

Session Start: Mon Feb 26 09:15:33 2024

[09:15.47] <levity> hi jimbo, i hope you like todays offering :]

[09:15.57] <levity> BOHEMIAN TRAVESTY 2.0!

[09:16.08] <levity> +

[12:18.05] <seeker> the sequel we've all been waiting for!

[12:19.05] <levity> nice, did you get the link?

[12:19.28] <seeker> ya you sent it to me :P

[12:19.52] <levity> ok cuz i had a few messups and one didnt work or was processing or something

[12:20.13] <levity> could you tell the diff?

[12:20.14] <seeker> oh yeah that one is bunk

[12:20.15] <levity> hehe

[12:20.24] <seeker> says the file is in the owner's trash

[12:20.35] <levity> +,  

[12:21.05] <levity> small hurdle

[12:21.40] <levity> check out todays daily thoughts, interesting, i promise

[12:21.48] <levity> +

[12:22.03] <seeker> I like "put my blog against her head" lol

[12:23.31] <seeker> if you visitations are from a data center, it could just be crawlers indexing your site for data processing reasons

[12:23.36] <seeker> i.e. LLM training

[12:25.05] <seeker> also I'm caffeine-free :D

[12:25.43] <levity> whatever gets my reactions!  true or false dont matter anymore!

[12:25.46] <levity> :P

[12:26.09] <seeker> o// well-done second rendition

[12:26.17] <seeker> I'll help you soar :P

[12:26.22] <levity> grassy-ass :]

[12:26.37] <levity> yeah, i cranked it up

[12:26.59] <levity> not just a datacenter

[12:27.05] <levity> THE data center

[12:27.16] <seeker> yeah no kidding, biggest in the world apparently :P

[12:27.22] <levity> "silicon valley of the east"

[12:27.30] <seeker> that's where the real governance starts

[12:27.56] <levity> and also where it shall fall!  

[12:27.58] <levity> muahahahahaha

[12:28.01] <levity> :p

[12:29.48] <levity> did i ever tell you how i had tried a "little" telemarketing to ashland months ago?

[12:30.04] <seeker> you mean ashburn?

[12:30.11] <levity> telemarketing shoulve been in quotes there

[12:30.12] <levity> my bad

[12:30.15] <levity> all stoned

[12:30.20] <seeker> nice B)

[12:30.24] <levity> yes, to ashburn

[12:30.42] <seeker> I don't think you did

[12:30.49] <levity> i thought, "i am going to get a list of ashburn coffee shop numbers"

[12:31.02] <levity> aiming for the bohemian stoner crowd that frequents coffee shops

[12:31.13] <levity> NON-STARBUCKS ONLY

[12:31.15] <levity> hehe

[12:31.24] <seeker> panera bread?

[12:31.31] <levity> lol, neither

[12:31.37] <seeker> >:D

[12:32.08] <levity> well, ON THE VERY FIRST NUMBERS I CALLED, I said, "I am a peace activist and i have a blog to share."

[12:32.24] <levity> i told him a little about it and he up and says, "I think I've heard of you."

[12:32.34] <seeker> whoa

[12:32.37] <levity> i was like shweeeeeet

[12:32.47] <seeker> uhhhh that's actually crazy

[12:32.49] <levity> i am sure i logged it, let me search

[12:32.52] <seeker> if he really had

[12:38.22] <levity> should be another good read when you get the chance

[12:38.24] <levity> +

[12:38.39] <levity> it was the second number, actually

[12:38.41] <levity> :]

[12:38.51] <levity> hindsight

[12:41.26] <levity> i should try calling again and ask for zack, hehe

[12:42.45] <levity> still banned from #texans

[12:42.51] <levity> hehe    

[12:46.09] <seeker> I know you don't do news, but I have to ask: do you have any opinions on the man who lit himself on fire to protest what's happening in palestine?

[12:50.13] <levity> none whatsoever.  what an unoriginal stunt

[12:50.44] <levity> they are really grasping for straws these days

[12:50.54] <seeker> activists?

[12:51.11] <levity> the producers of the screenplay

[12:51.31] <levity> the revolution won't be televised.  even the victims are actors, imo

[12:52.02] <levity> mere publicity stunts

[12:52.08] <levity> fear porn

[12:52.16] <seeker> you and him have a lot in common

[12:52.23] <levity> until he died!

[12:52.24] <levity> :P

[12:52.39] <levity> or is he still alive?

[12:52.44] <seeker> he died

[12:53.25] <seeker> I know you don't subscribe to the zeitgeist, thanks for your thoughts :)

[12:53.52] <levity> worry and fear will bring the bad

[12:54.09] <levity> there are many things WE SHOULD be ignoring

[12:54.20] <seeker> including the suffering of the innocent?

[12:54.52] <levity> i doubt it's nearly as bad as they portray it

[12:55.01] <seeker> oh you have no idea

[12:55.05] <seeker> it's much, much worse

[12:55.45] <levity> i am okay not knowing.  i wont let things i dont know about take residence in my head

[12:56.01] <levity> i sometimes prefer not

[12:56.20] <seeker> you know about a lot despite that

[12:56.43] <seeker> depending on how much of the media linked to on your blog you've gone through :P

[12:56.50] <levity> "The truth is revealed to those who leave their minds unclouded with longing." 

[12:57.04] <levity> i saw that etched into something

[12:57.04] <seeker> do you not long for peace?

[12:57.32] <seeker> I think it's a quote from your blog, too

[12:57.35] <seeker> I remember reading it on there

[12:57.40] <levity> yes, but i dont want it to my intetntions to be that obvious

[12:57.53] <levity> yes, thats why i have a ? after it

[12:58.09] <levity> lemme dig in my journal

[12:59.23] <levity> +

[12:59.37] <levity> 7:07am

[12:59.56] <seeker> etched into a train stop a short walk from the animal shelter with spray paint :P +

[13:01.28] <seeker> cameo appearance of me and a german shepherd's shadows

[13:01.32] <levity> so profound, love it

[13:01.48] <seeker> are you familiar with plato's allegory of the cave?

[13:01.49] <levity> the fuck the system part

[13:01.53] <levity> lol jk

[13:02.02] <seeker> lol

[13:02.04] <levity> i am not

[13:05.08] <seeker> well, maybe you're meant to be exactly who you are, but you might consider that you're seeing shadows on the wall and deciding that they're only shadows instead of looking outside to see what's casting them

[13:05.53] <seeker> just because the brightness hurts our eyes for a while doesn't mean that pain is what controls us

[13:06.36] <levity> check out my blog descriptioin up at the top :]

[13:07.26] <seeker> :D

[13:07.41] <seeker> now I bet whichever stoned teen sprayed that on there had no idea they'd get such a platform :P

[13:07.59] <levity> the latino takeover doesnt have to be in the description

[13:08.03] <levity> thats for later on

[13:08.06] <seeker> LOL

[13:08.14] <seeker> I'm glad I'm 25% latino

[13:08.19] <seeker> enough to fill out "hispanic" legally

[13:08.25] <seeker> on the paperwork :p

[13:08.44] <levity> ahh, even the white man comes out okay in my game

[13:08.49] <levity> in the end

[13:09.02] <seeker> los gringos?!

[13:09.08] <levity> i am part german, after all

[13:09.19] <levity> i have a gringo AF last name

[13:09.23] <levity> Gruber

[13:09.31] <seeker> when I a was a kid my favorite place to eat was this restaurant in CT called Ponchos & Gringos

[13:09.39] <levity> ha

[13:09.41] <seeker> I had no idea what it meant of course

[13:09.45] <seeker> now that I do I realize it's an amazing name

[13:09.51] <seeker> they had legit live mariachi

[13:10.14] <levity> sho-nuff, tempering slurs and poking FUN

[13:10.25] <seeker> +

[13:10.39] <levity> ok, now i believe you

[13:10.42] <levity> :P

[13:11.14] <seeker> holy shit these pictures are exactly the way I remember it

[13:11.20] <seeker> looks exactly the same as it did 20 years ago XD

[13:11.21] <levity> i've been to stamford when i was younger

[13:11.35] <seeker> connecticut is a place filled with wealth and privilege

[13:11.42] <levity> pretty woods

[13:11.52] <levity> i took my mt bike

[13:11.52] <seeker> yeah it's absolutely beautiful

[13:11.54] <seeker> especially in the fall

[13:12.49] <levity> lol, well burn connecticut to the ground so nothing ever grows!"

[13:12.52] <levity> +,

[13:13.06] <seeker> uh oh, broken link again :P

[13:13.07] <levity> damnot

[13:13.11] <levity> yeah

[13:13.12] <levity> one sec

[13:13.26] <levity> +

[13:14.33] <levity> 2:08

[13:14.54] <seeker> trevor moore should have read the communist manifesto :P

[13:15.08] <levity> how come?  never read it myself

[13:15.50] <levity> this was shared in gulag the other day

[13:15.52] <levity> +

[13:15.53] <seeker> I've literally taught a class on it

[13:16.12] <levity> nice, please lay some gnosis on me

[13:16.14] <seeker> LOL @ the CT line

[13:16.38] <seeker> it predicted what's happening right now in the world 176 years ago

[13:16.51] <seeker> was the product of a group called "the league of the just"

[13:17.41] <seeker> as capitalism's mode of production (the way they made things) expanded due to its efficiency, there became an emergence of two social classes on a more and more global stage

[13:18.22] <seeker> before capitalism, the economic system we were in was called feudalism, and it was a very ossified social structure that had the monarchs, guildsmen/craftsmen, serfs, lords

[13:18.55] <seeker> but capitalism's revolutionizing of the mode of production essentially forced everybody to be divided into one of two camps: those that owned the means of production, and those that operated the means of production for a wage

[13:19.24] <seeker> those two social classes are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

[13:19.52] <seeker> proleratiat comes from the latin word proletari (I think that's it) which is what the romans used to refer to the slave class that built their infrastructure

[13:20.27] <seeker> and that fundamental relationship has only grown over the course of time, as more and more countries are forced to adopt capitalism as their economic system and it gradually becomes more and more globalized

[13:21.15] <seeker> today we have a global bourgeoisie and a global proletariat all increasingly being put in one global market for labor power which continues to be revolutionized by technology, a fundamental aspect of capitalism

[13:21.42] <seeker> since the mode of production is the profit motive, technology is innovated that increases efficiency to gain more profits, lower costs

[13:22.12] <seeker> and "communism" essentially comes from a movement that stemmed from the french revolution in the 1790s and the thought that surrounded it

[13:23.03] <seeker> they kind of fucked up at that point, but the basic idea was this: the workers of france, a country that was one of the most modern of its time, probably the most behind england, decided to band together for the first time and kill many members of an uncaring bourgeois class

[13:23.15] <seeker> think marie antoinette "let them eat cake" when the people were starving for bread

[13:23.32] <levity> sorry to interrupt, but i learned about an evil man the other day you might know about.  Andrew McDonald aka Willia Pierce  

[13:23.39] <levity> +m

[13:23.45] <seeker> I don't think I've heard of him

[13:24.08] <seeker> the cricket player? XD

[13:24.27] <levity> +

[13:24.38] <levity> +

[13:24.51] <seeker> lol

[13:25.01] <levity> +

[13:25.17] <seeker> white supremacy is essentially a desire to solidify the social relationship between peoples on the basis of skin color

[13:25.25] <seeker> or any kind of supremacy for that matter

[13:25.47] <levity> here is his son's view!

[13:25.52] <levity> right up my alley!

[13:25.52] <seeker> the self-identified supremacists want to become the owning class, the bourgeoisie, and rule over the rest of the world, the proletariat i.e. working class uncontested

[13:25.55] <levity> +

[13:26.14] <levity> us kids are taking over!

[13:26.42] <seeker> now that is very cool :)

[13:26.47] <seeker> and you're absolutely right

[13:26.49] <levity> okay, sorry to divert, gonna read your stuff

[13:26.57] <seeker> I posted a video today that you should watch

[13:27.26] <levity> you should post it once more!

[13:27.28] <seeker> +

[13:27.29] <levity> :]

[13:27.31] <levity> KEWL

[13:27.44] <seeker> the kids :P

[13:27.53] <seeker> trying their best

[13:28.37] <levity> whoa, 30 seconds in and i am getting a chubby :P

[13:28.37] <seeker> liberal democracy cannot exist without the elimination of class divide

[13:28.42] <levity> hehe

[13:28.57] <levity> you know i love good content

[13:29.51] <levity> My doc told me I was getting a little chubby.  

[13:29.55] <levity> I’m surprised he noticed it through my jeans.

[13:29.57] <seeker> lol I love this one

[13:29.58] <levity> :P

[13:30.00] <seeker> XD

[13:31.18] <levity> ugh, then they go and mention climate change

[13:31.21] <levity> always a catch

[13:31.30] <seeker> yeah, I knew you wouldn't like that

[13:31.41] <levity> hehe, you know me well

[13:31.52] <seeker> give them time, the search for the truth is honest here :P

[13:32.04] <seeker> remember we're a generation raised on that fear porn

[13:32.39] <levity> speaking of youthfull innocence.  i couldnt hold back the tears after seeing this

[13:32.43] <levity> +

[13:33.16] <levity> total goosebump-giver

[13:34.59] <seeker> wholesome :D

[13:35.10] <levity> penetrating

[13:35.39] <levity> kinda like janis joplin

[13:35.45] <levity> but not really

[13:37.23] <levity> dude!  time to test my shadow ban theory....

[13:37.47] <levity> do you see my comment on that community vid you just shared?

[13:37.55] <levity> communist*

[13:38.15] <seeker> lol closely related words anyway :P

[13:38.22] <levity> aye

[13:38.39] <levity> Autocorrect always makes me say things I didn't Nintendo. 

[13:38.41] <levity> :P

[13:38.42] <seeker> if it's "Hell ya! <3" then yup

[13:38.43] <seeker> lol

[13:39.18] <levity> please copy and paste my comment to make it real

[13:39.49] <levity> +

[13:39.55] <seeker> I don't think it's processed yet

[13:40.22] <levity> to trick the i simply put

[13:40.22] <levity> ENJOY THE GIFT, COMRADES!

[13:40.22] <levity> have these jokes dot blog

[13:40.30] <levity> trick the ai*

[13:40.36] <levity> hehe

[13:40.46] <seeker> hah! that's good

[13:41.00] <seeker> I'll check back on it later

[13:41.04] <levity> maybe 

[13:41.05] <seeker> grayzone is doing a stream I wanna watch

[13:41.11] <levity> you make that exact comment too!

[13:41.18] <levity> teehee

[13:41.39] <levity> teamwork!

[13:42.05] <seeker> lol I might leave a comment but I'm going to leave the promoting of your blog up to you

[13:42.20] <levity> okay, ill let you be.  msg me later....err, forget it then

[13:42.24] <levity> hehe

[13:42.30] <levity> POOR KIDS!

[13:42.33] <levity> :p

[13:42.44] <seeker> ;)

[13:42.59] <levity> its all good 

[13:43.06] <levity> just wish me luck!

[13:43.09] <levity> :]

[13:43.16] <seeker> you ain't alone :P

[13:43.40] <levity> TREVOR WILL SAVE US!

[13:43.45] <levity> :P

[13:44.23] <seeker> he helps, but honestly, the guy lighting himself on fire is saving us today :)

[13:45.00] <seeker> as he livestreamed his walk to his death, this is what he said:

[13:45.06] <seeker> "I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."

[13:45.19] * You are now known as FUCKMONEY

[13:52.34] * You are now known as MONEYSUXDICK

[13:53.57] * You are now known as levity

[14:19.18] <levity> i also have my dounts that comments on my blog are being blocked somehow.  could you please leave one just to test?  even if it's just a dot (.)(.), or titties :P

[14:19.23] <levity> doubt*

[14:19.44] <seeker> sure :P

[14:20.29] <levity> thats a direct trevor quote?

[14:20.45] <seeker> no that's the guy who lit himself on fire

[14:21.25] <seeker> aaron bushnell was his name

[15:02.08] <levity> ( . Y . ) lol

[15:02.09] <levity> tysm

[15:02.24] <seeker> np!

[15:12.45] * You are now known as FUCKMONEY

[15:12.50] * You are now known as levity

[17:48.40] <levity> re: your question earlier.  i didnt long for anyTHING until i realized the peaec i wanted wasn't in the works, and just the opposite was.  then i longed for peace, after the truth presented itself after i stopped wanting to climb the suicidal, uroboric(new word!) ladder.

[17:49.04] <levity> but not before then

[17:49.19] <levity> i saw all the new movies coming out and i got excited for the future

[17:49.58] <levity> the movie AI comes to mind, it was right around that time

[17:50.31] <seeker> not everything on the internet is a performance :P

[17:50.38] <levity> and someone burning themselves for peace did not bring peace.  it's a shame that guy didn't stick around to see it happen soon

[17:51.14] <levity> but who's to know what's really sincere?

[17:51.17] <seeker> you seem very convinced that something is going to happen soon that will bring about a peaceful world

[17:51.33] <seeker> maybe his self-immolation is part of the process

[17:51.42] <levity> one time when i went to go talk to the medicine woman again...

[17:51.49] <levity> are you familiar with my odyssey story?

[17:52.03] <seeker> I don't think so

[17:52.10] <levity> anyways, i asked her, "how vital is my role?"  

[17:52.26] <levity> she frankly told me, "vital enough for you to be obsessed with it."

[17:52.58] <levity> please digest when you have time, it all really happened

[17:53.04] <seeker> that's a very "cold read" answer

[17:53.18] <levity> this is my flagship story ive told to thousands of strangers all over the country

[17:53.25] <levity> probably even in your town

[17:53.27] <levity> +

[17:53.35] <seeker> I would be shocked if you'd been to my town 😂

[17:53.50] <levity> what state again?

[17:53.53] <seeker> AR

[17:54.06] <seeker> if you've been here it's likely the southern part, I live in the north

[17:55.16] <levity> i think ive checked before.  closest thing i got to was arkansas city

[17:55.21] <levity> ks

[17:55.58] <seeker> okay, I'm going to read your odyssey :P

[17:56.24] <levity> so no, the greyhound in wichita doesnt count :]

[17:56.27] <levity> ok :x

[18:22.13] <seeker> read and commented :D

[18:22.14] <seeker> that's a great story

[19:52.06] <levity> you and your witty limericks ^5

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