


San Antonio, TX

Thursday April 14, 2005

     7:00am  I woke up not too long ago. I called my mom because I realized I needed the mailbox key to check the mail today. She told me my letter came yesterday and I already have it here. It has my name and address and a date and everything. I fished my social security card out of my mission box, just in case I'm going to need that. I am all prepared for my "donating." I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a shit.

                   Cool, my mom left me $1.25 for "bus fare." Thanks, mom.

                   I never mentioned it, but yesterday when I went by Evan's apartment I asked him, "Hey, is that tape recorder still kicking?" He said, "Nah, it broke." Haha, I got a laptop for a broken tape recorder!" That's so funny.

                   Well, the laptop isn't working. It needs a power cord. That can be easily acquired. What a dumbass.

     9:20am  I am leaving for the bus. I'm walking to the Citgo. I have $1.25 from my mom for bus fare. I might use that. I need to get downtown already. Damnit, I forgot to brush my teeth.

                   For breakfast I had a damn good breakfast. I had two bowls of Total cereal and a couple of Toaster Scrambles.

                   Right when I walked up to the Citgo, Kenneth hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kenneth. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:50am  Cool, there's the 610. Oh man, it's going to be a beautiful day. It's a beautiful morning. I am so glad to be alive.

     10:30am  I am at University Hospital.

                     I was talking to everybody on the bus. I had this presentation with this one dude who was nodding his head up and down the whole time.

                     I don't know what time it is, but Rick just hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I have a light, thanks anyway. Everybody gets credit.

     11:05am  I am downtown.

                     I was at Dolorosa and Flores and this one girl, the light was green and she had just broken down in her truck. Other cars were behind her, so I asked her, "Do you want me to push you out of the way?" I grabbed her truck and before I knew it two other guys ran up to help too.

                     I have a calling towards the Tower of Americas. Hemisfair.

     12:10am  I'm going to go eat at the church.

                     At the church they were pretty much out of food and only gave me a bag of chips. I walked out and hey, the Fish and Loaves van is out there at the park feeding. Cool. Fuel supply for when I go to the tower.

                     Jack gave me a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     The 92 told me no.

                     All this time I was thinking today was Saturday. It's Thursday. I thought I was going to have to wait until Monday to go deliver plasma. Screw it, I can do Thursdays and Saturdays. I'm going to go donate plasma. I've got my proof of residence in my pocket. I have my social security card.

                     I walked San Pedro to right over by the library, over by Quincy. I'm going to wait at the bus stop here instead of Travis Park. No drivers were telling me yeah. I'll tell them, "Can I get a courtesy ride to Balcones Heights? I'm going to go donate plasma for bus fare."

                     3220 told me no. Greedy ass!

                     L. Ramirez told me no. Greedy ass! He told me, "I've given you two already. I can't give you anymore." I told him he didn't know any better. I guess that's my sign to walk.

     1:34pm  Cool, the 92 guy let me on. I don't know his name.

                   I just got off in front of the ZLB plasma place. The driver who had hooked me up was 4030.

                   Umm, they told me it would be like a three or four hour wait for new donors right now. Screw that. I'm going to show up tomorrow at like eight in the morning, so I won't have to wait. She told me I could still come back Monday and do Mondays and Wednesdays. Umm, I'm going to walk over to Santa Fe and see if anyone is there.

                   Lorenzo was home at Santa Fe. I hung out for a bit, but he kind of ran me off because he wanted to be with his boyfriend. It was so cool that he liked my music yesterday.

                   I really didn't want to wait four hours at the plasma place. What they pay new donors is, on the first one week you donate, you get twenty five dollars and for the second day in the week you get twenty five also. Every week you go after you get fifteen and thirty.

                   I was walking almost to Williamsburg on Fredericksburg. I walked by the Chateau Apartments and saw a sign that said, "Heal Thyself," and had a little dove on it. I'm going to take a picture of it.

                   I walked up to Cristan's Express and my friend Bruno was all, "Hey Victor, what's going on?" He refilled my water jug with lemonade for me.

                   I'm going to do a beer run for Tony. Two twenty four ounce Mickey's. They're green? If I can't find those, then two Icehouses. Cool.

                   Two Mickeys and an Old Milwaukee.

                   Oh yeah, it was cool. I was going to go say hi to Melissa at first. She was there and I asked her, "Do you think Tony is home?" She said, "I don't know. Let's find out." We walked up to his apartment and Melissa yells, "Tony, are you home?" Tony's window was all broken out. Some crazy lady had kicked in his door, or something. No, it was that his key messed up in his door-lock and he tapped on his window too hard.

                   Anyway, I'm walking down Fredericksburg now. Oh yeah, we smoked some weed at Tony's.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm walking down Fredericksburg. I saw a girl at the bus stop smoking a cigarette. I hit her up for one and she gave me one. Her name is Amanda. I appreciate it, Amanda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I walked up to the 91 stop by the Denny's. There was a real pretty girl sitting there smiling all bright in the sunshine. I bummed a cigarette off her and went straight into my presentation. I had her full attention the whole time. I had asked her, "Are you in a hurry?" She told me she was on her way to a job interview. Damnit, I needed to finish telling that girl my story, but the greedy ass bus driver wouldn't let me on. I had asked him, "Can I get on to finish telling that girl my story?" He said, "No, I don't give courtesy rides." Greedy ass.

                   I walked Fred all the way over to Medical. Oh yeah, the Blanco Cafe is coming back. Coming back to where it used to be. Over by Papa John's.

                   I came over back behind Papa John's. These cool shiny green office complex back here. They have a picnic bench here, so I'm going to smoke this cigarette I just got from that girl at the bus stop earlier. I really wish I could have told her my whole story. She was the cutest girl I've seen in a long time.

                   She looked really familiar. I'm so glad I hadn't talked to her. I asked her, "I haven't told you my story before?"

                   I walked over to the Fountains of San Antonio Apartments on Fairhaven. I'm going to go see if this girl Jennifer is home. She's the one that her and her dad told me about that grizzly San Antonio underground. I interviewed them(1-23-04, 4:44pm). Maybe they'll smoke me out.

                   Jennifer answered the door and quickly told me, "Not right now. I'm really sick." That's cool. I'll just keep walking. Making my rounds. I'm walking down Fairhaven now.

                   I came to the Data Food Mart and Datapoint and Fairhaven. Chris hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Chris. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   At Data Food Mart I had a great presentation with that guy Chris. This black dude.

                   Good presentation with this black girl who just got off the bus.

                   I walked through the Auburn Creek Apartments and I see this cute girl walking by. I hit her up for my story and she said, "Well, I'm going to the gas station." She had this weird look on her face while I gave her my intro and mission objectives. When I got to the part where I asked her if she was willing to listen she said, "Not really." I told her, "Well then thanks for proving me right." I asked her to do me the two favors and just left. Her mind had been wandering the whole time. Damn the ignorance in this world.

                   I'm going to walk through Auburn Creek and see who else I can tell my story to.

                   I'm walking around in Dove Tree looking for people to tell my story to.

                   I walked in Sundance Apartments, over by the playground. I'm wearing my bright-ass Santana tie-dye. All these kids told me, "Nice shirt!" Another magic shirt my mom's boyfriend got for me. Gus.

                   I had a good presentation with this guy walking his dog in front of Sundance. This white dude with tattoos all over his arms. In the end he just told me good luck. I told him, "You'll hear about it." He said, "I doubt it." I told him, "Just like I want you to. It'll be a surprise." I'm going to tell my story to this dude who just walked by. He's got dreads.

                   That one guy was all asking me, "Are you alright?" I told him, "I'm the happiest man in the world."

          What was your name? Joe, some guy walking by who I hit up for my story.

                   I just told this black dude and some chick my story at the apartments that used to be called The Seasons. Where that cop got killed. I'm looking for more people to talk to.

                   I think I'm going to cross the street and go to Cinnamon Creek. There's nobody to talk to in here.

                   Turned left on Cinnamon Creek. I want to walk all the way out to Gus Eckert.

                   I walked Cinnamon Creek Apartments to Cinnamon Trail. I'm on Cinnamon Hill now. I'm walking in front of Kenton Place 2.

                   I'm going to walk through Bent Tree Apartments. I've been here before(3-24-04, 11:10am).

                   I ended up out on Huebner. 10127 Huebner is the address where I came out. Right behind the Arthritis Diagnostic and Treatment Center. There was a trail from USAA Blvd.

                   That's awesome. I found new woods. Behind these apartments on Huebner. Close to Fredericksburg. I cut through the back of these and I'm walking through these woods now.

                   I love virgin woods.

                   This is a awesome little forest I found.

                   I ended up at some old abandoned house out here.

                   10710 is the address of that old house I found. I believe Oakland is the nearest street.

                   I ended up on Southwell Street.

                   I walked all the way to West Telemarketing. I'm going to go check The Rocks for stoners.

                   No stoners at The Rocks. I'm going to go to the smoking cabana and bum a cigarette.

     7:05pm  I came to the smoking cabana at West and Brett hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Had a great presentation with that guy Brett.

     7:12pm  I had hiked all the way to the smoking cabana at West and bummed a cigarette. All of a sudden Gypsy Jo, my friend from the tree behind Sage Crossing, over by Oaklawn Street showed up. She said, "Hey, do you want to smoke out?" I was hoping I would get smoked out. The universe provides.

                   I ran into Jo at West and she invited me to smoke with her friend on their break. We drove around in her friends car for a while. He drove down Prue like past Babcock. The direction I wanted to go anyway. They could have dropped me off right behind the park, but the joint was still going. He had turned around and just passed Babcock when I asked him to drop me off.

                   Oh yeah, Jo told me about the Marley Fest in Austin they're having soon. I'm going to Marley Fest in Austin! Thanks for the destination Gypsy Jo. It's ten bucks to get in, but I'll just show up and ask for spare change.

                   I walked up to the Chevron on Prue/Babcock. Remember that one night when I asked to use the phone and the camel jockey told me they had a payphone outside? I had told him off(4-11-05, 10:22pm).

                   Hehe, anybody who makes eye-contact with me gets the peace sign. Like every person driving by who looks at me. I figure, hey, they're already staring at me. I might as well say hello.

                   All money does is buys you more things than you need.

                   I was walking down Prue Road and I got a picture of my Victor the Liberator tag over by Prue Road Bridge. Man, everybody is going to know who the I am.

                   Well, it seems that I won't be going to donate plasma tomorrow. I'm going to Marley Fest. Oh shit, if I go donate plasma tomorrow, then I'll have money, but I can't go again next week. I don't know. Yes I do. I don't need money.

                   I'm about to cut through OP Schnabel now. Go out to Braun Road and Bandera.

                   Ugh, these kids on motorcycles out here tearing up my woods. They had stopped and were listening to me. They were way ignorant and in the end I just told them, "Ahh, you can just take off if you want. I hate wasting my time." This dumbass kid was all, "I'm just turning around," and he kicked on his bike and just took off.

                   I'm at the Exxon on Braun Road and Bandera. I'm going to go look for cigarettes in the ashtray.

                   Change my script to, "Don't you think that would be an accurate state of the union? Not the bullshit they've fed humanity forever?" Isn't it about time it stops?

                   Oh yeah, I ran into Evalyn at the Exxon. Evalyn is Adolfo's wife. The Puertoricans who own Corporate Technologies. The computer shop on Eckhert/Bandera.

                   I just came out of the park. Wow, I walked all the way from Balcones Heights. I rode the bus to the plasma place and I walked all the way from there. I didn't cut through the Oak Hills Country Club this time. I walked Fredericksburg all the way to Medical. Then I went and hung out behind Papa John's at those green buildings. Then I walked to Fairhaven and Fairhaven to Gardendale. Then from Gardendale I walked all the way to West.

                   Oh yeah, I cut through on USAA Blvd and had a little nature hike. That was awesome.

                   I'm going to wake up early tomorrow. I was going to go to the plasma place. But I want to catch the bus to 35 and start walking North. I'm going to get a good night's sleep.

     9:00pm  I'm home.

     10:13pm  I have to make an update. Oh yeah, my mom hooked me up with twenty five dollars. I can either ride the Greyhound to San Marcos($10) or ride the bus all the way to Austin($20). I need ten dollars for the entrance fee. Jo said if she sees me there she'll pay for me to get in.

Next day..

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