


San Antonio to Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg and back

Wednesday January 26, 2005

     6:43am  I just woke up. Well, I woke up around 6:30. I don't know where I'm going to walk today. I don't have any weed. My shoes are almost dead. I'm going to kill them today probably. Hmm, I'm wondering where I'm going to walk. I probably shouldn't walk the power line trail. I should do something new. I think I'm going to walk 1604 to Marbach or something. Then I'll catch the bus and score some weed somewhere.

     7:07am  I'm taking off walking. I'm not sure where I'm going to go. Hold on, let me go think about this for a minute. I got five dollars from my mom for "bus fare," hehe. I'm going to go get some marijuana somewhere. Umm, I'm not sure I want to walk downtown. I don't know what I'm going to do.

                   I just figured out what I'm going to do. I'm going to go find this park Katie told me about(1-24-05, 2:06pm). Katie gave me a little brochure for it. Friedrich Wilderness Park. It's this new park they built over on I10 in front of Raymond Russell Park. Off Camp Bullis Road.

     7:17am  I just left the house. This place is over by Fiesta Texas, which is by UTSA. I decided I'm going to take my hike through OP Schnabel and cut underneath Prue Road on Leon Creek. I want to see if I can find that place I found that fossil at that one time(2-25-04, 9:03am).

     7:44am  I just had an awesome contact. I was walking down Braun Road, over by the 609 stop on Camino Villa and the side entrance to Wood's End neighborhood. I saw this black dude and he tells me, "Hey, what's up, man?" I immediately asked him, "Know where I can get some weed?" His name is Day and I met him at the Walmart a while back. He asked me, "Are you still doing what you're doing?" I showed him my list and everything, man. Perfect update. He's going to tell all his friends.

     7:54am  I stopped at the Exxon and got a couple snipes out of the ashtray.

                   I took the left trail right when I came in the park.

     8:21am  I just got to Prue Road. I took a good hike down the cliffs.

                   Oh yeah, and what they're building behind the park, that I got all pissed off about is a new neighborhood called Prue Bend. I just gave the construction guys the finger.

     8:42am  I went under Prue Road and I'm already out by the Oxbow Pond, by the pond Katie showed me a long time ago.

     8:47am  Walking under Hausman Road.

                   I'm going to sit down on this rock and take the pebbles out of my shoes. I'll smoke this snipe I have behind my ear.

     8:57am  Passing by sanitary sewer L132.

     9:26am  Sanitary sewer L136.

     9:42am  I never found that place where I found the fossil. The creek has water in it, so it probably does too. I ended up back behind that church where I found that purse that one time(2-28-04, 10:41am). The Jehovah's Witness Church. There's no way across the water now. Hmm, I wonder what I'm going to do.

                   I can get over the water right here.

                   Just went under the fence just like last time.

     9:49am  I ended up over here on UTSA Blvd, I think. Over by Valero Way.

                   I'm going to take this trail behind UTSA.

     9:53am  Sanitary sewer 142. I'm going to go into UTSA and go to the tennis courts. See if I can get me some tennis balls.

     10:11am  Haha, I walked through the college. Everybody was looking at me. I went to the tennis courts. There were all these people practicing and some coaches coaching them. I saw they had a whole basketful of balls. I walked up and right before you go in the cage I saw one on the ground. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. Then I walked in front of the bleachers and noticed there was a ball on the floor under the bleachers. I walked past the bleachers, then turned around and walked back to them. With my stick I hit the ball so it would roll to me underneath. I bent down, picked it up and put it in my pocket. All of a sudden I hear some fatass lady yelling, "Don't take that ball!" I yelled back, "Oh, like you can't spare it. You greedy ass!" I told her, "Call the cops," and walked off. She just stood there staring at me.

                     Haha, I got the biggest balls of them all. I just went through the enemy's lair and stole from it. I stole two tennis balls right in front of their face. As I was walking off I grabbed the ball, held it up and yelled, "It's mine!"

                     I'm going to try and score at the Subway at the Chevron on the other side of 1604.

     10:13am  Elizabeth is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach at the Subway at the Chevron. I appreciate it, Elizabeth. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Calling the shots, calling the shots. I scored at the Subway . . . just like I said I would. I am having a great day so far.

                     She asked me, "So what do you want?" I told her, "Surprise me." She was all, "Vegetables?" I repeated, "Just surprise me. Not liking it would still be a small price to pay for free food." I told her all about how I scored that tennis ball and called the lady a greedy ass.

                     I should've told that greedy ass lady at the tennis courts, "Just watch me."

     10:26am  Holy shit, I ended up on Babcock way out here outside Loop 1604. It was Chase Hill the street I had been on.

                     Turning right on Babcock.

     10:28am  I was just walking down Babcock and I saw this red truck coming towards me. These three kids up front gave me the peace sign first! They recognized me! I gave them the universal pot-smoking symbol and yelled, "Got any weed?" They all laughed. That was hilarious. I'm everywhere.

     10:29am  Passing entrance to La Cantera Golf Club.

     10:39am  Perfect. I'm going to end up on Camp Bullis Road. That's the road I need to be on to go to this park.

     10:41am  Turning right on Camp Bullis Road. I've over here by Crown Ridge neighborhood. I used to mountain bike up here. There's some great trails. Hmm, I've got a sandwich in my bag. I'm going to go exploring.

                     I want to check out this park, though.

                     Cool, there's a sidewalk all the way up the street.

                     I have to cross the street so I can give people the peace sign.

                     Ahh, the beautiful Texas hill-country. I love it. There's no place like home.

     10:52am  Passing Legend Lane. I'm still on Camp Bullis Road. Speed limit 30. Let's see, to the right I have Legend Hills neighborhood and to the left I've got Walden Heights neighborhood.

     11:00am  Passing Summer Oaks. I can see a Shell gas station down there. I wonder where this park is.

     11:07am  I'm coming up on I10 right now. There's a Citgo. I'm going to go over there and eat my sandwich and ask where this park is.

     11:11am  I'm at the Citgo now. I'm going to go to the bathroom.

     11:22am  David me dio un cigaro en el Citgo. Te lo agradezco, David. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     11:29am  I came in the Citgo and ate my sandwich and smoked a cigarette. David gave me two cigarettes. I went inside to eat my sandwich and I asked these three Mexican guys, "Know where there's any mota?" They told me no. But when I went outside to smoke a cigarette one guy came out and told me, "There's guys who usually come here around lunchtime." That's not too long from now. I went inside and got some water. I told that guy what I was doing in Spanish and he asked me if I had a pagina. I told him it was not up yet. He didn't have an email address. I told him, "You'll hear about it." Whoa, there's a Leon Creek Road right by the Citgo. I'm going to follow it for sure. Going to walk NW on Leon Creek Road.

                     I walked down the street a little and I can see Raymond Russell Park on the other side of this fence. I'm going to go through these little woods here by the small water tower.

     11:53am  I ended up in Raymond Russell Park and there was this lady sitting there on a picnic bench painting. I hit her up for my story. At first she was all, "I want to hear this." But then she started interrupting me. Oh well. I'm going to walk to Friedrich Wilderness Park. That lady told me it was on the other side of I10.

     12:06pm  I hopped over the highway. Turning left on Oak Drive. I'm going to Friedrich Wilderness Park.

     12:14pm  Entering the Emelie and Albert Friedrich Park. City of San Antonio Department of Parks and Recreation. Open 7:30am to sunset. Closed Christmas and New Year. Park Rules, stay on trails, no pets, no bicycles, no littering. No fires. Do not kick or move plants, rocks, wood, etc.

     12:17pm  Emelie and Albert Friedrich Park. Dedicated to the memory of Emelie and Albert Friedrich, the loving parents of Norma Friedrich Ward.

                     I'm going West. I want to see if I can somehow walk through this park and hit 1604 and circle back to my mom's. Then if I found out where the 1604 outlet was I could walk there like that in the future.

     12:30pm  Wow, there's a windmill out here that actually works. It pumps water. Awesome. It's old.

                     Level 4, beyond this point: caution.

                     I got off the trail and I'm hiking on some dry creek-bed now. Going West.

                     I ended up at a West-going trail. There's a 20 marker right here.

     12:32pm  I got to a wooden sign here that says, "This section of Friedrich Park has been set aside to restore habitat for the endangered Black-capped Erio, through a cooperative agreement between City Public Service, the city of San Antonio and the friends of Friedrich Park. Visitors are asked to remain on designated park trails to avoid impacting the project."

     12:34pm  Taking a left on Vista Loop Trail. 1 mile. They have a big map right here.

                     This park is magnificent. It's got OP Schnabel beat hands down.

     12:44pm  I saw a long Coral snake slithering away. It was green and black. I don't know if it was a Coral Snake or not.

     12:54pm  I came up to a sign that says Vista View Trail to the left and Fern Dale trail to the right. And I'm walking East now, by the way. I am going in the wrong direction. I'm going to go on Fern Dale, South.

                     Whoa, it's really steep right here.

     12:58pm  I came up to a sign that says Main Loop either way. I don't know what I will do.

                     I'm going to go right.

                     This is an awesome place. You know how I just love new woods. These trails are killer. I wonder how long this park has been open. It blows OP Schnabel out of the water. It's like real hill country.

     1:06pm  Hmm, there's an Upland Range trail. It's going West. 1/10th of a mile. Let's see where I go.

     1:10pm  I ended up at the Vista Loop trail. Left Main Loop ¼ mile. Right Main Loop 3/4th of a mile. Which one should I take?

                   Screw it, I'm going to go 3/4th of a mile. I'm going to turn right.

                   Oh wait, I hear somebody over there. I'm going to turn left.

     1:20pm  I'm hiking in Friedrich Park and in the random turns I made I ended up running into Melli and Marcie. I asked them if they knew the park well and if there was a way to get to 1604. They told me they didn't know. I asked them which way to the front parking lot and they told me to follow them. I'm following them. I don't know this park at all. Let's see what happens.

                   We went up this big steep part and at the top when we rested I was able to tell Melli and Marcie my platform. When I asked them if they wanted to hear my odyssey we agreed we'd listen to it on the next rest.

                   I guess I'll head for the front of the park and walk all the way back home.

     1:34pm  I'm getting Mellisa's email. What's your email?

     1:55pm  I have to make an update. I so randomly ran into these two girls in the park. And one of them just happens to be moving into Plaza De Ville, the apartments my twin sister Laura works at. I told her, "My sister works there. Do you know Laura?" She freaks and goes, "Yes! She told me she was a twin and that her brother was 6'6"! She has an eight year old son too, right?! Wow, what a small world." I asked her if they could give me a ride to a bus stop and they said sure. They said I'd have to ride in the back of the pickup and I said, "Oh, forget it." I was just kidding though, hehe.

                   How more perfect can this get? Just think of all the contributing factors in these happenings. Like, if I wouldn't have found that purse on the highway the other day(1-22-05, 9:52am) and decided to go to that address on Babcock, I wouldn't have gone to Katie and Johnny's, where Katie gave me that brochure to Friedrich Park. Remember this morning how I was having trouble deciding where I was going to walk today? Then I remembered the park. I mean, I wouldn't have even considered walking all the way out there if I hadn't gotten hooked up at the Subway earlier. The list can go on and on.

                   Right now I am just elated in all this great synchronicity.

                   Oh shit. I'm riding in the back of this girl's truck and she just stopped at the stop sign and got out and asked me, "Do you want to go to Enchanted Rock?" I told her, "Yeah! I've never been there before." She goes, "Are you sure you don't mind riding in the back? It's like an hour and a half away." I told her, "Nah." She went, "Are you sure?" I told her, "¡Vamonos, vamonos!"

                   Oh man, just when I thought it couldn't get any better. Guess where I am going. I'm on my way to Enchanted Rock!

     2:55pm  I think we're in Fredericksburg. Washington Street.

                   If anything today would have been different. If I wouldn't have found that purse in the creek the other day and went out to return it over by Katie and Johnny's. I mean, if they wouldn't have been home. Remember, they were about to leave. If Katie wouldn't have handed me that brochure, I would never have gone out to Friedrich Park today. Dude, even this morning if I would have woken up and not decided to go to this park, none of it would have happened. Like if on my hiking today I would have gone on any other trails than the ones I went on, if I wouldn't have asked those girls if they knew this park. I am so excited right now.

                   Whoa, just saw a sign that says I am seventy miles away from San Antonio already.

                   Look where I ended up. Look where I ended up. Man, I am so excited.

                   We're on Main Street in Fredericksburg. I came out here in middle school to do a report on the town for my Texas History Class. I still have it at home. I got a 104 on it.

                   I just love what's going on! I wonder what's going to happen next. We're going to this Enchanted Rock place.

                   Be sure to add to my index, "I just want to get rid of cars in big cities . . ."

     3:21pm  We are now entering Enchanted Rock State National Area. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. I am so excited.

                   I'm all giddy like a school kid. Look where I ended up today.

                   Enchanted Rock. I've never been here before. Everybody is always talking about it.

     4:37pm  This place is awesome. There is a great huge dome. The Enchanted Rock.

     4:52pm  This place is just blowing my mind, this Enchanted Rock place. It's like a big natural pyramid, more like a big dome. I'm going to climb up to the top. I wish I had a camera. I'm sure I'll be able to get pictures off the Internet.

     5:02pm  We hiked back down the hill. We're taking off back home now. It was so awesome. I am still elated at what happened today.

                   Enchanted Rock is seventeen miles away from Fredericksburg.

     5:32pm  We stopped at the Subway in Fredericksburg.

                   I looked at my watch and wondered what I was going to do. It really sucked that I didn't have any weed today. I'm going to get these girls to drop me off at West Telemarketing and I'll catch the bus to Santa Fe Place and score some weed there somehow. I still have the five dollars my mom gave me for "bus fare."

     7:10pm  Frazier, one of the security guards here at West who knows my legend recognized me, he gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:15pm  I never told you. I got dropped off at West Telemarketing and I'm on the 91 on my way to Santa Fe Place. I'm going to score some weed and crash at Sam's.

     7:39pm  I forgot to mention. I got a transfer and got off the 91 at the hospital. I want to get on the 92 because the 91 doesn't stop in front of Santa Fe. I'm going to go to Santa Fe and get some weed.

     8:05pm  I got to Santa Fe Place and nobody is home. Leo isn't home and neither is Teo. I want some weed, damnit. I walked a lot today.

     8:21pm  LaRhonda gave me a couple cigarettes here at Santa Fe Place Apartments. I appreciate it, LaRhonda.

     8:54pm  I'm talking to LaRhonda Barter. See, I walked a lap around Sam's apartments and I asked this black girl sitting outside if she knew where there was any weed at. She said that they were waiting for it right then. So I just hung out and smoked a cigarette. Then I got the impulse to tell her my story. I blew her mind. She was all thanking me for talking to her.

                   What's your reaction on all this LaRhonda?

                   LaRhonda: "I think it's a good idea. I think that people should listen to what you're saying. I think that just how you're doing it the world is going to change a lot."

     9:05pm  I blew that girl's mind. She was telling me, "Wow, my mind is like full right now." Oh, and I got my weed too. A good nickel sack.

     9:44pm  I have an update to make. I forgot to tell you. I went up to Sam's after I scored the weed. I totally wowed that lady. I asked Sam, "Hey, don't suppose you can make some of that good vegetarian food? If not, I always get hooked up at the Pizza Hut." Sam was more than willing to cook for me. He made me another badass vegetarian salad. Not as badass as last time, but still good. And good for me.

Next day..

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