

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Thursday April 2, 2009
     5:52am  Up and at 'em. It's a beautiful day. I got enough sleep, I guess. I woke up then lay back down and crashed out again. This square panel Sirius had brought to camp, I've been using that as a loogie target. I make artwork with my loogies, hehe. I'm all stoned. I waked and baked good. Oh yeah, last night I didn't tell you, but the weed just came to me. These street kids asked me if I knew anyone looking and I said yeah, me. I bought ten dollar's worth. Anyway, I'm not going to hop the highway and go to Prado this morning. I'm going to walk South Higuera today. I'll go take a shit at the bagel place again. I've got some projects. I need to get my CamelBak back from Joe-Bob on Higuera. I need to stop by the computer shop, and I need to buy a pipe. The Sub headshop should be open by now.

                   My new shoes

                   In my story when I talk about marijuana and that you can't stop life, be sure to add, "Bill Hicks once said, "Why is marijuana illegal? Doesn't making nature against the law seem a little...unnatural?"

                   Leave no trace

     6:10am  I just came out of the Subway. I bought an omelet sandwich for less than three bucks and took a shit in their bathroom.

                   I went to the headshop and bought my pipe. I got a metal one this time, seven bucks. Shit, I just realized I left my omelet sandwich in there. I'm going back. Then I'll go find the computer shop on the corner of Archer and Pacific. I'll see if they have a working card-reader I can utilize to get the pictures off of my camera.

                   Dude, not only are the cool guys at the computer shop going to get my pictures off the memory card and burn them to CD for me, I got them to listen to my story too! Three guys at the computer shop. I had their attention for a long time. I told them the important part and everything and asked them to do me the two favors. I opted not to start the Note From the Rich. Wow, I've been on-task all morning and I've gotten so much accomplished already. I got my pipe, I'm going to get the pictures off my camera and it'll only be ten bucks. I'm going to go get my CamelBak back now. I even scored breakfast too.

     7:25am  About fifteen minutes ago I got to Higuera and found the building Joe-Bob was working at. He had my CamelBak in the back of his truck. I am whole once more.

     8:30am  I was just sitting on a bench and this beautiful girl walks up to me and says, "What's up, kid?" I asked her if she had ever met me before and she said no, that I just looked cool. I asked her if I could tell her my story and she said sure, but she wanted a hug first. Great! Her name is Domino.

                   Domino just came up to me and whispered in my ear, "I was in MK Ultra." Here's Domino: "It started when I was 21. Many, many people on the street, mostly kids were given drugs, mostly methamphetamines by older men in suits. This was completely legal on the streets of San Diego. One day I was taken into a car, like usual. It was a usual, everyday occurrence that older men would pick up kids off the street and give them drugs. mostly meth. Somebody picked me up in a truck and gave me something that had spores in it. Ever since then I have been sick. While I was under the influence of that some man in a suit came up and told me that I was in the MK Ultra program. Years and years and years I was in it. Finally, when I realized that it was true, that what everyone was telling me was a lie, I emailed the CIA and I told them that I wanted out of the program. The next day I was contacted on the street and a man came up and told me, "If you want out of the program stop doing drugs." Now I have something they call Fibromyalgia. It's a bullshit diagnosis. It's burning pain from head to toe all the time, extreme anxiety. I have PTSD because of what they put me through. It's a lot more detailed, but I rather not talk about it."

     9:00am  Shannon just volunteered me a free Vitamin Water. I appreciate it, Shannon. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:35am  Bless Elena's heart. She walked up and gave me a box with pizza. I was hungry. I love Elena. She's this girl I met at the shelter last time I was here. She invited me to go with her to Cayucos the other day to go look at the beach with her.

                   I'm having a good time today. I have assumed my post at the corner of Garden and Higuera, in front of this jewelry place. This guy came up to me and I offered him my website and told him I was a long-distance walker. He asked me if I had ever walked in Big Sur. I told him sure, that I had even gotten into Esalen. He started reminiscing about that. I asked him if he knew Seymour Carter and he said sure. Hehe, I'm dropping names.

     3:48pm  I'm walking to the computer shop. I only have five bucks, so I hope they'll be cool. It's a good cause and they now know all about it.

                   Ha, right when I walked in the computer shop one guy said, "The stoner is here." Guilty as charged. The tech was already done copying my pictures. He said it was 1.6gb and he burned it to a DVD. I might have a problem getting other computers to read it, but they said if I did to come back. I told him I only had five bucks and he said it was cool. One guy told me before I left, "The reasons we listened to you so much this morning was because we are all stoners or ex-stoners in here." Nice.

     4:40pm  Maryanne, once again[3-27-09 : 5:32pm] is hooking me up with some food and some spare change. I appreciate it, Maryanne. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   This group of three kids stopped and talked to me. The farmer's market is starting up.

                   I just got recognized by Liz who saw me here two months ago. She said thanks for sending her the good vibes. I'm always glad to be of service.

                   Leslie came by and she gave me a free hug after I put my cigarette down. She volunteered me a small basket of strawberries! They're from Hayashi farms. They look delicious. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, Leslie.

                   Stacey was nice enough to give me a dollar after she took my picture.

                   Beautiful Alana. Her makeup makes her look evil, but I know she's not. She totally dug my story. She reacted so beautifully to it. Note From the Rich and everything. I gave her a huge hug.

                   I just got recognized by that guy I had gone to his house for a bible study. Remember the lady who gave me a ride from the laundromat in Los Osos back to San Luis? I'll be sure to put a [2-6-09 : 8:13pm].

                   Alana came back and gave me a little nugget for the cause!

     10:00pm  It got boring downtown so I started walking down Higuera towards camp. Right now I just came to the Circle K and went inside to try and decide what snack to buy. All of a sudden, Susie, the cute cashier tells me that I could help myself to all the stuff on the grill, that she was going to throw it away soon. I asked her how much I could have and she told me to take it all. Like three hotdogs and four Tornados! Yeehaw! I'm all loaded up on food. I don't have to go to Prado tomorrow morning either. Wait, I do. I have to type.

                     I didn't spend any money at the Circle K. I still have $4.20 or so.

                     I am about ready to go to sleep. Tonight was a roller coaster. So many people gave me free hugs and accepted my website. I got my picture taken so much too. I ran out of little papers from all those copies I had made at Kinkos. I had to cut out some more right there.

Next day..

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