

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Tuesday September 9, 2008

                   I don't know what time it is because I don't have a watch. These are my mission objectives for the day. I need to go to the thrift stores and look for boots. I'll see if they have watches and try to steal one. It's not like they pay for any of that crap anyway.
     1:17pm  How awesome. See, I had to wait until 09 to catch the bus. I went to Humplick's to bum a cigarette. The random time I decided to walk up to the Perry house I see Humplick leaving the house with Jigga. I asked Humplick hey, can you give me a ride? He asked me where and I told him just to the Mainland Walmart so I could catch the bus downtown. I told him how I had to go to a thrift stores and get look for some stuff. He noticed my watch tan-line on my left wrist. It's like a tattoo. Anyway, on the way to the Walmart he tells me, "I'm going to the dental school at the U.T. Health Science Center to get my teeth worked on. You can cruise with me if you want." Sweet! Just where I was trying to go on the bus. I got a courtesy ride to the hospital either way. See the perfect timing of it all? We drove to the Dental School on Floyd Curl and I can take the shortcut to the transfer center. Cut through the school.

                   Oh shit, I must've dropped my one-hitter in Humplick's car. I'm going to walk back and get. He never locks the door on it. It's falling apart. It needs new motor mounts and sounds like shit. It always sounds like it's going to drop.

                   I got my one-hitter back, cool.

                   2926 hooked me up with a transfer. I asked him, "Will you hook me up with a transfer, please?" See, the first driver I asked told me, "Oh no, we can't do that. You have to follow the rules." I told him, "Sure you can. I've been getting hooked up for years. What? Are you scared? That's a good little slave." Haha, and right afterwards I walk up to the bus in front of him and get hooked up by another driver right in front of his face!

                   I really hope there's some boots at the thrift store. Please Love, equip me today. I need a little more help than the bus transfer. I need a watch too.

                   I just left the Texas Thrift Store. No boots or nothing. I didn't even look through the tee-shirts. Ugh, it's so damn hot. I need to leave already.

     2:42pm  I got on the 92 going downtown.

                   I don't know what time it is but I'm downtown. Tasha, this beautiful girl on the bus, she listened to me like crazy.

                   Haha, when I got off the bus some guy saw me and told me, "Hey man, you're still alive?"

                   I just walked to the Goodwill thrift store on Commerce. When I walked in I held the door open for this lady with a stroller. She tells me, "Hello, stranger." In the store I asked her, "Am I really, or have I met you?" She told me that I had gone over to her daughter's birthday party not too long ago. Over by Grissom. Her name is Melody.  I'll be sure to put a link(8-3-08:4:44pm). Right now I'm looking around for boots.

                   There was nothing at the thrift store so I made my way back to Travis Park and Cali hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Cali. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:30pm  I went to Travis Park and I wanted to smoke something other than resin. I walked by where the buses stop and asked random people spare change for a joint? I walked by this black dude in an electric wheelchair and he tells me, "That's a badass shirt." I told him, "You know they sell joints in the park for two dollars, right?" Surprised, he said no and promptly gave me two dollars. I went and bought the joint and came back and we walked like a block away and smoked the joint in the shade. Since I was all lit up I offered to tell him my story. His name is Randy. Right now we're ten minutes late. Randy gave me a couple cigarettes too. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     4:52pm  Man, I just finished telling Randy my story. He hooked me up with ten dollars! That's so awesome. Way to support the cause, Randy. Nobody is paying me to do this.

                   Oh my gosh, I was telling Randy about how I needed to go to the thrift store and shoplift me a watch. He up and hooked me up with the one he was wearing! That's exactly what I need! Remember I made a prayer to Love earlier? I got a new analog/digital watch. A Casio Telememo 30. AND I got ten dollars! Which means I can get me some more weed! Hell yeah!

                   Randy is rolling home. He lives over by Cypress close to SAC. What a beautiful presentation I had with him on the sidewalk, in between the bus noise. I was yelling it. He told me really believed in me. He said, "I'm not giving you money because, I know you don't need it, but I believe in you. I really do." He hooked a brother up. Way to support the cause, Randy. I really appreciate it, my brother. Give me a hug, bro.

                   Crystal and Jody loved my story. I am having such a good time in the park today. That's awesome I got ten bucks. I'm not going to buy weed in the park, I don't want to buy their seedy pinners. I'm going to see if Billy will sell me a nickel sack. Oh yeah, I bought a chilidog in the park. Randy even gave me a bunch of cigarettes.

                   The lady driving the 91 told me no. Good little slave!

                   Sweet, I found a K transfer in my stash. Lemme trim it. Free ride anyway, ha!

     6:59pm  I'm on the 92. I still needed to check at the Goodwill thrift store on Fredericksburg, but I overshot it on the bus. I was busy fixing this lady's armrest on her electric wheelchair. I got off at Balcones Height's. I'm going to walk down to the Goodwill.

                   Hmm, Los Primos de Blanco Mexican Restaurant. That's a new taqueria I have yet to hit up. Maybe I'll hit them up on the way back, if I'm hungry.

     7:30pm  I went to the thrift store and they didn't have any boots my size. I went across the street from the thrift store to the Burger King and the nice manager let me fill my bag up with ice. I needed to buy me some rollies. Anyway, I'm walking down Fredericksburg. I'll just walk until the bus comes.

     7:46pm  From walking right now I got hungry. Then I remembered Los Primos de Blanco. I'm going to go hit them up. I took a picture of the outside.

     7:48pm  Gina at Los Primos de Jalisco is hooking me up. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:55pm  I called that shit. I'm going to catch the bus now. It's starting to drizzle.

     8:33pm  I'm at the hospital. I forgot to mention. I got here a little bit ago.

     8:59pm  I have to wait until 9:05pm. Hehe, at the hospital I sat on this big green box and took a couple hits of weed out of my one-hitter. David, my friend security guard came up to me afterwards. David, I'll put links to David(4-26-03:4:31pm, 2-13-04:6:2am, 4-11-04:6:47pm, 1-10-05:4:30pm, 2-11-05:5:06pm, 2-26-05:9:52pm, 6-26-07:11:38am). He used to be the security guard here before, but he got fired or something. I'm glad to have you back, David.

     9:31pm  I was at the hospital hoping the last 606 hadn't passed. I saw this girl with some great cleavage, she looked familiar. She was visibly ignoring me listening to her headphones. I even walked up to her and asked her, "You look really familiar. Have I talked to you before?" She said, "Yes, I think you have," and kept listening to her headphones. Then I look across the street and I see two guys sitting down looking at a laptop. Man, I need to go over there and make sure they have my website. I went across the street and this 19 year old dude tells me, "Website? Hey man, I've been looking for you." Umm, I might be going to Hawaii soon. Umm, I'll recap later on. We're going to go smoke some weed right now.

                   He just told me about this documentary called Super High Me. Instead of Super Size Me. I have to download that shit.

     9:30pm  I just took a picture of the 420 on the sidewalk.

                   Umm, this dude was all talking to me about going to Hawaii and hiring me as his personal journalist. Nice.

                   It was cool, this dude I can't remember his name ended up getting me a nickel sack, so I got weed! Hell yeah, praise Love. What a productive day I have had today. I'm walking home now.

                   Oh yeah, I saw Aubrey from West Telemarketing. He's still works there. "Whatever pays the bills," he said.

                   I was giving my website out like crazy today.

                   I'm walking to the Mainland Walmart. I'm going to call my mom on their courtesy phone. I just want to tell her that I'll be home late. Maybe she'll offer to come pick me up.

                   It's so cool. I called my mom and she offered to come get me. I called that.

                   I had such an awesome day of storytelling. I'm going to type up all this stuff tomorrow.

     10:25pm  My lovely mother has arrived.

     10:44pm  Hell yeah, I came home. My mom came and got me at the Walmart. I love her so much. I told her in the car that she's my most favorite person in the world. I told her about my awesome roller coaster of a day. Lately when I talk to her she brings up marijuana. She told me, "My friend talked to me and told me she tried it but didn't like it." I told her that you have to try it more than once. I really hope my mom's curiosity will lead her to smoking someday. She needs to so much. She hates her life. She's miserable. It pains me so much. Anyway, I'm on the back porch. My mom had even brought me all this barbecue she had bought for me. Oh yeah, my little nephew made the football team. Ugh, that's bad news for me. Football is so violent.

                   I'm not sure what time it is because I just took my watch off. I just checked my email and I had a reply. See, the other day I had sent an email to the sidewalk committee lady. Here, I'll show it to you:

From: victor antonio
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 06:35:56 -0700 (PDT)

That's exactly what I'm going to write on the fence if more work doesn't begin soon. Maybe it'll be on the news again.
It seems that small strip of sidewalk was made just to appease the veteran residents of Old Tezel. Just a tease. It only serves the new neighborhood, not the people who have tenure in this area. What is taking so long? How many months has it been and there hasn't been any more progress made at all?
Since you are in charge of the sidewalk committee, I'd like a reply, please. Are you currently addressing this issue? How? I'd volunteer my labor for free if nobody else wants to finish the sidewalk. It truly does need one.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Hey, it worked the first time.

                   Today I actually got a reply back. Well, I had also sent it to WOAI, teehee.

Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 11:43 AM

Victor Antonio,
As a representative of Braun Willow 2/4 HOA I have been calling the office of Justin Rodrigeuz. He is our District Councilman. You may contact his office at (210)207-7044. I would advise you against writing on the fence as it is against the law and you are defacing someone else's property. I understand your frustration. If you want to volunteer to help get this issue out in the public, take notice of the safety issues not having a sidewalk causes then speak out to our Councilman. I spoke with his office this morning and I am currently awaiting another update on the funds issue to complete this sidewalk. I expect an answer soon and I plan to continue to keep checking until the sidewalk is complete.
Thanks in advance for your help in calling Councilman Rodriguez' attention to this matter without breaking the law.
Dawn O'Connell


My reply to her reply:

No, thank you for not ignoring me. Your email was music to my eyes. I just wanted to know that steps are actually being taken to finish what was started. I guess you could say that sidewalk means a lot to me.
I was aware of the risks I took when I first tagged the fence last February. The idea had been brewing in my mind for years. I was only stating the obvious. Seeing how five months later there was a sidewalk(or at least the start of one) on Old Tezel right where I tagged the fence, I now feel totally justified in my actions. Boy, did they speak loud. My name ain't Victor for nothing.
I was traveling in Ohio doing my thing and called my beloved mother. She told me, "Victor, are you sitting down? They're building your sidewalk." I just had to come back to see it. Rode the Greyhound straight home.
It also pleases me very much that they were able to erase my graffiti. Now it's like it never happened. No harm done. Only good.
I wasn't really going to tag the fence again. Sometimes to get results(and replies) you have to spell it out to people. Thank you for taking me seriously.


- Victor Antonio

P.S. I am very curious. When exactly did the construction begin? Would you know that date?

Her reply to my reply two days later:

   I don't recall the actual date of construction.  It was through many
calls from another neighbor who is disabled that we got the first part of
the sidewalk done.  I made calls too but his actions I believe is really
what got the ball rolling.  I am continuing to make arguments for the
safety factor especially with all of the school age kids having to trudge
through the muck to simply get to school.
  Please make a call as I have suggested or email and put the issue as a
priority for all our neighborhoods
Thanks, Dawn O'Connell.

     1:54am  I am crashing out. I am setting my new stopwatch. I couldn't figure it out, but I was able to download the manual off the internet.  Casio Telememo 30

Next day..

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