


San Antonio, TX

Thursday April 15, 2004

     10:00am  The next day already. Umm, I had a good morning. This morning I smoked some weed. I did my exercises. The recording messed up right here, damnit.

                      I'm going to go inside and put my boots on.

     10:39am  Allen Hardy hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother.

                      Sweet, got a cigarette. Now I'm going to go wait for the bus.

                      Cool, finished my cigarette and there's the bus.

     10:54am  James not only listened to my story on the bus from the Walmart, he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     11:15am  Mr. Garcia failed. He said, "I've already given you enough rides." I whipped out my pass, "Psyche, I was just testing you."

                     I had an excellent presentation with that James guy. He listened to every single thing I said. I had total eye-contact all the way through. Not one single interruption. I'm having a really good morning.

     11:47am  I ran into Richard, the guy I told my story to in front of the Best Buy over by Ingram(1-31-04, 12:32pm).

     12:15pm  Oh yeah, we got over by Travis Park and I told the driver, "Next stop, please." He tells me, "I can't let you off the bus there." I go, "What?" He says, "I was just testing you." Haha. He laughed. 

     12:17pm  Oh yeah, that dude Richard was talking about synchronicity. He said, "Man, if I wouldn't have done these certain things this morning, I wouldn't have gotten on the bus and met you today." I told him, "If I wouldn't have told the guy at the Walmart my story, I wouldn't have gotten on the bus that you were on." All of a sudden, these kids in the back, who I had been contemplating telling my story to, they actually came up to me and said, "Hey man, what do you represent?" I told them, "Me." They said, "That's right, what do you represent?" I told them, "Me, I'm independent." I told them my intro and mission-objectives and got an email from them. Oh yeah, all of a sudden this old lady in the back interrupted me. She asked, "What do you have that stick for?" I told her, "It helps me walk." She goes, "Oh, you can't walk?" I told her all my stick scriptage. You know the whole, "When you use your upper body to move yourself forward you walk faster. You never know when you'll need a counter-balance. Hey, what if I get attacked by a dog?" She said, "They let you on the bus with that?" I told her, "They sure do." She goes, "Oh, I wouldn't. That can be used as a weapon." I told her, "So can my fist." She just kept bitching about my stick. I got tired of her and said, "Tough-shit! Call the cops. Don't you know complaining won't do shit?" Hehe, I told her, "The kids are taking over soon, grandma. And I'll be first in line."

     12:37pm  Henry hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Western Beverages. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:47pm  I'm walking around downtown. Damn, my water bottle is leaking and it looks like I pissed in my pants again, ha. Anyway, I was thinking how I've never learned downtown even though I've lived in San Antonio since I was three. I got lost trying to get to Travis Park. I don't learn downtown on purpose. I like getting lost downtown. I have fun getting lost.

     1:03pm  AC just walked up to me and said, "Hey, do you need a cigarette?" I appreciate it, brother.

     1:18pm  I'm telling Dead Cat and Phoenix my story here at the park. What happened when I got here?

                   Dead Cat: "We got here and you were talking to your friend about wanting to get high. So I said, "Hey, I'll smoke a joint. It'll be cool." So I lit it up and you asked me about telling me your plan, your ideas. I was like, "Alright, I'll listen to it." We got high and you smoked a cigarette right now. We're just traveling through. It's an okay town so far. The spanging is great out here."

                   Victor: "This is where all the love is."

                   Dead Cat: "I'm pretty sure you'll succeed in your thing. I'm going to New Zealand, so I don't know if America will ever see me again."

                   Victor: "You'll hear about it."

                   Wynd just offered to take me all the way to her house on Bandera Road so I can eat. Cool.

                   Cool, they hooked me up at the donut stand. I went, "Hey, don't suppose sixty four cents will get a me a donut?" Hooked me up.

     1:54pm  Wynd even gave me an after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, Wynd.

                   The 91 guy failed.

     2:15pm  John not only gave me a cigarette, but he gave three other guys a cigarette too. Everybody's bumming off of John today. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:52pm  I am leaving the library. Dude, this sucks. Playback on my recorder broke. I can't play my tapes, just record.

                  Man, this tape is all messed up.

     4:57pm  Robert, this bus driver walked by. I asked him, "I don't suppose you could spare a cigarette?" He told me, "I only got a couple left, sorry. I get paid next week." Then he said, "You look like you need this more than me," and he gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:17pm  Phoenix is giving me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   These kids just hopped off a train. That's how they got to San Antonio. I had talked to another train hopper this morning.

     5:27pm  Annette hooked me up with some change for my hotdog. I appreciate it, Annette.

                   Mark gave me change for my hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:56pm  Chris hooked me up with a dollar for my hotdog. I appreciate it, Christopher James. I told him my story until the 92 came.

     6:10pm  I forgot to mention that there's a bible thumper here at the bus stop just mouthing away, just talking to himself. Because nobody is listening to him. I'm sitting here telling him off. I told him, "Talk is cheap."

     6:28pm  Dude, I had a good presentation with this old man. I got to the part where I told him how I get free food. He wouldn't let me finish. He asked me, "Do you know Spanish?" He told me some stupid bible phrase about all my sins being forgiven. I didn't understand him at first. He went, "What? That was perfect Spanish." He just walked off. I told him, "Have you always been that ignorant? Thanks for proving me right, old man."

                    Johnny hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:20pm  Rader hooked me up with a cigarette. I've told him my story before. I appreciate it, brother

     7:45pm  I told this one young girl my story. She was in rapture. Her eyes were locked to me. She was telling me yeah and nodding her head up and down the whole time.

                   This other guy riding a bike, he took a picture of me. I forgot.

     7:48pm  Javier is hooking me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     7:54pm  Javier hooked me up again with another menthol. Candy-cane.

     8:07pm  I got on the bus and as soon as the driver saw me he said, "Eighty cents." He all thought I was going to ask him for a courtesy ride. I pulled out my pass and said, "Ah, I got a pass." I told him, "I got the pass for free too. Ha."

                   Shouldn't we be teaching people how to save money and not make it?

     8:34pm  I'm going to go in the Pizza Hut by Sam's apartment and see if I can score. "Got any mistakes you could hook me up with?"

                   I went in there and asked Laura, the same girl who hooked me up last time. She said, "We have some cinnamon sticks. Do you want them?" I'm going to walk to Sam's apartment and see if he's home. I'm going to share with him if he's home.

     8:53pm  Rolando me dio un cigaro afuera del apartamento de Sam. Te lo agradezco, Rolando.

     9:20pm  Oh yeah, I went into Sam's and he didn't have my monitor connected. He was using his old fifteen inch monitor. He told me, "No, it doesn't work with my bios. I have to reformat." I asked him, "Are you still going to use it though?" He said yeah.

                   There's like a big gap because my recorder was messed up that day.

                   I'm back over by Medical Fredericksburg. Blanco's is closed. Let me go see if they have any mistakes at Papa John's next door.

     9:45pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Diamond Shamrock on Datapoint. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Okay, I didn't get hooked up anywhere with food. The Blanco's Mexican Restaurant was closed. I peeked inside to see if Sean was there at the Whataburger(1-23-04, 10:05pm). My stomach is already full with cinnamon sticks.

                  Oh yeah, the bus driver, Mr. Thomas earlier told me, "I saw you out there the other day with that sign. What did it say?" I told him, "Spare change for supplies, on my way to save the world." He started laughing. He said, "You told me you were going to do that too." I told him, "Damn-straight. I am a man of my word."

     10:12pm  Here comes the 91 in front of the Broadway Bank.

                     When I got on the 91 some guy recognized me. He was all, "Hey, shouldn't you be downtown?" I asked him, "What's going on downtown? I was downtown all day." He told me there was a carnival. Fiesta, that's right! It goes on for two weeks, so I have plenty of time to make an appearance.

     10:24pm  I'm at West Telemarketing already, man.

     10:35pm  My old trainer Joanne is hooking me up with a ride to Babcock. I appreciate it, Joanne. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                     Whoa, I just scored a ride home from Joanne, my old trainer. I told her my scripts and everything.

Next day..

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