

Session Start: Sat Mar 23 01:59:52 2024

[13:59.52] <seeker> well, I followed your advice

[14:00.21] <seeker> I spoke into a microphone for 30 minutes and then typed it up

[14:18.02] <levity> that's awesome.  what did you talk about?  was it fun?

[14:18.27] <seeker> I'll share with you if you're interested

[14:18.31] <levity> keep revising it

[14:18.39] <levity> edit yourself

[14:18.43] <levity> if you want :]

[14:19.10] <seeker> I just added paragraphs and kept it pretty much 100% true to the recording

[14:19.23] <seeker> realizing how much I say "you know" and "like" and "essentially" and other things like that

[14:19.34] <levity> i am interested, please

[14:20.12] <levity> and if i ever quote you on my blog again, it will be after you read it and approve

[14:20.44] <seeker> oh sure, I'm doubtful you'd ever put anything on there I'd hate to have there :)

[14:20.52] <seeker> I appreciate it, though

[14:21.03] <seeker> I'm trying to practice the subtle art of not giving a fuck a bit more

[14:22.03] <levity> Behold the field in which Thomas grows his fucks!  Lay thine eyes upon it and ye shall see that it is barren!

[14:22.06] <levity> :P

[14:22.07] <seeker> unedited it reads like a crazy person with adhd (which I might have)

[14:22.08] <seeker> lol

[14:22.22] <seeker> per my brother's suggestion you should engage in wise fuck management

[14:22.25] <levity> -g +e

[14:22.56] <levity> How many kids with AD/HD does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

[14:23.05] <levity> Wanna go for a bike ride?

[14:23.08] <levity> hehe

[14:23.11] <seeker> LOL

[14:24.19] <levity> youve seen that bitchin' ride vid, right?

[14:24.28] <seeker> I think so

[14:24.32] <seeker> maybe

[14:24.39] <seeker> I don't know 😂

[14:24.51] <seeker> probably not

[14:25.00] <seeker> I'm moving along the knowledge spectrum pretty quickly

[14:25.23] <levity> +

[14:26.01] <seeker> LOL yes I've seen this one, I think you sent it to me

[14:27.41] <seeker> aight here's the text +

[14:27.57] <seeker> here's the recording +

[14:29.38] <levity> what you touch on in the first paragraph IS WHAT I AM BETTING ALL MY CARDS ON

[14:30.06] <seeker> oh yeah I only took down one laugh

[14:30.06] <levity> that they've been watching me from the start

[14:30.26] <levity> i am pretty much counting on it

[14:31.15] <seeker> "Do not be fearful as this is the time when the population can play its part in helping to bring about a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that your Leaders are being given “thoughts” that could lead to a peaceful conclusion. We can do no more at this stage than hope that common sense will prevail."

[14:31.25] <seeker> from this page +

[14:31.28] <levity> like i say, ive almost died twice.  freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose

[14:32.57] <levity> loving that mike quinsey article, thanks again for the content

[14:33.14] <seeker> no problem galactic channelings has good shit

[14:34.50] <levity> dude!  today i went to a church to some guys memorial service, an old massage instructor of tita invited her

[14:35.05] <levity> there i was in full uniform in church

[14:35.16] <levity> shirt blazing loudly'

[14:35.27] <seeker> at a funeral?

[14:35.32] <levity> the whole time i was thinking about the high in church song, lol

[14:35.36] <seeker> XD

[14:36.14] <levity> no, the funeral was held at the funeral parlor place.  this was at the dudes church he went to years and years

[14:36.56] <seeker> you know, I think that snail would probably be proud to have that on his shell if he knew the meaning behind it

[14:36.58] <levity> when we got there we went and sat down and listened to about 18 minutes of BS sermon, which i recorded to talk shit about later, hehe

[14:37.57] <seeker> the church is a great evil, capturing people's spiritual energy and funneling it into their own self-serving machine

[14:38.02] <levity> and i conveniently dropped a couple papers where we were sitting, then i excused myself, put like another five papers in some box on a table, went outside and put a sticker on a post in the parking lot

[14:38.20] <levity> went to the back and stuck one on the basketball pole

[14:38.23] <seeker> I love how shameless you are with your advertising

[14:38.52] <levity> went to the street and stuck one on a light post, crossed the street put some at a gas station

[14:38.53] <seeker> I'd be all like, "oh, it would be inconsiderate to promote my own thing when people are just trying to blah blah blah"

[14:39.10] <levity> here and there

[14:39.22] <levity> even at the turn signal button at the crosswalk

[14:39.41] <seeker> "press here to turn towards world peace"

[14:39.56] <levity> then i saw tita in the parking lot, i went back inside for the freed food

[14:40.19] <levity> so i'm kinda glad that guy died, lol

[14:40.21] <levity> JUST KIDDING

[14:40.23] <levity> :]

[14:40.34] <seeker> you know, if I die, I hope they have free food

[14:40.44] <seeker> and throw my body in the woods for animals to eat

[14:40.49] <seeker> like diogenes

[14:41.23] <levity> yeah, the with the snail i think i would please david attenborough!

[14:41.29] <seeker> I don't know if I've sent you sam o nella before

[14:41.50] <seeker> +

[14:42.00] <seeker> I've watched and rewatched all of this guy's stuff over years

[14:42.08] <seeker> he's hilarious

[14:42.39] <seeker> “I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?” -Diogenes

[14:53.11] <levity> thats some funny shit.  we watched half of one until tita was like, i gotta go make tortillas

[14:53.50] <levity> but ill add it to my list of peace angles...and anything else you want to share, go right ahead

[14:54.02] <levity> i am your channel :]

[14:55.28] <levity> oh, and to top it off on the way home and went and did half an hour of sign flying with lots more blog handouts

[14:55.46] <levity> only about $8, but whatever

[14:57.28] <levity> yeah, it was like a catered thing, and they had soooo much more food there than they needed.  i hope they give all the leftovers to the dead dudes wife

[15:01.21] <seeker> depending on how recent it was, she might not have much of an appetite

[15:01.39] <seeker> when my brother's wife divorced him he didn't eat almost anything for like a month

[15:16.01] <levity> just tons of salad stuff sandwiches freeze it all

[15:16.15] <levity> man, you are such a good writer!

[15:16.23] <levity> can't wait fro the next chapter

[15:16.36] <seeker> I didn't write anything I just rambled for a while

[15:16.46] <levity> can i add it to my blog journal?

[15:16.57] <seeker> sure, be my guest :)

[15:17.02] <levity> i am not a writer either then

[15:17.07] <seeker> lol!

[15:17.08] <levity> i'm a liver

[15:17.11] <levity> :]

[15:17.21] <seeker> how organic!

[15:17.25] <levity> im just relaying whatever happens

[15:17.47] <levity> as accurately as possible

[15:17.51] <levity> IMO

[15:18.11] <seeker> my 30th birthday resolution is basically "don't be afraid of being seen by the world"

[15:18.46] <levity> clearing that hurdle is HUGELY important

[15:18.57] <levity> let em stare!

[15:19.10] <seeker> yeah, that's sort of my thought process

[15:19.29] <seeker> I appreciate your encouragement :)

[15:19.37] <seeker> it means a lot

[15:19.52] <levity> i appreciate you listening

[15:20.13] <seeker> I'm more of a listener than a speaker

[15:20.13] <levity> that's the only we we learn!

[15:20.21] <seeker> true :P

[15:20.50] <levity> soon i will be dictating all my stories on my blog

[15:20.56] <levity> mp4s

[15:21.14] <seeker> I think caitlyn johnstone does that

[15:21.32] <levity> and soon i'm gonna follow through and secure, teeehee

[15:21.54] <levity> stuff is happenin', i am elated

[15:22.09] <seeker> hi elated i'm dad

[15:22.20] <levity> i used to tell dad jokes

[15:22.27] <levity> he's dead now, though

[15:22.31] <seeker> XD

[15:22.33] <levity> :P

[15:27.59] <levity> ive recently revised my ask me how page

[15:28.03] <levity> +

[15:32.06] <seeker> we have ghost pepper seeds

[15:32.19] <seeker> as long as we're not giving a fuck, should get some marijuana

[15:38.41] <levity> clearly!

[15:39.43] <levity> back last april or so, i found some truther guy on bitchute named Serg Mesa..this cuban dude from florida

[15:39.54] <levity> i left some interesting comments on his video

[15:40.18] <seeker> glad bitchute exists, there's some wild shit on there, though

[15:42.42] <levity> +

[15:43.18] <levity> scrolll down to the bottom and click on discuss this video

[15:43.37] <levity> can you see the comments i made?

[15:45.49] <levity> in case you cant, due to a crafty shadow ban, i have them on my blog

[15:45.52] <levity> +

[15:46.33] <seeker> lol, you turned his comments section into a wall of your messages

[15:46.40] <seeker> I'm surprised he didn't delete most of them

[15:46.50] <seeker> if that's even something you can do on that site

[15:48.11] <levity> yeah, i was surprised af too!  i thought they wouldve been deleted a long time ago

[15:49.18] <seeker> I don't think that being completely sure about something can cause it to manifest

[15:49.25] <seeker> I think it's important to distinguish between intent and delusion

[15:50.11] <levity> there are just too many signs, synchronicities that i cant ignore

[15:50.37] <seeker> I had a really weird experience back in 2021, around june, I think

[15:50.38] <levity> that when i started keeping track of them, the universe saw me fit to fill my life with fulfillment

[15:51.10] <seeker> I was just sitting in my chair thinking, and I felt all of a sudden like I was possessed by something

[15:51.20] <levity> okay

[15:51.27] <seeker> my brain was like firing on all cylinders, it was bizarre

[15:51.33] <seeker> and then I went through the ceiling

[15:51.39] <seeker> and that's all I remember

[15:52.10] <levity> whoa, you were in attic, or above your house?

[15:52.32] <seeker> I wasn't sure if I'd been abducted or had an out of body experience, but nothing like it has ever happened to me before or since

[15:52.52] <seeker> nah, just room, normal bedroom on a one-floor house

[15:53.09] <levity> i mean, when you went throguh the ceiling

[15:53.13] <levity> -g

[15:53.26] <seeker> I think I was above the house, in the air

[15:53.38] <levity> okay

[15:53.44] <seeker> but that's definitely the last thing I'd remember

[15:54.13] <levity> reminds me of the Infinite Cum story

[15:54.25] <levity> remember that one?

[15:54.27] <levity> hehe

[15:54.35] <seeker> lol yes

[15:55.39] <seeker> it was a transformative experience for me and nobody was there except me, hell, I second-guess whether it really happened or if it was just a dream, but I know that it did

[15:55.56] <seeker> I kind of went really crazy after that, believing in all sorts of wild things

[15:56.08] <seeker> was 100% convinced that we would meet aliens on july 18, 2021

[15:56.27] <seeker> needless to say, didn't happen :P

[15:57.22] <seeker> I know more now, and that the public probably won't be introduced for a while

[15:57.46] <seeker> unless the whole thing is the world's most elaborate psyop

[15:57.52] <seeker> but I'm doubtful about that

[15:58.04] <levity> unless you introdoce them soon

[15:58.32] <seeker> I don't know any (that I know of)

[15:58.41] <levity> fuck em they are not ready for it

[15:58.51] <seeker> fuck who?

[15:59.02] <levity> the public

[15:59.02] <seeker> the public or the aliens? XD

[15:59.08] <seeker> well, yeah

[15:59.18] <levity> speak your mind

[15:59.38] <levity> yell it with me!

[15:59.42] <seeker> but they have a right to know

[16:00.25] <levity> i meant introduce what you know, not shake hands with aliens

[16:00.28] <seeker> and most important are the technologies associated with the phenomenon that could end suffering and create global prosperity

[16:00.37] <seeker> oh, gotcha

[16:00.44] <levity> all-inclusive abundance!

[16:01.12] <seeker> the difficult part about it is that you have to make your own conclusions, I've yet to find a "smoking gun" that would convince the skeptics

[16:02.58] <levity> hmm, i already have armoralls address.  next time i see him i'm gonna ask him if i can mail him a loaded tape dispenser, hehe

[16:03.29] <seeker> lol maybe he'll get his armor back after all

[16:03.42] <levity> shit, i should just mail it to him without saying anything, lol

[18:05.35] <levity> "To an outside observer a person's needs may be illusory or unrealistic, but they are still controlling."

[18:05.40] <levity> - Keith Davis

[18:06.29] <seeker> interesting

[18:07.13] <levity> I was introduced to book with that quote in it when i first went to jail

[18:07.36] <levity> if you havent read my first attempt west story, it's a good one.  i didnt even get out of texas

[18:07.51] <seeker> different from the odyssey one?

[18:08.09] <levity> yup

[18:08.13] <levity> prequel

[18:08.16] <seeker> haven't read it yet, then

[18:08.30] <levity> summer of 02, odyssey was the end of 02

[18:08.34] <levity> +

[18:08.46] <levity> i took off in a uhaul, hehe

[18:09.34] <levity> in-town move rental, i was gonna take it all the way to cali

[18:10.24] <levity> that was the first of epic jail stories to come

[18:10.40] <levity> check the rest out when you get the chance

[18:10.42] <levity> +

[18:10.54] <seeker> okay :]

[18:11.05] <levity> i take the fun with me everywhere i go

[18:23.01] <seeker> holy shit that was fucking great

[18:24.00] <seeker> the part where you bought your stuff back from the Uhaul at auction is great

[18:24.44] <seeker> I hope it's all true, reads like the script of a short film

[18:30.58] <levity> i promise i didnt make any of it up

[18:31.15] <levity> plenty of witnesses

[18:31.15] <seeker> I loved it

[18:31.43] <seeker> you gamed the system every step of the way

[18:31.52] <levity> so there have been some pretty blatant signposts for me

[18:33.19] <levity> as literal as one time in new mexico i was sleeping on the greyhound and i just woke up and my eyes automatically focused on a billboard on the other side of the highway adversiting a camera store.  it said "take pictures or no one will believe you."

[18:33.55] <seeker> lol a "cosmic drop"

[18:34.09] <seeker> I told my counselor about a similar situation and that's what she called it

[18:34.15] <levity> when i got to santa fe, i think.  i went to the mall and went in the photo store and told the cool young clerk about the literal sign i had seen the day before

[18:34.36] <levity> he hooked me up with a free 4 pack of disposable cameras

[18:34.51] <seeker> two summers back I was feeling frustrated, I went outside and looked at the sky and wanted to see a flying saucer or something, a sign that would confirm all of these world-changing beliefs I'd picked up

[18:35.09] <seeker> in the process I saw something lying out in the yard, couldn't tell what it was, but it was abnormal enough for me to know I had to go see what it was

[18:35.54] <seeker> it was flower pot that holds the flowers that you purchase from say, walmart or wherever

[18:36.01] <seeker> and the name of the flower? Impatiens

[18:36.22] <seeker> +

[18:37.13] <seeker> the message was clear to me :P

[18:37.35] <levity> make haste?

[18:37.44] <seeker> haha! I took it to mean exactly the opposite

[18:37.59] <seeker> "don't make demands of fate before it's time"

[18:38.04] <levity> oh, my bad

[18:38.05] <seeker> don't be impatient

[18:38.06] <levity> :P

[18:39.02] <seeker> so I remember that when I just wish the world could change already

[18:39.25] <seeker> my birthday is 4/7, the day before the eclipse will pass directly over me

[18:39.30] <seeker> we're almost in the center of totality here

[18:39.39] <seeker> 30 years old

[18:39.50] <levity> yeah, but at the end of that trip i had a shitload of disp cameras and i was like shit, im gonna need to find a scanner or something to get em in digital format, jpgs

[18:39.52] <seeker> feels like the universe is telling me something

[18:40.10] <levity> lo and behold, walmart developed them and put them on cd for you!

[18:40.18] <seeker> sick!

[18:40.35] <levity> i still have like 20 cameras i still need to develop!

[18:40.37] <seeker> sam walton's dream wasn't a total failure! :P

[18:40.40] <levity> 27 picturs each

[18:41.12] <levity> i cant wait to get them developed soon, itll be a total blast from the past

[18:41.40] <seeker> I bet the fun part will be seeing things you might not remember

[18:41.47] <seeker> especially if they're from all the way back in 2002

[18:41.53] <levity> to be able to patch up my old journal with 540 new pictures!

[18:42.00] <levity> some might be dead

[18:42.21] <levity> but ive already found a place nearby that willl stll do them

[18:43.22] <levity> shit, i used to buy my microcasstte recorder, rain pants, ball compass, so many of my mission critical gear

[18:43.30] <levity> at walmart!

[18:43.53] <seeker> lol walmart originates not far from here in arkansas

[18:43.58] <levity> i might as well had a walmart logo on my frame pack, lol

[18:44.45] <seeker> World Peace, Sponsored by Walmart (TM)

[18:45.18] <levity> yup! beating them at their own game with themselves!

[19:28.00] <levity> here you go, if you wanna brush up on your spanish profanity

[19:28.05] <levity> +

[19:30.24] <levity> ME CAGO EN DIOS!

[19:30.28] <levity> :P

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