


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday April 20, 2005

     7:20am I just woke up. Man, my feet hurt. I can barely walk.

     9:08am  I have had a pretty good morning. Oh yeah, I went in the backyard and watered my garden. I have to weed my garden already. I just have to pick out all the little stuff that's not supposed to be growing. I mean, I didn't even plant that much stuff. Not too many vegetables. Since I have a camera, I'm going to take a picture of my garden and my weed plant.

                   Oh yeah, and the one Mimosa tree that my mom tried killing, the one I'm all proud of, it's growing damn-good. It just started sprouting leaves again. That was quick. The other day it was totally bare. Oh yeah, I did my laundry and I washed my tie-dye shirt. I remembered that Mr. Dukatt in Truth or Consequences told me to never dry them in a dryer, so I just hung it outside on the tree. I'll take a picture.

                   Damnit! I put my Natural Balance hat in the washer and dryer and it died. It's ruined now. It's dead.

                   I think it's about eleven something. I'm leaving the house. I'm going to go mail a letter to myself again, hehe. I lost the other one I had sent. I don't have any money at all.

     11:58am  I walked up to the Citgo. Hopefully I can bum a cigarette off somebody.

                   I think it's a little bit after noon and the Ingram-bound 610 came. I found out the letter of the day is E. I have like three E's. I am meant to go somewhere today. I don't even have to trim it, perfect.

                   Now that I found out what the letter of the day is, I'm going to go bum a cigarette.

                   The time was 12:32pm. I went in the Citgo and checked.

                   Henry at the Citgo, this mailman gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, today is 4-20-05. I'm going to smoke some weed. Marijuana, cha, cha, cha.

                   Candace gave me a quarter on the bus so I could get another transfer. I appreciate it, Candace. Everybody gets credit, thanks. She's got the cutest baby boy.

     1:41pm  I forget to tell you, I jumped on the 91. I'm going downtown, Fiesta.

                   I missed the Oyster Bake since I was in Austin for Marleyfest. Marleyfest was better.

                   I'm just walking around downtown now. Oh yeah, on the bus I met this chick. I told her my mission-objectives and after I said marijuana she said, "You got some?" I showed her my little stash and smoked her out when we got off the bus. She's this overweight lady, like thirty eight or so. It seemed like she was all flirting with me. I'm walking to Travis Park now.

                   The greedy asses at Blanco's Cafe told me I couldn't use the restroom. It'll come back, man. I forgive you brother, you don't know any better.

                   Haha, they're all laughing at me. At first I went in there and asked, "Can I use your restroom?" He said, "We don't have public restrooms. If you're going to come in and eat something. . ." I said, "I've used it lots of times before. Have you always been such a greedy ass? I was just testing you. You failed."

                   Screw it, I just went to the Bill Millers and took a piss in their bathroom. Haha, I don't need Blanco Cafe. It was a white dude employee who told me no. They need to fire his cracker ass.

                   I don't know what time it is, but Miguel me dio cambio para un hotdog. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Kickass, I got me a hotdog. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to go tell somebody my story now. And smoke some weed.

                   Haha, this greedy ass in a wheelchair right now. He was holding a brand new pack of cigarettes. I asked him if he could spare one and he said, "Don't you ask me for shit!" He got all pissed off. He even grabbed my stick. I pulled it away from him, stepped back and said, "Do something about it, tough-guy."

                   Haha, what a great chapter this will be! I got this guy all riled up. He all rolled at me, chasing me around and stuff. I just stepped off the curb and told him, "Come on, do something already." Everybody was all laughing. This guy was beet-red angry. Haha, thanks for the great publicity! Thanks for drawing me so much attention, old man.

                   When I had asked that guy for a cigarette at first he was all, "I'm in a fucking wheelchair!"

                   Oh yeah, and then when I was walking off I asked a different dude for a cigarette and he told me no. I said, "Greedy ass. Just like that guy."

                   Oh yeah, that dude who I pissed off in the wheelchair. This cute girl walked by and he had been talking to her when I asked him for the smoke. What did he tell you?

                   Johna: "He told me, "Just let me put a hundred dollars in your hand and then you can put it on me for just a few minutes." And just right now when he was rolling away he yelled back at me, "Thanks for cock-blocking me."

                   I'm telling Johna my story. Cool, she gave me a cigarette.

                   I just had a great presentation with this girl Cindy in Travis Park. She listened to everything I said.

     4:03pm  I had this awesome presentation with this lady at the bus stop at Travis Park. At first she was all, "I'm not giving you any money." I insisted, "I'm not asking for money. It's a free story." This lady listened to a lot of it. I didn't get to tell her my odyssey because her bus came. Right before she left she told me, "I wish you well." She listened damn good. Not one single interruption. She's going to tell all her friends.

     5:10pm  It's about time I made an update. I shouted my story to this girl, because it was real loud on the back of the bus. This really pretty girl. I love how she smiles. She told me that she had a dream with my face in it. That that was why she listened to me. That's not the first time someone told me I had been in their dreams(1-22-04, 5:32pm and 4-17-04, 10:39pm and 8-15-04, 1:58pm).She's going to go donate plasma at the ZLB in Balcones Heights. Which I should be going to, man I didn't even go to the post office today. I don't know what happened to today. I got lazy.

                   I want to go over to Santa Fe and see if Lorenzo is there.

                   Right when I walked up to Santa Fe I had a great presentation with this guy Robert, this old hippie dude outside reading a book. I'm walking back to the ZLB now. This girl told me to meet her afterwards. I want to show up so I can show that I am a man of my word.

                   I'm not crazy, I just pretend like I am.

                   Did you fall for it?

                   Oh yeah, that hippie guy Robert gave me a cool dugout with a picture of a wizard on it. I need to get a cap kit at Planet K to fix it.

                   I decided to get off at Crossroads Park and Ride and catch the 604 to Babcock North. Then I'll walk home from there. I just asked this one girl, who was standing by the payphone, if I could tell her my story. At first she said yeah, but she wouldn't listen to me. Ignorant girl. Ahh, I'll go find somebody else to tell it to.

                   I had a really good presentation with these three kids right now. Their friends called them off though. They have a huge parking thing here for Fiesta, at Crossroads.

                   It sucked, when I was telling those kids my story, their friends showed up and hauled them off right before I got to the, "As far as marijuana goes . . ."

                   I don't know what time it is, but Terry gave me a cigarette here at Crossroads. I appreciate it, Terry. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   She thinks I'm crazy, hehe.

                   Oh yeah, the newspaper headline says, "New Pope Chosen, Pope Benedict XVI.

     7:39am  I just got to University Hospital. I checked the 604 schedule and the next one is at 8:25pm. So I have about half an hour to tell somebody my story.

     8:26am  I'm on the 604.

                   I don't know what time it is, it's all dark. I just got dropped off at Prue and Horn. I'm going to walk home from here, through OP Schnabel.

                   Oh yeah! I never mentioned it. When I arrived from Austin my mom's house was spotless! She kept up with the cleaning. I was gone for like four days. I told her I was real proud of her.

                   Ha, I'm walking down Prue Road and I came upon a worn tennis ball of mine from a long time ago.

                   I stopped in the park and took my thermal top off. I'm hiking up the cliff.

                   Ooh, I hear voices at the treehouse. Cool.

     9:50pm  I had me an awesome presentation up on the platform. They weren't stoners. They were these two kids drinking beer. They listened to my whole odyssey and everything. I'm going to walk home now.

                   They were these two kids with mountain bikes. I forgot what their names were. Dan and Matt maybe.

                   Be sure to look up that time when Matt, my friend at the 1604 gas stations told me about some pope prophecy(11-16-04, 1:37am). How it mentioned something about the pope dying in 2005.

Next day..

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