

 San Antonio, TX

Thursday December 6, 2007

     7:57am  I just switched out to a new tape. I'm taping over my 9-18 tape. The one I was recording on was the thirty minute one that comes with the new tape recorder. Anyway, I got seven hours of sleep last night. I'm out of weed. I got a five dollar bill for "bus fare" from my mom. That's a nickel sack. I don't know where I'm going to get it. I should probably go back to sleep. I don't know.

                   I'm taking my sign today. I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt again and my wig.

     9:48am  I didn't tell you. I already left home. I walked all the way over to the EZ Mart Citgo on Dover Ridge. Just for a walk. I was going to walk up to Timber Path again. But then the 606 came and I jumped on that. I'm going to the Medical Center. I'll see if I can find me a nickel sack somewhere.
     10:24am  I didn't tell you. The 606 I got on ended up turning back around and I'm back at the EZ Mart Citgo. I just rode it to the Citgo by my mom's house and hey, AK's working at the Church's. I saw Bob as I was walking too. He pulled over and said hi to me. AK gave me a couple hits of weed, hell yeah. Awesome, manifested.

                     There was a reason I didn't stay on the bus to the Walmart and go out to Ingram. I got off the bus by my mom's because I wanted to walk home and put some deodorant on.

                     I know, I'm a bad hippie, hehe.

                     Presto-manifesto! I walked over to Humplick's and he had his window open and I could see him in his chair playing videogames. I asked him if he had any weed and he said no, but that he had a lot of resin. Shweeeet. He let me go up there and scrape his pipe, which I'm really good at. We got resinated and he let me have a good chunk of it. So I've got a lot of resin in my little bullet pipe. That will last me all day. So, I'm going to walk downtown! Maybe. I'm just going to go for a long walk. I want to walk every single day. None of these taking days off anymore. Yesterday I worked an eight hour day. Another day at the office.

     11:38am  It's such a beautiful day today. It's going to be perfect. The sun's come up. I'm walking down Braun Road. I'm going to walk to OP Schnabel Park. I'm going to hike the 'ol nature trail to the Walmart. Just like good 'ol times. I might just keep walking downtown. No, I'm going to catch the bus and I'm going to go fly my sign. I'm packing my sign this time. Oh, right now I'm walking down Braun Road I found me an Airhead candy on the ground. Awesome.

                     I always get blessings like that.

     11:59am  Laurie just volunteered me some money at the Exxon. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     This is a magic hat. I swear it is. I just got a dollar for no reason. I was just standing there layering down in front of the Exxon on Braun and Bandera. This lady just gave me a dollar bill. It was the Fuck Bush shirt, I'm sure, hehe.

     12:06pm  Entering OP Schnabel Park. Taking the right hand trail. I'm going to take a leak.

     12:47pm  I just got to the bus circle at the Walmart. I got a dollar at the Exxon, so I'm going to go buy me a burger. Even though I have food in my bag.

                     I told these kids at the bus stop my story.

     1:25pm  Dee hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:34pm  The nice 606 driver is giving me a ride to the Medical Center. I really appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I took a picture of the big watery cooler thing at the hospital.

     2:02pm  April hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, April. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:10pm  The greedy ass driving the 92 wouldn't give me a ride. I told him I would walk it if I had to. So I am walking to 410 and Fredericksburg to fly my sign. I have work to do.

     2:27pm  I'm cutting through the Oak Hills Country Club.

     3:10pm  410 and Fredericksburg. Sign flying time.

     3:14pm  Holy shit, guess who I just ran into. She was all, "Victor! Victor!" Samantha, from the tree a long time ago(3-26-05, 4:17pm  4-3-05, 3:31pm  4-13-05, 6:39pm  5-15-05, 4:19pm)! Back when I hung out at the Oaklawn apartments. With Gypsy Joe and Thor.

     3:35pm  First donation of the day. This guy in a green sports car. Honda Civic, I think. He gave me a dollar. I gave him my website.

                    This girl in a white Hyundai just gave me a dollar too, awesome. It's a magic sign.

                    My little brother just drove by!

     4:00pm  Bill hooked me up with a cigarette over on 410 and Fredericksburg. I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit, man.

     4:12pm  Carl hooked me up with a cigarette at Fredericksburg and 410. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:42pm  I'm on the bus. I'm going to try and make it back to my mom's house. I'm supposed to go with her to some healing thing. I was having so much fun giving me webpage away on the corner. Everybody was honking at me. I got maybe like five dollars in bills. It's alright though. I wasn't doing it for the money.

     5:00pm  Jake let me borrow his cellphone at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:53pm  I am almost home.

     6:09pm  I just got home. My mom isn't here. I'm going to call her.

     7:16pm  When I got home I called my mom. The meeting ended up being at seven thirty. It's this healer guy she wants me to go to. Anyway, I asked her, "Hey, can I use your car to go buy some cigarettes?" I have like eight dollars. I wanted to have ten for Bo. When he stopped earlier and say hi to me I asked him if he would sell me five dollars worth and he told me to stop by later. It was cool, my mom let me borrow her car to go get cigarettes. She asked me, "Do you have money for cigarettes?" She gave me a couple bucks anyway. So I was able to give Bob ten bucks. So I got weed! It was cool, Bob would usually never sell me just a dime. He sold me like half a gram of this dank hydro bud. I'm all stoned now. Hell yeah, I followed through and manifested that shit. It all worked out. I got home on time on the bus and my mom came home and enabled the magic for me.  I love you, mom.

     10:22pm  I scored weed so perfectly. Then I went with my mom to this healer guy. This Catholic dude. All these people were there praying. He somewhat irked me. He was all praying over people saying, "Please God, help these people fix their financial problems. Bless them with the money they need." He even prayed about God helping them with their cars. Ugh, it was all wrong. I am thinking people heal themselves through this guy. He provides the opportunity. Everybody has it in them to heal themselves. These people were just confused. It really troubles me because my mom is right in there with them.

Next day..

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