


San Antonio, TX

April 17, 2003

92 IMS!


                   Ahh, I haven't been logging that much lately. It's already nine twenty nine at night and I have been kind of lazy. I was online all day talking shit and sending out my ideas. I did an experiment today. I IMed every girl in the room with, "hey, wanna have sex?" Some didn't answer and when they did telling me no, I would tell them, "Come on, everyone likes cumming. I am doing an experiment for my book on generosity and human-nature. It's all a number's game. Let's see how long until someone says yes and I make her famous." Hehe, no one told me yes today, but I'll keep trying. I did, however, strike up a lot of good conversations with chicks after I told them that. I have a shitload of IMs logged for today. Also, with the chicks I talked to, I would ask them if I could send them what I had of my book so far. They all told me yes, so I was being productive and having fun at the same time.
                   Let's see. I logged yesterday in my pocket-calendar. Let me try typing it up. Check out the sixteenth. Oh yeah, tonight I got all high on the back porch and thought of some good quotes. Check 'em out:

"Marijuana will always be readily available. You know why? You can't stop life. So, they try and turn it into a money-making "drug"."

"Don't rely on the government to educate you. If it doesn't make money, they won't tell you the truth."

                   Okay, it's eleven fifty six now. Man, my lazy mom and I got in a big argument. She was still bitching about the computer being slow. I don't know how many times I have told her it's slow because it's old, but she won't listen. I told her, "Don't you see how you insult me when you think the old-fart computer teachers at your school can fix your computer and I can't? If there was something wrong with your computer, I would notice."
                   Don't you see the impatience of the elders, now? She told me, "You think you know everything about computers." I said, "No I don't. I never said I did. No one knows it all. I know more common-sense that makes sense, though."

                   Our parents think respect can be won with money. Little do they know. Real respect is earned with action. You can't buy respect.

                   She wanted to get on and I told her to give me a minute. I was sending out my ideas and I lost track of time. Then she gets mad at me for staying on so long. I tell her, "All you have to do is remind me, mom. I forget sometimes." She whoomphed and said she shouldn't have to remind me. Yeah, like she never forgets anything. I went out to the back to smoke a cigarette, then went back inside. I told her, "Mother, don't you see how you taking the computer away from me hinders what I am trying to do for everybody?" She told me, "Well, you said you didn't need this "piece of crap." I told her, "That's right, but your piece of crap helps. It isn't necessary, but it's here already." I started telling her how everyone needs to take responsibility for our world(or it's death) and stop trying to point the blame on something else. She got all upset and told me, "Then leave!" I told her, "Make me! You never will. I could live here forever and never pay rent. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself knowing you put your own son out on the street. And I know that. It's obvious." That shut her up good. She didn't have anything to say.

                   Our parents need to stop resenting us kids for knowing better than them. We can't help evolution(but I will). It's not our fault that we are smarter. We just know better than them. It's their fault for making mistakes we learned from and didn't have to make ourselves. Kids have always known better. If that doesn't make crystal-clear sense, I don't know what does. I dare you to try and convince me otherwise.

                   Anyway, I asked my mom if she had a blank CD and she immediately told me no. I told her, "Well, you are going to have to wait to take the computer away until I have a blank CD. I am not going to lose my files. I have two dollars and I will go buy one tomorrow. If you insist on taking it tomorrow before I obtain a CD, I will steal the hard drive out of the computer tonight. Like I said, I am not going to lose my files," and walked out. I went to the living room and sat in the Papasán chair by the TV. I reached over and hit the power button(since there hasn't been a working remote control in this house for years). I put it on Comedy Central and that show Insomniac was on. It looked cool. It was real life stuff like I do. There was this guy riding around with some lady who drove a street washer truck. I wish I had my own TV show. It'd be the Victor Show.
                   Okay, got off track there. It's twelve twenty four in the morning and the phone rang. It rang like three times and I got up to answer it. It was Andrea and she asked me what I was doing. She told me she had just gotten out of the computer lab at school. I asked her if she wanted to come over and smoke. I told her how I had that fat joint that Frank had given me last night. She asked me if that's all I had(thinking she called for weed now). I told her I didn't have that much left. She finally admitted that she had just got off the phone with Bob wanting to smoke. Bob had told her to call me. She told him, "No, you call him(remember I sold her a joint the other night already)." I guess Bob made her call. I told her, "Come get me and we will smoke this joint at Bob's." She said okay real quick.
                   It kind of irks me, though. I hate it when people beat around the bush dropping hints and just don't come out and ask. Remember, it doesn't hurt to ask. I was willing to share the joint the minute Frank hooked me up with it last night. Fat joints aren't to smoke by yourself. If Andrea would've cut to the chase the moment I answered the phone she would have achieved the same end-result as beating around the bush. Honesty is the best policy. Trust me. Well, Andrea is coming over so I'm going to cut it short. Oh yeah, my mom. Well, afterwards she got up to go to bed. She went back to her room and came out and handed me a blank CD. She told me some bullshit about finding one. What a liar, eh? So cool, I get to save my stuff. Hmm, I guess I will be going to Bob and Carlos' to use the computer. That kind of sucks. 56k, blech.

                   Okay, the time is now twelve twenty four and I'm going to stop typing this up. Andrea is on her way over. I'm going to go find something in my mother's kitchen to eat(I know, I don't deserve it. hehe) and roll me a cigarette. Cool, I can bum cigarettes from Bob and Andrea because I'm bringing the joint, hehe. ¡Ajua!

                   Okay, the time is now three forty four in the morning. Andrea just brought me back to my mom's house. At Bob's, Bob only gave me one cigarette, even though he had a full pack. I had brought over that Cheech-and-Chong joint and everything. I pulled out my calendar and told Bob, "Come on, dude. You'll be in my book." He still said no so I wrote down, "Bob said no," in my calendar and told him he would be in my book anyway, hehe. That was at three fifteen. Oh yeah, when we had first got there Bob and Carlos were outside cleaning fish. Bob catches them at the secret pond closeby and they were going to eat some. Small catfish and perch. Bob told me he was going to teach me how to catch 'em, clean 'em and cook 'em someday. Anyway, I had my Bugler rollies, but filtered cigarettes are so much better. When I first asked Bob for a cigarette he told me I would have to wait for him to clean the fish. He said they were in his short's pocket. So, I waited and he gave me a Doral. Bob had some fish in a cooler that were still alive. He wanted to take them back to the pond and let them go. So, the three of us piled into Andrea's car and went close to the ditch and parked. I walked with them until I came to these cool little hills that they have made into bike ramps. The first time I had found this place, I played a little game. There is this ramp that's kind of steep. The lip isn't that big on it so I was trying to run up it and be able to balance myself on the lip. It was tougher than it looked. I would quickly lose my balance and have to run back down the slope. Good thing I have these boots.
                   Anyway, way before the pond I recognized that little slope. Bob and Andrea kept walking to go release the hostages. I tried doing my balancing act again. It was tough. Every time I got up there and balanced for a little, I would lose it and have to run down the hill. I tried it like six or seven times. Right when Bob and Andrea were coming back I finally made it to the top and held it. Perfect timing.
                   Now, I kind of got the feeling Andrea didn't want to take me home again. She was probably hoping that since we were out in the woods, that I would want to walk home. OP Schnabel is right on the other side of Prue. I really didn't feel like walking home. When Andrea first came to pick me up I asked her, "You'll be able to take me home, right?" She said yes. We went back to Bob's and went back to the garage. Andrea told me something like, "Oh, you're going to have to sleep on the couch," or something. I told her I noticed her not wanting to take me home, but that I needed to go back to my mom's and back up my files. I offered her the two dollars I had and she said okay. In the car, I ask her if only one dollar is cool because I need the other one for bus fare tomorrow. She says sure and takes me home.
                   I unlocked the door and went inside. I had the munchies so I raided the kitchen. There was a cold pizza in the oven, Chips 'Ahoy, damn good granola bars and a lot of other shit. I put a couple of slices of pizza in the microwave and ate to my hearts content.
                   So now it's four oh eight in the morning. I'm going to hop on AOL and send out my ideas. This sucks, my DONT BE WASTEFUL and SUCK A BIG DlCK screen names died. Good thing I still have LlCK A SNATCH. Let's see how long until it dies.

Next day..

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