


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 22, 2005

     10:34am  I woke up early this morning. Around 6:30. I cleaned up the kitchen. I'm typing up my stuff. I have half of a ninety minute tape left. I am about 45% done. I have one more chunk of Side A and a whole Side B to type up. I'm already on April 9 on my typing. Today is the 22nd. So I have more than ten days to type up. My mom said that they are going to go to the parade downtown and I'm going to get a ride.

     11:00am  We're about to leave to the Fiesta Parade. My mom ordered this book for sixty nine cents from It just came in the mail. It's called Late, Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey.

                     I don't know what time it is, but I just got dropped off at Alamo and Grayson. The parade starts here. It goes all the way downtown.

                     Damn, there are so many people here today. Great publicity for me.

                     This dude just came up to me and asked me, "Hey, are you the Beat Cash Money Man? I told him, "Nah, I'm not the Beat Cash Money Man." After he walked off I thought about it for a second. I am the Beat Cash Money Man!

                     Man, people everywhere. As far as the eye can see!

                     Oh yeah, I found out what that whole Beat Cash Money thing is. It's some contest they're having on the Radio. On The Beat 98.1FM. They have some thing going where if you ask somebody if they're The Beat Cash Money Man and the person says yes, they'll win a thousand dollars. That's what that's all about.

                     I am not the Beat Money Cash Man.

                     Or at least not the Beat Money Cash Man they're looking for, hehe.

                     Not only am I going to beat the shit out of money, it's going to die!

                     Whoa, this kid in the crowd picked me out and said, "Hey, you told me that story in Babcock North! Are you the Money Cash Man?"

                     Hmm, at Travis Park there are cops at every corner, so no marijuana. I'm going to keep walking the parade route. Alongside it.

                     Haha, a cop kicked me off. He asked me, "Are you with the parade?" I told him I was just walking down the street. I should have told him yes. He said I had to stay on the sidewalk. Screw that, I'll jump right back in pretty soon.

                     They have cops all over Travis Park. I'm going to catch the bus home and get my tie-dye and come back. I'm going to crash downtown tonight.

     11:47am  I met up with James(the kid who I stopped from killing himself) in the park. He lives over by the ZLB in Balcones Heights. We're going to go get some weed. Oh yeah, and the male stripper guy from yesterday, he gave me a cigarette in the park.

                     I'm talking to Jonathan and we're smoking out at the place where James crashes. What did you have to say, Jonathan?

                     Jonathan: "There's three things that make a victim. An unreal view of society. A false sense of security and being unaware of your surroundings."

                     What were your thoughts, Shaggy?"

                     Shaggy: "Back in the 60's when the drug revolution was alive and kicking, and there was free love and peace to all. At least that's what they were trying. Then you flash to today, in this time, 2005, and they call them Stoners. Now, there's a big difference between a hippie and a stoner. It goes with the name Hippie, because it was hip, and cool to do this stuff. If you go up to a hippie back in that day and you ask them a vulgar thing, or you get violent towards them because of the way they lived their lives, they accept it. They roll with it. They're peaceful. They're in tune with themselves. It's peace through peace of mind and everything like that. You're not going to see a hippie do too much violence. But you flash to today when they're calling them stoners. There's a reason why they call them stoners, because when these people get high, in today's society, why they call them stoners is because if you get up in a stoner's face, there's a reason why they called them stone-ers. A stoner back in the biblio-logical times was somebody that picked up a stone and nailed you with it, and kept nailing you with it until you were stoned to death." Stoner, in today's society, yeah, these people do the exact same drugs and the exact same things that the hippies did, but there's a big difference. If you get up in a hippie's face, they're going to be able to take more crap than a stoner, because they are more at peace with themselves. They've got more of the mindset of what the hell is really going on. Stoners, on the other hand have switched the whole game. They don't want peace through a peaceful solution. They want peace through the annihilation of what's preventing the peace."

                     That story goes good with my whole not liking labels and generalizing. Because everyone is different.

                     Shaggy: "Well each person is an individual and they'll end up going at it in their own personal way. Don't you think that's true though? A hippie back in those days seemed all peaceful and stuff, but now you look at stoners of today that do the same basic drugs. There's a lot more violence today than there was back then."

                     I repeat, violence only leads to more violence.

     3:53pm  I've been over here at these apartments. Bay-Lu on Gardina in between Vance Jackson and Fredericksburg. John's apartment. John just hooked Shaggy up with a whole pack of little cigars.

                   I walked over to the Auto Zone to buy a bottle of water and Denise hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm walking now. See, I ended up at some apartments with James. James gets on my nerves. Today he was all, "Will you go on a walk with me? Come to my apartment?" It's not his place, John just lets him crash there. Along with some other people. He's a loser. He couldn't stop talking about his "big dick." He's got some really bad ego issues. I left that place real quick. He even wanted me to wait around so he could cook dinner for me. Like for an hour or two. Screw that, I have other shit to do. I've got a world to save and it's Fiesta. I'm going to catch the bus downtown now.

                   Oh yeah, I got some weed. A fat sack. Perfect, that's all I needed. I'm not going to go back home and get my tie-dye. Anyway, I'm going to go downtown and smoke people out. I'm already wearing my Santana tie-dye shirt, but my other tie-dye is brighter. I really wish it had the back design on the front. And that it didn't say Santana on it. Oh well, I don't really mind advertising Santana. He's a Latino performer. I haven't really heard his music at all, besides the Oye Como Va song. I'm pretty sure he smokes weed. And that's all it takes to be cool, hehe.

                   Oh yeah, and when I left James I noticed I didn't have my drinking water bottle in my cargo short pocket where it usually is. I had two dollars in my pocket, so I came to the Auto Zone on Fredericksburg and I grabbed an iced tea from the little fridge they have inside. Then I went outside and I bummed a cigarette off these two hip looking kids that pulled up with their car breaking down. I told them, "See how complicated cars make things." I had taken a big hit of weed and the guy had noticed and smiled. I offered him a hit but he said no thanks. Then I walked to the bus stop in front of the HEB headquarters on Fredericksburg. Let's see if the driver will let me on for fifty one cents.

     4:36pm  David hooked me up with a ride for fifty one cents. He even gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, David. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:45pm  This crazy lady on the bus. She sat down and told me how she lucked out because the bus came right when she got to the stop. I told her that they come once every fifteen minutes. She was all, "Right when I got there, it came! I thank the lord for that." I told her, "You look like someone who would be interested in my story." I told her my mission-objectives and asked her if she was willing to listen. She just stood up and walked to the front of the bus. I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

                   She had been all, "I don't like talking about homelessness. I used to be homeless." Like that's bad or something. She was all, "I need a roof over my head." Haha, everybody thinks I'm crazy because I'm recording myself here on the bus.

                   Oh yeah, at that apartment with James this dude Shaggy listened to my stories. I told him a lot. I told him the Brewster County Jail story then stopped. He even read Fawn's Message To All out loud. It all moved him. It was the exact reaction I wanted to get from people. I'm going to Travis Park now.

                   I just came to this Corono karaoke thing with this girl singing up there. All of a sudden this one girl says, "How are you doing, Victor? It's Victor, right?" I got recognized!

                   I walked up by the courthouse and people are recognizing me everywhere! I just ran into Vanessa. She was one of those kids from Sundance Apartments a while back. From when I went over and told all those kids my story on top of the yellow spider in the playground(3-16-04, 9:42pm). Her dad is the security guard at West(3-7-05, 4:18pm and 3-24-04, after 1:02pm, the paragraph that starts with "Oh yeah, I don't know if I ever told you." and 4-7-04, 2:41pm). Vanessa gave me another bracelet! It's awesome. It has these cool suns on it with Rasta colors and it says BM for Bob Marley. I got equipped some more. I wonder what's going to happen next.

                   Oh yeah! Vanessa told me that her dad had told her, "Guess who I saw on the news? Victor Antonio." It must've been that one time when they had a news camera at the Travis Park church(3-16-05, paragraph after 1:07pm). I got recognized on TV!

                   That's music to my ears.

                   I went to the carnival and I ran into David, another contact. We had smoked out at the Nabi a long time ago.

                   I hope I can hear this when I type it up. I came over by this ride Techno Power and asked this guy for a cigarette. He said he didn't have one, then all of a sudden this one dude gives me four of them! I appreciate it, Chris. Everybody gets credit.

                   I was walking around the Carnival and another Chris recognized me. He was all, "What's up, San Antonio?"

                   I ended up at that clown that talks shit to a lot of people. The guy you dunk in the water with a baseball. Bitch Bobo the Clown. While he was telling people off I started yelling back at him, "Talk is cheap! Actions speak louder!" He started making fun of my stick asking me, "Is that your bitch stick or something?" I walked up close to him and poked the stick through the netting so it would touch the thing that would dunk him in the water. I told him, "No, it's my dunking stick." He grabbed onto the cage and didn't fall in. I kept walking to where he couldn't see me, then I snuck back around and tried dunking him again, but he saw me coming and held on. That was funny and everybody saw me!

                   The people at the Taquitos Estilo Mexico taco stand told me no.

                   Cindy, en la Mayesa Tacos me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Man, screw those greedy asses from before. They didn't give me shit. They all made it seem like they were going to hook me up. Like they told me to wait and everything. I just stood there and they continued to help other customers. I wish I knew how to call them greedy asses in Spanish. That sucks, man. It's Fiesta. They were all messing with me. I was standing there waiting and they didn't tell me anything. Aren't you going to hook San Antonio up?

                   I don't know what time it is, but Jessica at Delicious Tortas is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Jessica, Phillip and Andrew are hooking me up at the taco stand. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   This dude after I ate my food. He had a whole pack and I hit him up for a cigarette. He told me no, that there was a Walgreen's right there where they sold them. Like I don't know where they sell them.

                   I had a great presentation on The Riverwalk with these three kids. This one girl said, "That was the coolest thing I have ever heard."

                   Badass publicity tonight. I walked around on The Riverwalk for a long time and got seen. I ran into Gus, my mom's boyfriend. I'm getting recognized everywhere I go. I'm having a great Fiesta. I'm having a good day today. Tomorrow is Marleyfest!

                   I came back to Travis Park and Fuzzy called me over.

                   I need to make an update. I went to Travis Park. I was really considering jumping on a bus and going home. I go to Travis Park and I heard these girls coughing in the middle. I walked by and asked them what they were smoking. One girl goes, "I remember you! From West Telemarketing. I heard the first part of your story, but I didn't get to finish it." She invited me to walk to the carnival with her. That's what I'm doing. I'm having a magical night tonight. Fiesta 2005.

                   Who all listened to my story right now? You, Tanya, Anthony and Andrew.

                   I ran into Naomi who used to work at the plasma place back when I went with Chasity. She volunteered me three bucks! I walked by and she said, "Victor, Victor, come here."

                   Stupid bible thumpers out here tonight. There was a huge group of them. I hit them up for my story and when I said that world's greatest problem was ignorance, they just turned around. Damn the ignorance in this world. See! Nobody listens. We're doomed!

                   I ran into Ricky! I'm famous. Everybody knows me. Ricky, Elva's(5-27-03, 7:43pm and 5-30-03, last paragraphs and 2-1-04, 10:00am and 3-16-05, 1:55pm) son. He gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Alguien que no quico dar su nombre me dio un cigaro en Fiesta. Gracias. Te lo agradezco, señor.

     12:36am  I'm going to head over to my little squat on Dallas Street. That front porch Bill sleeps on. I've had the greatest night tonight. Everybody was staring at me. I was swimming through that crowd. Sooo many people recognized me. I saw Naomi, who used to work at the plasma place and she gave me three bucks, just out of the blue. I'm all known. Then I had a really productive time around all those bible thumpers. All these kids handing out Jesus flyers and stuff. They were way ignorant and wouldn't listen to my story. This one pretty girl listened to me a lot. In the end she was still stuck and telling me things everyone else tells me. Good publicity tonight, though. It's only Friday. It's going to be a whole week of Fiesta. I'm going to Marley Fest tomorrow.

                     I don't know what time it is, but I walked over to Bill's. That front porch on Dallas Street.

Next day..

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