


San Antonio, TX

Sunday May 1, 2005

     6:00am  I woke up. I promised my mom I would clean up the kitchen before her usual Sunday biblestudy. My mom still pisses me off sometimes. It's as if she let me move back in just because I clean and she's lazy. The second I came back home she started dropping indirect hints for me to clean. Ahh, it's not so bad. At least I have the computer to type on. It's Tuesday and I'm typing this up. I am still recorder-less. I actually jotted down every time-stamp and made a small note of what happened to compensate for my lack of recorder. I had a great day yesterday. Walked all the way downtown again. After I cleaned, I took off walking down Wickersham towards OP Schnabel.

              I walked all the way to Braun/Bandera. At the Exxon I picked a snipe out of the ashtray and smoked it. I was really considering taking my usual nature hike to the bus stop to catch the bus. When I finished my snipe I noticed that all these people were at the Bandera Road Community Church(BRCC). Oh yeah, it's Sunday. That changed my mind about walking through the park to the Walmart. With my crazy walking stick and all, I walked through the church property. Everyone was telling me hi and asking me how I was. I told them, "I'm the happiest man in the world." That's when I decided I would walk all the way downtown today and not ride the bus.

     9:24am  Right when I walked past the Walmart on Mainland and Bandera, I hear the Humpty Dance playing in the parking lot. I look and they have a big stage set up and balloons and stuff. It says Karaoke on top. I walk to the stage and asked the kids working what they were doing. This one guy told me that at noon they were going to let people on stage to sing. They also had a recording studio there where they would make people CD's of their performance. He said it was all free. I told the guy I might come back after twelve, but that I was going to walk downtown.

     9:43am  I walked all the way down Bandera to Eckhert. I remembered I had tagged the sidewalk in front of the bus stop with Victor the Liberator and a peace sign. I didn't have a camera when I tagged it, so since I had one now I stopped and took a picture of it.

     9:55am  I walked up to Marshall High School and my tennis ball was wearing out. I stopped in the little trail by the soccer field and cut a new ball for my stick. I left my holy ball on the trail so the high school kids could see it and recognize it. I am the talk of Marshall High School.

     10:26am  I cut through Marshall and walked behind it to the old neighborhood where it ends out on Huebner. I walked Apple Green to North Knoll. At the apartments right before Oakdell Way, I saw a guy standing on the other side of the fence of these apartments just looking around. I walked by and hit him up for my story. At first he seemed interested, but after I told him I had found a way to fight the world's greatest problem, he tells me, "I don't have time for this. I'm looking for my rabbit." I gave him the peace sign, told him, "Ignorance is bliss," and walked off. He said, "You too." I walked a little further into the shade and stopped to write in my little book. All of a sudden, that guy comes up to me a little pissed and asks me, "When you said ignorance is bliss, was that directed at me?" Like there was anybody else outside or anything. I told him, "I always say that when people don't listen to me." He said, "Well, as long as it wasn't directed at me." I told him, "Why? Will you listen to me now?" He turned around real quick saying, "I don't have time." I just told him, "Then you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does," and walked off. It's funny how this guy had the time to get mad and come up to me because he was threatened by my words, but he didn't have time to listen to me. In the end he told me, "Good luck with that."

     10:51am  I walked all the way to Babcock/Wurzbach and smoked a snipe from the ashtray at the Exxon. I didn't have a light, so I motioned the universal lighter hand gesture to some guy in a car and he nodded his head real quick. I walked up and he gave me a light. A little bit afterwards he gives me a different lighter, saying that it was almost out, but that I could have it. I didn't get his name. He was driving a white car.

     11:00am  I cut through the VA Hospital parking lot. Right after I passed the entrance to the hospital, I see this lady struggling with her wheelchair. I immediately offer assistance and push her inside the hospital to the elevators and up to the fourth floor. Her name was Sherry.

     11:15am  I went to the bus transfer center and sparked up a cigarette right in front of it. The 91 had pulled up and was waiting. All of a sudden, this guy sticks his head out the bus and calls out to me. He asked me if I was going to get on the 91. I was planning on just smoking my cigarette, but then I felt for some reason I should get on the bus. That I should follow that pointer. His name was Ernest. I got on the bus and paid the fare and got a transfer. When I sit down Ernest introduces me to this girl Sandra. Ernest told her, "You gotta listen to this guy." I put on my show all the way to Balcones Heights. I got off and I wanted to walk through Santa Fe Place Apartments and see if I could score any weed with the two dollars my mom gave me for bus fare.

     11:19am  Whoa, it was cool. I was walking Fredericksburg when this white truck honked at me and all these people inside gave me the peace sign. Recognized walking down the street. Today is going to be a good day.

     11:29am  Nobody was at home at Santa Fe. Well, I didn't check Melissa's. The other day when I had gone to Santa Fe, just to eat my Long John Silver(4-27-05, 8:15pm), Melissa had walked by and I said hello. She seemed a little irate and just waved. I think she might feel uncomfortable because the other day I had gone over to Tony's and she was there and they were all making out. I was a bit surprised because Melissa supposedly has all these trust issues with guys and told me she hadn't had a boyfriend since she was twenty, twelve years ago. Also, how back when I was attracted to her nothing had happened between us. I don't know. I don't want to be in any of that drama.

     12:09pm  I walked down Fredericksburg and noticed the Sunday Flea Market was going on behind the shopping mall China Harbor and Texas Thrift Store is in. Tons of Mexican people selling their wares. Perfect publicity. I walked around that place with my goofy walking stick for a while just soaking into the crowd. Everyone was staring at me and looking me up and down while I walked. Exactly how I want them to. After the flea market I walked to Bay-Lu Apartments on Gardina. When I first walked up, I noticed these guys and a girl hitting a joint on the balcony. I walked by and asked them if they would smoke a brother out. They didn't, then I asked them if they knew where I could buy a joint for two dollars. They told me no again, that I would need at least five. I told them I would go try and round up three more. I went to the Habib Mart on the corner of Gardina and Vance Jackson, called the Garden Food Mart. I stood there for a bit just asking people, "Spare change for a joint?" One guy David gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:30pm  No weed. Walked to Vance Jackson/Fredericksburg.

     1:02pm  Leslie gave me a cigarette at the bus stop in front of the Deco District HEB. Leslie is this black dude who has huge arms.

     1:06pm  Greedy ass Rodriguez told me no on the 92.

     1:18pm  I walked up to the Blanco's Cafe, which I think used to be the same one they had in Medical Center where I used to score(12-27-03, 1:37pm and 1-20-04, 1:18pm and 2-21-04, 4:56pm and 3-13-04, 1:32pm and 3-30-04, 8:00pm.) Anyway, these people had just walked in so I felt I should wait a while before I go in and ask for food. My chances are better when they're not helping anyone. I walked a little past it then I spotted this Alamo Pizza place close by. Thought I'd go ask if they have any mistakes. I went in there and told the white guy working my line. He was all, "We're broke." I reminded him I wasn't asking for money and he tells me, "Well, it costs me money." I walked back to Blanco's.

     1:20pm  I went in Blanco's and asked the girl working if the manager was there, in Spanish. She said the manager wasn't there, so I gave her my line. She immediately accepted and told me to sit down and order from the girl when she came. I told her to surprise me and they brought me out three whole tacos! Each a different kind. What a surprise. I got all fueled up for my walking. The nice girl's name is Rosalena.

     1:57pm  I walked Fredericksburg until I saw those Aurora Apartments in the distance. The ones that used to be a hotel a long time ago(2-12-04, 3:50pm). I turned left on Hickman because I wanted to go check the courts at the McFarlin Tennis Center. I was on my last ball and it was wearing out.

     2:11pm  No balls at McFarlin Tennis Center.

     2:24pm  I spotted a ball on the other side of the fence, so I jumped it and I at least got one.

     2:40pm  I was almost to downtown, almost by the public library, when I stopped at the bus stop and when it came nice Mr. Montez hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I was almost there, like a quarter mile away.

                   I had some spectacular presentations in Travis Park today. I spent a lot of time playing with the animals in the park. Scaring all the pigeons away with my stick and stuff. And hypnotizing squirrels, hehe. Everybody thinks I'm crazy.



     6:01pm  It was awesome this guy Shaggy I know saw me in the park and offered to smoke a joint with me and his friend Jesse. We walked down the sidewalk and stopped and smoked the hooter. When I got back to Travis Park I was all lit up. All of a sudden, these two park police ride up to me on their mountain bike. One cop told me, "We had somebody call in about somebody swinging a stick around." I told him, "I was just playing with the birds." He told me, "Yeah, I know, but you know how people get." He totally wasn't going to get after me for it. Then I asked him, "Well, can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" At first he told me, "Didn't you get into it with the transit cops before? Yeah, you came in to get your stuff one time(4-26-04, 2:30pm, third paragraph). Did you get all your stuff back?" I told him, "Yeah, I even got my pipe back." He laughed and said, "That's right. You were the guy who walked in and asked if you'd get your marijuana pipe back." I said, "Yeah, I told them I paid tax on it." They were laughing. When I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized he said, "Wow, that would make our job a lot easier." In the end I didn't get that far before they were called off. I was all high, hehe. Today is kicking so much ass. Very productive indeed.

                   I went up to the where the buses stop, in front of the Travis Park Plaza building. I was asking people, "Spare change for a joint?" This one guy told me no. Nobody hooked me up. Then I went back to that one guy and hit him up for my story. I had an awesome presentation with him( or Whole odyssey and all. His name is Joey Martinez. He's a bud smoka.

     6:43pm  After that great presentation I got paid, hehe. When I finished talking to Joey, the first girl I hit up for spare change for a joint gave me like seventy three cents. Her name is Kris. I went up to Apok and asked him if he would sell me a J for that much and he hooked it up.

     7:12pm  Well, it's too late to catch the last 610 from the hospital to my mom's. I thought maybe I'd try to get a ride on the 91 and walk home all the way from West Telemarketing. Just then the 88 pulled up that goes to the Walmart on Mainland/Bandera. Cool, I hopped on it and asked the driver for a courtesy ride and he said sure. I was really surprised. Not too many drivers give me courtesy rides anymore. His number was 6897.

                    On the bus ride home I had an awesome presentation in the back with these black people.

     7:48pm  After those black people got off the bus, this one girl got on and recognized me. I apologized for not remembering her, but assured her I could look her up.

                   After the bus got to the Walmart I was contemplating the walk home. I was kind of dreading it because I was really hungry. At first I thought I would take the nature hike to Braun Road, but for some reason I changed my mind and started walking Bandera towards Braun Road. Just like I did this morning. I walked to the Walmart from Braun Road. I walked up close to French Creek and I spot this dude crossing the street. When he gets within earshot I hit him up for my story. He says, "I've already heard it." His name is Brandon. I asked him, "Do you want to smoke a joint?" He tells me, "I'm going to go bust a munch at Mickey-D's." I ask him, "Don't suppose you could buy me a burger? I'm hungry. Then I'll smoke you out." He said sure, but that he had been blazing just before with all his friends. We walk to the McDonald's. The cashier told me, "I've seen you before, in front of the EZ Mart." Brandon bought me a double cheeseburger. I had overheard him tell the cashier that he was going to get a QP later on. After we sat down to eat I asked him, "Seeing as how you're going to get a QP later on and all I have is a joint . . ." He tells me, "Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to get it." After we finish eating I asked him if he wanted to smoke and he said no, not to worry about it. Cool.

             I had put on my thermal bottoms when I got to the Walmart, thinking the temperature would go down soon. While I was walking up Guilbeau they began to feel uncomfortable. I stopped right in front of the Children's Center daycare and took my pants off and changed on the sidewalk.

     9:57pm  From there I walked all the way to the Citgo on Old Tezel. I waited around and finally some guy in a truck showed up and gave me a cigarette. I started walking down Old Tezel. Not too far from the Citgo I pass this one street and see these two young guys and a girl talking. I walked past them then all of a sudden got the impulse to approach them with my story. One of the guys had seen me before. I walked up to them and they listened a lot at first. I had the girl's entire attention. The two dudes ended up walking off, saying they were going to go to the store, but the girl remained to listen to my story. Her eyes were locked with mine during the presentation. I got to Arcata in my odyssey when her parents drove by and she went over to talk to them. When they kept going I popped right back into the place where she had been listening to me and continued. Before you know it, her parents start yelling at her to come home. Hehe, I bet her parents have seen me walking around before and got worried.

Next day..

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