


San Antonio, TX

Monday April 25, 2005

                   I don't know what time it is, but it's the morning. The sun's coming up. I crashed at #23 at Bay-Lu Apartments. There were all these people crashed out on the floor. I guess I'm going to stash my backpack here while I go donate plasma, which I'm walking to right now. I have everything I need. I have my proof of residence and my ID and my social security card. I shouldn't have any problems.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm going to go see if I can score at Cristan's again. That same dude Bruno is working there, I think.

                   I scored! Called that shit. Bruno hooked me up with a taco!

                   Oh yeah, I just remembered that yesterday I was telling this girl in the park my story. She was like a sister to this other girl everybody else knew. After she heard my story she told me, "You're the most interesting person I have ever met."

                   I came back behind the plasma place. In the woods by the ditch I took a resin hit. I'm all stoned. My eyes are probably all red. I hope they don't give me any shit today. I've been waiting for like three years to donate plasma again.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I am here at the bathroom at the ZLB plasma place. Oh yeah, I am waiting to be called to donate already. I already did my screening and they pricked my finger and took my vitals and stuff. Oh yeah, Geraldine, this girl who worked here before, she asked me, "What happened to your eye?" I told her I had had a head-injury. She goes, "Oh, is that why you're different now?" I asked her how she thought I was different. She said, "Well, before you had a girlfriend. Is that why you act differently now?" She hasn't seen me acting in like three years now. She was with Naomi Friday night(4-22-05, paragraph starting with: "I ran into Naomi who used to work at the plasma place back when I went with Chasity."). Anyway, I am waiting to be called.

                   I don't know what time it is. This lady who worked there named Cande took me aside and asked me all these questions. I told her how I would never get sick and she immediately said, "Well, thank God!" She started thumping her bible at me hard. I argued with every point she made. I busted out all my scripts. She got this attitude, "Oh, you don't need money? You don't want to donate today?" I told her, "What? Are you going to discriminate against me because I think differently than you?" It was a good presentation and I am absolutely sure Cande will never forget who I am. I'm going to go back and wait to get called.

     11:45am  I just got out from donating plasma. I have twenty five dollars. I'm going to get thirty next time, on Wednesday.

                     I went to the Texas Thrift Store and took a shit. I saw an awesome shirt. It's a grey T-shirt and it says, "RELAX - I'M A PROFESSIONAL," on it. That's just too perfect. It's $3.98 and nobody is here that hooks me up. I'm not going to get it.

                     I've got twenty five dollars. I want some marijuana.

                     O.H. Garcia told me no. 

                     I didn't get a ride, so I just hopped across the street and waited for the 92 to pull up. I got on to "get a schedule" and right back off. The letter of the day is M. I've got tons of M's. I'm going downtown when the next bus comes.

     12:38pm  I'm at Travis Park. I wonder if there is any food left at the church.

                     Cool, they had one sandwich left. Perfect timing.

                     Jacob hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:08pm  I jumped on the 92. I'm going to go get my backpack at Bay-Lu.

                   I got off the bus at Vance Jackson and Fredericksburg. I'm going to walk to Bay-Lu and see if my bag is still there. Maybe there's some weed over there.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I came to Bay-Lu and hung out with the next-door neighbor kid. He was inside the apartment when I knocked on the door. He thought I was a cop when I knocked. He went and scored me a fat sack of weed for five dollars! I have a lot of weed now. I just called the dentist and I have to be there at nine in the morning tomorrow.

     4:39pm  I'm hanging out with, what was your name? Fernando is the fifteen year old kid who scored me some weed. They call him Panic. And Raymond, how old are you, Raymond? Twenty five. You wanted to make a flow, right?

                   Raymond: "I could do this shit real quick. Yo, I'm sitting on the couch listening to this mothafucker. The capitan pinga loca with the clip full of balas and a brain full of mota representing all the cliquas from the West Side and any fucking barrio who's got brown-pride. So let's take it back to the avenue and spread it on the calle. Los pinches perros negros no le vale madre!"

                   I left the Bay-Lu Apartments. I don't know where I'm going to go. I walked up to Vance Jackson right here. I thought I was going to wait for the 522 and ride it to West Telemarketing. Hmm, maybe I'll take it going the other direction back into town. I'll go to Travis Park and tell my story. Oh yeah, I have to go to Walmart. Maybe I'll go to the one nearby.

     5:52pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this pretty girl on the bus right now. On the 522 I just randomly got on. I had crossed the street to catch the bus headed North, to West Telemarketing. On my way to save the world.

                   I came over to the Food Mart on Huebner and Fredericksburg and Robert hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:19pm  I was at the bus stop at West at the top of the hill. The 91 driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. I was just standing there at the bus stop all stoned letting people see me. Getting some good publicity at the bus stop. All of a sudden Clarence drives by and yells, "Hey Victor, do you need a ride?" Clarence from Santa Fe Apartments. He's on his way to Santa Fe now. I considered going there, but opted against. I have to go to Walmart and buy some supplies with the plasma money I got today. I'm going to have Clarence drop me off on Louis Pasteur and I'll walk to the buses and catch the 610 and go to the Walmart on Mainland. I wanna see if I can crash on my mom's back porch tonight. I don't know. I can guilt her into letting me crash.

                   Oh yeah, I can tell her that I have to go do the dentist in the morning. She'll let me. Watch.

     6:37pm  Jumped on the 610.

                   I abhor being bored and I detest wasting time.

                   I just got off the 610 and the driver hooked me up with a transfer. I didn't get his name or give him credit. I'm at the Walmart. I'm going to call my mom from Walmart and talk to her. I'll ask her, "Mom, I don't suppose you'd let me keep my backpack in your back porch?"

                   I came over to the smoking cabana at the Walmart and Cordell gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, I never told you. I bought a new watch at the Walmart! Just an inexpensive basic Casio watch for ten dollars. I got seventeen dollars worth of supplies. I bought me a camera and a little composition book. I bought two pens for ninety nine cents. I'm just about out of money. Oh, and I spent a dollar on a burger at McDonald's. I called my mom from the customer service courtesy phone. I asked her if it was ok if I stashed my backpack. She said yeah. I started hinting if I could crash and she said, "We'll talk about it later. Call me around 9:30." She was at church. I'm going to ride the bus out to her house and wait there until 9:30, when she gets home.

                   I have weed to smoke.

     8:24pm  I came to my mom's backyard. I looked at my weed plant. I have to go in the woods and fix it real quick. The pot got tipped a bit and I need to straighten it before I have any marijuana-casualties. I was unloading my backpack on the back porch. All of a sudden I see a light come on. My sister's wiener dog then ran to the back door. My burden sister and my nephew seem to still be holding a grudge against me. At least she opened the door for me. All I did was go into my room and get my sleeping bag and put it outside. I want to talk to my mom later. Right now I'm going to walk to the Shell gas station on 1604/Braun. I put my green Make It Happen shirt on. I think with the next plasma donation I'm going to buy another Mexican falsa blanket to make a poncho. I already know where they sell them. At the Carreta shop(2-11-05, 1:19pm) on Eckhert and Abe Lincoln. They're fifteen dollars. Next time I donate I'll get like thirty bucks. I'll get that for sure. I have a little composition book again. My back-left pocket has something in it again. I'm going to go walk through the neighborhood. Hehe, people will see me recording myself and wonder. They'll think I'm crazy.

                   Diane gave me a cigarette at the Shell station. I appreciate it, Diane. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   She gave me three cigarettes!

     8:58pm  I just had a great presentation! This guy pulled up in his truck and came over to me. He walked up to me and said, "Hey, man. I see you walking all the time." He was way ignorant, though. I told him my mission-objectives and he promptly turned around and started walking away. I don't much care. I got recognized. Awesome, awesome. And that lady gave me three cigarettes right before.

     9:06pm  I'm talking to Chris in front of the Shell station. What was your email?

     9:37pm  I'm already back at my mom's house. I got a ride back to my mom's house. I had seen this guy at the Shell station. I noticed he had a shirt that said Evolution. When he came outside, I hit him up for my story and he immediately sat down at one of the benches and listened. The whole odyssey and everything. Then he gave me a ride home. I've had such an awesome day. Everybody saw me preaching at the Shell station, hehe.

                   I just got the idea to go see if Amy is outside so I can smoke her out.

                   I just came up on this car. It's too dark to see the address of the house, but the license plate is W90-GZN. It has a really cool bumper sticker that says, "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it." I just adore that sticker.

     9:55pm  I'm back at my mom's house. It's show-time. Her car is in the driveway. She's home.

     10:36pm  Oh man, my mom pisses me off. She just would not shut up with her whining and moaning. When I got home she told me, "We need to talk. If you are not going to respect me, you cannot stay here, blah, blah, blah. It seems like every time you leave you always gravitate back. You think I'm going to let you crash in my backyard?" I told her, "Well, I really didn't think you would be so greedy as to mind me crashing in your backyard tonight. I won't even come in the house." She said, "Well, I do." I told her, "Fine, there are plenty of places to sleep." She just kept going on and on. I kept asking her, "What's the bottom line already? What's the point? What are you getting at? Are you giving me an ultimatum or something?" She just kept repeating herself, "If you're not going to respect me, blah, blah, blah, I'm putting my foot down, blah, blah, blah." For like a whole half an hour she was sitting there doing nothing but whining and groaning. It got to the point where I just told her, "Listen, it really seems if I just stood here, watching you complain, you would just go on all night long with the same bullshit over and over. I'm going to put an end to it. I'm going to leave."

                     Hmm, so I have to think of where I'm going to crash tonight. I should probably take my backpack.

                     She wouldn't even let me store my backpack here. That's bullshit. She had even started spouting out all this bible thumper stuff about how Jesus died on the cross for us and stuff. She just wouldn't shut up.

     10:48pm  I'm leaving my mom's backyard. For good. Hahaha, yeah right.

                     I suppose it was wrong of me to overreact with my little nephew. Oooh, but he was asking for it hardcore. He pissed me off. I know it's a bit hypocritical of me to react like that with a little eight year old kid, but it just really got to me. How little he understands what's really going on and the work I am doing for everybody. It wasn't that I was mad at him, I was mad at his dumbass mom for raising him so wrong. I love that little kid, really, I do. He has so much potential but his ignorant mother is severely holding him back. I would even go as far as to say Charlie is more intelligent than his mother. It just really frustrates me how people can be so blind.

                     I don't know. I should probably be nicer to my mom. It just really frustrates me how not even my own mother values my help to make everyone's life better. She makes me feel like I am wasting my time trying. Argh, it just really irks me how ignorant she is. I'm trying to do this for everybody. Why doesn't anybody care?

     11:25pm  I came over to the spot on Braun Road, close to the Exxon, where I've left three worn tennis balls over time. Those balls have been sitting there forever. I just added a fourth one to it. Four tennis balls with holes in them. That looks so strange.

                     I came over to the Exxon and my friend Matt hooked me up with a hotdog.

     11:46pm  I chilled in front of the Exxon talking to Matt. I offered Matt a hit of weed, but he told me no, that he was falling asleep as it was. Then I went to go prepare a hit for me and I noticed I didn't have my pinch hitter pipe. I must've left it in my mom's backyard, so I'm walking all the way back to my mom's house.

     12:14am  I'm back at my mom's house. I'm just going to go in the backyard and get my pipe. I hope I don't wake her up. I really hope it's there.

     12:15am  Mission-accomplished. Retrieved my peace pipe.

                     Whew, I'm going to shed some layers.

     12:23am  I sat down pretty close to my mom's house in the grass and took off my thermal bottoms. I'm walking back to the Exxon now.

                     I'm all stoned.

     1:31am  I just entered OP Schnabel. I'm going to go to bed finally. I'll crash on the platform in the tree. I had stayed up chilling at the Exxon. I'm having all these thoughts go through my head. Maybe these are signs for me to go all out and be totally fearless. Maybe it's time for me to go fly my On My Way to Save the World sign on Fredericksburg and 410 again(4-10-04, 8:57am). I have been walking so much lately. Priming this city up. Everybody saw me at Fiesta.

     1:53am  I made it all the way up to the platform already. When I got there I heard people working at the radio antenna. I thought, "Damn, what could they be doing here at one in the morning?" When I noticed them, I ducked right in the woods real quick and made my way to the platform. They didn't see me.

Next day..

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