

Emails with Franklin

Email with Byllee Burgess

Frank 3-24

Frank 4-1

Frank 4-2

Frank 7-31

 See, soon after moving to Weed I discovered this awesome HUGE historic building that used to be a mercantile back in the day.  Joyce and I forgot her husband's name own it now and have converted it into a thrift store and have a small restaurant and even have town functions.  It was located right next to the police station and a drug store.  

     I immediately volunteered my services at the Mercantile.  Things couldn't be more perfect.  I had a perfect volunteer job that I could work whenever I felt like it.  Well, that was my first volunteer position in Weed.   

     I totally fell in love with Weed, CA.  I felt so meant to be there.   Tons of novelty at first, I was elated.  I was far from seeing it's dark underbelly, but it was coming for me, lol.     

     I didn't mind all the walking, but stuff was so closeby and convenient I imagined a scooter would be fun to have in Weed.  Like a motorized stand-up one, I was thinking.  I was talking to this friend Christa one day in Angel Valley and she said she knew of some dude who was selling a scooter.  We walked to his house and sure enough, he had a cheap Chinese scooter for sale, 49cc for only $400!  I only had $300 but my dear mom was able to help me with another hundred and and I bought it!

     It was rad AF!  I got some crazy good gas mileage.  It only had a gallon and a half tank that could easily go a hundred miles with.

     The first day I rode it around town the local cops told me I needed to get a motorcycle license and insurance and everything,.

     So I went to the DMV over by the grocery store to try and get a motorcycle license, but I only had an expired Texas ID.  When they ran my name I ended up having a failure to appear violation from San Luis Obispo in 2009.  I'll get the link later.  

     So, to be able to ride my scooter legally in Weed I had to now hitchhike 500 miles to SLO town, go turn myself in for a bullshit paraphernalia ticket, spend however long in jail and then hitchhike back to Weed.  

      That was the plan I set in my mind.   I loaded up my essentials and walked to the Southbound Central Weed onramp.  

     Maybe like five minutes passed and this white sedan pulls over for me.  This nice man opens his trunk and lets me put my bags in it.  I sit down, close the door and he smiles and shakes my hand and says, "Hi, I'm Tim and I am a friend."  A Quaker!  He said he was with some society or order of friends or something. 

      I explained to Tim my predicament and he actually tells me, "I'm going to take care of that for you."  To myself I was like, okay man.

     I am not sure if Tim was an attorney, but he was very well-versed in law.  I had just gotten my crazy funds so I immediately volunteered to pay for gas.  He said he could take me all the way to San Luis Obispo, but that he wanted to stop at a lady friend's of his, Beverly.  She lived in Manteca.  That he was helping her get ready to move.  

     When we got to Beverly's I willingly did the majority of the labor and impressed her.  We hit the road and kept on that night.  Around 3am or so we pulled over at a truckstop and got a little sleep.  

     All of this timing had been perfect!  

     When we eventually got to SLO Town and went to the courthouse.  I explained my situation and they looked me up and told me to wait.  Tim was there with me and he tells me, "Things are going to be fine.  The judge is my friend."  

     Sure enough, when it's my turn the judge says, "Well, since you've come through all of this trouble to take care of this, your case is hereby dismissed."  Or something like that, I'm not positive.  But bam!  

     It really is who you know!  Woohoo!

     I'm not exactly sure how I got back to Weed, I think I might've ridden the Greyhound, but back home I went.  I had already bought a helmet so I rode my scooter to the DMV to get my California Motorcycle License.  I had to take the easy ass test behind and presto!  I had wheels in Weed!

     I rode the hell out of that scooter!  I even went long distances!  40mph top speed!  It lasted me a whole two years and I put like five thousand miles on it.  I remember I used to park it, chained up to a pole on  Main Street, right under my window from my room at the Black Butte Saloon,  

     I eventually got the idea to camoflauge it with duct tape.  I got pretty well known in town and everybody remembered seeing my camo scooter parked on Main Street.

     Anyway, after about three weeks after being back Tim calls me.  He tells me Beverly is ready to move to her house in Waterloo, twenty miles away, and that he would my help.  I quickly agreed!  I owe him at least that!  Not to mention, it would be nice to see beautiful Beverly again, hehe.  You know me and cougars, lol.  

     To my delight Tim told me, we can even bring your scooter down.  We might have a couple days off.  Woohoo!

     The night Tim showed up, I assumed he would be coming with a truck or something, but he had the same exact sedan he gave me a ride to SLO Town in.  I told him, "Oh, I guess forget bringing the scooter then, huh?"  He said, "Nah, I've got some bungee cords.  Let's stuff it into the trunk."  It was a comical notion, but we did exactly that!  And it worked and we got down to Manteca with my scooter!  It fit just fine in the Uhaul that we moved her stuff with.

     Tim had offered to help Beverly.  I think he was trying to ingratiate himself to her.  Her move from Stockton to Waterloo, not that far.  She already had the Uhaul there.   Tim had told me about his back problems so I told him to just relax, that I was grateful that he mobilized me, to leave all the heavy lifting to me.  

     I single handedly filled and emptied that Uhaul, and finalized the move in only three trips.  

     At the beautiful farmhouse in Waterloo I emptied the contents of the Uhaul into the house's basement.  I even had stuff organized into rows, I wish I had pictures.  

     The owner of the property Jim, he witnessed my spunk and asked ne if I wanted work.  You know me and projects.    He owned an orchard.  He put me to work digging a small irrigation ditch and paid me handsomely.

     Once Tim got word of my popularity and acceptance by the farm workers, AND Beverly's obvious attraction to ME and not HIM, he started talking shit and being mean to me.  When Jim found out he offered to put me up in a hotel room, so I could finish the work I had started on his property.

     So there I was, in a brand new town, in a nice hotel room with money, transportation and some time off.  

     On this entire trip I didn't smoke any weed.  I was fiending so I decided I would ride my scooter into Stockton and score a dimebag somehow.  I spotted this Mexican dude at a phone booth and I asked him if he knew where I could score a twenty sack.  He told me to follow him and we walked to this ghetto mobile home park.  I handed him the money and he walked up the ramp and into a trailer.  I waited and waited.  Nothing.

     Slowly, all these figures, these thuggish Mexican dudes, all walk up to me and ask me what I'm doing.  I told them, "I live in Weed, California and I magically got a ride down here with my scooter.  I had some time off from some farm work and I was trying to score a twenty sack, but I think I just got burned."

     These cool Mexican thugs must've liked my vibe because they hooked me up with way more than twenty buck's worth of weed and let me ride my scooter right out of there!  Woohoo!

     (After I got back to Weed I did some research online and came to find out that Stockton is notorious for violent crimes and strung out tweakers!  I felt sooooo blessed after that Google search!)

     So there I was with all of my needs met.  I started doing a little fantasizing.   I mean, I had already been having "impure" thoughts talking to foxy Beverly about orgasms.  So after I escaped the trailer park with weed, I figured there wouldn't be any better frosting on my cake than getting laid.  

     I didn't know how it was going to happen.  I went and bought some cigarettes and outside the store was this slightly overweight white girl.  She asked me if she could bum a cigarette and I said sure.  All of a sudden she asks me if I wanted to have some fun!  OMG!  I couldn't believe it!  I had just stopped for cigarttes!  

     I smiled and told her, "Well, I just happen to have a hotel room a couple of miles away and a ride to get us there parked around the corner."  She was all, "Great!  Let's go!  You're cute!"

     She was in total shock when we walked over and she saw me little scooter, lol.  She had absolutely no problem hugging me from behind and holding on real tight.

     The sex wasn't that good, at all.  It was as if this was the first trick this hoe ever turned.  She even made me turn the lights off and wouldn't even let me see her tits.  She kept her shirt on.  

     It really didn't matter to me.  I was just glad I had female company and would have a cuddle buddy to sleep with.  I swear I wore a condom. came quick and that's it.  Sixty bucks I gave her.  The next morning I gave her a ride into town and I said goodbye and thanks for the pussy. :P

      No man out there can say he's never ever fantasized about having sex with a prostitute.  If you say you never have you are so full of shit your eyes are brown.  

     I make my dreams come true!

     I'm not sure if I mentioned, but Tim's older cougar lady friend, who I think he had an attraction to was oh so pleased with me and my labor and very grateful.  I remember even having sexual chat with her.  She was telling me all about some special kind of orgasm.  Oxytocin.

     When Tim realized her attraction to me, he got real sore and copped a attitude.

     After I finished the farm work I was ready to ride my scooter ALL the way back home!  Or so I thought.  

The Darcy Saga 


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