


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday April 13, 2005

                   I don't know what time it is, but the sun's out. I slept outside on the porch last night at 511 Dallas. I'm going to walk to Travis Park now.

     7:03am  64 degrees. I'm in Travis Park now.

                   91 told me no. It's alright. He doesn't know any better.

                   Cool, the 88 driver hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, man.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I just got off the 88 at the Walmart on Mainland. I'm going to walk home. The 610 won't come for a long time.

                   Earlier I was walking down Bandera and a school bus went by. This one kid recognized me and stuck his head out the window and yelled to me. I gave him the peace sign. He looked familiar. I think I smoked weed with him once.

                   I walked Guilbeau up to the creek right after Wickersham. I'm going to turn right and hike the creek all the way to the Braun Station West Clubhouse and look for tennis balls.

                   I popped out of the woods in Braun Heights.

                   I'm out on Tezel. I see the power line so I'm going to walk towards it.

     9:05am  I just got home to my mom's house. She bought me a box of Total Cereal.

                   Aww, she even bought me some Toaster Scrambles. I love you, mom.

                   2:01pm  I just woke up from my big nap. I'm all rested. I'm going to walk downtown now, I think.

                   I'm walking down Guilbeau right now getting some excellent publicity.

                   I hiked all the way to the Walmart. Cool, there's the 610. Let's see if he'll give me a courtesy ride.

     4:00pm  The 88 guy hooked me up. Mr. Anderson. I appreciate it. He even gave me a transfer at the Walmart. I gave him a nickel. Be sure to remember to bring my social security card when I go to donate plasma on Monday.

     4:10pm  The 610 came.

                   I rode all the way to the hospital then caught the 92. I got off on Oaklawn. Fredericksburg and Oaklawn. I'm going to go say hi to my friends Samantha and Justin.

                   This dumbass black dude. At Oaklawn apartments when I walked up to the gate that has a lock on it, some black dude had just walked through it and was locking it again. I told him, "Could you hold the door?" He told me, "If you live here." I told him, "I have friends who live here." I just went around the building. When I knocked on Samantha and Justin's, their grandma answered. I hesitated at first because I didn't remember their names, but I finally asked if Samantha and Justin were there. The black dude from earlier overheard me hesitating and said, "Your friends, huh? You don't even know their names. You pothead motherfucker." I told him, "Sticks and stones, brother." What a dumbass.

                   I don't know what time it is, but James hooked me up with a cigarette at Oaklawn Apartments. I appreciate it, James. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I went into Denny's and asked them if they could refill my Nalgene water bottle. It's so cool with this bottle I'm using now. It's the one I scored in Boulder, Colorado at the Circle A Ranch last August. It's cool because it's got a wide cap and people can give me ice in it. This one guy working there told me, "I like your shirt." This is a magic shirt.

                   I just got to Santa Fe. I hope Lorenzo is home. Please Love, let Lorenzo be home.

                   I already see his door open.

     6:39pm  I had a badass time at Lorenzo's. He let me put my CD's on. I had brought them today hoping he would be home. I never get to listen to my music. We got all baked and jammed out to it. He liked most of it. I let him borrow all my CD's. See, this morning I had picked out four CD's that I wanted to listen to at Lorenzo's. I was taking the off-chance that he wouldn't be home. He usually never is. He loved my music. And he even hooked me up with some change for bus fare.

                   I caught the 92 in front of Santa Fe. I put in eighty cents and Mr. Limon hooked me up with a transfer. Oh yeah, and that lady the other day who was sitting next to me when I had these caterpillars on me, she said hi and asked me how my pets were doing.

                   Some lady recognized me from the dental school. She came up to me and started talking to me. I tried to tell her my story, but she wouldn't listen. She was way ignorant. I'm going to go to Travis Park now. Maybe I'll run into David.

                   I mean Ziggy.

                   Earlier, when I went to Samantha's apartment she wasn't there, so I knocked on Ian and Evan's apartment. Samantha was there. She told me last time that Even wasn't her boyfriend, but when I went there today they were both on the bed and Samantha was playing a videogame and Evan was there fondling her tits and stuff. Like all trying to show off. And Samantha would just let him do it. I think Samantha deserves so much more. She's this beautiful budding sixteen year old girl. She deserves so much more than Evan.

                   Oh yeah, today is Fiesta. I am just now coming up on the carnival.

                   Linda, at the Arizona Cafe is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach so I can walk around Fiesta tonight. I appreciate it, Linda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sweet, I scored at that place and I'm not hungry. I'm going to walk around some more.

                   I'm getting excellent publicity out here at the carnival, man. All the carnies are yelling at me while I walk by. One guy yelled, "Hey, there's Waldo!"

                   I just had a great presentation with the guy working the pop-a-balloon-with-a-dart booth. I walked by and this guy solicited me to try and pop a balloon. I told him I didn't want to, thanks anyway. Then I said, "But can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" I told this one girl my platform. All the way to, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing."

                   I told that girl my stuff right in front of these cops. I am fearless. She was nodding her head up and down the whole time.

                   Nancy hooked me up with a cigarette at the carnival. I appreciate it, Nancy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I walked around the carnival a lot. I'm going to walk to Travis Park now. I want to talk to David. Maybe he'll have some weed.

     8:38pm  I'm in Travis Park again.

                   Right now some guy recognized me in the park and gave me a lot of weed for $1.12. Let's see if anybody's in the park. Where's Ziggy?

                   4030 didn't give me a ride. He said, "I already did it one time." I told him he didn't know any better, that I forgave him.

                   S.A. Gilbert told me no. He didn't give me a transfer.

                   G.M. Cole didn't give me a transfer either.

                   Anderson on the 88 told me no. He said, "I already gave you one today." He told me to ask the next guy. I'm going to try to catch the 88 home. I'm thinking I want to go to Planet K on Evers and see if they'll hook me up with a pipe. I have a tiny little bit of weed, just no way to smoke it.

     9:00pm  Or, I could just walk all the way home and use that waterhose nozzle(4-9-05, second paragraph).

                   I don't know what time it is. I'm telling this brother my story in the park. What's your email?

     9:32pm  The 88 guy hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Hmm, I should change The Better Book to The Free Story.

     9:45pm  I'm riding the 88 home. The driver hooked me up with a ride. These hip-looking kids got on. They looked like they would appreciate my story. I went over and hit them up for the story and the girl says, "We know you!" I've already told them my story.

                   I got off on Bandera and Evers.

                   I'm walking up to Planet K to see if they'll hook me up with a pipe.

                   This black lady was having a conversation with the driver about drugs and money. The bus driver mentioned, "Vinegar is good for you." I yelled out loud, "Marijuana is good for you!" The black lady said, "What?! You can be stupid if you want." She was all wearing an I Love Jesus necklace. I snapped back at her, "Have you always been so quick to judge?" She said, "I'm not judging." I told her, "You just called me stupid. You are implying because I smoke marijuana I am stupid. I heard it loud and clear, lady. You hypocrite. If you love Jesus so much, follow his teachings already. Sinner."

                   Ha, I came to Planet K and sure enough I got hooked up with a pipe. Ruby hooked me up. She said she had one in her car I could have.

                   I called that! All three of the people working there knew about my story and everything. I went in there with my brightass magic shirt. I told them, "You guys know what I'm doing, right? I am without a smoking device. I don't suppose you guys could hook me up with a pinch-hitter, would you?" Then Ruby said, "I have one in my car you can have. It's the cigarette kind."

                   That was exactly what I wanted! She all told me, "Umm, it's a little clogged. You can work with hit." I even have some resin!

                   I was going to call my mom from there. I gotta go back.

                   I called my mom and I am leaving Planet K again. I got this pipe and a little weed to smoke now. I had been considering not asking for a pipe at Planet K. I said screw it and walked inside. I told them, "You guys know what I am doing, right? Can you guys hook me up with a pinch hitter? It could be the small one." The guy was about to tell me no, when Ruby chimed in with, "I have one in my car. It's a cigarette though." I smiled and told her, "That's exactly what I am trying to replace." It's even got resin in it. She even gave me a poker for it. How awesomely perfect tonight turned out.

                   Thank you, Love. I appreciate it. I called that.

                   I walked Evers to Huebner and I'm coming up on Bandera now. Turning right.

                   I stopped at the Texaco here at Huebner/Bandera. This lady sees me walk by from inside and recognizes me. I go over there and she says, "Hey, how's it going?" She told me, "That night you came last time, after you left your mom had called." I told her, "I don't remember what happened that night. I can look it up(4-8-05, right before 9:05pm)."

                   Cool, the Taqueria Jalisco, where I came with my mom not too long ago(1-27-05, 8:18pm), is open. It's late. I'm going to go hit them up.

                   Actually, they might be closed. All the chairs are on the tables.

                   Hmm, somebody is there. I'm going to go see if they'll hook me up with some gasoline for my stomach for my walk home to my mom's.

     8:25pm  Monica, en el Taqueria Jalisco me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, Monica. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Sweet, I called that. I got a taco. I'm walking to the Diamond Shamrock, the old RaceTrac. I'm going to go bum a cigarette. I'm smoking again.

                   Tonight was just full of blessings. Praise Love.

                   Oh yeah, earlier when I walked up to Lorenzo's apartment he was outside painting in front of his door. I stepped in front of him and he looked up and said, "I don't know what's brighter. The sun or you."

                   Even after all this evolution in my mission I still hold firmly to the fact that all I know is that I don't know anything. I know I still have so much to learn.

                   Cool, there's a new Mexican Restaurant around here. It's called La Guadalupana. I have to go hit them up sometime.

                   I'll take the path of least resistance.

                   Oh, and one of the guys at Planet K said that it was all my good karma coming back. Hehe, when I had walked in they asked me what was up and I said the usual, "Same 'ol shit. Savin' the world." One girl working there said, "Oh my god. That's so funny."

     12:22am  I am home. Home sweet home. I'm hungry.

Next day..

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