said that sounds like a line from the Grinch when he is hanging out in his lair

[08:43.13] <levity> +

[08:43.44] <seeker> lmao

[08:44.33] <seeker> uncomfortably accurate XD

[08:44.49] <levity> lofknl

[08:45.46] <levity> i am so grateful you are not numb

[08:47.28] <seeker> I've been desensitized but it hasn't stopped me

[08:47.34] <seeker> thank you :)

[08:47.47] <levity> you know me

[08:47.59] <levity> i call it like i see it

[09:08.29] <levity> how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

[09:08.37] <levity> i will keep it off the record

[09:32.54] <seeker> 29

[09:33.15] <seeker> and don't bother, it's known in the Gulag :P

[09:49.56] <levity> thanks for being real with me, bro

[09:50.05] <levity> you are a lovesend :]

[09:50.26] <seeker> aw :)

[09:54.09] <levity> collecting bonafide opinions is what will ensure our victory!  

[09:54.37] <levity> it's going to pile up enough to serve as EVIDENCE to all the sheep soon, thus replacing false teachings with true up-to-date widdom.  

[09:54.50] <levity> -d +s

[09:54.59] <levity> thank you for emboldening my efforts

[09:56.31] <seeker> you've got some good stuff buried in that mess of a blog

[09:56.34] <seeker> mutual benefit :)

[09:57.10] <levity> cleaning it up liittle by little

[09:57.19] <levity> i whittle away at it daily

[09:57.35] <levity> much thanks :]

[09:59.34] <seeker> (☞゚∀゚)☞

[09:59.52] <levity> dont want to be overly cliche, but the truth will set us free!

[10:00.23] <levity> Clichès must be avoided like the plague. 

[10:00.25] <levity> :P

[10:00.29] <seeker> have you seen the 2019 performance by madonna at eurovision?

[10:00.53] <levity> sounds familiar, like it showed how satanic she was or something?

[10:01.03] <seeker> +

[10:01.18] <seeker> whoops, that's a link to music from yesterday :P

[10:01.31] <seeker> +

[10:01.49] <seeker> yes, that's the one

[10:01.53] <levity> checking..

[10:02.44] <seeker> this performance is very special to me and I think one of my life goals is to meet the person/people who designed it

[10:03.00] <levity> real evil and ominous from the start

[10:07.10] <levity> whoa!  i found my ark!  lol

[10:07.14] <levity> +

[10:07.52] <levity> at the 30 sec mark

[10:08.22] <seeker> lol

[10:09.35] <levity> that rhymed :]

[13:42.19] <levity> hi jimbo, you around?

[13:42.43] <seeker> I am, just got back from some errands, what's up?

[13:44.09] <levity> whenever you can find the time i just got done typing up the 15 minute conversation i had with my wife after our fun day yesterday.  it goes through how we met and both of our struggles.  total rough draft

[13:44.35] <levity> itd be cool if i could dcc you the text file.  havent dcced anything in AGES

[13:44.47] <levity> so read when you get the chance

[13:44.50] <levity> backburner it

[13:44.59] <levity> - so + to

[13:45.19] <seeker> I have dcc blocked, I got flooded a while back

[13:45.31] <levity> aight, ill throw it on my blog real quick

[13:45.50] <seeker> also I'm incredibly paranoid

[13:46.12] <seeker> I bet the grinch gets it

[13:47.08] <levity> lol

[13:47.11] <levity> +

[14:00.59] <seeker> you have the pale blue dot on the front page of your blog

[14:03.26] <seeker> that was a wholesome read, you two clearly have a lot of history

[14:05.34] <seeker> I admire your wife's commitment to her family, too

[14:05.54] <seeker> reading that part made me think about what I would do if my parents needed me, and I would be a full-time unpaid caretaker in a heartbeat

[14:09.08] <levity> thanks for digesting that.  i dont want to overload you but this is a good read that TOTALLY pertains to me and my mission

[14:09.21] <levity> every single day i get new treats from my missus

[14:09.23] <levity> :]

[14:09.26] <levity> +

[14:09.27] <seeker> if you overload me I'll just ignore you

[14:09.44] <levity> how gringo of you :P

[14:09.49] <seeker> unless you want me to tell you :P

[14:10.32] <seeker> and yeah I'm only 25% hispanic so

[14:11.14] <seeker> y cuando hablo espanol es muy mal

[14:11.21] <levity> ok then, check this out when you get the chance too:  good and funny white guys tripping mushrooms in mexico

[14:11.27] <levity> +

[14:12.08] <levity> have you ever eating magic shrooms"

[14:12.09] <levity> ?

[14:12.14] <levity> eaten*

[14:12.46] <levity> ¡orale!

[14:13.15] <seeker> I haven't, but I'd love to try them

[14:13.25] <seeker> I have a friend who loves them

[14:13.33] <seeker> I just take CBD oil

[14:13.39] <levity> if you watch that video, the white trumpet flowers...thats datura

[14:13.45] <levity> deadly nightshade

[14:13.51] <seeker> enough of that will mess you up

[14:14.07] <levity> dude, i had the craziest datura trip

[14:14.12] <levity> its poisonous AF

[14:14.33] <seeker> my friend saw a ton of UFOs zipping around in the air when he took shrooms

[14:14.44] <seeker> sent me a video of it, only one I have that's from somebody I know

[14:17.02] <levity> omg

[14:17.12] <levity> i thought i saw shit in the air too

[14:17.37] <levity> like all these rainbow balls spinning around a standing pilot in the center

[14:17.48] <levity> doing crazy shit

[14:17.59] <levity> here.  way more detail if youre bored, hehe

[14:17.59] <seeker> flashing different colors?

[14:18.05] <levity> +

[14:18.10] <levity> yes!

[14:18.17] <seeker> that's what his video showed

[14:18.24] <seeker> there were 13-15 of them or so

[14:18.43] <levity> like doing crazy aureonatics, nintey degree turns at haul ass speeds

[14:18.53] <levity> -e

[14:19.24] <levity> that was the very first time in my life i couldnt explain why something happened to me

[14:19.31] <levity> until the next year

[14:19.40] <levity> when i met the medicie women's daughter

[14:19.46] <levity> have you read my odyssey story?

[14:20.05] <seeker> I don't think so

[14:20.57] <levity> its my flagship story, that ive told all over the countr to thousands of people

[14:21.13] <seeker> +, short clip

[14:21.19] <seeker> I don't think he would mind me sharing with you :P

[14:21.37] <levity> +

[14:22.15] <levity> weird, but no

[14:22.31] <levity> what i saw was way more detailed

[14:22.40] <levity> icould actuallymake out the humanoid piloting these things

[14:22.43] <levity> +s

[14:27.58] <seeker> I share your goal of eliminating money

[14:28.38] <levity> so does most everyone else, in the back of their minds at least

[14:29.14] <seeker> I will do as the sign says and ask how you have it all figured out :P

[14:29.17] <levity> its time to let the controllers know their efforst are doomed and forever will be in vain

[14:30.24] <levity> +

[14:32.08] <levity> pardon the layman's terms, but i need to spell it out to so children can undesrtand too

[14:39.09] <seeker> aren't we the kids? ;)

[14:39.21] <levity> you betcha :]

[14:39.41] <levity> we can grow young too!

[14:39.46] <seeker> only children would have such ridiculous, irresponsible ideas as getting rid of money!

[14:40.37] <seeker> clearly we needed a monetary system to escape feudalism and organize production

[14:40.42] <levity> yup, we have the best card in the deck.  we're just dumb kids, nothing to see here

[14:40.44] <levity> zzzzzzzz

[14:56.26] <levity> hehe, i am going to tell my wife if she doesn't tell frank the following I am going to cheat on her with the first girl i see and ditch her, since she's way nicer to him than me, hehe: "Victor has some dastardly plans in mind for you with his blog.  Even I can't stop him.  If you don't surrender and tell him what he wants to hear, I pray for you an

[14:56.26] <levity> d your children's souls.  All you have to do is say, even if you don't mean it,  I am sorry and you are right, and he will forgive you.  that's it, keep your money.  you cant buy forgiveness."   

[14:58.28] <levity> MUHAHAHAHA ::pinky and the brain laugh::  I am going to force my daddy to role-play with his son.

[14:58.34] <levity> +

[14:58.57] <levity> haha, not really maybe, just brainstorming

[15:02.54] <levity> lol i love getting stoned and watching myself type sometimes :P

[15:17.08] <levity> "pray for you and his replacement's souls*  lolol

[15:20.06] <levity> then i'll make this conversation front page headline, HUGE FONT and spam the holy fuck out of him with the link!

[15:20.11] <levity> hahahah

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