


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 1, 2004

     6:32am  The next day. It's Sunday. I woke up like maybe a half-hour ago. I got dressed and read a National Geographic while I took a shit. Now, I'm eating breakfast. A bowl of cereal. Some Cocoa Dyno Bytes.

     7:00am  I woke up and my mom was in a fairly good mood. She hasn't bitched that much. I put my NOFX hoodie in the washer, my mom washed it last night. I'm drying it now before I leave. I'm thinking I'm going to go downtown. Maybe my mom will give me a ride to the bus stop or something. She's getting dressed for church. Cool.

     7:38am  My mom just dropped me off at the Citgo. I'm going to try and get a cigarette.

     7:48am  Robert just hooked me up with two cigarettes! Badass. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     7:53am  Mr. Vasquez hooked me up with a courtesy-ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Cool, he gave me a courtesy ride and the letter for the day is E. I gotta check through all my transfers. Cool.

                   Cool, I got one E transfer I can trim to the right time.

                   Oh yeah, he let me on and he said, "Alright, but don't ask me for a transfer." I told him, "Oh, I won't. Don't worry." Hehe, I already got one.

     8:26am  I asked this one brother if I could tell him my story and he said, "What are you doing? Let me guess. Legalize marijuana?" I told him my shit and he asked me, "Have you ever talked to this big black guy?" I told him, "I've talked to lot of big black guys." He said, "Yeah, he told me about you." 

                   Then, this other dude came up smoking a cigarette and I went, "Hey man, can I tell you a story?" He told me, "Man, you already did." Oh shit, I'm famous. This is my town.

     8:29am  Ronnie hooked me up with a cigarette. He gave me a 'port. A candy-cane. Thanks, brother.

     8:34am  I jumped on the 91 going downtown.

                   My decoy-transfer worked. Muhahaha.

     9:02am  The 91 dropped me off in front of the library downtown. I hope they're open. Ahh, beautiful downtown San Antonio. My own personal Emerald City.

     9:08am  The library don't open 'til 11am. That sucks. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and see what there is to do there. I told these two homeless guys sitting in front of the library, just chilling, my story. They liked it. They agreed with it.

     9:17am  I was walking towards the park and I passed that big building with the Vietnam statue. I dropped down to the lower level and took a piss in the shrubs.

     9:20am  Cindy hooked me up with a cigarette down at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Cindy. I got a light, thanks anyway.

     9:23am  There's nothing going on at Travis Park, so I'm going to walk down to The Riverwalk and smoke this cigarette I just got from that girl.

     9:32am  I'm on The Riverwalk now. I talked to some guy earlier. I saw him with a camera. He was taking pictures of buildings downtown. I went up to him and told him, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" He went, "Sure, tell me a story." He listened to most of my stuff. He wouldn't give me his email address, but when I told him to tell his friends, he said, "I shall," all snooty and shit. Oh shit, should I be scared or something? He was an older person with money. I don't know. Maybe I messed up telling that guy my story. Maybe he's going to come kill me, hehe.

     9:47am  I just took a picture of The Majestic downtown.


Over here on Houston and North St. Mary's. I came and saw Tori Amos there with Chasity once.

                   Oh, I see the big skyscraper with the green roof.


                    I'm going to take a picture of that too.

     9:50am  Ricardo gave me a cigarette downtown. Thanks.

     9:57am  I just had a badass presentation with this guy. His email is Some German thing.

     9:59am  I went back to that guy and told him, "Oh man, how rude of me. Do you want to smoke a bowl?" He told me, "Nah, that's cool. I'm waiting for my first day at my job. I don't want to freak my boss out. I would normally, though." Hehe, I knew he would.

     10:00am  I just saw Elva! I gave my backup-mom a great big hug.

     10:25am  You're in it again. Elva just hooked me up with three dollars! Out of the blue. I didn't even ask her. I appreciate it, mom.

     10:26am  Fred is giving me a cigarette downtown. I appreciate it, Fred.

                     That was cool I saw Elva downtown. I told her my whole update. She gave me three dollars! Haha, I still have my backup mom. She told me, "Hey, if you ever need a place to stay give me a call. After seven, weekends are free."

     10:41am  Badass. I just had me a great presentation. I passed the people walking into the Centro Parking place. They nodded their heads up and down through the whole thing. They agree with me. 

                     I'm right.

     10:45am  I  just took a picture of the big Puertorican flag 

with downtown San Antonio in the background and some guy riding a horse. It was painted by Rene Ortiz in 1997. It's on the side of Mando's Seafood by the River..

     10:48am  This guy in front of Mando's commented on my walking stick. I asked him if I could tell him what I was doing. He asked me, "Are you from here?" I told him, "No, I was born in Puerto Rico and moved to San Antonio when I was three." He goes, "Coño!" I told him, "Damn-straight. ¡Soy Boricua de pura cepa!" I started telling him my stuff, but it didn't seem like he was understanding me. In the end, he told me, "Can you help me out with some change?" I told him, "I don't have no money." Even though I lied because Elva just gave me three dollars. Screw it. I'm hungry. I'm going to get me a hotdog.

     10:49am  I'm going to go buy me a hotdog because the guy is there. I'm going to go to the library when it opens at eleven.

                     Damnit, no hotdogs in the park. This sucks. I'm going to go to the library hungry.

     11:20am  Dude, I told this one guy in the park my whole story. He agreed with everything I said. Then I walked past these other kids and I hit them up for a story. I told them I wasn't asking for anything, but they said, "No, no." Anyway, when I finished talking to the guy I went back to the kids and told them, "That guy listened to me. Go ask him."

     11:21am  Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm going to the library.

     11:24am  I just asked these people walking down the sidewalk if I could tell them a free story. They told me they were kind of in a hurry. What's your hurry for? Ignorance is bliss.

                     Ha, they just walked into The Havana Inn. I knew they were tourists. As they were walking up the stairs I yelled at them, "Antisocial tourists!"

     11:30am  I just took a picture of the parking garage, I think it is, behind Southwest School of Arts and Crafts. Someone painted, "Diseases can become extinct too."



                     Money being the disease . . . and me knowing the cure.

                     In the end, I am going to obliterate money.

     11:37am  I am sitting here in the library waiting to use the computer. She said it could be like an hour and nobody wants to hear my story back here. Oh well.

                     Oh, I just met some dude who I've talked to before in the library. I offered to smoke him out and he said thank you. We walked around and I handed him my smokeless sneak-a-toke pipe and told him, "Put the fire in the hole." We smoked some weed.

                     I'm kind of hungry. Oh yeah, I'm going to go to the Sunken Gardens today. That's where I'm going to go.

                     Badass, I got some free time. I cleared up my projects for the day. I wrote Tyrell(1-30-04, 2:17pm) an email telling him I refused to compromise my mother's credit. I asked him if there was a way to do it without a credit card. I told him I didn't care how long it took. I replied to some other people. I emailed Randi from the barn in Arcata and that's about it. Pretty productive time on the computer. I'm going to walk to Travis Park now.

     1:16pm  I just realized that one side ended on my cassette. What was that website again? Angel recommended everybody check out He said it's a cool website.

     1:36pm  Man, I am kind of happy. I finally got through to the kids here at Travis Park who would never listen to me. I told this one girl my odyssey story and she was all, "Wow." She even gave me her email address. Then, there's that other one who's always asking for fifty cents. It's all about money to these bum kids at Travis Park.

     1:37pm  I just took a picture of all the pigeons in the park in front of the statue.


                    This old man just dropped all these seeds and all these pigeons swarmed. They're beautiful.

     1:41pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. Thanks, brother.

                   Thank you, Love. I was just wanting a cigarette and that guy just walked by.

     1:50pm  The nice #8 bus driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:03pm  I landed at the zoo. Over here by Brackenridge Park. Awesome, awesome. I wonder if there's a hotdog salesman anywhere. I got a dollar. Let's see if I can get a chilidog for a dollar, like the guys at Travis Park hook me up.

                   I'm going to go up to the window at the zoo entrance and tell them, "Hey, I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read. If you hook me up with a free pass into the zoo, you'll be in it." Hehe, let's see if this works.

     2:06pm  No-go at the zoo. They didn't let me in for free.

                    I had asked the girl and she told me it wouldn't be up to her. I talked to the manager and she told me, "Oh no, even the college kids have to pay. Everybody has to pay. I can give you a dollar-off coupon." I told her, "No, thanks anyway. It wouldn't be right if I paid."

                    Oh yeah, earlier at the bus stop, before I got on the #8 at Travis Park, this girl walked by and told me, "Do you know what you look like? You look like the modern Jesus." I took that as my cue and said, "In that case, let me tell you guys what I am doing." I told them what I was doing and blew their minds.

                    I should have lied to the zoo people. I should've told them, "Well, the Austin zoo was cool. They got credit for being generous. They weren't greedy." Hehe, I don't really know about the Austin zoo.

                    I just took a picture of this winding road I'm walking along in the wilderness.


Wilderness Street.

     2:28pm  Dude, I just had a badass presentation with these two gay dudes. I was walking down Wilderness and I passed some guys just standing there. I turned around and approached them, "Hey, brothers. Do you mind if I tell you a story?" Hehe, one guy recognized me and said, "Oh yeah, I've talked to you before." He's some dude I told my story to at Jim's one night. The Huebner Jim's. He told me he was just waiting for his friend. His friend, a flamboyantly-gay dude walks up. I told the other guy, "I know you have already heard it, but I can I tell your friend what I have planned?" He told me to knock myself out. I told this other guy my stuff. He listened to all of it. When I finished he asked me, "Are you gay?" I told him, "I may be the happiest man in the world, but I am not a homosexual. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow." Hehe, I've rehearsed that line and everything for such an occasion. So it was a good presentation. They didn't have email addresses, but they'll hear about me. They'll tell their friends, too. I am sure.

     2:32pm  I am walking down some random trail.

     2:36pm  I ran into these kids. What are your names? Jason and Caesar and two other guys. They said they were going to hop a train! I finally figured it out. That little trolley that goes through here. I want to hop a train! Badass. I might be hopping a train. I've never done that before. Sweet.

     2:45pm  Holy shit. I just realized where I am. I'm over here where Bill hangs out(4-19-03, 5:25pm). I met Bill a long time ago. CJ introduced me to him. Over here by Mulberry and St. Mary's. I wonder if I am meant to be here. I was just walking down some random street and here I am again. Awesome. I'm going to go buy me something to eat at the store. I got a dollar.

     2:56pm  Sarah is hooking me up with a cigarette in front of the food mart here on St. Mary's.

                   The girls who gave me the cigarette didn't have time to listen to my story. They were driving a Hondo Accord. 256-FMV is their license plate. I got their email address, one of them.

     3:04pm  Haha, I told these girls coming out my shit and they were all, "You can't do that," and walked off. I yelled at them, "Have you always been that ignorant? You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does."

3:15pm I am walking down N. St. Mary's. I am just heading in whichever direction I go. I'm free today.

             Waiting for news about my webpage. I told Tyrell, "Man, if there is no other way than a credit card, forget it."

             Crossed the Josephine Street Bridge over the San Antonio River.

              I see the Pearl Brewing factory to my right. It's old. I should take a picture of it.

     3:40pm  Some dude just pulled over in a van. I gave him the peace sign. He stopped and called out, "Hey, are you Muslim?" I go, "No, I'm Victor." He said I looked like I was Rainbow Family. I told him, "No, I'm Victor. I am independent." I asked him, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" He wouldn't listen to me. He just gave me the peace sign and said, "Good luck with your endeavors," and drove off.

                   Cool, there's the Sam's Burger Joint. I'm going to go try and score some food. They hooked me up here a long time ago.

     3:42pm  I walked around the back of the Sam's Burger place and some dude told me, "It's a closed-rehearsal today. You gotta move along."

     3:49pm  David Austin hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks, brother.

     3:50pm  The girl at the Diamond Shamrock hooked me up with a free hotdog. She didn't want to give me her name. I told her she could make one up if she wanted to. I asked her, "Don't you want the whole world to know how generous you are?"

     4:05pm  Mr. Perez is hooking me up with a courtesy ride on the #20.

                   Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned that when I went to the Diamond Shamrock I scored a hotdog from Vivian. That's what her name was. I thanked her for hooking me up and she said, "I didn't hook it up. I just paid for you."

     4:20pm  I got off the 20 on Santa Rosa. I'm walking to the Market Square.

     4:32pm  I'm at Milam Park


just walking around. I was pissed off because this helicopter wouldn't shut up. It wouldn't go away at the hospital here.

                   I just took a picture of the big mural on the wall. Christus Santa Rosa. The angel with the little kids and the birds.

     4:36pm  I just took a picture of the statue of Mr. Benjamin Rush Milam.


                   The plaque says, "Here lies Colonel Benjamin R. Milam. October 20, 1788 to December 7, 1835." Oh, he's buried here. Awesome.

     4:40pm  Chuck hooked me up with a cigarette downtown. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:46pm  Dude, I had a great presentation. The guy I got the cigarette from.

     4:59pm  I forgot to tell you I'm done walking around The Riverwalk. Didn't walk that much.

     5:15pm  I went up to street level. The church bells are calling me. First Baptist Church. Reverend T. Don Guthrie, pastor.

     5:19pm  I walked down 4th Street. Turning right on Broadway.

     5:32pm  I'm back in Travis Park playing with the squirrels again. I'm hypnotizing them with my stick.

     5:56pm  I had a great presentation in Travis Park. These two pretty girls. One with nice tits.

     6:25pm  Man, that was cool. I talked to these girls and told them my story and everything. They smoked me and everybody out at Travis Park. Awesome.

     6:35pm  Rudy hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:54pm  Mr. 6744 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot brother. On the 92.

     7:19pm  I ran into Gabbie, this really cool eighteen year old girl, on the bus over to the hospital. I told her my story and she asked me if I wanted to walk from University Hospital to her apartment that was real far away, on Woodstone. Man, I can't believe I met this cute eighteen year old girl on the bus and she invited me on a many-mile trek the first night we meet. Hehehe, I am really happy right now.

     7:40pm  David's going to hook us up with some Triscuits or something. Some gasoline for me and Gabbie's stomachs. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Sweet, David hooked me up with some peanut butter cookies. Awesome.

     7:45pm  Gabbie just told me that she found out that her ex-boyfriend raped his family members. Geez.

     7:52pm  Gabbie hooked me up with a cigarette! Badass. And she almost ran into a tree!

     8:11pm  Gerri here at the Wendy's is hooking us up.

     8:13pm  I met up with my friend Gabbie mysteriously on the bus.  She asked me if I wanted to walk her home from the hospital, even though the buses were still running.  At the hospital I told her, "Hey, let's go to the Wendy's on Medical/Wurzbach and see if we can score some free food." I told the manager my line, some black lady. She was all cool with it. She hooked us up. I called that shit, dude. I got hooked up with a friend! Awesome.

     8:32pm  Me and Gabbie were walking around. We just ran into these three deer! Like in the middle of Medical Center, wow. That's awesome. They're just standing there looking at us. We're right at Wurzbach and Fredericksburg.

                   Gabbie: "Patsy Villareal. She's a real bitch, man. She's not returning my calls. Yeah. She's the human resource manager at Home Depot. I'm supposed to be working there, but I haven't got my background check cleared yet. Everything is limbo because her sorry ass won't answer my phone calls. So, in the meantime, my background check is supposed to be back."

                   Inconsiderate bitch, hehe.

                   Whoa, Gabbie's badass. I just found out her dad works for the Department of Defense. Dude, I'm like trying to eliminate money. It's weird. It's funny.

                   Gabbie: "You know what else? My dad hates people who smoke marijuana. I used to be a pothead."

                   Haha, that's cool. They're going to come after me.

     9:05pm  Gabbie just looked at me while I was making an entry. She said, "Man, I gotta fart." Hahaha, what an honor she's bestowed upon me. Keep in mind I just met this girl.

     9:19pm  We're walking by and there's this big accident on the I10 access road. I am just making this entry for the sole purpose of the cops seeing me talking into my recorder. So they think I'm crazy when they talk about me. Just like I want them to.

     9:36pm  It's so cool. I've got me a walking-partner for the night. Gabbie is all about walking. Where did we start walking at Gabbie? Medical Center. We got off the bus at the hospital. We walked all the way down Fredericksburg past Huebner. We turned around on the I10 access road and we're going to Wurzbach. We're going to go in the Texas Land and Cattle restaurant. She's got some coupons so we can get some food. Reward.

     9:37pm  What was your name? Ray hooked me up with a cigarette right in front of Jason's Deli.

     9:42pm  Man, I am having the best time. It's so awesome I met this girl Gabbie. She walked sooo much with me, dude. She initiated the walking too. She had a gift card to the Texas Land and Cattle so we came there and ate. And I scored before at the Wendy's. I told her, "I'm going to try and score some free food for both of us." And I did!

     9:56pm  Leah, the waitress asked me what I wanted to order. I told her to surprise me. She smiled and when she came back she told me, "You're really going to like what I got you."

                   Thanks again Gabbie for this meal.

     10:06pm  Gabbie wants me to make a note that she lost her cellphone. She's all mad about it and pissed off. She said that once she finds it, it will be badass.

                     Careful, you might jinx it, Gabbie. Man, that food was good. A steak and an enchilada.

     10:22pm  We just got hooked up with a huge cheese-ball. Leah hooked it up. It's got ice cream and nuts. Dude, Leah hooked it up big time. Awesome. We got the hookups.

                     Gabbie just wrote down some stuff on the togo box. "Eye am sofa king gewee tarted." I don't know what tarted means. If you read it real quick it says, "I am so fucking retarded." Huh, huh, huh. But seriously folks, hehe. Ta tung, ching.

                      It's so awesome how tomorrow's my birthday and Gabbie is treating me to a big birthday dinner. I got me like a big eleven dollar meal. It was good.

                      I got a birthday present from a random girl I met on the bus. Cool. The universe provides.

     11:20pm  Gabbie and I are walking towards her apartments. Way over there on Woodstone. A long way. We're getting some good exercise tonight.

     11:21pm  Oh yeah, we found the cellphone in the grass where she dropped it. Umm, I found it I mean, hehe. It was awesome. It was right where I suspected It'd be.

                     The spirit's got our backs.

     11:34pm  We got to Gabbie's apartment at The Overlook on Woodstone.

     12:04am  Victor's going to drink some whiskey, hehe. Yeehaw.

                     Man, this night has just been one big birthday present. Dream come true. Partying out on the night of my birthday. It's like February 2nd now.

                     Gabbie: "Happy birthday, man."

                     Well, I wasn't born on midnight.

                     Gabbie: "Still, it's like your birthday."

                     Yeah, I guess.

Next day..

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